Kerala PSC Degree Level Assistant Grade (Company-Corporation-Board) Examination 2011 Question Paper With Answer Key

Kerala PSC Degree Level Assistant Grade (Company-Corporation-Board) Examination 2011

1. The author of ‘Prithvi Raj Raso’ was

(a)  Chand Bardai

(b)  Gopal Nayak

(c)  Gorak Nath

(d)  Amir Khusrau

Answer: (a)

2. The first Carnatic war came to an end with the:

(a)  Treaty of Pondicherry

(b)  Treaty of Paris

(c)  Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle

(d)  Treaty of Srirangapatana

Answer: (c)

3. Permanent land Revenue settlement was introduced in Bengal by:

(a)  Robert Clive

(b)  Warren Hastings

(c)  Lord Wellesley

(d)  Lord Cornwallis

Answer: (d)

4. ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ was applied by

(a)  Lord Wellesley

(b)  Lord Canning

(c)  Lord Delhousie

(d)  Lord William Bentinck

Answer: (c)

5. Principles of Panchasheel were framed in:

(a)  Bandung

(b)  Hongkong

(c)  Columbo

(d)  Moscow

Answer: (a)

6. The author of ‘India Today’

(a)  Dadabhai Naoroji

(b)  Deenabandhu Mitra

(c)  R. P. Dutt

(d)  M. N. Roy

Answer: (c)

7. Local Self Govt. in India, for the first time was introduced by

(a)  Lord Rippon

(b)  Lord Lytton

(c)  Lord Curzon

(d)  Lord Minto

Answer: (a)

8. The President of Pakistan who signed the Tashkent Agreement after the Indo-Pak War of 1965 was:

(a)  Yahya Khan

(b)  Ayub Khan

(c)  Zulfiker Ali Bhuto

(d)  Mujibur Rahman

Answer: (b)

9. The war between India and China took place in

(a)  1960

(b)  1961

(c)  1962

(d)  1967

Answer: (c)

10. Tashkent Pact was signed between

(a)  Indira Gandhi and Mr. Bhuto

(b)  Nehru and Firoz Khan

(c)  Gulsarilal Nanda and Iskand Mirsa

(d)  Lal Bahadur Sastri and Ayub Khan

Answer: (d)

11. Mamankam, the great ancient regional festival was held at:

(a)  Parappanadu

(b)  Thirunavaya

(c)  Vettathunadu

(d)  Nedumangad

Answer: (b)

12. Kollam Era began

(a)  AD 78

(b)  AD 825

(c)  AD 53

(d)  AD 622

Answer: (b)

13. The longest river in Kerala.

(a)  Bharathapuzha

(b)  Preiyar

(c)  Chandragiripuzha

(d)  Pampa

Answer: (b)

14. Mixed colony system was encouraged by:

(a)  Almeida

(b)  Albuquerq

(c)  Robert Clive

(d)  Cabral

Answer: (b)

15. Sathujana Paripalana Yogam was started by

(a)  C. Kesavan

(b)  K. Kelappan

(c)  Ayyankali

(d)  Sree Narayana Guru

Answer: (c)

16. The first Chief Minister of Travancore popular ministry

(a)  T. K. Narayanapillai

(b)  C. Kesavan

(c)  T. M. Varghese

(d)  Pattam Thanupillai

Answer: (d)

17. The temple entry proclamation was issued by

(a)  Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma

(b)  Sreemulam Thirunal

(c)  Swathi Thirunal

(d)  Ayilyam Thirunal

Answer: (a)

18. Malayalee Sabha was organized by:

(a)  Barrister G. P. Pillai

(b)  Paramupillai

(c)  C. Krishna Pillai

(d)  Mannath Padmanabhan

Answer: (c)

19. Cochin State Prajamandal was formed on

(a)  6th Jan. 1935

(b)  26th Jan 1941

(c)  12th Aug. 1945

(d)  7th July 1946

Answer: (b)

20. Electricity Agitation of Cochin was against the decision of the Diwan:

(a)  Nanjappayan

(b)  Sankara Warrier

(c)  Venkata Subbayya

(d)  Sri R. K. Shanmukham Chetti

Answer: (d)

21. A Thermos flask is polished well:

(a)  to make it more attractive

(b)  for shining

(c)  to absorb all radiation from outside

(d)  to reflect all radiation from outside

Answer: (d)

22. Co-efficient of thermal conductivity depends on:

(a)  heat produced

(b)  atmospheric pressure

(c)  difference in temperature

(d)  nature of material

Answer: (c & d)

