Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Chandigarh Assistant Loco Pilot Examination Held on 13-02-2011 Question Paper With Answer Key

RRB Chandigarh Assistant Loco Pilot Examination Held on 13-02-2011

1. India’s highest award given for exceptional work in art and literature o the highest order is

(a)   Param Vir Chakra

(b)   Bharat Ratna

(c)   Jnanpith Award

(d)   Kalinga Awad

Answer: (c)

2. The first woman to climb Mount Everest was

(a)   Marie Jose Peree

(b)   Florence Griffith Joyner

(c)   Junko Tabej

(d)   Jackie Joyner Kersee

Answer: (c)

3. Who among the following got the ‘Bharat Ratna’ award, before becoming the President of India?

(a)   R Venkataraman

(b)   Dr Rajendra Prasad

(c)   Dr Zakir Hussain

(d)   VV Giri

Answer: (c)

4. Who is the author of the book ‘New Dimensions of India’s Foreign Policy’?

(a)   AB Vajpayee

(b)   Jaswant Singh

(c)   PC Alexander

(d)   Yashwant Sinha

Answer: (a)

5. The United Nations Organization came into existence on

(a)   Oct 24, 1945

(b)   Dec 24, 1945

(c)   Aug 30, 1945

(d)   None of these

Answer: (c)

6. Which among the following statements is/are correct?

(1) India’s main export to China includes cotton and iron ore.

(2) In 2010, China’s exports to India was almost double to that of what India exported to China.

(a)   1 only

(b)   2 only

(c)   Both 1 and 2

(d)   Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (c)

7. National Commission for Minority Educational Institution (NCMEI) is based in

(a)   Mumbai

(b)   New Delhi

(c)   Chennai

(d)   Ghaziabad

Answer: (b)

8. If  then a/b is

(a)   16 × 104

(b)   16 × 103

(c)   16 × 105

(d)   None of these

Answer: (d)

9. The value of  is

(a)   12

(b)   16

(c)   18

(d)   24

Answer: (a)

10. If  the value of x is

(a)   √5

(b)   √10

(c)   10

(d)   5

Answer: (b)

11. is equal to

(a)   1/3

(b)   1

(c)   3


Answer: (c)

12. If n(A ∪ B) = 727, n(A) = 600 and n(A ∩ B) = 127. Then, n(B) is equal to

(a)   324

(b)   292

(c)   254

(d)   236

Answer: (c)

13. The greatest number which when divided by 989 and 1327 leaves remainder 5 and 7 respectively, is

(a)   8

(b)   16

(c)   24

(d)   32

Answer: (c)

14. If α and β are the roots of the equation x2 – 5x + 6 = 0, then the value of α2 – β2 is

(a)   5

(b)   −5

(c)   ±5

(d)   ±4

Answer: (c)

15. The ratio of incomes of P and Q is 3 : 4 and the ratio of their expenditures is 2 : 3. If both of them save Rs 6000, the income of P is

(a)   Rs 20000

(b)   Rs 12000

(c)   Rs 18000

(d)   Rs 24000

Answer: (c)

16. A, B and C are partners of a company. During a particular year A received one-third of the profit. B received one-fourth of a profit and C received the remaining Rs 5000. How much did A received?

(a)   Rs 5000

(b)   Rs 4000

(c)   Rs 3000

(d)   Rs 1000

Answer: (b)

17. By selling a tape recorder for Rs 950, I loss 5%. What per cent shall I gain by selling it for Rs 1040?

(a)   5%

(b)   4%

(c)   4.5%

(d)   9%

Answer: (b)

18. The average salary of all the worker of workshop is Rs 8000. The average salary of 7 technicians is Rs 12000 and the average salary of the rest is Rs 6000. The total number of workers in the workshop is

(a)   20

(b)   21

(c)   23

(d)   22

Answer: (b)

19. If  is equal to

(a)   9/25

(b)   12/25

(c)   3/4

(d)   1/25

Answer: (b)

20. The values of x in the equation a2b2x2 – (a2 + b2) x + 1, a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0, is

(a)   1/a2

(b)   1/b2

(c)   1/a2/, 1/b2

(d)   None of these

Answer: (c)

21. Mid points of the sides AB and AC of a ∆ABC are (3, 5) and (−3, −3) respectively, then the length of the side BC is

(a)   10

(b)   20

(c)   15

(d)   30

Answer: (b)

