BSNL Junior Telecom Officers’ (JTO) Recruitment Exam Question Paper 2002 With Answer Key

BSNL J.T.O Recruitment Exam 2002


1. Two capacitors are connected in series. The first capacitor is of capacitance 40 μF and break down voltage 60 V and capacitance of second capacitor is 60 μF and break down voltage is 40 V. What condition is satisfied?

(A)  First capacitor  break down is first

(B)  The charge equal to the both capacitor

(C)  Second capacitor break down is first

(D)  None of these

Answer: (B)

2. What is the state equation for the nth order of differential equation,

(A)  (n – 1)2

(B)  (n + 1)


(D)  n

Answer: (B)

3. If there are be branches and n nodes, the number of KCL equations required will be

(A)  n

(B)  b

(C)  (n – 1)

(D)  b – n + 1

Answer: (D)

4. Maxwell’s divergence equation for the magnetic field is given by

(A)  ∇ × E = 0

(B)  ∇ × B = 0

(C)  ∇ ∙ B = 0

(D)  None of these

Answer: (C)

5. For an SCR, with L I n series with SCR. What type of protection is



(C)  Voltage protection

(D)  None of these

Answer: (A)

6. For series connected SCRs, dynamic equalizing circuit consists of

(A)  Resistor R and capacitor C in series but with a diode D across C

(B)  Series R and D circuit but with across R

(C)  Series C and D circuit but with R across C

(D)  Series R and C but with D across R

Answer: (D)

7. In the three-phase converter α is in the range 0 < α < 90. When it operates in inverter the range of α is

(A)  90 < α ≤ 180

(B)  0 < α < 90

(C)  180 < α ≤ 270

(D)  None of these

Answer: (A)

8. In a circuit the current transform  The value of i(t) at t → ∞ is

(A)  5

(B)  1/2

(C)  6

(D)  ∞

Answer: (A)

9. In inverted operation of a transistor

(A)  both junctions are reverse biased

(B)  both junctions are forward biased

(C)  emitter junction is forward biased while collector junction is reversed  biased

(D)  emitter junction is reversed biased while collector junction is forward biased

Answer: (D)

10. How many loop current is the cut-set analysis?

(A)  3

(B)  5

(C)  4

(D)  None of these 

Answer: (C)

11. The steady state voltage of the capacitor is

(A)  2V

(B)  1V

(C)  0V

(D)  0.5V

Answer: (B)

12. A capacitor of capacitance c1 and distance between the plate is d1. A second capacitor of capacitance c2 and distance between the plate is d2. When they are connected to series, what is the equivalent capacitance?





Answer: (D)

13. In a circuit voltage in the inductor is 2V and inductance of the inductor is 1 mH. What is the rate of current decay?

(A)  2 × 103 A/S

(B)  1 × 103 A/S

(C)  2 A/S

(D)  None of these

Answer: (A)

14. In a circuit current passing the capacitor is 1A. The capacitance of thee capacitor is 1 μ Find the voltage decay of the capacitor?

(A)  1 × 103 A/s

(B)  1 V/S

(C)  2 × 103 V/S

(D)  None of these

Answer: (A)

15. Two capacitors of capacitance 1 μF each. When they are connected in parallel, what is the resultant capacitance?

(A)  0.5 μF

(B)  2 μF

(C)  1 μF

(D)  None of these

Answer: (A)

16. Who was the first to give the theory of electro magnetic induction?

(A)  Faraday

(B)  Maxwell

(C)  Ampere

(D)  None of these

Answer: (C)

17. A 3-phase 50 Hz, 6 pole squirrel case induction motor will run at a speed approximately

(A)  1600 rpm

(B)  1000 rpm

(C)  1500 rpm

(D)  960 rpm

Answer: (D)

18. The electron and hole concentrations in an intrinsic semiconductor are ni and pi When doped p type material, these change to n and p respectively, then

(A)  n + p = ni + pi

(B)  n + ni = p + pi

(C)  np = nipi

(D)  npi = nip

Answer: (C)

19. In a full-wave rectifier the supply frequency is 50 Hz. What is the ripple frequency?

(A)  25 Hz

(B)  100 Hz

(C)  50 Hz

(D)  None

Answer: (A)

20. In a vector field, given condition is,  and  The vector  is not null vector, which of the following condition satisfies the equation





Answer: (D)

21. The diffusion potential across p-n junction

(A)  decreases with increasing doping concentration

(B)  does not depend on doping concentration

(C)  increases with decreasing band gap

(D)  increases with increase in doping concentration

Answer: (D)

