National Insurance Company Ltd.Recruitment of Administrative Officers Examination Held on 12-4-2015 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

National Insurance Company Ltd.Recruitment of Administrative Officers Examination Held on 12-4-2015
National Insurance Company Ltd.Recruitment of Administrative Officers Examination Held on 12-4-2015 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

National Insurance Company Ltd. Recruitment of Administrative Officers Examination

Held on 12-4-2015


1. How far is point D from point S ?

I. Pont R is 5 m to the south of point S. Point J is 5 m to the north of points S. Point D is 2 m to the west of point J. Point K is to the north of point D. The distance between points D and K is 2 m.

II. Point J is 5 m to the south of point D. Point M is 2 m to the east of point J. Point V is to the south of point M. The distance between points V and M is equal to the distance between points D and J. Point S is 2 m to the west of V.

(A)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the questions, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

(D)  The data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

(E)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

Answer: (C)

2. Among students P, Q, R, S and T, each having a different height, who is the third tallest ?

I. T is shorter than only one person. R is taller than both P and S.

II. P is taller than only one person. R is shorter than both T and Q.

(A)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the questions, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

(D)  The data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

(E)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

Answer: (C)

3. How is ‘time’ coded in the given code language ? (Note : All the codes are two letter codes only).

I. In the given code language, ‘take your own time’ is coded as ‘sa nv jr pt’ and in the same code language, ‘fix your study time’ is coded as ‘dq sa pt bz’.

II. In the given code language, ‘come by dinner time’ is coded as ‘od es rg sa’ and in the same code language, ‘come home some time’ is coded as ‘sa gk es co’.

(A)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the questions, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

(D)  The data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

(E)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

Answer: (E)

4. What is the position of B from the right end in a straight line of 8 people ? (Note : All are facing north.)

I. A sits second from the left end of the line. Only three people sit between A and U. B sits third to the right of X. Neither B nor X is an immediate neighbour of U.

II. Z sits at the extreme right end of the line. E sits third to the left of Z B sits exactly between E and R. U sits second to the right of B.

(A)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the questions, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

(D)  The data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

(E)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

Answer: (C)

5. How is B related to F ?

I. A is the son of Z. B is married to Z. F is the mother of B.

II. F is the wife of W, K and B are the children of W. A is the son of B.

(A)  The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the questions, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(B)  The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

(C)  The data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

(D)  The data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

(E)  The data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

Answer: (D)

Directions- Study the given information and answer the given question.

A consultant hired by company XYZ, concluded the following based upon the last five years’ database of the company.

(a) The less appreciated an employee feels his work is the more, money/reward he wants for it.

(b) An employee becomes more productive on seeing the fruits of his preivous labour.

(c) The harder project an employee accomplishes, the prouder he/she feels of it.

6. Which of the following incidents of company XYZ can not be a basis/source of the consultants conclusions ?

(A)  For the first time, Ms. Verma handled an extremely important project and succeeded in it with flying colours. This made her more tense than happy as now she would be expected to perform equally well every time

(B)  The performance of the production team saw a considerable improvement after the mid-year meeting in which presentations were shown on their previous accomplishments and future plans

(C)  The performance graph of Mr. Garg has become better since he has been shown the pictures of last years’ review when he received the award for ‘most hardworking employee’

(D)  Mr. Rathore successfully dealt with the first multinational project of the company. He had been one of the best performers since he joined the company, but his happiness of success this time was much more than in the previous ones

(E)  Mr. Dixits’s expectations of the yearly incentive amount is higher than other employees even though he is the least productive member of his team

Answer: (E)

7. Which of the following statements, if taken to be definitely true, contradicts the given conclusions of the Consultants ?

(A)  All the employees who demand rewards or a greater salary in company XYZ, are well appreciated high performers of the company

(B)  Even a small ‘good job’ or ‘well done’ is a better reinforcement than monetary rewards

(C)  One’s own previous accomplishments are their best competitors. A person always tries to out-to what he did earlier

(D)  The more difficult/complicated a task is, more focused and motivated is a person to fulfill it successfully

(E)  The employees who are satisfied with the work environment of company XYZ, are least bothered about the money they carry home every month

Answer: (A)

8. Read the given information and answer the question-

As per recent study it has been found that Company A of city X has the lowest level of attrition rate as compared to those of any other company in the city.

“The only reason for this, as I see it, is that Company A asks its prospective employees to sign a bond of minimum two years.” Statement by a local resident.

Which of the following weakens the statements of the resident suggesting that signing a bond with the employees is the only reason for lower attrition rate in the company ?

(A)  Company A is known for being employee friendly and most employees of the company rank very high on the job satisfaction test conducted by the company every year

(B)  Recent search in some major metropolitan cities of the country has suggested that signing a bond with the employee is one of the factors which influence attrition rate of the company

(C)  Now-a-days, many people in city X prefer to finish their education abroad and thereafter seek employment there

Answer: (B)

9. Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows-

“Although one would like to venture into areas where no competition exists, I would rather set-up my business where higher competition prospects are expected, “Ravi, the owner of a business start-up.