22. Kamla got married 6 yr ago. Today her age is  times of her age at the time of marriage. Her son’s age is 1/10 times her age. Her son’s age is

(a)   4 yr

(b)   5 yr

(c)   2 yr

(d)   3 yr

Answer: (d)

23. In measuring the sides of a rectangle errors of 5% and 3% in excess are made. The error per cent in calculated area is

(a)   8.15%

(b)   7.25%

(c)   8.35%

(d)   7.35%

Answer: (a)

24. The simple interests on a certain sum at 5% per annum for 3 yr and 4 yr differ by Rs 42. The sum is

(a)   Rs 210

(b)   Rs 280

(c)   Rs 750

(d)   Rs 840

Answer: (d)

25. A and B are two sets given in such a way that A × B contains 6 elements. If three elements of A × B be (1, 3), (2, 5) and (3, 3). Then, the remaining elements are

(a)   (1, 3), (2, 3) and (3, 5)

(b)   (2, 3) (3, 1) and (4, 5)

(c)   (2, 3), (3, 4) and (4, 5)

(d)   (1, 5), (2, 3) and (3, 5)

Answer: (d)

26. If a = log24 12, b = log36 = 24, c = log48 Then, 1 + abc is equal to

(a)   2 ac

(b)   2 bc

(c)   2\ab

(d)   None of these

Answer: (b)

27. A trader marks his goods at 50% above the cost price but allows a discount of 20% on the market price. The profit per cent is

(a)   15%

(b)   25%

(c)   20%

(d)   10%

Answer: (c)

28. A train covers a distance of 10 km in 12 min. If its speed is decreased by 5 km/h, the time taken by it to cover the same distance will be

(a)   10 min

(b)   11 min 20 s

(c)   13 min 20 s

(d)   13 min

Answer: (c)

29. If the length of the diagonal of a square is 20 cm, then its perimeter must be

(a)   40√2 cm

(b)   40 cm

(c)   200 cm

(d)   10√2 cm

Answer: (a)

30. If √3 tan 2θ – 3 = 0, then the angle θ is

(a)   30°

(b)   60°

(c)   90°

(d)   None of these

Answer: (a)

31. What must be added to 1/x to make it equal to x?



(c)   1/x

(d)   None of these

Answer: (a)

32. If the height of a given cone be doubled and radius of base remains the same, the ratio of the volume of the given cone to that the second cone will be

(a)   2 : 1

(b)   1 : 8

(c)   1 : 2

(d)   8 : 1

Answer: (c)

33. In a certain code language ‘STEAMER’ is written as ‘TUFBNFS’. How will ‘HOUSE’ be written in that code?

(a)   IPVUF

(b)   IPUTF

(c)   IPVTF

(d)   IPVSF

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 34-36) The following questions consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.

34. Elevated : Exalted

(a)   Dirty : Filthy

(b)   Disorderly : Unfaithful

(c)   Raise : Commensurate

(d)   Promoted : Excellence

Answer: (a)

35. Badminton : Court

(a)   Hockey : Stick

(b)   Cricket : Bat

(c)   Skating : Rink

(d)   Football : Goal

Answer: (c)

36. Cat : Mouse

(a)   Horse : Stable

(b)   Trap : Cheese

(c)   Bird : Worm

(d)   Lion : Cage

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 37-39) In each of the following questions, four numbers are given. Out of these, three are alike in a certain way but the one is different. Choose the one which is different from the rest three.


(a)   12

(b)   10

(c)   11

(d)   15

Answer: (c)


(a)   87

(b)   49

(c)   132

(d)   154

Answer: (b)


(a)   21

(b)   69

(c)   31

(d)   93

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 40-45) In each of the following questions, a number series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and fill in the blank spaces.

40. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …….

(a)   9

(b)   11

(c)   13

(d)   15

Answer: (c)

41. 5, 1.5, 4.5, 13.5, ………

(a)   45.5

(b)   39.5

(c)   30.5

(d)   40.5

Answer: (d)

42. 121, 225, 361, …….

(a)   441

(b)   484

(c)   529

(d)   729

Answer: (c)

43. There are five different houses. A to E, in a row. A is to the right of B and E is to the left of C and right of A. B is to the right of D. Which of the houses is in the middle?

(a)   A

(b)   B

(c)   D

(d)   E

Answer: (a)

44. Shrikant is shorter than Nilima. Pratima is taller than Shrikant. Subhash is taller than Nilima but shorter than Heramb. Nilima is taller than Pratima. Who will be in the middle if they stand in a row according to descending order of height?