22. In a bipolar transistor at room temperature, if the emitter current is doubled, the voltage across its base-emitter junction

(A)  doubles

(B)  increases by about 20 mV

(C)  halves

(D)  decreases by about 20 mV

Answer: (B)

23. In a series RLC circuit, at the resonant frequency

(A)  current is maximum

(B)  voltage across C is maximum

(C)  impedance is maximum

(D)  current is minimum

Answer: (D)

24. When a voltage v0 sin w0t is applied to the pure inductor, the ammeter shown in the figure reads I0. If the voltage applied is –V0 sin w0t + 2V0 sin 2 w0t + 3V0 sin 3w0t + 4 V0 sin 4w0t the ammeter reading would be

(A)  10 I0

(B)  0


(D)  2I0

Answer: (D)

25. The average power flow per unit area in a uniform plane wave in an electric field of maximum voltage E0 and impedance z0 is





Answer: (B)

26. Precision measurement of resistance is generally carried out by

(A)  Potentiometer method

(B)  Voltmeter-ammeter method

(C)  CRO method

(D)  Bridge method

Answer: (D)

27. A galvanometer is tested as shown in the figure, in the circuit where E = 1.5 V, R1 = 1.0 ohm, R2 = 2500 ohm and R3 is variable. With R3 set at 450 ohm, the galvanometer deflection is 140 mm and with R3 set at 950 ohm, the galvanometer deflection is 70 mm. The resistance of the galvanometer is

(A)  29 ohms

(B)  49 ohms

(C)  99 ohms

(D)  10 ohms

Answer: (B)

28. A double tuned circuit amplifier provides

(A)  high gain for pass band frequencies

(B)  more flat response for all frequencies

(C)  less harmonic distortion

(D)  more flat response for all pass band frequencies

Answer: (D)

29. Dual slope integration type Analog-to-Digital converters provide

(A)  higher speeds compared to all other types of A/D converters

(B)  poor rejection of power supply current

(C)  very good accuracy without putting extreme requirements on component stability

(D)  better resolution compared to all other types of A/D converters for the same number of bits

Answer: (C)

30. Rhombic antenna is a

(A)  resonant antenna

(B)  non-resonant antenna

(C)  directional high frequency antenna

(D)  none of these

Answer: (B)

31. In a single phase ne-pulse circuit with RL load and a freewheeling diode, extinction angle β is less than π. For a firing angle α, the SCR and freewheeling diode would respectively, conductor for

(A)  (β – α), 0°

(B)  α, (β – α)

(C)  (π – α), (π – β)

(D)  (β – α), α

Answer: (A)

32. A CRO can display

(A)  d.c. signals

(B)  a.c. signals

(C)  both a.c. and d.c. signals

(D)  none of these

Answer: (C)

33. In two wattmeter method of measuring 3-phase power, power factor is 0.5, then one of the wattmeter will read,

(A)  W/2

(B)  W/√3

(C)  √2 W

(D)  Zero

Answer: (D)

34. A 100 mA meter has accuracy of ±2 percent. Its accuracy while reading 100 mA will be

(A)  ± 4%

(B)  ± 9%

(C)  ± 0.2%

(D)  ± 20%

Answer: (D)

35. In moving-coil instrument, the scale used is

(A)  Linear scale

(B)  Non-linear scale

(C)  Square law scale

(D)  Log scale

Answer: (A)

36. Two meters X and Y required 40 mA and 50 mA respectively, to give full-scale reflection, then

(A)  X is more sensitive

(B)  both are equally sensitive

(C)  Y is more sensitive

(D)  sensitivity can not be judged with the given information  


Answer: (A)

37. If Dn represents the ratio of amplitudes of nth harmonics to the fundamental components of a signal, then distortion factor of the signal will be





Answer: (A)

38. An RC-couple amplifier has an open loop gain of 100 and a upper cut off frequency of 100 kHz. If negative feedback with a feedback with a feedback factor 0.02 is used, the upper cut off frequency will be

(A)  300 kHz

(B)  33.3 kHz

(C)  100 kHz

(D)  1000 kHz

Answer: (A)

39. In a LVDT, the two secondary voltages

(A)  vary equally depending on the core position

(B)  vary unequally depending on the core position

(C)  are independent of the core position

(D)  are always in phase quadrature

Answer: (B)

40. A metal strain guage has factor of 2. Its nominal resistance is 120 ohms. It undergoes strain at 105, the value of change of resistance in response to the strain is

