Kerala PSC Degree Level Sales Assistant (SR SC-ST) Handicrafts Development Corporation Examination 2012 Question Paper With Answer Key

Kerala PSC Degree Level Sales Assistant (SR SC-ST) Handicrafts Development Corporation Examination 2012

1. Indian Military Academy is at:

(a)  Ahemdnagar

(b)  Dehradun

(c)  Jabalpur

(d)  Pune

Answer: (b)

2. The National Integration Council held its first meeting in :

(a)  1962

(b)  1963

(c)  1964

(d)  1965

Answer: (a)

3. Justice B. N. Srikrishna Committee was appointed to submit a report on:

(a)  Separate Utharangel State

(b)  Separate Kannada State

(c)  Separate Telangana State

(d)  Separate Maratha State

Answer: (c)

4. National Human Rights Commission chairman:

(a)  Justice Krishna Iyyer

(b)  Justice K. G, Balakrishnan

(c)  Justice Malimatt

(d)  Justice Balakrishnan Eradi

Answer: (b)

5. The finance minister of India:

(a)  A. Raj

(b)  P. Chidambaram

(c)  Man Mohan Singh

(d)  Pranab Mukherjee

Answer: (b)

6. The ruler of Kingdom of Cochin during 1751-1805 was:

(a)  Swathi Thirunal

(b)  Sri Rama Varma

(c)  Ayilyam Thirunal

(d)  Sakthan Thampuran

Answer: (d)

7. The Fourth Finance Commission head of Kerala.

(a)  Dr. Thomas Issac

(b)  Dr. P. P. Pillai

(c)  Dr. M. A. Oommen

(d)  Dr. B. A. Prakash

Answer: (c)

8. One of the most important social reform movements was spearheaded by

(a)  Adi Sankaran

(b)  Raja Ravi Varma

(c)  Sree Narayana Guru

(d)  Veluthampi Dalava

Answer: (c)

9. The Gandhian approach towards small industry was:

(a)  to protect the industries from foreign competition

(b)  to protect the big business class

(c)  to protect medium producers

(d)  to protect small producers

Answer: (d)

10. Expand NFCH

(a)  National Function of Credit and Hedging

(b)  National Function for Cataclysm and Homage

(c)  National Foundation for Communal Harmony

(d)  National Faculty in Chemistry and Humanism

Answer: (c)

11. National Integration Day:

(a)  16th October

(b)  11th May

(c)  30th June

(d)  6th January

Answer: (*)

12. All India Home Rule League founded by:

(a)  Bal Gangadhara Tilak

(b)  C. R. Dutt

(c)  Rajaram Mohan Roy

(d)  Mrs. Annie Besant

Answer: (d)

13. The National Commission for women was set up as a statutory body in:

(a)  January 1992

(b)  January 2002

(c)  January 1982

(d)  January 1972

Answer: (a)

14. The Per Capita GDP of Kerala is:

(a)  Rs 20,000

(b)  Rs. 12880

(c)  Rs. 10129

(d)  Rs. 11819

Answer: (d)

15. The election conducted for the first time in Kerala in:

(a)  March 1950

(b)  March 1957

(c)  March 1953

(d)  March 1955

Answer: (b)

16. The Indian Constitution is the:

(a)  Unwritten constitution in the world

(b)  Smallest written constitution in the world

(c)  Lengthiest written constitution in the world

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (c)

17. The Parliament has enacted the child labour act in:

(a)  1986

(b)  1976

(c)  1996

(d)  1974

Answer: (a)

18. One benefit of social auditing is:

(a)  Reduction in inequality

(b)  Reduction of unemployment

(c)  reduction in false accounting

(d)  Reduction of wastages and corruption

Answer: (d)

19. A powerful Right to Information Act is passed to give citizen’s access to information held by public authorities in the year:

(a)  2002

(b)  2003

(c)  2004

(d)  2005

Answer: (d)

