EAMCET Engineering 2014 Chemistry syllabus

I. ATOMIC STRUCTURE: Characteristics of electron, proton and neutron. Rutherford model of an atom. Nature of electromagnetic radiation. Planck’s  quantum theory. Explanation of photo electric effect. Dual behavior of electromagnetic radiation. Features of atomic spectra – Emission and absorption  spectra. Characteristics of hydrogen spectrum. Bohr’s theory of the structure of atom – Postulates. Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom, Energy of an  electron. Bohr’s explanation of spectral lines. Failure of Bohr’s theory. Wave-particle nature of electron. De Broglie’s hypothesis, Heisenberg’s  uncertainty principle. Important features of the quantum mechanical model of an atom – Meaning and significance of wave function. Quantum numbers,  concept of orbitals, definition of atomic orbital in terms of quantum numbers – shapes of s, p and d orbitals, Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle  and Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity. Electronic configuration of atoms. Explanation of stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals.

II. CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS AND PERIODICITY IN PROPERTIES: Concept of grouping the elements in accordance to their properties –  Mendeleef’s Periodic Table. Periodic law – Mendeleef’s classification of elements. Significance of atomic number and electronic configuration as the  basis for periodic classification. Classification of elements into s, p, d, f blocks and their main characteristics. Periodic trends in physical and chemical  properties of elements: Atomic radii, Ionic radii, Inert gas radii, Ionization energy, Electron gain energy, Electronegativity and Valency. Variation of  oxidation states, Electropositivity – Metallic and Non-metallic nature, Nature of Oxides, Diagonal relationship. Variation of atomic radii in inner transition  elements.

III. CHEMICAL BONDING AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE: Kossel -Lewis approach to chemical bonding. Factors favorable for the formation of ionic  bond, energy changes in ionic bond formation. Crystal lattice energy – calculation of lattice energy – Born – Haber cycle. Crystal structure of sodium  chloride and Caesium chloride, Coordination number. Properties of ionic compounds. Covalent bond – VSEPR theory – Lewis representation of  covalent compounds, Formal charge, geometry of simple molecules. The valence bond approach for the formation of covalent bonds. Directional  properties of covalent bond. Properties of covalent bond. Hybridization – different types of hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals. Shapes of simple  covalent molecules. Definition of coordinate covalent bond with examples. Molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules. Symmetry and  energy of sigma and pi bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. Molecular orbital energy diagram of H2 , N2
and O2 . Concept of hydrogen bond and  its types with examples. Effect of hydrogen bonding on properties of compounds.

IV. STOICHIOMETRY: Laws of chemical combination – Principles and examples. Molar mass, concept of equivalent weight with examples. Percentage  composition of compounds and calculation of empirical and molecular formulae of compounds. Chemical reactions and Stoichiometric equations.  Oxidation number concept. Balancing of redox reactions by ion electron method and oxidation number method. Types of redox reactions. Applications  of redox reactions in titrimetric quantitative analysis. Redox reactions and electrode processes.

V. STATES OF MATTER: GASES AND LIQUIDS: Graham’s law of diffusion, Dalton’s law of partial pressures, Avogadro’s law. Ideal behavior, empirical derivation of gas equation, ideal gas equation. Kinetic molecular theory of gases. Kinetic gas equation (No derivation) – deduction of gas laws.  Distribution of molecular velocities and types of molecular velocities – Average, Root Mean Square and Most Probable Velocity. Behavior of real gases,  deviation from ideal behaviour, compressibility factor versus pressure diagrams of real gases. Conditions for liquification of gases, critical temperature.  Liquid state – Properties of liquids in terms of intermolecular attractions. Vapour pressure, viscosity and surface tension (qualitative idea only, no  mathematical derivation)

VI. SOLUTIONS: Classification of solutions, molarity, normality, molality and mole fraction. Dilute solutions, vapor pressure, Raoult’s law, Limitations of  Raoult’s law. Colligative properties – (i) Relative lowering of vapor pressure (ii) Elevation of B.P (iii) Depression in freezing point and their relation to molar mass. Osmosis and osmotic pressure – theory of dilute solutions. Determination of molar mass using colligative properties: Ostwald’s dynamic  method, Cottrell’s method, Rast’s method and Berkeley Hartley’s method. Abnormal molecular mass.