(A)  2 × 105 ohms

(B)  2 × 105 ohms

(C)  240 ohms

(D)  2.4 × 103 ohms

Answer: (D)

41. What is machine cycle in SIM instruction?

(A)  2

(B)  1

(C)  3

(D)  4

Answer: (B)

42. How many J-K flip-flop is required in 5-modulo synchronous converter?

(A)  4

(B)  5

(C)  2

(D)  3

Answer: (D)

43. Given that the electric field in electromagnetic wave is E = 10e(6x + 8y)ax. What is the wave speed?

(A)  109 m/s

(B)  108 m/s

(C)  107 m/s

(D)  1010 m/s

Answer: (A)

44. Given that Ex = Ex sin (ωt + ϕ) and Ey = Ey sin(ωt + ϕ). These are which types of polarization?

(A)  Straight line

(B)  Left circulation

(C)  Parabolic

(D)  Right circulation

Answer: (C)

45. The data bus width of a 4 × 1024 bits is

(A)  13

(B)  11

(C)  12

(D)  10

Answer: (C)

46. In the current-shunt feedback

(A)  High input and output impedance

(B)  High input and low output

(C)  Low input and low output

(D)  Low input and high output

Answer: (D)

47. The following program is run on an 8085 microprocessor

At the completion of execution of the program, the program counter of the 8085 contains… and the stack point contains…..

(A)  2000, CCFO

(B)  2020, OCCF

(C)  2050, OFFC

(D)  2020, OFFC

Answer: (D)

48. A parabolic reflector is designed to have directivity of 30 dB at 300 MHz. If the apeature efficiency is 55%, then the diameter of reflector is

(A)  3 m

(B)  4 m

(C)  2 m

(D)  None of these

Answer: (B)

49. A rectangular waveguide a = 5 cm, b = 3.75 cm and the frequency is 10 GHz, the wave length is 7 cm. Which of the following is mode of operation of wave guide?

(A)  TE11

(B)  TE10

(C)  TM01

(D)  TE2.0

Answer: (D)

50. The logic realized by the circuit shown in the figure is

(A)  F = B . C

(B)  F = A ⊕ C

(C)  F = A . C

(D)  F = B ⊕ C

Answer: (B)


51. Maximum voltage is induced in a loop antenna if

(A)  it is parallel to the incoming wave

(B)  it is placed at right angles to the incoming wave

(C)  its width is more than λ/2

(D)  it is placed at 45° to the incoming wave

Answer: (A)

52. When a route carriers no subscriber dialed traffic, the internationally accepted worst grade of service is

(A)  10%

(B)  3%

(C)  1%

(D)  20%

Answer: (B)

53. A microstrip line on alumina substrate (∈t = 9)has a zero thickness strip of width, W = 3 mm. Substrate thickness h = 0.5 mm. Assuming TEM wave propagation and negligible fringing field, the characteristic impedance of the line will be approximately

(A)  10 ohm

(B)  50 ohm

(C)  26 ohm

(D)  21 ohm

Answer: (D)

54. The effective inductance of the circuit across the terminal AB in the figure shown below, is

(A)  9 H

(B)  21 H

(C)  6 H

(D)  11 H

Answer: (D)

55. The MOSFET switch in its on-state may be considered equivalent to

(A)  Capacitor

(B)  Inductor

(C)  Resistor

(D)  Battery

Answer: (A)

56. Two parallel wires separated by a distance d are carrying a DC current I in the same direction. The magnetic field along a line running parallel to these wire and midway between them

(A)  zero

(B)  depends upon I

(C)  depends upon d

(D)  depends upon the permeability of the medium between the wires

Answer: (A)

57. A 35 V d.c. supply is connected across a combined resistance of 600 ohms and an unknown resistance of R ohms in series. A voltmeter having a resistance of 1.2 kΩ is connected across 600 ohm resistor and reads 5V. The resistance K will be

(A)  120 ohms

(B)  500 ohms

(C)  2.4 K ohms

(D)  1.7 K ohms

Answer: (C)

58. CMOS has the following advantage over PMOS/NMOS?

(A)  Lower Dissipation power (PD)

(B)  Simpler fabrication process

(C)  Lower input capacitance

(D)  Greater suitability for LSI

Answer: (A)

59. In the circuit shown in figure, it is desired to have a constant direct current i(t) through the ideal inductor L. The nature of the voltage source v(t) must be

