Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Chennai Traffic Apprentice (TA) & Commercial Apprentice (CA) Examination Held on 08-01-2006 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Chennai Traffic Apprentice (TA) & Commercial Apprentice (CA) Examination Held on 08-01-2006


1. Red panda tigers are found in

(a)  Jammu and Kashmir

(b)  Himachal Pradesh

(c)  Sikkim

(d)  Goa

Answer: (c)

2. Birbal Sahani was

(a)  Zoologist

(b)  Founder of CDRT

(c)  Botanist

(d)  Traveller

Answer: (c)

3. The Nobel Prize of literature 2003 was awarded to Mr. JM Coetzee. he belonged to

(a)  South Africa

(b)  USA

(c)  Iran

(d)  UK

Answer: (a)

4. The father of taxonomy is

(a)  Linnaeus

(b)  Charles Darwin

(c)  Theophrastus

(d)  Aristotle

Answer: (a)

5. Rayon fibre is manufactured from

(a)  Petroleum

(b)  Cellulose

(c)  Naphtha

(d)  Chemical

Answer: (b)

6. Primary sector is related to

(a)  Industry

(b)  Trade

(c)  Agriculture

(d)  Banking

Answer: (c)

7. The rare species couple is

(a)  Indian peacock-Carrot grass

(b)  Rhesus monkey-Teakwood

(c)  Garden lizard-Mexican animal

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (a)

8. Rajya Sabha is called a permanent body because

(a)  all the members are members for life

(b)  it can never b e dissolved

(c)  one-third members retire after every two years

(d)  It remains in session throughout the years

Answer: (c)

9. The Constitutional amendment cannot be made

(a)  by simple majority o f Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

(b)  by 2/3rd majority of members of parliament

(c)  by 2/3rd majority of MPs and 1/3rd majority of States

(d)  plebiscite

Answer: (d)

10. A republic is

(a)  only a democratic state

(b)  a presidential type government ruled state

(c)  a parliamentary type government rule state

(d)  a state where head of the state is not hereditary

Answer: (d)

11. The rainfall at a place is based on

(a)  the direction of mountains

(b)  the evaporation of water in the sea

(c)  the strength of summer season

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (a)

12. In which article of the constitution the right to amend the Constitution has been provided to the Parliament?

(a)  370

(b)  368

(c)  390

(d)  376

Answer: (b)

13. When was the National Emergency promulgated in India for the first time?

(a)  1962

(b)  1966

(c)  1978

(d)  1987

Answer: (a)

14. A political party is recognized as a National Party

(a)  when it contests elections in all states

(b)  when it secures atleast 5% of the total votes cast in the national elections

(c)  if it is recognized as a political party in four or more states

(d)  if it captures power in atleast three states

Answer: (b)

15. Which gland in the human body is called the master gland?

(a)  Pancreas

(b)  Thyroid

(c)  Pituitary

(d)  Spleen

Answer: (b)

16. Which one of the methods was not adopted by Wellesley to achieve his political aims?

(a)  Subsidiary

(b)  Mediatization

(c)  War

(d)  Trickery

Answer: (b)

17. Who established the tradition of laying out formal gardens with running water?

(a)  Babar

(b)  Sher Shah

(c)  Akbar

(d)  Shah Jahan

Answer: (a)

18. Which one of the following is an autobiography?

(a)  Akbar-nama

(b)  Humayun-nama

(c)  Padshah-nama

(d)  Babar-nama

Answer: (d)

19. Which one of the following was not written by Mulk Raj Anand?

(a)  Coolie

(b)  The Sword and the Sickle

(c)  The Village

(d)  The Dark Room

Answer: (d)

20. Which one of the followings places was famous for the manufacture of carpets in the Vijayanagar empire?

(a)  Pulicat

(b)  Vijayanagar

(c)  Calicut

(d)  Warangal

Answer: (d)

21. In a division sum, the divisor is 12 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder. If the remainder is 48, what is dividend?

