All India Sainik School Class VI Entrance Examination 2009 Question Paper

Sainik School Entrance Exam, 2009


Paper-I Mathematics and Language

Part-A : Mathematics



2. What should be added to 21.707 to get 29.053?

3. Find the square root of 0.0625

4. Divide 1.36 by 0.4.

5. The cost of 103 chairs is Rs. 29335, find the cost of 1031 chairs.

6. Find the value of 

7. Arrange the following in ascending order:

7.275,         7.305,        7.265,         7.432,         7.135

8. Find the surface area of a cube of side 6 cm.

9. Madhubala purchased 15 books for Rs. 180. If she purchase 20 more books then how much total amount she has to pay?



11. Simplify : 

12. Find simple interest on Rs. 975.60 for 9 months at 10% p.a.

13. Find the cube of the following: 

14. A park of 15 m 30 cm length and 12 m 20 cm breadth is to be surrounded by 4 layers of barbed wire. Find the length of barbed wire required.

15. A number is multiplied by 7/5. What is the percentage increase in it?

16. Divide Rs. 345.45 in the ratio 

17. A litre of petrol costs Rs. 46.75 and a litre of diesel costs Rs. 34.16. Find the total cost of 600 litres of diesel and 100 litres of petrol.

18. A car travels 58 km in the first hour, 62 km in the second hour, 75 km in the third hour. Find the average speed of the car.

19. Subtract the difference of 8.362 and 7.942 from the sum of 5.675 and 1.327.

20. A man can finish a piece of work in 12 days when he works 8 hours a day. In how many days will be finish the piece of work if he works 6 hours a day?


21. The average age of 25 students of a class is 13 years. Out of them the average age of 15 students is 18 years. Find the average age of remaining students.

22. Find the length of tunnel which a man travelling by train can cross in  The speed of the train is 40 km/h.

23. An ore contains 16% zinc. How many kg of ore will be required to get 36 kg of zinc?

24. Simplify : 

25. Find the least number which when divided by 30, 36, 56 and 63 leaves 8 as a remainder in each case.

26. Find the value of x

27. A sum of Rs. 480 is distributed to two persons A and B in the ratio of 3 : 5. Find the share of A and B.

28. A man went to the market for shopping. He bought 2.300 kg of spices, 3.580 kg of fish, 800 gms of tamarind, 950 gms of carrot and 0.250 kg of green chilly. Find the total weight of the items purchased. Express the result in grams only.

29. A man spends 10% of his monthly income on house rent and 30% of it of food. Find how much is left for other expenses if his monthly income in Rs. 10000.

30. Draw a circle with radius 4 cm with the help of compass. Also draw the following –

(a) Its diameter AB

(b) Minor segment of the circle

(c) An angle of 30° at the center

(d) A chord CD

Part-B : Language

1. Write 15 sentences on any one of the following topics –

(a) Republic Day

(b) Our National Flag

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow –

Few animals are as useful or as unpopular as the goat. From ancient times, it has supplied people with milk and meat. Its skin has been made into leather and the wool of some breeds woven into soft, warm cloth. Goats are hardy creatures and can live on the green remains of a thorny bush or a poor grassland. Nevertheless, they have always had a bad reputation. Perhaps this is because the billy goats (Males) often have a bad temper and a strong, unpleasant smell. Goats also do serious damage to young trees and other plants and can quickly reduce a grazing land to barren wasteland. For its size, the goat provides man with more useful things than almost any other animals, yet  it often does not receive the food and care given to other animals. The goat will try to eat anything and will put up with the most uncomfortable surroundings. But if it is well fed and carefully housed, the goat will produce much better milk, flesh and wool.

(a) How is goat a useful animal?

(b) Why do the goats have a bad reputation?

(c) What damage is caused by the goats to grazing lands?

(d) How can the goats produce better milk, flesh and wool?

(e) Give meanings of the following words:

(i) Ancient

(ii) Barren

3. Fill in the blanks by using correct form of verb given in the bracket –

(a) My Brother often ……. to see English films (go)

(b) Our school…. with prayer everyday. (begin)

(c) We… coffee for breakfast yesterday. (drink)

(d) Radha ….. a new saree last month. (buy)

(e) Ashoka ….. to give up war and became a Buddhist.  (decide)

4. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences by using appropriate article:

(a) The Mount Everest is …… highest peak in the world.