(A)  constant voltage

(B)  linearly increasing voltage

(C)  exponentially increasing voltage

(D)  an ideal impulse       

Answer: (D)

60. The threshold voltage of an n-channel MOFSET can be increased by

(A)  reducing the channel length

(B)  increasing the channel doping concentration

(C)  reducing gate oxide thickness

(D)  decreasing the channel doping concentration

Answer: (A)

61. For signal amplitude modulated to a depth of 100% by a sinusoidal signal, power is

(A)  same as the power of unmodulated carrier

(B)  3/2 times the power of unmodulated carrier

(C)  twice as the power of unmodulated carrier

(D)  2/3 times the power of unmodulated carrier

Answer: (B)

62. A series RLC circuit is over-damped when





Answer: (A)

63. In a A/D converter input voltage is ±5V, In a 10 bit converter, what is the error voltage?

(A)  15 mV

(B)  20 mV

(C)  10 mV

(D)  None

Answer: (C)

64. In a differential amplifier, V1 and V2 is input voltage. Common mode rejection ratio is 1000. Which equation represents the output of the amplifier





Answer: (B)

65. Consider a system shown in the given figure with

What value of ‘k’ and ‘a’ should be chosen so that the system oscillates?

(A)  k = 2, a = 1

(B)  k = 4, a = 0.75

(C)  k = 4, a = 1

(D)  k = 2, a = 0.75

Answer: (D)

66. The Quadrature Amplitude Modulation is a combination of

(A)  PSK and FSK

(B)  ASK and FSK

(C)  ASK and PSK

(D)  None

Answer: (C)

67. A circuit in which the output voltage remains constant irrespective of the value of load resistance, uses

(A)  Zener diode

(B)  Silicon diode

(C)  SCR

(D)  None of above

Answer: (A)

68. The input resistance of a MOSFET

(A)  Is of the same order as in a bipolar transistor

(B)  Is low as compared to that of a bipolar transistor

(C)  Is very high as compared to that of a bipolar transister

(D)  None of above

Answer: (C)

69. A system has characteristic equation as s2 + 2s + 8 = 0. The damping ratio and the natural frequency of oscillation of the system respectively are

(A)  2, 0.353

(B)  0.5, 2√2

(C)  0.353, 2√2

(D)  2√2, 0.5

Answer: (C)

70. For the characteristic equation

s4 + 5s3 + 5s2 + 4s + k = 0

the system is stable if k lies in the range



(C)  4 > k > 3

(D)  3 > k > 1

Answer: (A)

71. The following sequence of instructions are executed by an 8085 microprocessor

1000    LXI             SP     27FF

1000    CALL                   1006

1006    POP H

The contents of the stack pointer (SP) and the HL register pair on completion of execution of these instructions are

(A)  SP = 27 FF, HL = 1003

(B)  SP = 274 FD, HL = 1003

(C)  SP = 27 FF, HL = 1006

(D)  SP = 27 FD, HL = 1006

Answer: (C)

72. A system with an input x(t) and an output y(t) is described by the relation y(t) = tx(t). This system is

(A)  Linear and time-invariant

(B)  Linear and time varying

(C)  Non-Linear and time-invariant

(D)  Non-linear and time-varying

Answer: (D)

73. In a 3 big-MUX, the output is the figure is

(A)  I1 + I2 + I3

(B)  I2 + I4 + I5

(C)  I + I5 + I6

(D)  I1 + I3 + I5 + I7

Answer: (D)

74. 1 km long microwave link uses to antennas each having 30 dB gain. If the power transmitted by one antenna is 11 μW at 3 GHz, the power received by the other antenna is

(A)  93.6 μW

(B)  55.2 μW

(C)  63.4 μW

(D)  76.8 μW

Answer: (C)

75. The Fourier transform of a real valued time signal has

(A)  Even symmetry

(B)  Odd symmetry

(C)  Conjugate symmetry

(D)  No symmetry

Answer: (C)

76. Two-port networks are connected in cascade. The combination is to be represented as a single two port network. The parameters of the network are obtained by multiplying the individual

(A)  ABCD parameters matrix

(B)  h-parameters matrix

(C)  Y-parameters matrix

(D)  Z-parameters matrix

Answer: (A)

77. In a single stage transistor amplifier circuit shown in the figure, the capacitance CE is removed. Then the ac small signal midband voltage gain of amplifier

(A)  increases

(B)  remain’s unaffected

(C)  decreases

(D)  drops to zero

Answer: (C)