VII. ELECTRO CHEMISTRY: Conductance in electrolytic solutions. Specific, Equivalent and Molar conductance – variation of conductance with concentration, Kohlrausch’s law and its application to calculation of equivalent conductance of weak electrolytes. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes,  redox reactions. Electrolysis. Some typical examples of electrolysis viz; Fused Sodium hydroxide, Fused sodium chloride, Brine solution, Fused Magnesium chloride. Faraday’s laws of electrolysis and applications. Galvanic and voltaic cells. Representation and notation of electrochemical cells  with and without salt bridge. Standard hydrogen electrode, electrode potentials, electrochemical series. EMF of the cell, Nernst equation and its  application to calculate EMF of electrochemical cells. Primary cell – dry cell / Lechlanche cell. Secondary cells – Fuel cells: Hydrogen – Oxygen fuel cell  and Hydrocarbon – Oxygen fuel cell. Corrosion: mechanism, factors to promote corrosion and prevention of corrosion, passivity. Lead accumulator.

VIII. SOLID STATE: Classification of solids based on different binding forces as molecular, ionic, covalent, and metallic solids. Elementary treatment of  metallic bond. Metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids. Unit cell in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices. Seven crystal systems,  Bravais lattices. Bragg’s equation, X-ray study of crystal structure, Bragg’s method. Calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, voids, number  of atoms per cubic unit cell. Point defects – Schottky and Frenkel defects. Electrical and magnetic properties.

IX. CHEMICAL KINETICS: Concepts of reaction rate, factors affecting reaction rates. Rate law, Units of rate constant. Order and molecularity.  Methods of determination of order of a reaction. Integrated rate equations and half lives for zero and first order reaction Collision theory of reaction  rates (elementary ideas). Concept of activation energy. Equilibrium: Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium,  Law of mass action, equilibrium constant. Factors affecting equilibrium. Relation between Kp and Kc Le Chatelier’s principle, application to industrial  synthesis of (i) Ammonia (ii) Sulphur trioxide. Acids and Bases: Lowry-Bronsted acid base theory. Lewis theory, limitation of Lewis theory, Ionic  equilibrium. Ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization. Ionic product of water. Concept of pH. Hydrolysis of salts  (elementary idea), hydrolysis constant, buffer solutions.Solubility product and common ion effect with illustrative examples.

X. THERMODYNAMICS: Concept of system, types of systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and intensive properties, state functions.  First law of thermodynamics – Internal energy and Enthalpy. Heat capacity and Specific heat, Exothermic and Endothermic reactions, measurement of  ∆E and ∆H, Enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion, neutralization, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization and dilution.  Thermochemical equations. Hess’s law of constant heat summation. Driving force for a spontaneous process. Thermodynamic representation of  criteria of spontaneity in terms of entropy, entropy as a state function. Gibbs free energy, Gibbs free energy change for spontaneous, non spontaneous  and equilibrium processes.

XI. SURFACE CHEMISTRY: Adsorption: Physical and chemical adsorption, adsorption of gases on solids, factors affecting it – pressure (Langmuir and  Freundlich Isotherms) and temperature. Catalysis – types of catalysis, autocatalysis Colloidal state: colloidal solutions, classification of colloidal  solutions, protective colloids and Gold number, Properties of colloids – Tyndall effect, Brownian movement. Coagulation. Emulsions, classification of  emulsions, micelles, cleansing action of soap.

XII. HYDROGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS: Position of hydrogen in periodic table. Occurrence, isotopes of hydrogen. Hydrogen – Preparation,  properties and uses including as a fuel. Reactions of hydrogen leading to ionic, molecular and non – stoichiometric hydrides. Physical and Chemical  properties of water and heavy water. Hardness of water and its removal Hydrogen peroxide – methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties – oxidation, reduction, decomposition, disproportionation and addition reactions. Detection, structure and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide.

XIII. ALKALI AND ALKALINE EARTH METALS: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, Anomalous properties of the first element  in each group. Diagonal relationship. Trends in properties like ionization enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii, reactivity with oxygen, hydrogen, halogens and  water, uses of alkali and alkaline earth metals.Preparation, properties and uses of sodium hydroxide, salts of oxo acids, sodium carbonate, sodium  hydrogen carbonate and sodium chloride. Preparation and uses of Calcium oxide, Calcium carbonate and Calcium sulphate. Biological importance of  Na, K, Mg and Ca.