23. A device used to detect heat radiation is known as

(a)  Barometer

(b)  Thermocouple

(c)  Thermopile

(d)  Thermoelectric generator

Answer: (b)

24. Which of the following is a compound ?

(a)  milk

(b)  22 carat gold

(c)  steam

(d)  diamond

Answer: (c)

25. Hardest naturally occurring substance

(a)  Gold

(b)  Tungsten

(c)  Black diamond

(d)  Magnesium

Answer: (c)

26. A form of carbon used in Gas masks

(a)  Activated charcoal

(b)  Wood charcoal

(c)  Sugar charcoal

(d)  Lamp black

Answer: (a & b)

27. The gas used in the Refrigerator is:

(a)  Argon

(b)  Krypton

(c)  Freon

(d)  Neon

Answer: (c)

28. Estimation of halogens in organic compound is done by

(a)  Dumas method

(b)  Messenger’s method

(c)  Carius method

(d)  Kjeldahl’s method

Answer: (c)

29. The metal which does not react with dilute sulphuric acid:

(a)  Iron

(b)  Tin

(c)  Magnesium

(d)  Lead

Answer: (d)

30. In free state, hydrogen is present in:

(a)  Natural gas

(b)  Sun

(c)  Petroleum

(d)  Mineral salts

Answer: (b)

31. The disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin A

(a)  Xerophthalmia

(b)  Scurvy

(c)  Rickets

(d)  Beriberi

Answer: (a)

32. The insect which lays eggs in water is:

(a)  Butterfly

(b)  Housefly

(c)  Sandfly

(d)  Dragonfly

Answer: (d)

33. The mosquito that spreads malaria in man is named

(a)  male anopheles

(b)  female anopheles

(c)  Stagomyia

(d)  Culex

Answer: (b)

34. Which is the function of the white blood corpuscles?

(a)  to produce anti-toxin

(b)  to carry excretory material

(c)  to carry oxygen

(d)  to carry microbes that cause disease

Answer: (a)

35. Which of the following process liberates energy?

(a)  Digestion

(b)  Respiration

(c)  Photosynthesis

(d)  Osmosis

Answer: (c)

36. During the solar eclipse, which of the following represents the relative position of the sun, moon and earth correctly?

(a)  the sun in between the earth and the moon

(b)  the moon in between the sun and the earth

(c)  the sun, moon and earth are not in a single line

(d)  the earth between the sun and the moon

Answer: (b)

37. A degree of Longitude has about the same length as a degree of Latitude at:

(a)  Equator

(b)  Antarctic circle

(c)  North pole

(d)  Tropical

Answer: (a)

38. The supersonic aircraft find it most convenient to fly in the

(a)  ionosphere

(b)  mesosphere

(c)  troposphere

(d)  stratosphere

Answer: (d)

39. Seismograph is used to measure

(a)  Atmospheric pressure

(b)  Earthquake

(c)  Rain

(d)  Storm

Answer: (b)

40. Which one among the following is known as ‘Pittsburgh of India’?

(a)  Jamshedpur

(b)  Rourkela

(c)  Baroda

(d)  Durgapur

Answer: (a)

41. The first political leader who got Nobel prize for literature.

(a)  Gorbachev

(b)  Mahatma Gandhi

(c)  Winston Churchill

(d)  George Bush

Answer: (c)

42. The winner of Women’s Wimbledon Championship of 2007 ?

(a)  Maria Sharapova

(b)  Justine Henin

(c)  Bartholi Yelina Yancowich

(d)  Venus Williams

Answer: (d)

43. Present secretary generally of United Nations

(a)  Kofi Annan

(b)  Ban ki-Moon

(c)  Kurt Waldheim

(d)  Butros Butrose Gali

Answer: (b)

44. Jim Corbett National Park is in:

(a)  Punjab

(b)  Orissa

(c)  West Bengal

(d)  Uttarakhand

Answer: (d)

45. The country used paper currency first in the world.

(a)  India

(b)  America

(c)  Russia

(d)  China

Answer: (d)

46. Father of cell phone.

(a)  Alexander Graham Bell

(b)  Martin Cooper

(c)  Samuel F. B. Morse

(d)  J. P. Reis

Answer: (b)

47. The modern quantity theory of money was developed by:

(a)  Milton Friedman

(b)  Walker

(c)  Schumpeter

(d)  Karl Marx

Answer: (a)

48. Consumer Protection Act was enacted in the year

(a)  1956

(b)  1976

(c)  1986

(d)  1996

Answer: (c)

49. National Flag of India was designed by

(a)  B. R. Ambedkar

(b)  Jawaharlal Nehru

(c)  Mahatma Gandhi

(d)  Pingali Venkayya

Answer: (d)