20. The Common Wealth Games Organising Committee Chairman was:

(a)  Lalit Bhanot

(b)  Suresh Kalmadi

(c)  R. K. Sacheti

(d)  Bhure

Answer: (b)

21. The expansion of KSCZMA :

(a)  Kerala State Cricket Zone Management

(b)  Kerala State Council Zess Managing and Accounting

(c)  Kerala State Coastal Zone Management Authority

(d)  Kerala State Council for Zoo Management Authority

Answer: (c)

22. The apex body for curriculum related matters for school education in India:

(a)  The Central Board of Secondary Education

(b)  The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination

(c)  National Council of Education Research and Training

(d)  National Institute of Open Schooling

Answer: (c)

23. The State which has the lowest literacy rate in India.

(a)  Bihar

(b)  Madhya Pradesh

(c)  Rajasthan

(d)  Orissa

Answer: (a)

24. The ministry which is responsible for biological disasters:

(a)  Ministry of home affairs

(b)  Ministry of environment and forest

(c)  Ministry of agriculture

(d)  Ministry of health

Answer: (d)

25. An ……. label has been introduced to label consumer products that are environment friendly.

(a)  Agro mark

(b)  ISI mark

(c)  ECO mark

(d)  PSI mark

Answer: (c)

26. The State Crisis Management Committee is set up under the chairmanship of:

(a)  Chief Secretary

(b)  Deputy Secretary

(c)  Relief Commissioner

(d)  Deputy Relief Commissioner

Answer: (a)

27. Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve is at:

(a)  Punjab

(b)  Haryana

(c)  Assam

(d)  Tamil Nadu

Answer: (d)

28. The objective of United Nation’s convention on climate change is to:

(a)  Control pollution

(b)  Stablise Green house Gas connection in the atmosphere

(c)  Stablise increased rainfall and consequent food

(d)  Control the waste dumping by the countries in the sea

Answer: (b)

29. The Great Himalayan National Park is located at:

(a)  Himachal Pradesh

(b)  Madhya Pradesh

(c)  Uttar Pradesh

(d)  Assam

Answer: (a)

30. National Policy on child labor was formulated in:

(a)  1983

(b)  1997

(c)  1987

(d)  1993

Answer: (c)

31. The United Nation’s World Summit on Sustainable development took place in:

(a)  Johannesburg

(b)  New York

(c)  Cancun

(d)  Tokyo

Answer: (a)

32. On 1st April 1999 the IRDP and allied poverty alleviation programmes were merged into a single programme known as:

(a)  SGRY

(b)  SGSY

(c)  JGSY

(d)  SAY

Answer: (b)

33. As per latest estimate ………. per cent people in India live below poverty line.

(a)  30

(b)  25

(c)  27

(d)  37

Answer: (*)

34. World Summit for social development held in 1995 at:

(a)  Germany

(b)  Copenhagen

(c)  New York

(d)  Cairo

Answer: (b)

35. Population stabilization is an essential perquisite for:

(a)  Food security

(b)  Control epidemics

(c)  Sustainable development

(d)  High standard of living

Answer: (c)

36. International conference on Population and Development held in 1994 at:

(a)  Beijing

(b)  Denmark

(c)  Cairo

(d)  Indonesia

Answer: (c)

37. The state which has the highest worker – population ratio in India is:

(a)  Meghalaya

(b)  Sikkim

(c)  Kerala

(d)  Karnataka

Answer: (a)

38. The largest continent in the world:

(a)  Europe

(b)  Asia

(c)  Africa

(d)  Australia

Answer: (b)

39. The best conductor of heat among liquid is:

(a)  oil

(b)  water

(c)  mercury

(d)  spirit

Answer: (c)

40. The alloy of copper and tin is called:

(a)  White metal

(b)  bronze

(c)  Gun metal

(d)  Brass

Answer: (b)

41. The Chandrayan I was launched in the year:

(a)  2005

(b)  2006

(c)  2007

(d)  2008

Answer: (d)