(a)  4848

(b)  676

(c)  250

(d)  5800

Answer: (a)

22. Which pair of national numbers lies between 1/5 and 2/5?





Answer: (a)

23. If  then the value of  is

(a)  1.49985

(b)  14.9985

(c)  149.985

(d)  1499.85

Answer: (b)

24. 21 mango trees, 42 apple trees and 56 orange trees have to be planted in rows such that each row contains the same number of trees of one variety only. Minimum number of rows in which the above trees may be planted is

(a)  13

(b)  15

(c)  17

(d)  120

Answer: (c)

25. Four bells toll at interval of 6, 8, 12 and 18 s. If they begin to toll at 12 together, the least time after than they will again toll together is

(a)  1 min and 12 s

(b)  1 min and 15 s

(c)  1 min and 20 s

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (a)

26. If the length of a train is 150 m and it clears a pole in 12 s, what is the speed of the train in km/h?

(a)  60

(b)  50

(c)  75

(d)  45

Answer: (d)

27. A hare, preceded by a greyhound is 87.5 m before him. While the hare takes 4 leaps, the greyhound takes 3 leaps. If the greyhound and the hare go  respectively in one leap, in how many leaps will the greyhound overtake the hare?

(a)  120

(b)  210

(c)  170

(d)  200

Answer: (b)

28. A monkey climbing up a greased pole, ascends 5 m and slips down 2 m in alternate minutes. If the pole is 35 m high, then the monkey will reach the top in

(a)  11 min

(b)  11 min 24 s

(c)  11 min 36 s

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (d)

29. Walking 6/7 of his usual rate, a man is 25 min late, find his usual time.

(a)  1 h 20 min

(b)  2 h 30 min

(c)  3 h

(d)  4 h 10 min

Answer: (b)

30. If two numbers are respectively 30% and 40% more than a third number, what per cent is the first to the second?

(a)  85




Answer: (b)

31. A large watermelon weights 20 kg with 96% of its weight being water. It is allowed to stand in the sun and some of the water evaporates so that now only 95% of its weight is water. Its reduced weight will be

(a)  18 kg

(b)  17 kg

(c)  16.5 kg

(d)  16 kg

Answer: (d)

32. The petrol prices are reduced by 10%. Find by how much a user must increase the consumption of petrol so as not to decrease his expenditure on petrol?




(d)  14%

Answer: (a)

33. A sum of Rs 20000 is to be divided between two brothers aged 15 yr and 13 yr so that at that age of 18 they get equal amount while the compound rate of interest is 5% per annum. What is the amount received b y the younger brother?

(a)  Rs 8123.50

(b)  Rs 1213.50

(c)  Rs 9512.50

(d)  Rs 1000.50

Answer: (c)

34. In a class there are 30 boys whose average weight is decreased by 200 g. When one boy whose weight is 25 kg leaves the class a new one is admitted. Find the weight of the newcomer.

(a)  16 kg

(b)  17 kg

(c)  18 kg

(d)  19 kg

Answer: (d)

35. If one side of a rectangle is increased by 50% while the other side is decreased by 50%, the area of the resulting rectangle will be how many per cent more or less than the area of the original rectangle?

(a)  No change in area

(b)  10% decrease in area

(c)  25% increase in area

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (d)

36. in lowest form is




(d)  None of the above

Answer: (a)

37. If x > 0 and  to infinity, then the value of x is equal to

(a)  2

(b)  3

(c)  4

(d)  6

Answer: (b)

38. In a group of 75 persons 25 read, The Times of India but not Hindustan Times, 30 read Hindustan Times but not The Times of India. How many persons read both the newspapers? When there is not a single person who does not read any of these papers.

(a)  30

(b)  20

(c)  15

(d)  None of these

Answer: (b)

39. If the sum and difference of two expressions are 5a2 – a – 4 and a2 + 9a – 10 respectively, then their LCM is

(a)  (a – 1) (a + 1) (3a – 7)

(b)  (a – 1) (3a – 7) (2a – 3)

(c)  (a – 1) (3a + 7) (2a – 3)

(d)  (a – 1)(3a – 7) (2a + 3)

Answer: (c)

40. If the HCF and LCM of x2 – 4 and the polynomial P(x) are x2 – 4 and x(x2 – 4) respectively, then P(x) is

(a)  x

(b)  x(x2 – 4)2

(c)  x(x2 – 4)

(d)  x2 – 4

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 41-44) In the following questions, three out of the four alternatives are same in a certain way and so form a group. Find the odd one that does not  belong to the group.