XIV. p-BLOCK ELEMENTS: GROUP 13 ELEMENTS: (IIIA GROUP ELEMENTS): General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence.  Variation of properties and oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity. Anomalous properties of first element of the group. Boron- Physical and  chemical properties and uses of boron. Borax, boric acid and boron hydrides. Preparation, structure and properties of diborane. Aluminum: uses,  reactions with acids and alkalis. Potash alum.

XV. p-BLOCK ELEMENTS: GROUP 14 ELEMENTS: (IVA GROUP ELEMENTS): General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence. Variation of properties and oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity. Anomalous behavior of first element. Carbon – catenation, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties and uses. Similarities between carbon and silicon, uses of oxides of carbon. Important compounds of Silicon – Silicon dioxide, uses  of Silicon tetrachloride, silicones, silicates and zeolites (Elementary Ideas). Manufacture and uses of Producer gas and Water gas.

XVI. p- BLOCK ELEMENTS: GROUP 15 ELEMENTS (VA GROUP ELEMENTS): Occurrence – physical states of nitrogen and phosphorous, allotropy,  catenation, electronic configuration, oxidation states. General characteristics and structure of hydrides. General characteristics of oxides and halides.  Oxoacids of nitrogen and phosphorous. Preparation and uses of nitric acid and Ammonia. Super phosphate of lime.

XVII. p- BLOCK ELEMENTS: GROUP 16 ELEMENTS (VIA GROUP ELEMENTS): Occurrence, electronic configuration, oxidation states, physical  states of oxygen and sulphur, their structure and allotropy. General characteristics of hydrides, oxides and halides. Structural aspects of oxy acids of  chalcogens. Preparation, properties and uses of ozone and sodium thiosulphate. Industrial process for manufacture of sulphuric acid.

XVIII. P- BLOCK ELEMENTS: GROUP 17 ELEMENTS (VIIA GROUP ELEMENTS): Occurrence, electronic configuration and oxidation states. Physical states of halogens. Ionization Potential, Electro negativity, Electron affinity, bond energies, chemical reactivity, oxidizing power of fluorine and  chlorine. Structural aspects of oxy acids of chlorine. Preparation, properties and uses of fluorine, chlorine and bleaching powder. Structures of Inter  halogen compounds.

XIX. GROUP 18 ELEMENTS: (ZERO GROUP ELEMENTS): General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and isolation. Trends in physical and chemical properties and uses. Structures of Xenon oxides and halides.

XX. TRANSITION ELEMENTS: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals. General trends in  properties of first row transition elements – metallic character, ionization energy, variable oxidation states, atomic and ionic radii, color, catalytic property,  magnetic property, interstitial compounds and alloy formation. Lanthanides: Electronic configuration, variable oxidation states, chemical reactivity and  lanthanide contraction. Coordination compounds: Introduction, ligands, coordination number, Werner’s theory of coordination compounds, shapes  of coordination compounds – Valence bond theory, IUPAC nomenclature of mono nuclear coordination compounds, bonding, isomerism, EAN rule,  importance of coordination compounds in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems (chromo proteins, haemoglobin, chlorophyll: structures only).

XXI. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF METALLURGY: Principles and methods of extraction – concentration, reduction by chemical and Electrolytic methods and refining. Occurrence and principles of extraction of Copper, Zinc, Iron and Silver. Molten electrolysis processes of Aluminium, Magnesium and Sodium.

XXII. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY: Definition of terms, types of Pollution, Air, Water and Soil pollution. Oxides of carbon, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, chloro fluoro carbons. Chemical reactions in atmosphere, smogs, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain. Ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer. Greenhouse effect and global warming. Pollution due to industrial wastes. Green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution with two examples.

XXIII. BASIC PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Introduction, methods of purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic compounds. Classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Homolytic and heterolytic fission of covalent bond. Types of  regents – electrophiles, nucleophiles and free radicals with examples. Reactive intermediates. Types of organic reactions – substitution, addition,  elimination and rearrangement reactions with examples. Inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation.

XXIV. HYDROCARBONS: Classification of hydrocarbons. Alkanes – Nomenclature, isomerism. Methods of preparation of ethane. Conformations of  ethane. Physical properties, chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation, Combustion and Pyrolysis of ethane. Cycloalkanes  : Preparation and properties of cyclohexane. Alkenes – Nomenclature, structure of ethene, geometrical isomerism and physical properties of  geometrical isomers. Ethylene: Methods of preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions – addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen  halides (Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect), Ozonolysis and oxidation. Mechanism of electrophilic addition.