(b) You know …. man by the company he keeps.

(c) …. Ganges has overflowed its banks.

(d) Honesty is ….. best policy.

(e) ….. apple a day keeps doctor away.

5. Given one word substitute for the following –

(a) Place where books/magazines/newspapers are kept for readers ….

(b) Place where wild animals/birds are protected and kept for public to see ….

(c) Place where vehicles are repaired/ serviced ….

(d) Place where fishes are kept in glass containers for public to see…..

(e) Place where objects of artistic, cultural and historical interest are kept for public display ……..

6. Do as directed –

(a) I am loved by her, (Change into Active Voice)

(b) I am reading a book. (Change into Passive Voice)

(c) Sita said, “I am unwell”. (Change into Indirect Speech)

(d) The are flying kites. (Change into interrogative sentence)

(e) The students were sleeping in the class. (Change into Negative sentence)

7. Re-arrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences –

(a) Important/it/is/to observe/rules/traffic.

(b) drive/children/below/of/the age/must not/ eighteen years.

(c) protection/our/we/must/helmets/own/wear/for

(d) phones/must/used/not/mobile/be/driving/while

(e) traffic police/making/efforts/is/to increase/on the roads/safety

8. Re-write the following sentences by changing the gender –

(a) My father is writing a letter.

(b) Cow is grazing in the field.

(c) King is loved by all.

(d) He is a poor worker.

(e) I saw a horse on the road.

9. Fill in the blanks with words that are opposite in meaning to those given in the brackets –

(a) A basket is kept …… the table (under)

(b) This tree is very …. (short)

(c) Iron is a … metal (soft)

(d) Child is ….. in the lap of mother (crying)

(e) It’s not a ….. question. (difficult)

Paper-II : Intelligence Test

A. Choose the word, which will come. Third in the dictionary and write the choice of the answer.

(a)  Dream

(b)  Direct

(c)  Discover

(d)  Devotion

(e)  Drama

B. Write the second letter of the rearranged word :

TAEHR is a vital organ of the human body,

C. Write the second word of the rearranged sentence.

(a)  the

(b)  is

(c)  walking

(d)  garden

(e)  Sohan

(f) in

D. If 4 + 1 = 4, 2 + 3 = 6, 2 + 7 = 14 then 2 + 6 = ? Write the correct choice.

(a)  11

(b)  12

(c)  13

(d)  15

(e)  16

E. Write the choice of the word, which does not belong to the same class as the others.

(a)  Forehead

(b)  Heart

(c)  Liver

(d)  Kidney

(e)  Lungs

F. Write the number of the group of letters which does not belong to the same class as others –

(a)  ABCD

(b)  GHIJ

(c)  MNOP

(d)  WXYZ

(e)  STVU

G. Which of the given options will complete the series?

O   Q   S   U   W   ………….. ?

(a)  Z

(b)  Y

(c)  X

(d)  V

H. Carpenter is to wood as Tailor is to …..

(a)  Shirt

(b)  Coat

(c)  Cloth

(d)     Wear

I. Which figure does not belong to the same class as the others?

(a)                         (b)                 (c)                    (d)                    (e)

J. Write the number of the figure which will come next in the series.

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

K. In this example, figure X has some relationship to figure. Y. Figure Z has the same relationship with one of the four figures lettered (a), (b), (c) and (d). You are required to find out the correct answer.

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

L. There is one figure X given on the left side followed by four choice figures (a), (b), 9c) and (d). If you see the figure X in the Mirror, which figure out of the four figures will be like the mirror figure and write the correct answer.

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

M. There is one Figure X given on the left side followed by four choice figures (a), (b), (c), (d). Find out in which of the choice figures the figure X is hidden and write the correct answer.

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

N. Four figures marked (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given. Below these figures is given pattern X. Out of the four figures on is hidden in the pattern X find the correct option.

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

O. Write the choice of the correct figure, which will complete the design on the left side and write the correct answer.

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

Directions (Qs. 1 to 8): Out of the five given choices (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) in each problem, four are similar in one way. However, one choice is not like the other four. Choose the choice, which is different from the rest and write the answer.