(a)  Java

(b)  Tasmania

(c)  Malaysia

(d)  Cuba

Answer: (b)


(a)  Madurai

(b)  Ellora

(c)  Khajuraho

(d)  Dilwara

Answer: (d)


(a)  JKNQ

(b)  DEGJ

(c)  QRTW

(d)  YZBE

Answer: (a)


(a)  10 : 91

(b)  9 : 80

(c)  1 : 0

(d)  6 : 35

Answer: (a)

45. England is related to ‘Atlantic Ocean’ in the same way as ‘Greenland’ is related to

(a)  Pacific Ocean

(b)  Atlantic Ocean

(c)  Antarctic Ocean

(d)  Arctic Ocean

Answer: (d)

46. Inspiration : Poetry as

(a)  Music : Notes

(b)  Dirt : Disease

(c)  Brush : Painting

(d)  Though : Mind

Answer: (c)

47. Choose the missing word in the place of the sign(?). On the basis of the relationship between the words given on the left and side of the sign (?). Anaemia : Blood : : Anarchy

(a)  Disorder

(b)  Monarchy

(c)  Government

(d)  Lawlessness

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 48-52) Read the information and answer the questions based on them.

The members of a Bank are Mr. A, Mr. B, Mrs. C, Miss D, Mr. E and Miss F. The positions they occupy are Manager, Asst. Manager, Cashier, Steno, Teller and a Clerk, though not necessarily in order. The Asst. Manager is Manger’s grandson. Cashier is Stenographer’s son-in-law. Mr. A is bachelor. Miss D is Teller’s stepsister and Mr. E is Manager’s neighbour. Mr. B cannot have a grandson or son-in-law as he is only 20 yr old.

48. Who is the Manager?

(a)  Mr. A

(b)  Mrs. C

(c)  Mr. E

(d)  Cannot be determined

Answer: (b)

49. Who is the Asst. Manager?

(a)  Mr. A

(b)  Miss F

(c)  Mrs. C

(d)  Mr. B

Answer: (a)

50. Who is Teller?

(a)  Miss F

(b)  Mrs. C

(c)  Mr. A

(d)  Miss D

Answer: (a)

51. Who is the Clerk?

(a)  Mr. B

(b)  Miss D

(c)  Miss F

(d)  Cannot be determined

Answer: (b)

52. Who is the Cashier?

(a)  Either Mr. A or Mr. B

(b)  Miss F

(c)  None

(d)  Mr. B

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 53-57) In each of the following questions, a part of the figure is missing. Find out from the given options (a), (b), (c) and (d) the right figure to fit in the missing place.


Answer: (b)


Answer: (c)


Answer: (d)


Answer: (a)


Answer: (c)

58. How many squares are there in the following figure?

(a)  5

(b)  9

(c)  7

(d)  None of these

Answer: (b)

59. How many triangles are there in the following figure?

(a)  12

(b)  15

(c)  13

(d)  None of these

Answer: (b)

60. Radha remembers that her father’s birthday is after 16th but before 21st of March, while her brother Mahesh remembers that his father’s birthday is before 22nd but after 19th of March. On which date is the birthday of their father?

(a)  20th

(b)  19th

(c)  21st

(d)  Can’t be remembered

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 61-64) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given  below it.

Five friends A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench.

(i) A is sitting next to B

(ii) C is sitting next to D

(iii) E is on the left end of the bench

(iv) E is on the left end of the bench

(v) C is on second position from right

(vi) A is on the right side of B and to the right side of E

(vii) A and C are sitting together

61. At what position is A sitting?

(a)  Between B and C

(b)  Right side of C

(c)  Between E and D

(d)  Between C and E

Answer: (b)

62. Who is sitting at the centre?

(a)  A

(b)  B

(c)  C

(d)  D

Answer: (b)

63. What is the position of B?

(a)  Second from right

(b)  Centre

(c)  Extreme left

(d)  Second from left

Answer: (b)

64. What is the position of D?

(a)  Extreme left

(b)  Extreme right

(c)  Third from left

(d)  Second from left

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 65-69) In the following items some parts of the sentence have been jumbled up. You are required to re-arrange these parts which are labeled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.