(a)   Pratima

(b)   Subhash

(c)   Shrikant

(d)   Nilima

Answer: (d)

45. Sumeet started walking straight towards South. He walked a distance of 15 m and then took a left turn and walked a distance of 30 m. Then, he took a right turn and walked a distance of 15 m again. Sumeet is facing which direction?

(a)   North-East

(b)   South

(c)   North

(d)   South-West

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 46-47) In each of the following questions, a set of figures carrying certain characters, is given. Assuming that the characters in each set follow a similar pattern, find the missing character in each case.


(a)   48

(b)   32

(c)   35

(d)   120

Answer: (b)


(a)   12

(b)   6

(c)   9

(d)   7

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 48-49) In the following questions, three classes are given. Out of the four figures that follow, you are to indicate which figure will best represent the relationship among the three classes.

48. Proton, Electron, Atom

Answer: (b)

49. Science, Physics, Chemistry

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 50-53) Find the odd figure from given figures.


Answer: (d)


Answer: (a)


Answer: (b)


Answer: (c)

54. A person covers half the distance with speed v­1 and remaining half with speed v2. The average speed is given by





Answer: (b)

55. A body travels a distance x in first two seconds and a distance y in next two seconds. The relation between x and y is

(a)   y = 4x

(b)   y = x

(c)   y = 3x

(d)   y = 2x

Answer: (c)

56. The kinetic energy of a body increases by 300%. The linear momentum of the body increases by

(a)   300%

(b)   150%

(c)   100%

(d)   50%

Answer: (c)

57. When a body is wholly or partially immersed in a liquid it appears to lose weight. This loss of weight is equal to the weight o f

(a)   water displaced by the  body

(b)   liquid displaced by the body

(c)   equal volume of water

(d)   equal volume of liquid

Answer: (b)

58. Which of the following have the same dimensional formula?

(a)   Force, momentum and power

(b)   Impulse and momentum

(c)   Work, couple and power

(d)   Pressure, force and stress

Answer: (b)

59. A piece of ice is floating in a jar containing water. When the ice melts, then the level of water

(a)   rises

(b)   falls

(c)   remains unchanged

(d)   rises or falls depending upon the mass of ice

Answer: (c)

60. If two liquids of same volume but different densities ρ1 and ρ2 are mixed, then density of mixture is given by





Answer: (a)

61. The quantity of heat required to raise one mole through one degree Celsius for a monoatomic gas at constant volume is

(a)   R/2

(b)   3R/2

(c)   5R/2

(d)   7R/2

Answer: (b)

62. The molar specific heat at constant pressure for monoatomic gas is

(a)   R

(b)   2R

(c)   3R

(d)   5R/2

Answer: (d)

63. Heat required to convert one gram of ice at 0°C into steam at 100°C is

(a)   100 cal

(b)   0.01 kcal

(c)   716

(d)   1 kcal

Answer: (c)

64. The rate of transmission of heat is maximum is

(a)   radiation

(b)   convection

(c)   forced convection

(d)   conduction

Answer: (a)

65. Which of the following is known as metal of future?

(a)   Steel

(b)   Iron

(c)   Copper

(d)   Titanium

Answer: (d)

66. The sound waves are mechanical transverse waves

(a)   mechanical transverse waves

(b)   mechanical longitudinal waves

(c)   electromagnetic transverse waves

(d)   electromagnetic longitudinal waves

Answer: (b)

67. A monochromatic beam of light passes from denser medium into a rarer medium. As a result

(a)   its velocity increases

(b)   its velocity decreases

(c)   its frequency decreases

(d)   its wavelength decreases

Answer: (a)

68. Vanila is obtained from

(a)   Poppy

(b)   Orchid

(c)   Rose

(d)   Jasmine

Answer: (b)

69. The electric potential at a point, on the axis of an electric dipole, varies with the distance r of the point from the dipoles as

(a)   ∝ 1/r

(b)   ∝ 1/r2

(c)   ∝ r

(d)   ∝ 1/r3

Answer: (b)

70. A cell of emf 1.5 V is connected with an external resistance 20 Ω. The PD falls to 1 V. The internal resistance of cell is

(a)   1.5 Ω

(b)   1 Ω

(c)   10 Ω

(d)   2 Ω

Answer: (c)

71. Kirchhoff’s second law is based on the law of conservation of

(a)   charge

(b)   momentum

(c)   angular momentum

(d)   energy

Answer: (d)