42. Botanical Survey of India has its head quarters at:

(a)  Mysore

(b)  Bangalore

(c)  Kolkata

(d)  Madras

Answer: (c)

43. Expansion of NCLP :

(a)  National Commission on Labour Programme

(b)  National Child Labour Project

(c)  National Conference on Law and Power

(d)  National Credit and Labour Programme

Answer: (b)

44. The national commission for women bill was passed on:

(a)  30th September 1990

(b)  30th August 1990

(c)  30th July 1990

(d)  30th June 1990

Answer: (b)

45. The lightest metal:

(a)  Aluminium

(b)  Tin

(c)  Lithium

(d)  Copper

Answer: (c)

46. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of India’s independence, the government launched ……… fellowships for enabling outstanding young scientists to attain work class levels in science.

(a)  Swarnajayanthi

(b)  Protahan

(c)  Swarnachakra

(d)  Pradhamapuraskar

Answer: (a)

47. The Supreme Commander of India’s armed forces:

(a)  Defence minister

(b)  Home minister

(c)  Prime minister

(d)  President

Answer: (d)

48. The three tier panchayati raj system introduced to:

(a)  to ensure better standard of living

(b)  to ensure employment opportunities for all

(c)  to ensure people’s participation in rural reconstruction

(d)  to ensure education and training for all

Answer: (c)

49. The Lok Sabha consists of:

(a)  543 members

(b)  545 members

(c)  542 members

(d)  541 members

Answer: (b)

50. Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in the year :

(a)  1943

(b)  1949

(c)  1947

(d)  1935

Answer: (b)

51. Neither the leader nor his friends ……… found guilty.

(a)  is

(b)  was

(c)  were

(d)  has been

Answer: (c)

52. The poet and novelist …….. dead.

(a)  are

(b)  were

(c)  has

(d)  is

Answer: (d)

53. ………. European was killed in the bus accident.

(a)  An

(b)  The

(c)  A

(d)  From

Answer: (c)

54. Everybody has left the hall, ______?

(a)  haven’t they

(b)  has they

(c)  have they

(d)  hasn’t they

Answer: (a)

55. When I reached the station, the train ………

(a)  has started

(b)  started

(c)  had started

(d)  have started

Answer: (c)

56. If you ……. to me. I would not have got into trouble.

(a)  had come

(b)  have come

(c)  comes

(d)  would come

Answer: (a)

57. If you …….. to me. I would not have got into trouble.

(a)  had come

(b)  have come

(c)  comes

(d)  would come

Answer: (d)

58. He is confident ……… securing the 1st rank.

(a)  in

(b)  on

(c)  at

(d)  of

Answer: (c)

59. Choose the correct sentence.

(a)  He sang well at the meeting last night

(b)  He sang at the meeting well last night

(c)  He sang last night at the meeting well

(d)  He sang at the meeting last night well

Answer: (a)

60. Choose the correct passive form

(a)  The bridge is rebuilding

(b)  The bridge is being rebuilt

(c)  The bridge has rebuilt

(d)  The bridge will rebuild

Answer: (b)

61. The feminine gender of horse is:

(a)  hart

(b)  mare

(c)  she horse

(d)  stag

Answer: (b)

62. One day I will disclose the secret. Here one is:

(a)  an adjective

(b)  an adverb

(c)  a noun

(d)  a pronoun

Answer: (a)

63. He seem happy, The word happy is:

(a)  complement

(b)  compliment

(c)  conjunction

(d)  noun

Answer: (a)

64. Synonym of extravagant is:

(a)  extra decent

(b)  expensive

(c)  exorbitant

(d)  costly

Answer: (c)

65. The antonym of wane is:

(a)  inwane

(b)  unwain

(c)  wax

(d)  waneless

Answer: (c)

66. A person who abstains from alcoholic liquor is:

(a)  dealcoholic

(b)  totalitarian

(c)  unalcoholic

(d)  teetotaller

Answer: (d)

