IDBI Executive Examination-2016 Held on 8-1-2017 Reasoning and Analytical Ability Question Paper With Answer Key

IDBI Executive Examination-2016 Held on 8-1-2017 Reasoning and Analytical Ability
IDBI Executive Examination-2016 Held on 8-1-2017 Reasoning and Analytical Ability Question Paper With Answer Key

IDBI Executive Examination-2016 Held on 8-1-2017

Reasoning and Analytical Ability


Directions (Q. 1 to 5) – Study the given information carefully to answer the given question-

       In a certain code language :

       ‘updated contacts early morning’ is coded as ‘tp bt cr uk’

       ‘contacts added after creation’ is codes as ‘rj uk mb ra’

       ‘early creation require expertise’ is coded as ‘mb vs de tp’

        ‘require updated information now’ is coded as ‘de at gw bt’

        (All the codes are two letter codes only)

1. What is the code for ‘contacts’ in the given code language?

(A)  ra

(B)  uk

(C)  rj

(D)  tp

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (B)

2. Which of the following may represent the code for ‘morning require freshness’ in the given code language?

(A)  uk zq bt

(B)  zi uk de

(C)  mb cr zq

(D)  de mb zq

(E)  zq de cr

Answer: (E)

3. If ‘after early symptoms’ is coded as ‘by rj tp’ in the given code language, then ‘by ra vs’ will represent the code for ………..

(A)  symptoms creation added

(B)  added symptoms creation

(C)  require added creation

(D)  expertise added now

(E)  now require symptoms

Answer: (B)

4. What is the code for ‘information’ in the given code language?

(A)  bt

(B)  either ‘ra’ or ‘bt’

(C)  uk

(D)  either ‘at’ or ‘gw’

(E)  de

Answer: (D)

5. Which of the following represents the code for ‘updated creation’ in the given code language?

(A)  bt vs

(B)  mb bt

(C)  rj tp

(D)  vs rj

(E)  tp nb

Answer: (B)

6. In a certain code language, CHARITY is coded as BIDRXSH and FACTORY is coded as DBGTXQN. How will HISTORY be coded in the same code language?






Answer: (D)

7. The given question consists of two statements numbered I and II. These statements may be either independent causes or may be effects of independent causes of a common cause. One of these statements may be the effect of the other statement. Read both the statement and decide which of the following answer choices depicts the relationship between these two statements.

Statement I : Many plants and animals species have become extinct and ecological balance is disturbed over a passage of time.

Statement II : Deforestation is being done at a larger scale for expansion of town and cities and growth of infrastructure.

(A)  Both statements I and II are independent causes.

(B)  Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

(C)  Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

(D)  Both statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

(E)  Both statements I and II are effects of independent casues.

Answer: (B)

Directions (Q. 8 to 12) – Study the given information carefully to answer the given question-

     Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people each in such a way that there is equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 A, B, C, D and E are seated (not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row-2 P, Q, R, S and T are seated (not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the seated in a row faces another member of the other row. Each one of them also likes different perfumes Davidoff, Cheque, Brut, Gucci, Hollister, Titan, Police, Valentino, Yardley and Ferrari, but not necessarily in the same order.

      S sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. A faces an immediate neighbor of S. Only one person sits between A and the one who likes Brut. T sits third to the right of P. P faces the one who likes Davidoff. C is an immediate neighbor of A. C faces Q. The one who sits second to the right of Q likes Yardley. Only two people sit between the one who likes Yardley and the one who likes Valentino. B sits to the immediate right of E. D faces one of the immediate neighbours of the one who likes Gucci. The one who likes Police is an immediate neighbour of T. The one who likes Ferrari sits second to the right of the one who likes Hollister. P does not like Cheque.

8. As per the given arrangement, which of the given statements is true ?

(A)  T is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes Brut.

(B)  None of the given statements is true.

(C)  Only one person sits between A and the one who faces T.

(D)  B faces the one who likes Titan.

(E)  A sits second to the right of E.

Answer: (D)

9. As per the given arrangement, A is related to D in the same way as T is related to Q. Following the same pattern, to which is S related?