78. The polar plot of a type-1, 3-pole open-loop system is shown in the figure. The closed loop system is

(A)  Marginally stable

(B)  Always stable

(C)  Unstable with one pole on the right half-splane

(D)  Unstable with two poles on the right half splane

Answer: (B)

79. An n-channel JFET, having a pinch-off voltage (VP) of −5 V shows a transconductance (gm) of 1 mA/V when the applied gate-to-source voltage (VGS) is − Its maximum transconductance (in mA/V) is

(A)  1.5

(B)  2.5

(C)  2.0

(D)  3.0

Answer: (B)

80. Frequency shift keying is used mostly in

(A)  Telephony

(B)  Telegraphy

(C)  Radio transmission

(D)  None of these

Answer: (B)

81. For a shot wave radio link between two stations vis therionsphere, the ratio of the maximum usable frequency to the critical frequency

(A)  Is always greater than 1

(B)  Is always less than 1

(C)  May be ≤ 1 depending on the distance between two stations

(D)  Does not depend on the distance between the two stations

Answer: (B)

82. Companding is used

(A)  To protect small signals in PCM from quantizing distortion

(B)  To overcome impulse noise

(C)  To overcome quantized noise in PGM

(D)  None of these

Answer: (A)

83. In an 8085 microprocessor system with memory mapped I/O

(A)  I/O devices are accessed using IN and OUT instructions

(B)  I/O devices 16-bit addresses

(C)  There can be a maximum of 256input devices and 256 output devices

(D)  Arithmetic and logic operations can be directly performed with I/O data

Answer: (D)

84. A microprocessor with 12 address lines is capable of addressing

(A)  64 K locations

(B)  2028 locations

(C)  4096 locations

(D)  1024 locations

Answer: (C)

85. The usable bandwidth of a microwave beacon transponder for 6/4 GHz satellite communication is generally

(A)  40 MHz

(B)  360 MHz

(C)  36 MHz

(D)  1 MHz

Answer: (C)

86. A broadcast radio receiver with IF = 455 kHz is tuned to 1500 kHz. The image frequency will be

(A)  1955 kHz

(B)  1500 kHz

(C)  1045 kHz

(D)  2410 kHz

Answer: (C)

87. Signal flow graph is used to obtain the

(A)  Observability of the system

(B)  Transfer function of the system

(C)  Controllability of the system

(D)  Stability of the system

Answer: (B)

88. Each cell of a static Random Access memory contains

(A)  6 MDS transistors

(B)  XOR gates and shift registers.

(C)  Two 2-inpout NORs and One X-NOR gate

(D)  4 MOS transistors and 2 capacitors

Answer: (A)

89. The bit rate of a digital communication system is 34 Mbit/s. The modulation scheme is QPSK. The baud rate of the system is

(A)  17 Mbit/s

(B)  34 Mbit/s

(C)  68 Mbit/s

(D)  8.5 Mbit/s

Answer: (C)

90. A circular waveguide has internal diameter of 5 cm. The cutoff frequency for TE11 mode will be

(A)  5 MHz

(B)  35 GHz

(C)  3.5 GHz

(D)  35 MHz

Answer: (C)

91. Two usual stables states of a binary are

(A)  cut off and saturation

(B)  cut off and active

(C)  active and saturation

(D)  both in saturation

Answer: (A)

92. Harmonic distortion in amplifier is caused by

(A)  defective active device

(B)  presence of noise

(C)  non-linearity in active device

(D)  positive feed back

Answer: (C)

93. The AM broadcast band (medium wave band extends from)

(A)  200 kHz to 1000 kHz

(B)  500 kHz to 1600 kHz

(C)  30 MHz to 300 MHz

(D)  3 MHz to 30 MHz

Answer: (B)

94. All the output pulses are at full transmitter power for a strong signal in all of the following except

(A)  PWM

(B)  PFM

(C)  PAM

(D)  PCM

Answer: (C)

95. The Op-Amp circuit given  below is

(A)  An integrator

(B)  Sample and hold circuit

(C)  A voltage follower

(D)  An inverter

Answer: (B)

96. The initial contents of the 4 bit serial-in-parallel out, right-shift. Shift Register shown in the figure is 0110. After three clock pulses are applied, the contents of the shift Register will be

(A)  1111

(B)  0101

(C)  1010

(D)  0000

Answer: (C)

97. The block diagram shown below represents

(A)  Modulo-7 synchronous counter

(B)  Modulo-5 ripple counter

(C)  Modulo-7 ripple counter

(D)  Modulo-3 ripple counter

Answer: (C)