67. Choose the correct sentence.

(a)  We went to our office in our car

(b)  We went to our office by our car

(c)  We went into office in our car

(d)  We went in office in our car

Answer: (a)

68. Skill + full is:

(a)  skilful

(b)  skillful

(c)  skilfull

(d)  skillfull

Answer: (a)

69. The plural of analysis is a:

(a)  analyse

(b)  analyses

(c)  analysisies

(d)  analysis

Answer: (b)

70. Which is the superlative form of high?

(a)  next

(b)  nightest

(c)  neatest

(d)  nighset

Answer: (a)

71. Camels are peculiarly adapted ……… life in the desert.

(a)  in

(b)  with

(c)  to

(d)  of

Answer: (c)

72. Ramesh as well as his friends …….. cricket.

(a)  like

(b)  likes

(c)  is liking

(d)  are liking

Answer: (b)

73. We ……….. English for five years.

(a)  study

(b)  are studying

(c)  had studied

(d)  have been studying

Answer: (d)

74. We ………..our breakfast an hour ago.

(a)  finished

(b)  have finished

(c)  has finished

(d)  were finished

Answer: (a)

75. The correct form of I asked, ‘Don’t you know the way home’?

(a)  I asked if he knew the way home

(b)  I asked if he did not know the way home

(c)  I asked that if he did not know the way home

(d)  I asked that whether he did not know the way home

Answer: (b)

76. Vitamin C is chemically:

(a)  Oxalic acid

(b)  Acetic acid

(c)  Ascorbic acid

(d)  Tartaric acid

Answer: (c)

77. Central metal present in Chlorophyl is

(a)  Copper

(b)  Tin

(c)  Magnesium

(d)  Calcium

Answer: (c)

78. What is VAM?

(a)  Virus

(b)  Bacteria

(c)  Algae

(d)  Fungai

Answer: (d)

79. The contraceptive method more capable to prevent sexually transmitted disease (STD):

(a)  Condom

(b)  Copper T

(c)  Pills

(d)  Diaphragms

Answer: (a)

80. The compound added to the otherwise odourless LPG cooking for imparting a detectable smell is:

(a)  HS

(b)  Ethylmercapton

(c)  2-methyl propanol

(d)  Ammonia

Answer: (b)

81. Which of the following is a non-metal that remains liquid at room temperature:

(a)  Phosphorous

(b)  Bromine

(c)  Chlorine

(d)  Helium

Answer: (b)

82. The real image is obtained from:

(a)  Convex mirror

(b)  Plane mirror

(c)  Concave lens

(d)  Convex lens

Answer: (d)

83. The distance between earth and sun is termed as:

(a)  Parsec

(b)  Astronomical unit

(c)  Angstrom

(d)  Light year

Answer: (b)

84. A thin film, such as a layer of oil on water, show beautiful colours when illuminated by white light. The phenomenon involved is:

(a)  Reflection

(b)  Refraction

(c)  Interference

(d)  Diffraction

Answer: (c)

85. Fruits are the source of mainly:

(a)  Minerals

(b)  Vitamins

(c)  Carbohydrates

(d)  All of these

Answer: (d)

86. Which type of immunoglobulin is responsible for allergic reactions:

(a)  IgA

(b)  IgD

(c)  IgE

(d)  IgG

Answer: (c)

87. 3, 10, 31, 94, …… 850

(a)  283

(b)  396

(c)  523

(d)  427

Answer: (a)

88. 642, 587, 364, 839

If in these each number the first and the third digits are interchanged and the newly formed numbers are arranged in ascending order which will be the third.

(a)  642

(b)  364

(c)  587

(d)  839

Answer: (c)

89. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one does not belong to that group ?

(a)  Eyes

(b)  Fingers

(c)  Legs

(d)  Ears

Answer: (b)

90. In a code language ‘WEATHER’ is written as ‘AEWUREH’. How would ‘EXTRACT’ be written in that code.





Answer: (a)

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