Which of the following statements support/s Ravi’s opinion ?

1. Competition leads to innovation. If one is the only player in the field, it becomes difficult to improve.

2. Chances of finding high efficiency job ready candidates is higher if many companies doing similar businesses exist.

3. Market challenges encourage one to pay greater attention to and concentrate more on target groups where benefits are maximum.

4. Less competition is an indicator of t he fact that existing market is too small to make the desired profits.

(A)  Only 4

(B)  Only 2

(C)  All 1, 2, 3 and 4

(D)  Only 3

(E)  None of these

Answer: (D)

Directions—Study the information carefully and answer the question.

    J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circular area at equal distances between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of the people are facing the centre while some face outside (i.e., in a direction opposite to the centre.)

Note-Facing the same direction means if one faces the centre then the other also faces the centre and vice-versa.

O sits second to the left of M. M faces the centre. K sits to the immediate left of O. Only three people sit between K and J. P sits third to the left of J. L sits to the immediate left of N. Immediate neighbours of K face opposite (i.e., if one neighbour faces the centre, the other neighbour faces outside and vice-versa.) N sits third to the right of K. Both N and L face opposite directions. Q faces the same direction as K.

10. Who sits exactly between O and P, when counted from the left of O?

(A)  Q

(B)  K

(C)  L

(D)  N

(E)  J

Answer: (B)

11. Four of the following five are alike based on the given seating arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?

(A)  P

(B)  J

(C)  Q

(D)  K

(E)  L

Answer: (E)

12. Who sits second to the left of J ?

(A)  K

(B)  L

(C)  M

(D)  P

(E)  Q

Answer: (B)

13. What is K’s position with respect to N ?

(A)  Second to the left

(B)  Immediate left

(C)  Immediate right

(D)  Third to the left

(E)  Third to the right

Answer: (D)

14. How many people in the given arrangement face the centre ?

(A)  Three

(B)  Two

(C)  Four

(D)  Five

(E)  One

Answer: (A)

Directions- Study the information carefully and answer the question.

    When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement : (All the numbers are two digit numbers)-

Input : 51 pour 32 start now 23 46 house.

Step I : 23 51 pour 32 start now 46 house.

Step II : 23 start 51 pour 32 now 46 house.

Step III : 23 start 32 51 pour now 46 house.

Step IV : 23 start 32 pour 51 now 46 house.

Step V : 23 start 32 pour 46 51 now house.

Step VI : 23 start 32 pour 46 now 51 house.

   and step VI is the last step of the above arrangement.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

15. Step II of an input is : 18 task bear cold dish 81 63 31.

How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement ?

(A)  Three

(B)  Four

(C)  Five

(D)  Six

(E)  None of these

Answer: (C)

16. Input : 72 59 37 go for picnic 24 journey

How many steps will take to complete the rearrangement ?

(A)  Three

(B)  Four

(C)  Five

(D)  Six

(E)  None of these

Answer: (D)

17. Input : nnice flower 34 12 costly height 41 56

Which of the following will be step III ?

(A)  12 nice 34 height flower costly 41 56

(B)  12 nice 34 height 41 flower costly 56

(C)  12 nice 34 flower costly height 41 56

(D)  12 nice flower 34 costly height 41 56

(E)  None of these

Answer: (A)

18. Step III of an input is : 15 yes 29 ask for soap 42 37

Which of the following is definitely the input ?

(A)  ask yes 29 15 for soap 42 37

(B)  yes ask 15 29 for soap 42 37

(C)  29 15 yes ask for soap 42 37

(D)  Cannot be determined

(E)  None of these

Answer: (A)

19. Step II of an input is : 16 victory 19 36 53 store lake town

Which of the following will be step V ?

(A)  16 victory 19 town store 36 53 lake

(B)  16 victory 19 town 36 store 53 lake

(C)  16 victory 19 town 36 53 store lake

(D)  There will be no such step

(E)  None of these

Answer: (D)

20. Statements :

No paper is a file:

Some papers are worksheets.

All worksheets are notebooks.

Conclusion :

I. Some notebooks are papers.

II. No notebook is a paper.

(A)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  Both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  Only conclusion I is true

(D)  Only conclusion II is true

(E)  Either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (E)

21. Statements :

No clue is a puzzle.

All riddles are puzzles.

All questions are clues.

Conclusions :

I. Atleast some puzzles are questions.

II. All clues are questions.

(A)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  Both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  Only conclusion I is true

(D)  Only conclusion II is true

(E)  Either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (A)

22. Statements :

Some controls are steers.

All steers are drives.

No drive is a navigation.

Conclusion :

I. Some drives are definitely not controls.

II. All navigations being controls is a possibility.

(A)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  Both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  Only conclusion I is true

(D)  Only conclusion II is true

(E)  Either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (C)

23. Statements :

Some controls are steers.

All steers are drives.

No drive is a navigation.