65. The collector said that the

P : supply of water for irrigation

Q : dams should receive water

R : upto a particular level

S : to ensure uninterrupted

The correct sequence should be

(a)  QRSP

(b)  RQSP

(c)  SPRQ

(d)  SRPQ

Answer: (a)

66. Jawaharlal Nehru

P : under the Cabinet Mission Scheme

Q : was the first to articulate

R : long before such an assembly was set up

S: the idea of a Constituent Assembly

The correct sequence should be

(a)  PRSQ

(b)  QPSR

(c)  QSPR

(d)  RPSQ

Answer: (c)

67. We have increased

P : in the atmosphere

Q : the amount of carbon dioxide

R : despite a scientific consensus

S : that global temperatures are rising as a result

The correct sequence should be

(a)  QPRS

(b)  RSPQ

(c)  PRSQ

(d)  QPSR

Answer: (a)

68. Work is the one thing

P : and without it

Q : that is necessary

R : to keep the world going

S : we all should die

The correct sequence should be

(a)  QPSR

(b)  QRPS

(c)  RPQS

(d)  SRPQ

Answer: (b)

69. Though my father

P : he is deeply concerned

Q : about their needs

R : makes h is children

S : carry out their duties promptly

The correct sequence should be

(a)  RSPQ

(b)  PRQS

(c)  RSQP

(d)  PQRS

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 70-74) Each of the following five items consist of a word in capital letters, followed by four words or group of words. Select the word or group of words that is most similar in meaning to the word in capital letters.


(a)  heartless

(b)  hypnotical

(c)  absurd

(d)  abnormal

Answer: (d)


(a)  unclear

(b)  unruly

(c)  disorderly

(d)  noisy

Answer: (c)


(a)  magnificence

(b)  divinity

(c)  holiness

(d)  power

Answer: (a)


(a)  sluggish

(b)  slow

(c)  inactive

(d)  slothful

Answer: (b)


(a)  unlawful

(b)  deadly

(c)  sluggish

(d)  smooth

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 75-79) Each of the following five items consists of a word in capital letters, followed by four words or groups of words. Select the word or group of words that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


(a)  pedantic

(b)  explicit

(c)  implicit

(d)  obnoxious

Answer: (b)


(a)  efficiency

(b)  readiness

(c)  resourcefulness

(d)  intervention

Answer: (a)


(a)  lovely

(b)  attractive

(c)  delightful

(d)  distinctive

Answer: (a)


(a)  cooperative

(b)  generous

(c)  helpful

(d)  frank

Answer: (d)


(a)  through

(b)  careful

(c)  systematic

(d)  superficial

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 80-84) In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the six sentences (S6) are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences.

80. S1 : Satyajit Ray made several films for children.

S6 : But today few think of Ray as a maker of children’s films.

P : Later film-makers have followed his lead.

Q : Today other nations are making children’s films in a big way.

R : This ways at a time when no director considered children as potential audience.

S : Ray was thus a pioneer in the field.

The correct sequence should be

(a)  PSRQ

(b)  RSQP

(c)  RSPQ

(d)  SQRP

Answer: (c)

81. S1 : We are what our thoughts have made us.

S6 : If good impressions prevail, the character becomes good, if bad it  become bad.

P : And do take care of what you think.

Q : Every man’s character is determined by the sum total of these impressions.

R : Every work we do, every thought that we think, leaves an impression on the mind stuff.

S : Thoughts live; they travel far.

The correct sequence should be

(a)  SPRQ

(b)  RQSP

(c)  SPQR

(d)  RQPS

Answer: (a)

82. S1 : The invention of printing is a milestone in the history of civilization.

S6 : With this invention to aid, new ideas spread all over Europe.

P : In the middle ages all books were copied by hand.

Q : As time went on, all could possess copies of the great classics.

R : Books were hence rare and costly.

S : After1460, printing made a plentiful of books possible.

The correct sequence should be

(a)  PSQR

(b)  PRSQ

(c)  SQRP

(d)  SRPQ

Answer: (b)

83. S1 : Growing up means not only getting larger, but also using our brains to become more aware of the things around

S6 : In other words, we must develop and use our ability to reason, because the destruction or the preservation of the places in which we live depends on us.

P : Not only does he have a memory but he is able to think and reason.

Q : In this, man differs from all other animals.

R : Before we spray our roadside plants or turn sewage into our rivers, we should pause to think what the results of our actions are likely to be.

S : This is to say, he is able to plan what he is going to do in the light of his experience before he does it.