(A)  The one who likes Cheque

(B)  P

(C)  R

(D)  The one who faces A

(E)  The one who likes Yardley

Answer: (D)

10. Who amongst the following faces E?

(A)  Q

(B)  R

(C)  S

(D)  T

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (B)

11. Who sits exactly between Q and the one who faces D?

(A)  R

(B)  S

(C)  T

(D)  The one who likes Police

(E)  The one who likes Titan

Answer: (C)

12. Who is second to the left of C?

(A)  The one who faces Q

(B)  B

(C)  A

(D)  The one who likes Ferrari

(E)  The one who likes Hollister

Answer: (E)

13. If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word with the second, the seventh, the eighth and the tenth letter of the word RAIN FOREST (when counted from left to right) using each letter only once, which of the following will be the second letter of the word so formed from the right end ? If no such word can be formed give X as your answer. If more than such word can be formed give Z as your answer.

(A)  Z

(B)  X

(C)  A

(D)  T

(E)  R

Answer: (A)

Directions- (Q. 14 to 18) In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusion. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer and answered as-

(A) Only conclusion I follows

(B) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follows

(C) Only conclusion II follows

(D) Neither conclusion I nor II follows

(E) Either conclusion I or II follows

14. Statement : J < O ≤ O I > N = E ≥ D

Conclusion : I. J < E

II. I > D

Answer: (C)

15. Statement : O ≤ K > N = L > A;

K ≤ C < R; L < Q

Conclusion : I. N > O

II. A > Q

Answer: (C)

16. Statement : C > U ≤ W = Z; U > O

Conclusion : I. C > O

II. Z > O

Answer: (B)

17. Statement : O ≤ K > N = L > A;

Conclusion : I. O < C

II. O = C

Answer: (E)

18. Statement : W < Y ≤ I < B ≤ F

Conclusion : I. W = F

II. W < F

Answer: (C)

Directions (Q. 19 to 23) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question-

      Seven movies A, B, C, D, E, F an G are released on seven different months of a year viz., January, February, April, July, September, November and December but not necessarily in the same order. Each movie also represented a different country namely-Spain, India, China, Malaysia, Germany, Peru and Nepal, but not necessarily in the same order.

     (Note : No other movie was released any other month of the given year.)

      D was released in one of the months before April. Only three movie were released between D and the one which represented China. B was released immediately after F. Both B and F were released in a month which has 30 days. Only two movies were released between B the one which represented Peru. Only one movie was released between A and the one which represented Germany. A was released on one of the months before the one which represented Germany. B did not represent Germany. Only three movies were released between the one which represented Spain and the one which represented Germany. As many movies were released between the one which represented Spain and D as between the one which represented G and Malaysia. Only two movies were released between G and the one which represented India. C did not represent India.

19. Which of the following combinations as definitely true as per the given arrangement?

(A)  B-September

(B)  A-Peru

(C)  E-Spain

(D)  July-Nepal

(E)  January-C

Answer: (B)

20. Which of the following statements is true as per the given arrangement?

(A)  None of the given options is true

(B)  Only two movies were released between E and F

(C)  Movie D represented China

(D)  Movie G was released in January

(E)  Three movies were released after the one which represented Germany

Answer: (D)

21. Which of the following movies represented Nepal?

(A)  A

(B)  G

(C)  F

(D)  C

(E)  D

Answer: (D)

22. How many movies were released after the movie E?

(A)  Two

(B)  One

(C)  Four

(D)  Three

(E)  None

Answer: (D)

23. Malaysia is related to F and India is related to C in a certain way based on the given arrangement. To which of the following is Peru related, following the same pattern ?

(A)  The movie which represented Germany

(B)  The one which released in December

(C)  B

(D)  D

(E)  G

Answer: (C)

Directions – (Q. 24 to 28) The given question consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below I t. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and mark the appropriate option and answered as-

(A) Only statement I is sufficient while statement II is not sufficient.

(B) Only statement II is sufficient while statement I is not sufficient

(C) Both statement I and II are necessary to answer the question.

(D) Either statement I alone is sufficient or statement II alone is sufficient.

(E) Neither statement I nor II are together sufficient to answer the question

24. Is T the son of K?

Statement I : K is the father of M. M is the sister of T. D is the son of T. F is the mother of D.

Statement II : U is only son of L. L is the father of F. F is married to T Z is the daughter of T. Y is the grandfather of Z.

Answer: (A)

25. Point D is in which direction with respect to Point C?

Statement I : Point C is 14 m to the north of point B. Point B is 19 m to the west of point A. point A is 23 m to the south of point E. Point E is exactly between point Q and D, such that points Q, E and D form a straight line of 36 m.

Statement II : Point D is 10 m to the east of point H. Point Q is 28 m to the west of point H. Point H is 9 m to the east of point E. Point E is 15 m to the north of point T. Point T is 19 m to the east of point C.