(a)  Sun : Summer

(b)  Happy : Sad

(c)  Good : Bad

(d)  Hot : Cold

(e)      Laugh : Cry


(a)                        (b)                   (c)                     (d)                     (e)


(a)  Shillong

(b)  Bangalore

(c)  Hardwar

(d)  Lucknow

(e)  Bhopal


(a)                       (b)                         (c)                    (d)                        (e)


(a)  School : Student

(b)  Pen : Ink

(c)  Son : Daughter

(d)  Cup : Tea

(e)  Library : Books


(a)                           (b)                       (c)                        (d)                     (e)


(a)  Branch

(b)  Stem

(c)  Mango

(d)  Plant

(e)  Tree


(a)                          (b)                      (c)                       (d)                      (e)

Directions (Qs. 9 to 12): Each of the following question (X), (Y), (Z) constitute the problem set, while choices (a), (b), (c), (d) constitute the answer set. There is a definite relationship between choice (X) and (Y). Our task is to establish a similar relationship between the choice (Z) and one of the answer choices given in the answer set (a), (b), (c), (d) and write the answer.

9. Problem Set

Answer Set

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

10. Problem Set

Answer Set

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

11. Problem Set

Answer Set

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

12. Problem Set

Answer Set

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

Directions (Qs. 13 to 16): Choose the right answer.

13. Day is to week as week is to ….

(a)  Year

(b)  Season

(c)  Month

(d)  Hour

14. Finger is to Arm as Toe is to …..

(a)  Knee

(b)  Leg

(c)  Foot

(d)  Head

15. Snake is to Reptiles as Man is to ….

(a)  Mammals

(b)  Animal

(c)  House

(d)  Human

16. Save is to Rescue as Seldom is to …..

(a)  Often

(b)  Frequent

(c)  Rare

(d)  Mostly

Directions (Qs. 17 to 24): Below are given numbers/ alphabets/figures followed by 4 answer choices marked as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose a correct answer option, which will continue the series.

17. 7, 8, 6, 9, 5, …….

(a)  8

(b)  10

(c)  4

(d)  3


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 







(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

21. A, Z, D, Y, G, …..

(a)  W

(b)  D

(c)  E

(d)  X


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

23. 54, 52, 49, 45, 40 …….

(a)  30

(b)  29

(c)  35

(d)  34


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

Directions (Qs. 25 to 26) : Choose the word, which will come THIRD in the dictionary


(a)  Inform

(b)  Infinity

(c)  Influential

(d)  Imbalance

(e)  Important


(a)  Century

(b)  Central

(c)  Cereal

(d)  Certain

(e)  Container

Directions (Qs. 27 to 30) : Rearrange the word given in capital letters. Choose the fourth letter of the rearranged word.

27. DNALGNE (Country) ……

28. GORATE (Name of the Poet) ……

29. TEKCAJ (Dress) …..

30. YHCOEK (A Game) ……

Directions (Qs. 31 and 32) : Choose the right answer.

31. If 1 × 2 × 3 = 312, 2 × 3 × 4 = 423 what will be 2 × 4 × 3 = …..

(a) 324

(b)  243

(c)  342

(d)  423

32. If 6 × 2 = 31, 8 × 4 = 42, 2 × 2 = 11 then 8 × 6 will be = ……

(a)  42

(b)  31

(c)  43

(d)  48

Directions (Qs. 33 and 34) : Choose the right answer.


(a)  are

(b)  june

(c)  in

(d)  summers

(e)  hot


(a)  breakfast

(b)  I

(c)  my

(d)  taken

(e)  have

Directions (Qs. 35 to 38): In these questions try to understand how codes are given to the words. Choose the right code for the asked word from the given choices (a), (b), (c) and (d).

35. If BAD is coded as 869, then EGG will be coded as …..

(a)  534

(b)  533

(c)  431

(d)  422

36. If HIDE stands for 2165 then HIGH will stand for …..

(a)  2132

(b)  1232

(c)  2131

(d)  2562

37. If ANX is coded as BOY, then RNM will be coded as …..

(a)  RAT

(b)  DOG

(c)  PEN

(d)  SON

38. If RSNO is coded as STOP, then CNMD will be coded as ……

(a)  DARE

(b)  DONE

(c)  DUTY

(d)  DON’T

Directions (Qs. 39 to 42): Choose the correct mirror image of the figure (X) from the four alternatives given along with it.


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

Directions (Qs. 43 to 46) : Write the choice of the correct figure, which will complete the given design on the left side.


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 


(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 

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