Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Chennai Traffic Apprentice (TA) Examination Held on 06-04-2008 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Chennai Traffic Apprentice (TA) Examination Held on 06-04-2008


Directions (Q. Nos. 1 and 2) Study the information given  below and answer the questions that follow.

A + B means A is the daughter of B; A – B means A is the husband of B; A × B means A is the brother of B.

1. If P + Q – R, which of the following is true?

(a)  R is the mother of P

(b)  R is the sister-in-law of P

(c)  R is the aunt of P

(d)  R is the mother-in-law of P

Answer: (a)

2. If P × Q + R, which of the following is true?

(a)  P is the brother of R

(b)  P is the uncle of R

(c)  P is the son of R

(d)  P is the father of R

Answer: (c)

3. Pointing to a lady, a man said, “The son of her only brother is the brother of my wife.” How is the lady related to the man?

(a)  Mother’s sister

(b)  Grandmother

(c)  Sister of father-in-law

(d)  Mother-in-law

Answer: (c)

4. If Anita is taller than Surjit but shorter than Kusum and Surjit is just as tall as Kalpana but taller than Vanita, then Kalpana is

(a)  just as tall as Anita

(b)  taller than Kusum

(c)  shorter than Anita

(d)  shorter than Surjit

Answer: (c)

5. Among five friends, Mohan is older than Raju but not as old as Lalit. Lalit is older than Neelesh and Kabir. Neelesh is younger than Raju but not the youngest. Who is the fourth in the descending order of age?

(a)  Mohan

(b)  Raju

(c)  Kabir

(d)  Neelesh

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6-10) In the following questions, find the number which can be put in the blank to complete the series.

6. 3, 6, 18, 72, (………)

(a)  144

(b)  216

(c)  288

(d)  360

Answer: (d)

7. 21, 25, 33, 49, 81, (……..)

(a)  145

(b)  129

(c)  113

(d)  97

Answer: (a)

8. 12, 32, 72, 152, (………….)

(a)  312

(b)  325

(c)  515

(d)  613

Answer: (a)

9. 2, 15, 41, 80, (…………)

(a)  111

(b)  120

(c)  121

(d)  132

Answer: (d)

10. 8, 10, 14, 18, (……….), 34, 50, 66

(a)  24

(b)  25

(c)  26

(d)  27

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15) In the following questions, find the word which holds the same relation with the third word as there is between the first two word.

11. Planet : Orbit :: Projectile : ?

(a)  Trajectory

(b)  Milky way

(c)  Planet

(d)  Path

Answer: (a)

12. Cobbler : Leather :: Carpenter : ?

(a)  Furniture

(b)  Wood

(c)  Hammer

(d)  Chair

Answer: (b)

13. Fire : Ashes :: Explosion : ?

(a)  Flame

(b)  Death

(c)  Sound

(d)  Debris

Answer: (d)

14. Ocean : Water :: Glacier : ?

(a)  Refrigerator

(b)  Ice

(c)  Mountain

(d)  Cave

Answer: (b)

15. Professor : Lecture :: Doctor : ?

(a)  Hospital

(b)  Disease

(c)  Medicine

(d)  Patient

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 16-20) In the following questions, find the word which cannot be formed by the letters of main word using each letter only once.


(a)  METER

(b)  PETER



Answer: (d)






Answer: (c)


(a)  EAR

(b)  NALE

(c)  RAPER

(d)  HALL

Answer: (d)


(a)  SON

(b)  COIN

(c)  SUN

(d)  NOSE

Answer: (d)


(a)  QUILT


(c)  TRAIN


Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 21-25) Read the following informations carefully and answer the questions given below it.

(i) Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are standing in two rows facing one another.

(ii) U is second to t he right of R.

(iii) P is at last in row.

(iv) T is the neighbour of Q.

(v) R is in front of Q.

21. Which of the following are standing in same row?

(a)  P, Q and U

(b)  T, Q and P

(c)  P, R and T

(d)  None of these

Answer: (b)

22. If P and Q interchange their places, who will be to the immediate left of Q?

(a)  S

(b)  T

(c)  U

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (d)

23. Which of the following pairs is facing each other?

(a)  P, Q

(b)  S, T

(c)  R, U

(d)  P, S

Answer: (b)

24. Which of the following statements is definitely true?

(a)  P is second to the left of R

(b)  T is to the left of Q

(c)  R and Q are diagonally opposite to each other

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (b)

25. Who among these is not facing each other?

(a)  P, T

(b)  R, Q

(c)  T,S

(d)  U, P

Answer: (a)

26. A is facing North-West. He turns 90° in the clockwise direction and then 135° in the anti-clockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?