72. Which first metal was discovered by primitive man?

(a)   Iron

(b)   Copper

(c)   Lead

(d)   Bronze

Answer: (b)

73. In electroplating, the metal to be deposited is made

(a)   Cathode

(b)   Anode

(c)   Electrolyte

(d)   None of these

Answer: (b)

74. Atmospheric oxygen is renewed by

(a)   Evaporation

(b)   Oxidation

(c)   Photosynthesis

(d)   Respiration

Answer: (c)

75. Which of the following is non-living renewable resource?

(a)   Apple

(b)   Milk

(c)   Solar energy

(d)   Cotton clothes

Answer: (c)

76. Which of the following is noble metal?

(a)   Copper

(b)   Iron

(c)   Gold

(d)   Aluminium

Answer: (c)

77. When sodium reacts with cold water, it forms

(a)   Sodium hydroxide and oxygen

(b)   Sodium hydroxide and hydrogen

(c)   Sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide

(d)   None of the above

Answer: (b)

78. Which of the following is very reactive and kept in kerosene?

(a)   Iodine

(b)   Bromine

(c)   Sodium

(d)   Potassium

Answer: (c)

79. Which of the following is similar to cotton?

(a)   Nylon

(b)   Dacron

(c)   Rayon

(d)   Terylene

Answer: (c)

80. Which of the following do not soften upon heating?

(a)   Lucite

(b)   Bakelite

(c)   Polystyrene

(d)   Polythene

Answer: (b)

81. Kelp is

(a)   red algae

(b)   blue-green algae

(c)   brown algae

(d)   All of these

Answer: (d)

82. Rich source of iodine is

(a)   red algae

(b)   green algae

(c)   blue-green algae

(d)   brown algae

Answer: (d)

83. Which of the following is beneficial to crop fields?

(a)   Weeds

(b)   Earthworms

(c)   Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

(d)   None of these

Answer: (b)

84. Which of the following is synthetic fertilizer?

(a)   Compost

(b)   Humus

(c)   Urea

(d)   None of these

Answer: (c)

85. Pepper Research Institute is located at

(a)   Thiruananthpuran

(b)   Kollam (Kerala)

(c)   Kozhikode (Kerala)

(d)   Panniyur (Kerala)

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 86-88) Find out the part which has an error in the following sentences. If there is no answer, your answer is (d).

86. Kalidas had to his credit / (a) a number of works either of which was / (b) good enough to make him immortal. / (c) No error (d)

Answer: (b)

87. Science can do something / (a) far bigger for the human mind than / (b) the substitution of one set of beliefs for another. / (c) No error (d)

Answer: (b)

88. He is working hard / (a) with a view / (b) to compete with Mohan. (c) No error (d)

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 89-91) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

89. His answer was such ………… I expected him to give.

(a)   which

(b)   that

(c)   as

(d)   whom

Answer: (c)

90. However much you may travel, you cannot know the …….. ?

(a)   country

(b)   universe

(c)   people

(d)   world

Answer: (d)

91. ………. had he arrived at the station when the train steamed off.

(a)   No sooner

(b)   As soon as

(c)   Scarcely

(d)   The moment

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 92-94) In each of the following questions, find out the alternative which means most nearly the same as the word given in capitals.


(a)   Provoked

(b)   Instigated

(c)   Aroused

(d)   Awakened

Answer: (c)


(a)   Propriety

(b)   Sacredness

(c)   Purity

(d)   Consecration

Answer: (b)


(a)   Flamy

(b)   Fuel

(c)   Frank

(d)   Slander

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 95-97) In the following questions, choose word opposite in meaning of the word given in capital letters.


(a)   Silent

(b)   Expressed

(c)   Impertinent

(d)   Disarming

Answer: (b)


(a)   Indulge

(b)   Azure

(c)   Relieve

(d)   Kill

Answer: (a)

97. KIND

(a)   Indulgent

(b)   Prejudiced

(c)   Arbitrary

(d)   Cruel

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 98-100) Choose the alternatives which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

98. One who sacrifices his life for a cause

(a)   Soldier

(b)   Revolutionary

(c)   Martyr

(d)   Patriot

Answer: (c)

99. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge

(a)   Pedantic

(b)   Ornate

(c)   Verbose

(d)   Pompous

Answer: (a)

100. One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil

(a)   Agnostic

(b)   Cynic

(c)   Sceptic

(d)   Misogynist

Answer: (b)

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