Answer: (D)

26. Six different classes viz., A, B, C, D, E and F were conducted on six different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Saturday but not necessarily in the same order. One which day was class D conducted?

Statement I : Only three classes were conducted between E and A. E was conducted after A. C was conducted immediately before E. D was conducted immediate before F but not on Tuesday.

Statement II : Class B was conducted on one of the days before Wednesday. Only three classes were conducted between B and C. Only one class was conducted between D and C.

Answer: (A)

27. Five people-P, Q, R, S and T are standing in a straight line facing the north but not necessarily in the same order. Who stands to the immediate right of P?

Statement I : Q stands at an extreme end of the line. Only two people stand between Q and S. R stands at one of the positions to the right of S. P is an immediate neighbour of R.

Statement II : S stands second from the left end of the line. Q stands at extreme right end of the line. R is an immediate neighbour of P.

Answer: (E)

28. Five Friends – A, B, C, D and E live on five different floors of a building (but not necessarily in the same order.) The lowermost floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered five. On which floor does D live?

Statement I : A lives on an odd numbered floor but not on floor numbered one. Only one person lives between A and B. As many people live above B as below C. D lives on even numbered floor.

Statement II : C lives on odd numbered floor but not on floor numbered three. Only one person lives between C and A. B lives on an odd numbered floor above A D lives on one of the floors below A.

Answer: (B)

29. The questions consists of a statement followed b y two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is an administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the suggested courses of action/s logically follows from the given statement.

Statement : The country P is amongst the list of top ten most dirty countries of the word with unhygienic living conditions.

Course of Action I : The government of country P should start special programs to create awareness amongst people about keeping their surroundings clean.

Course of Action II : People who take part in cleanliness drives should be given recognition to motivate them and others.

(A)  Either I or II follows

(B)  Only I follows

(C)  Both I and II follows

(D)  Only II follows

(E)  Neither I nor II follows

Answer: (C)

30. If the word WORKPLACE first all the vowels are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right and then all the constants are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, and then each letter is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series, which of the following is the fifth letter from the left?

(A)  Q

(B)  M

(C)  L

(D)  F

(E)  P

Answer: (C)

31. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one of the following does not the group?






Answer: (C)

Directions – (Q. 32 to 36) Study the following information carefully and answer the given question.

   Eight persons, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre, with equal distance between each other. Each one of them bought a different viz., laptop, phone, camera, refrigerator, printer, speakers, T. V., AC.

• E sits second to the left of the one who bought a T.V. Only two persons sit between E and H.

• The one who bought a phone sits to the immediate right of G. G is neither an immediate neighbour of H nor E. G do not buy a TV. Neither A nor the one who bought a phone is an immediate neighbour of E.

• Only three people sit between A and the one who bought a camera. A did not buy a phone.

• The one who bought a printer sits third to the right of the one who bought a laptop. Only three people sit between the one who bought a laptop and an AC.

• C is an immediate neighbour of the one who bought an AC.

• B sits second to the left of F. B did not buy a refrigerator.

32. Which of the following products did C buy?

(A)  Phone

(B)  Laptop

(C)  Printer

(D)  Speakers

(E)  Camera

Answer: (A)

33. Which of the following, statements is true as per the given arrangement?

(A)  Both A and B are immediate neighbours of H

(B)  A bought a laptop

(C)  The one who bought a refrigerator is an immediate neighbour of B

(D)  None of the given statements is true

(E)  C sits to immediate right of G

Answer: (E)

34. Who among the following bought a refrigerator?

(A)  F

(B)  D

(C)  H

(D)  A

(E)  E

Answer: (C)

35. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to that group?

(A)  A-AC

(B)  E-Laptop

(C)  D-Refrigerator

(D)  H-Printer

(E)  C-Camera

Answer: (E)

36. Who sits exactly between E and the one who bought a TV, when counted from the right of E?

(A)  D

(B)  G

(C)  F

(D)  The one who bought an AC

(E)  The one who bought speakers

Answer: (C)

37. Study the given information carefully to answer the given question.

These says most of the diseases are waterborne. If we consume only bottled mineral water, it can  bring down most of our health issues’-Dr. Patnaik.

Which of the following statements weakens the statement of Dr. Patnaik?

(1) These days even bottled water is mishandled and reportedly contains a good amount of contaminants.

(2) Around 92% of the people consuming regular/tap water ends up suffering from food poisoning.

(3) Bottled mineral water has lesser impurities than regular/tap water.

(4) Using unclear cutlery and eating with dirty hands can cause diseases despite having healthy food and water.