Conclusion :

I. Atleast some controls are drives.

II. All drives are steers.

(A)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  Both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  Only conclusion I is true

(D)  Only conclusion II is true

(E)  Either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (C)

24. Statements :

No paper is a file.

Some files are worksheets.

All worksheets are notebooks.

Conclusion :

I. Some worksheets being papers is a possibility.

II. Al files are notebooks.

(A)  Both conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  Both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  Only conclusion I is true

(D)  Only conclusion II  is true

(E)  Either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (C)

25. Statements :

No clue is a puzzle.

All riddles are puzzles.

All questions are clues.

Conclusion :

I. No question is a puzzle.

II. No riddle is a clue.

(A)  Neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  Both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  Only conclusion I is true

(D)  Only conclusion II is true

(E)  Either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (B)

Directions – Study the following information to answer the given question.

   Seven different people viz, J, K, L, M, N, O and P have to fly to different destinations viz., Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Lucknow and Chandigarh but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them flies on a different day of a week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday of the same week.

• P flies on Wednesday. The one who flies on Friday flies to Chennai.

• Only one person flies between P and J.

• Only two people flying between M and the one flying to Pune. The one who flies to Pune flies after M. M does not have his flight on Monday.

• Only three people have their flights between the people flying to Pune and Chandigarh.

• O flies immediately after the one flying to Mumabi. J does not fly to Mumbai. O does not fly to Pune.

• Only one person has his flight between O and L.

• The person flying to Delhi flies immediately after the person flying to Lucknow.

• K does not fly to Delhi.

26. Who amongst the following flies to Ahmedabad ?

(A)  J

(B)  M

(C)  K

(D)  P

(E)  O

Answer: (C)

27. On which of the following days does the one flying to Lucknow have has flight ?

(A)  Monday

(B)  Thursday

(C)  Tuesday

(D)  Saturday

(E)  Wednesday

Answer: (A)

28. On which of the following days does N have his flight ?

(A)  Sunday

(B)  Thursday

(C)  Monday

(D)  Saturday

(E)  Tuesday

Answer: (E)

29. Who amongst the following has his flight exactly between the days on which O and L have their respective flights ?

(A)  N

(B)  J

(C)  P

(D)  K

(E)  M

Answer: (D)

30. How many person are scheduled to fly between the flight to Mumbai and Pune ?

(A)  None

(B)  Two

(C)  Four

(D)  Three

(E)  One

Answer: (B)

31. Statements :

D ≥ E > P > L < H; R < N < L

Conclusion : I. N > D

II. H > R

(A)  neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  only conclusion I is true

(D)  only conclusion II is true

(E)  either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (D)

32. Statements :

S = H ≤ J ≤ K = L;

H > N < B; D ≥ L

Conclusion : I. N < L

II. K = B

(A)  neither conclusions I nor II is true

(B)  both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  only conclusion I is true

(D)  only conclusion II is true

(E)  either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (C)

33. Statements :

S = H ≤ J ≤ K = L;

H > N < B; D ≥ L

Conclusion : I. S = D

II. D > S

(A)  neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  both conclusion I and II are true

(C)  only conclusion I is true

(D)  only conclusion II is true

(E)  either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (E)

34. Statements :

B ≥ Z < X ≤ Q; B ≥ Y = L

Conclusion : I. L = Q

II. L > Q

(A)  neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  both conclusions I and II are true

(C)  only conclusion I is true

(D)  only conclusion II is true

(E)  either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (A)

35. Statements :

C > D ≥ F; R < M < F

Conclusion : I. C > M

II. R < D

(A)  neither conclusion I nor II is true

(B)  both conclusions I is true

(C)  only conclusion I is true

(D)  only conclusion II is true

(E)  either conclusion I or II is true

Answer: (B)

Directions-Study the given information and answer the given question.

    Eight people S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z live on eight different floors of a building not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 8.

Y lives on a odd numbered floor. U lives on a floor that is immediately below Y’s floor. Only four people live between W and S. S lives on one of the floors above W. Z lives on a floor which is immediately above S’s floor. X lives on a floor which is immediately above W’s floor. T does not live on floor numbered 2.

36. Which of the following statements is true according to the given arrangement ?

(A)  None of the given statements is true.

(B)  Only three people live between Y and W.

(C)  Z lives on floor numbered 6.

(D)  T lives on one of the floors below W’s floor.

(E)  Only one person lives above V’s floor

Answer: (A)

37. T lives on which of the following floor numbers ?

(A)  floor number 4

(B)  floor number 1

(C)  floor number 5

(D)  floor number 3

(E)  floor number 6

Answer: (E)

38. Who amongst the following lives on floor number 8 ?

(A)  U

(B)  V

(C)  Z

(D)  S

(E)  X

Answer: (C)

39. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group ?

(A)  YX

(B)  ZT

(C)  VX

(D)  TU

(E)  XU

Answer: (E)

40. Who amongst the following lives immediately below U’s floor ?

(A)  X

(B)  V

(C)  W

(D)  S

(E)  Z

Answer: (A)

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