50. Human Rights day is observed all over the world every year on;

(a)  10th December

(b)  25th December

(c)  7th November

(d)  24th October

Answer: (a)

51. Gautama Buddha was born at

(a)  Saranath

(b)  Rajagriha

(c)  Kusinagar

(d)  Lumbini

Answer: (d)

52. The Chera king known as ‘Red Chera’.

(a)  Senkuttuvan

(b)  Karikala

(c)  Nedunjeraladan

(d)  Elara

Answer: (a)

53. Alexander the great defeated:

(a)  Ambhi

(b)  Selucus

(c)  Darius III

(d)  Porus

Answer: (c & d)

54. Indica was written by

(a)  Chandragupta Maurya

(b)  Megasthenes

(c)  Chandragupta Maurya

(d)  Kautilya

Answer: (b)

55. The second Buddhist council was held at:

(a)  Vallabhi

(b)  Vaisali

(c)  Pataliputra

(d)  Rajagriha

Answer: (b)

56. Who is popularly known as Indian Napoleon.

(a)  Ashoka

(b)  Samudragupta

(c)  Sreegupta

(d)  Chandragupta I

Answer: (b)

57. Last king of the Kakatiya dynasty.

(a)  Prataparudra II

(b)  Rudramadevi

(c)  Mahadeva

(d)  Ganapatideva

Answer: (a)

58. In the second battle of Tarrain in 1192, Mohammed Gori defeated:

(a)  Harsha

(b)  Pulakesin II

(c)  Prithviraj Chauhan

(d)  Mohammed Gazni

Answer: (c)

59. The king on the throne of Vijayanagar at the time of the battle of Talikota.

(a)  Krishnadevaraya

(b)  Sadasivaraya

(c)  Achutadevaraya

(d)  Ramaraya

Answer: (d)

60. Qutub-ud-din Aibak built the Quwaat-ul-Islam mosque to commemorate his capture.

(a)  Aligarh

(b)  Ajmer

(c)  Delhi

(d)  Kanauj

Answer: (c)

61. The wisest fool of medieval India is:

(a)  Giassudin Balben

(b)  Alauddin Khilji

(c)  Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(d)  Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

Answer: (d)

62. ‘Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi’ was written by

(a)  Al-Beruni

(b)  Zia-ud-din Barani

(c)  Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(d)  Abul Fazal

Answer: (b)

63. Ibn Batuta, the famous Arab Scholar visited India during the reign of:

(a)  Akbar

(b)  Alauddin Khilji

(c)  Qutub-ud-bin Aibak

(d)  Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

Answer: (d)

64. ‘Purana Qila’ in Delhi was built by

(a)  Humayun

(b)  Qutub-ud-din Aibak

(c)  Shah Jahan

(d)  Shersha

Answer: (d)

65. ‘Ashta Pradhan’ was the council of Ministers of:

(a)  Delhi Sultans

(b)  Mughals

(c)  Marathas

(d)  Vijaynagar rulers

Answer: (c)

66. ‘Zapti’ is the land revenue system introduced by

(a)  Shersha

(b)  Akbar

(c)  Jahangir

(d)  Aurangazeb

Answer: (b)

67. Jahangir the Mughal ruler murdered the Sikh Guru:

(a)  Guru Tej Bahadur

(b)  Guru Arjun Singh

(c)  Guru Hare Rai

(d)  Guru Hare Govind

Answer: (b)

68. The Mughal Gardens-Shalimar and Nishant in Srinagar were built by:

(a)  Shah Jahan

(b)  Aurangazeb

(c)  Jahangir

(d)  Akbar

Answer: (c)

69. Ustad Isa was the architect of:

(a)  Pearl Mosque

(b)  Juma Masjid

(c)  Red fort

(d)  Tajmahal

Answer: (d)

70. Harihara and Bukka laid the foundation of:

(a)  Hoysala empire

(b)  Kakatiya empire

(c)  Vijayangar empire

(d)  Yadava kingdom

Answer: (c)

71. If the driver ……… the brake, the car would have hit the old man.

(a)  did not apply

(b)  has not applied

(c)  had applied

(d)  had not applied

Answer: (d)

72. There weren’t any hotels nearby, ………?

(a)  were they

(b)  was there

(c)  were there

(d)  wasn’t it

Answer: (c)

73. It was with great difficulty he gained entry to the auditorium, but he made a sudden ………

(a)  exit

(b)  departure

(c)  arrival

(d)  passage

Answer: (a)

74. The thieves not only robbed the travelers ….., beat them up.

(a)  but

(b)  and

(c)  also

(d)  but also

Answer: (d)