The correct sequence should be

(a)  QRSP

(b)  SPQR

(c)  SPRQ

(d)  QPSR

Answer: (d)

84. S1 : There was a boy named Jack.

S6 : Atleast she turned him out of the  house.

P : So the mother asked him to find work.

Q : They were very poor.

R : He lived with his mother.

S : But Jack refused to work.

The correct sequence should be

(a)  RQPS

(b)  PQRS

(c)  QPRS

(d)  RPSQ

Answer: (a)

85. Substances which are obtained from micro-organisms but used to destroy micro-organisms are

(a)  Antigens

(b)  Antibiotics

(c)  Antibodies

(d)  Antiseptics

Answer: (b)

86. Which of the following is a chemical compound?

(a)  Air

(b)  Oxygen

(c)  Ammonia

(d)  Mercury

Answer: (c)

87. Consider the following statements.

(i) Alluvial soil is rich in chemical properties and is capable of yielding Rabi and Kharif crops.

(ii) Black soil is suitable for cotton, groundnut.

(iii) Rabi crops are reaped in autumn after sowing in June.

Which of these statements are correct?

(a)  (i), (ii) and (iii)

(b)  (i) and (ii)

(c)  (ii) and (iii)

(d)  (i) and (iii)

Answer: (b)

88. Which of the following is detected and estimated by the “Pollution Check” carried out on motor cars at service stations?

(a)  Lead and carbon particles

(b)  Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur

(c)  Carbon monoxide

(d)  Carbon dioxide

Answer: (a)

89. Which one of the following elements is not naturally found in human beings?

(a)  Copper

(b)  Zinc

(c)  Iodine

(d)  Lead

Answer: (d)

90. The name ‘Bihar’ derived its name from

(a)  Stupa

(b)  Place of recreation

(c)  Buddhist hall of worship

(d)  Buddhist monastery

Answer: (d)

91. Source of river Burhigandak is

(a)  Rajmahal Hills

(b)  Mandar Hills

(c)  Barare Hills

(d)  Someshwar Hills

Answer: (d)

92. Treaty of Sugauli was signed in which year?

(a)  1796 AD

(b)  1810 AD

(c)  1816 AD

(d)  1860 AD

Answer: (c)

93. Why does a train stop when you pull the chain?

(a)  By pulling the chain the bakes of the engine are pulled and the train stops

(b)  As soon as the chain is pulled, vacuum breaks, air rushes in and bakes are applied

(c)  By pulling the chain the driver gets the alarm signal and he applies the brakes

(d)  Automatic brakes are attached to the engine

Answer: (b)

94. Who were involved in designing the city of New Delhi?

(a)  Edward Lutyens and Edward Baker

(b)  RF Chisholm and H irwin

(c)  FS Grose and Agq.

(d)  G Wittet and Swifon Jacob

Answer: (a)

95. Which of the following is/are true in respect of the Bhakti Movement in South India?

(i) It was led by a series of popular Saints.

(ii) Its protagonists spoke and wrote in Sanskrit.

(iii) It opposed the caste system as such.

(iv) Women did not take an active part in its propagation.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.

(a)  (i) and (ii)

(b)  (i) and (iii)

(c)  Only (i)

(d)  Only (iv)

Answer: (b)

96. Who among the following has mentioned with horror the scenes of a woman burning herself in the funeral pyre is her husband with great beatings of drums?

(a)  Ibn Batutah

(b)  Barani

(c)  Badauni

(d)  Amir Khusrau

Answer: (a)

97. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

Name of works Authors

(a)  Humayun-nama Humayun

(b)  Babar-nama Babar

(c)  Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri Jhangir

(d)  Shah Jahan-nama Muhamm-mad Tahir

Answer: (a)

98. Who was given the title of Raja Birbal?

(a)  Mahes Das

(b)  Raja Bhagwan Das

(c)  Banamali Das

(d)  Raja Todar Mal

Answer: (a)

99. What are the causes for the success of Nur Jahan over Mahabat Khan?

(i) Growing unpopularity of the Rajput Soldiers in the service of Mahabat Khan.

(ii) Cool courage and sagacity of Nur Jahan.

(iii) Lack of soldierly qualities in Mahabat Khan.