(A)  Both 1 and 4

(B)  Both 2 and 3

(C)  Only 1

(D)  Only 1, 3 and 4

(E)  All those given as options

Answer: (A)

38. Read the following information and answer the question given. Flyzest Airlines was operating from Terminal D in City Nlora ever since it started its operations six years ago. However, recently the airlines was shifted to terminal G.

Which of the following statements can be reason for shifting Flyzest Airlines from Terminal D to Terminal G?

(A)  Terminal G was recently constructed in City Nlora to accommodate the new airlines which are supposed to  begin operations next month.

(B)  Many employees of Flyzest Airlines live in the nearby areas of Terminal G of City Nlora.

(C)  Two airlines were reportedly making continuous losses of Terminal D of City Nlora as the passengers preferred Flyzest Airlines over them.

(D)  Airport authorities have renovated some areas of Terminal D of city Nlora in the last month.

(E)  Flyzest Airlines found it very hard to manage its operations from Terminal D in the past one year due to increased number of passengers.

Answer: (C)

39. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word BECOMING each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical series?

(A)  One

(B)  More than three

(C)  Three

(D)  None

(E)  Two

Answer: (E)

40. Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows. Although number of literates in Village A is the maximum this year, the highest increase in literacy level was in Village B, with 10% rise this year thus bringing the number of literates to 4200.

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the given fact?

(A)  Per cent increase in literacy level in village A was definitely more than 10%.

(B)  If 4200 individuals are made literate in village B, it will have more number of literates than village A.

(C)  The number of literates in village A this year is definitely more than 42000.

(D)  4200 individuals in village B are still illiterate.

(E)  Total number of literates in village A and village B together is definitely 88,200?

Answer: (C)

Directions- (Q. 41 to 45) In this question three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows and answered as-

(A) Only conclusion I follows

(B) Only conclusion II follows

(C) Both conclusion I and II follows

(D) Neither I nor II follows

(E) Either conclusion I or II follows

41. Statement : All users are benefits. No benefit is a profit. Some profits are gains.

Conclusion :

I. All gains being benefits is a possibility.

II. No profit is a user.

Answer: (B)

42. Statement : Some interviews are talks. All talks are meetings. All conferences are meetings.

Conclusion :

I. Atleast some meetings are interviews.

II. All conferences being interviews is a possibility.

Answer: (C)

43. Statement : No card is tag. All tags are labels. All labels are marks.

Conclusion :

I. Some marks are cards.

II. No mark is a card.

Answer: (E)

44. Statement : Some interviews are talks. All talks are meetings. All conferences are meetings.

Conclusions :

I. No conference is a talk.

II. Some talks are conferences.

Answer: (E)

45. Statement : All users are benefits. No benefit is a profit. Some profits are gains.

Conclusion :

I. All gains can never be users.

II. All benefits being gain is a possibility

Answer: (C)

Directions- (Q. 46 to 50) Study the given information and answer the given question.

    When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

   (All the numbers are two-digit numbers)

Input : react 21 east 92 11 basket 68 untidy heart 85

Step I : basket react 21 east 92 68 untidy heart 85 11

Step II : east basket react 92 68 untidy heart 85 11 21

Step III : heart east basket react 92 untidy 85 11 21 68

Step IV : react heart east basket 92 untidy 11 21 68 85

Step V : untidy react heart east basket 11 21 68 85 92

    Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended output of arrangement is obtained.

    As per the rules followed in the given steps, find the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input : weight 56 fasten 71 beast 97 49 mould 12 stronger

46. Which step number is the following output?

mould fasten beast weight 71 97 stronger 12 49 56.

(A)  III

(B)  IV

(C)  II

(D)  I

(E)  There is no such step

Answer: (A)

47. What is the position of ‘mould’ from the left of ‘12’ in step IV?

(A)  Seventh

(B)  Third

(C)  Fourth

(D)  Fifth

(E)  Second

Answer: (D)

48. Which of the following represent the third and the seventh elements from the left of the first step?

(A)  71, mould

(B)  56, 49

(C)  56, 97

(D)  fasten, 97

(E)  Fasten, 49

Answer: (B)

49. How many elements are there between ‘stronger’ and ‘56’ in the last step?

(A)  Two

(B)  Four

(C)  Three

(D)  Five

(E)  More than five

Answer: (D)

50. Which of the following is fifth element to the right of ‘fasten’ in step II?

(A)  97

(B)  71

(C)  mould

(D)  stronger

(E)  56

Answer: (A)

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