75. I …….. him the truth, if were you.

(a)  will tell

(b)  would tell

(c)  told

(d)  shall tell

Answer: (b)

76. Would you mind ….. the door?

(a)  to shut

(b)  to have shut

(c)  shut

(d)  shutting

Answer: (d)

77. I wish he ……… settle the issue soon.

(a)  will

(b)  would

(c)  shall

(d)  may

Answer: (b)

78. The appropriate meaning of ‘run-of-the-mill’.

(a)  running a mill

(b)  exciting

(c)  very important

(d)  ordinary

Answer: (d)

79. Midhun said ‘Do you enjoy cricket’? (Change into indirect speech)

(a)  Midhun asked me if I enjoyed cricket

(b)  Midhun asked me if I enjoy cricket

(c)  Midhun asked me if I did not enjoy cricket

(d)  Midhun asked me if I have enjoyed cricket

Answer: (a)

80. One must always be careful in …… dealing with others.

(a)  his

(b)  their

(c)  one’s

(d)  our

Answer: (c)

81. Raul is very rich. He can buy a car (Combine using ‘enough’)

(a)  Rahul is rich enough to buy a car

(b)  Rahul is enough rich to buy a car

(c)  Rahul is enough rich and he can buy a car

(d)  Rahul is very rich enough to buy a car

Answer: (a)

82. Meaning of the Phrase ‘Ad hoc’.

(a)  Permanent

(b)  initial

(c)  formed for some special purpose

(d)  substitute

Answer: (c)

83. Everyone looked up to him (Change into passive voice)

(a)  He was looked up to by everyone

(b)  He is looked up to by everyone

(c)  He is being looked up to by everyone

(d)  He was being looked up to by everyone

Answer: (a)

84. This juice is made …….. fresh oranges.

(a)  of

(b)  by

(c)  with

(d)  from

Answer: (d)

85. Our Chief Minister is a person of long experience in polities (Use on word for the words underlined).

(a)  expert

(b)  leader

(c)  veteran

(d)  master

Answer: (c)

86. The mis spelt word among the following words.

Synonym, Synagogue, Symposiam, Symptom

(a)  Synagogue

(b)  Symposiam

(c)  Symptom

(d)  Synonym

Answer: (b)

87. When the police interrogated the thief, he made a clean breast of everything. (Meaning of the idiom underlined)

(a)  pleaded innocent

(b)  denied

(c)  confessed

(d)  contradicted

Answer: (c)

88. It is five years ……… I retired.

(a)  after

(b)  when

(c)  from

(d)  since

Answer: (d)

89. The bundle is so heavy that I cannot lift it (Use ‘too’ instead of ‘so ……that’)

(a)  The bundle is too heavy for me to lift

(b)  The bundle is too heavy that I cannot lift it

(c)  The bundle is too heavy not to lift it

(d)  The bundle is too heavy than I can lift it

Answer: (a)

90. The word which is nearest in meaning to the word ‘profound’?

(a)  Mysterious

(b)  profitable

(c)  deep

(d)  complex

Answer: (c)

91. The government has decided to …….. all unauthorized buildings.

(a)  pull up

(b)  pull down

(c)  pull off

(d)  pull through

Answer: (b)

92. ……….. you apologize, he won’t forgive you.

(a)  If

(b)  Till

(c)  Until

(d)  Unless

Answer: (d)

93. The mother as well as her three children …… taken to the hospital.

(a)  was

(b)  were

(c)  have been

(d)  were being

Answer: (a)

94. The old man was too weak to travel ……. himself.

(a)  for

(b)  on

(c)  with

(d)  by

Answer: (d)

95. Roshan was so absorbed ……… his work that he didn’t even raise his head.

(a)  on

(b)  at

(c)  in

(d)  by

Answer: (c)

96. It ………. heavily when I woke up yesterday.

(a)  is raining

(b)  was raining

(c)  has been raining

(d)  had been raining

Answer: (b)

97. Mahatma Gandhi appealed to the people to …….. the cruelties of British authorities.

(a)  put out

(b)  put up with

(c)  put off

(d)  put down

Answer: (b)

98. Opposite of the word ‘rigid’.

(a)  flexible

(b)  rough

(c)  smooth

(d)  soft

Answer: (a)

99. Few students knew the answer ……..?

(a)  didn’t they

(b)  did they

(c)  aren’t they

(d)  isn’t it

Answer: (b)

100. The word which is nearest in meaning to the word economical.

(a)  extravagant

(b)  wealthy

(c)  thrifty

(d)  lavish

Answer: (c)

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