(iv) Prince Khurram’s timely assistance of Nur Jahan.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below

(a)  (i), (ii) and (iii)

(b)  (i) and (ii)

(c)  (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(d)  All the four

Answer: (b)

100. Many buildings were not put up by Aurangzeb because

(a)  he had no taste for art

(b)  builders were not available

(c)  he was economy minded

(d)  he had to wage wars continuously all through his reign

Answer: (a)

101. During whose governor generalship was the Victoria Memorial Hall built at Kolkata?

(a)  Elgin

(b)  Curzon

(c)  Minto

(d)  Hardinge

Answer: (b)

102. Which one of the following places was not associated with the invasion of Nadir Shah?

(a)  Lahore

(b)  Karnal

(c)  Delhi

(d)  Kannauj

Answer: (d)

103. Who among the following signed Subsidiary Treaties with Lord Wellesley?

(i) Nizam of Hyderabad

(ii) Nawab of Awadh

(iii) The Raja of Mysore

(iv) The Nawab of Bengal

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.

(a)  (i) and (ii)

(b)  (ii) and (iii)

(c)  (i), (ii) and (iv)

(d)  (i), (ii) and (iii)

Answer: (d)

104. Who issued gold coins in large numbers?

(a)  The Greeks

(b)  The Mauryas

(c)  The Kushana rulers

(d)  The Sungas

Answer: (c)

105. What was the most important reason for the failure of the Cripps Mission?

(a)  Reactionary attitude of Winston Churchill

(b)  Difference on the question of the functions of the Indian Defence Minister

(c)  Pacifism of Gandhi

(d)  Take it or leave it’ attitude of Cripps

Answer: (d)

106. JAYA, PADMA, SONA and MADHU are varieties of which cereal?

(a)  Rice

(b)  Wheat

(c)  Barley

(d)  Maize

Answer: (a)

107. The Suzuki Car sold in America under the brand name SWIFT is marketed under which name in India?

(a)  ZEN



(d)  WAGON-R

Answer: (b)

108. Which Indian city was the first to go electric in 1899?

(a)  Kolkata

(b)  Mumbai

(c)  Chennai

(d)  Delhi

Answer: (a)

109. For which of the following systems of medicine is the Kerala town of KOTTAKAL renowned?

(a)  Yoga

(b)  Unani

(c)  Ayurveda

(d)  None of these

Answer: (c)

110. Which of these is India’s highest honour?

(a)  Bharat Ratna

(b)  Ashok Chakra

(c)  Param Vir Chakra

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (a)

111. Vehicles made by which Indian company lead the salute to the President of India on Republic Day every year?

(a)  Telco

(b)  Hindustan Motors

(c)  Mahindra and Mahindra

(d)  Maruti

Answer: (c)

112. Where is Indian Oil Corporation’s biggest refinery located?

(a)  Haldia

(b)  Barauni

(c)  Koyali

(d)  Digboi

Answer: (c)

113. Two identical trains A and B move with equal speeds on parallel tracks along the equator. A moves from East to West and B from West to East. Which train will exert greater force on the tracks?

(a)  A

(b)  B

(c)  They will exert equal force

(d)  The mass and the speed of each train must be known to reach a conclusion

Answer: (a)

114. The conservation of linear momentum is

(a)  Newton’s first law of motion

(b)  Newton’s second law of motion

(c)  Newton’s third law of motion

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (c)

115. The first law of thermodynamics supports

(a)  Energy conservation

(b)  Heat conservation

(c)  Work conservation

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (a)

116. The energy of ideal gas is based on

(a)  Pressure

(b)  Volume

(c)  Temperature

(d)  Number of moles

Answer: (c)

117. Yellow coloured glass is obtained by mixing compound of ……. with the molten mass during the preparation of glass.

(a)  cadmium

(b)  iron

(c)  cobalt

(d)  copper

Answer: (a)

118. The quality of petroleum is measured by

(a)  Senate number

(b)  Octane number

(c)  Knocking compound

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (b)

119. Iron oxide is reduced in blast furnace by

(a)  silica

(b)  carbon

(c)  carbon monoxide

(d)  None of these

Answer: (b)

120. In an orbit, a small part of a satellite is separated. It will

(a)  fall to the Earth

(b)  fall with circular motion

(c)  remain revolving in space

(d)  remain far from the Earth

Answer: (c)

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