98. If the carrier of a 100 percent modulated AM wave is suppressed, the percentage power saving will be

(A)  50

(B)  150

(C)  100

(D)  66.66

Answer: (C)

99. Bode plots of an open-loop transfer function of a control system are shown in the given figure.

The gain margin of the system is

(A)  −K

(B)  K

(C)  1/K

(D)  −1/K

Answer: (B)

100. In a broadcast Superheterodyne receiver, the

(A)  local oscillator operates below the signal frequency

(B)  mixer input must be tuned to the signal frequency

(C)  local oscillator frequency is double the If

(D)  RF amplifier normally works at 456 KHZ above the carrier frequency

Answer: (B)


101. Jonas Salk discovered

(A)  Viagra

(B)  Wet photography

(C)  Silicon devices

(D)  Polio vaccine

Answer: (D)

102. Which of the following can be transferred to any human body?

(A)  A −ve

(B)  O −ve

(C)  AB +ve

(D)  None of these

Answer: (D)

103. Who directed the movie ‘Mansoon Wedding’?

(A)  Shekhar Suman

(B)  Shekhar Kapoor

(C)  Mira Nair

(D)  Deepa Mehta

Answer: (C)

104. Which of the following will not match for the environmental friendly Automobile?


(B)  Catalytic Converters

(C)  Turbo charging

(D)  Electric Ignition

Answer: (A)

105. Which of the following is in order of the time of introduction for large scale communication.

1. Fibre optics

2. Under ground cables

3. Satellite communication

4. Total wireless loop

(A)  1, 2, 3, 4

(B)  2, 1, 3, 4

(C)  1, 3, 2, 4

(D)  2, 3, 1, 4

Answer: (B)

106. Who said ‘India live in her villages’?

(A)  Jawaharlal Nehru

(B)  Indira Gandhi

(C)  Mahatma Gandhi

(D)  S. Radhakrishnan

Answer: (C)

107. The rivers of the Peninsular India originate on the

(A)  Eastern Ghats

(B)  Western Ghats

(C)  Aravallis

(D)  Himalayas

Answer: (B)

108. Name the person who held the Finance portfolio twice in India.

(A)  R. K. Shanmugam Chettiar

(B)  C. D. Deshmukh

(C)  T. T. Krishnamachari

(D)  Manmohan Singh

Answer: (C)

109. Which State ranks first in the production of food crops in India?

(A)  Uttar Pradesh

(B)  Madhya Pradesh

(C)  Andhra Pradesh

(D)  Himachal Pradesh

Answer: (A)

110. Who introduced ‘Own Your Telephone’ scheme in India?

(A)  R. V. Subramanian

(B)  R. A. Kidwai

(C)  C. Subramaniam

(D)  M. M. Singh

Answer: (B)

111. What is the percentage of thermal electricity produced in India?

(A)  40

(B)  50

(C)  80

(D)  72

Answer: (C)

112. Who is the chairperson of United Nations Human Rights commission?

(A)  P. N. Bhagavati

(B)  Megavati Sukharnoputri

(C)  Sukoto ogada

(D)  Mary Robhson

Answer: (A)

113. Convergence bill refers to

(A)  Electronic media

(B)  I.T., Tele communication

(C)  Print media, press, Electronic items

(D)  All of the above

Answer: (D)

114. Find the most similar word in the meaning strike a chord

(A)  elicit sympathy

(B)  show anger

(C)  expect sympathy

(D)  cause anger

Answer: (A)

115. Find the opposite word in the meaning hostility

(A)  enmity

(B)  friendship

(C)  praise

(D)  love

Answer: (B)

116. Which is not clean gas?

(A)  L.P.G.

(B)  C.N.G.

(C)  L.S.D.

(D)  H.S.D.

Answer: (D)

117. “Technology Next” is the slogan of which of the following company?

(A)  Philips

(B)  Hewlett factory

(C)  Compaq

(D)  Videocon

Answer: (C)

118. Which gas is greenhouse gas?

(A)  Oxygen

(B)  Nitrogen oxide

(C)  Nitric acid

(D)  Carbon dioxide

Answer: (D)

119. Author of future shock, Third wave is

(A)  Aldug Hacksley

(B)  Bob Morris

(C)  Norman Mailer

(D)  Arvin Toffler

Answer: (D)

120. Author of ‘Wings of fire’ is

(A)  R. K. Narayan

(B)  A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

(C)  P. V. Narasimharao

(D)  C. N. Rao

Answer: (B)


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