XXV. ALKYNES & AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS: Nomenclature, structure of triple bond. Acetylene – Methods of preparation, Physical properties  and chemical reactions: acidic character of acetylene, addition reaction of – hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water. Aromatic  hydrocarbons: Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature; Benzene: resonance and aromaticity, Chemical properties: Mechanism of electrophilic  substitution – Nitration, Sulphonation, Halogenation, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and Acylation. Directive influence of functional group in mono substituted  benzene. Carcinogenicity and toxicity of aromatic compounds.

XXVI. STEREO CHEMISTRY: Optical activity-discovery, determination using a polarimeter, specific rotation. Asymmetric carbon, elements of  symmetry. Chirality – Chiral objects, Chiral molecules. Compounds containing one chiral centre, enantiomers, Fischer projections and Configuration.  D,L- and R,S- nomenclature, racemic forms, racemisation and resolution. Compounds containing two chiral centers, diastereomers, meso form.  Importance of Stereochemistry.

XXVII.HALOALKANES & HALOARENES: Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, Preparation, physical and chemical properties of ethyl  chloride and chloroform. Mechanism of SN1, and SN2 reactions. Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond, Preparation and Substitution reactions of  chlorobenzene (directive influence of halogen for mono substituted compounds only).

XVIII. ALCOHOLS , PHENOLS AND ETHERS: Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties of ethyl alcohol. Mechanism of dehydration. Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. Uses of methanol and ethanol. Phenols: Nomenclature,  methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties of phenol, acidic nature of phenol. Electrophilic substitution reactions and uses of phenols.  Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties and uses of diethyl ether.

XXIX. ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: Nomenclature, and nature of carbonyl group. Methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties and  uses of acetaldehyde and acetone. Mechanism of nucleophilic addition. Aldol and crossed aldol condensation, Cannizzaro reaction.

XXX. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS: Nomenclature and acidity of carboxylic acids. Methods of preparation, Physical and chemical properties and uses of acetic acid.

XXXI. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CONTAINING NITROGEN: Nitrobenzene: Preparation, properties and uses. Amines: Nomenclature and classification of amines. Structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties and uses of Aniline. Identification of primary, secondary  and tertiary amines. Diazonium salts: Preparation, chemical reactions and importance of diazonium salts in synthetic organic chemistry. Azo dyes and  their uses. Cyanides and Isocyanides.

XXXII. POLYMERS & BIOMOLECULES: Classification of polymers. Addition and condensation polymerization. Copolymerization. Natural rubber,  vulcanization of rubber, synthetic rubber – Neoprene and Buna- S. Molecular weights of polymers – Number average and weight average molecular weights (definition only) Biopolymers – Carbohydrates and Proteins. Biodegradable polymers and some commercially important polymers – Polythene,  nylon, polyesters and bakelite. Carbohydrates: Importance. Classification into (a) aldoses and ketoses and (b) mono (glucose and fructose), oligo  (sucrose, lactose, maltose) and polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen). Structure determination and properties of glucose. Structural features of  oligo and polysaccharides mentioned above. Proteins: Elementary idea of Alpha amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides and proteins. Primary,  secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of Proteins (Qualitative idea only). Denaturation of proteins; enzymes. Vitamins: Classification and  functions of vitamins in biosystems. Nucleic Acids: Types of nucleic acids, primary building blocks of nucleic acids. Chemical composition of DNA &  RNA, Primary structure of DNA and its double helix. Replication. Transcription, protein synthesis and genetic code. Lipids: Classification, structure and  functions of lipids in biosystems. Hormones: Classification, structural features and functions of hormones in biosystems.

XXXIII. CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE: Uses of Chemicals in medicine: Analgesics (i) Narcotics: morphine, codeine. (ii) Non-narcotics : Aspirin,  Ibuprofen. Antipyretics : Analgin, phenacetin and paracetamol. Tranquilizers : Barbituric acid, Luminal, seconal, valium. Antiseptics :Chloroxylenol, bithional; Disinfectants :formalin. Antimicrobials : lysozyme, lactic acid, hydrochloric acid in stomach. Antibiotics : pencillin, chloramphenicol,  sulphadiazine. Chemicals in food preservatives : sodium benzoate, potassium metabisulphite. Artificial sweetening agents :Aspartame, alitame,  sucralose.

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