(a)  East

(b)  West

(c)  North

(d)  South

Answer: (b)

27. If Raman is to the South of Shyam and Mohan is to the East of Shyam, in which direction is Raman with respect to Mohan?

(a)  North-East

(b)  North-West

(c)  South-East

(d)  South-West

Answer: (d)

28. Pointing to a photograph, Vipul said, “She is the daughter of my grandfather’s only son.”, How is Viul related to the girl in photograph?

(a)  Father

(b)  Brother

(c)  Cousin

(d)  None of these

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 29 and 30) Find the value of question mark (?)


(a)  19

(b)  23

(c)  25

(d)  31

Answer: (d)


(a)  5

(b)  6

(c)  8

(d)  9

Answer: (d)

31. Sangeet remembers that her father’s birthday was certainly after eighth but before thirteenth of December. Her sister Natasha remembers that their father’s birthday was definitely after ninth but before fourteenth of December. On which date of December was their father’s birthday?

(a)  10th

(b)  11th

(c)  12th

(d)  Data inadequate

Answer: (d)

32. Satish remembers that his brother’s birthday is after fifteenth but before eighteenth of February where as his sister Kajal remembers that her brother’s birthday is after sixteenth but before nineteenth of February. On which day in February is Satish’s brother’s birthday?

(a)  16th

(b)  17th

(c)  18th

(d)  19th

Answer: (b)

33. If the letters of PRABA are coded as 27595, and THILAK as 368451, how will BHARATHI be coded?

(a)  37536689

(b)  57686535

(c)  96575368

(d)  96855368

Answer: (c)

34. If SHARP is coded as 58034 and PUSH as 4658, then RUSH is coded as

(a)  3568

(b)  3658

(c)  3685

(d)  3583

Answer: (b)

35. In a certain code, GARIMA is written as 725432 and TINA as 6482. How is MARTINA written in that code?

(a)  3256482

(b)  3265842

(c)  3645862

(d)  3658426

Answer: (a)

36. Successive discounts of 10% and 20% are equivalent to a single discount of

(a)  30%

(b)  15%

(c)  28%

(d)  72%

Answer: (c)

37. The length of a rectangle is decreased by 10% and its breadth is increased by 10%. By what per cent is its area changed?

(a)  0

(b)  1

(c)  5

(d)  100

Answer: (b)

38. In the equation  the value of x is

(a)  49

(b)  100

(c)  81

(d)  9

Answer: (c)

39. If a man travels 160 km by car at the speed of 64 km/h and another 160 km at the speed of 80 km/h, the average speed for the whole journey is

(a)  71.11 km/h

(b)  81.11 km/h

(c)  91.11 km/h

(d)  61.11 km/h

Answer: (a)

40. At simple interest a sum of Rs 64 becomes Rs 83.20 in 2 yr. What will Rs 86 become in 4 yr at the same rate of interest?

(a)  Rs 129.40

(b)  Rs 137.60

(c)  Rs 142.30

(d)  Rs 144.80

Answer: (b)

41. A plot of 575 sq ft is available at the rate of Rs 5500 per sq ft. If 25% of the total cost of plot is to be paid for booking the p lot. How much is the booking amount?

(a)  Rs 825750

(b)  Rs 790625

(c)  Rs 875250

(d)  Rs 735500

Answer: (b)

42. If the product of two successive positive integers is 7482. Which is the greater integer?

(a)  87

(b)  82

(c)  84

(d)  89

Answer: (a)

43. Anisha deposits an amount of Rs 35000 to obtain a simple interest at the rate of 15% per annum for 4 yr. What total amount will Ms. Anisha get at the end of 4 yr?

(a)  Rs 56000

(b)  Rs 60500

(c)  Rs 52000

(d)  Rs 48500

Answer: (a)

44. What is the compound interest accrued on an amount of Rs 12000 at the rate of 9% per annum. at the end of 2 yr?

(a)  Rs 2545

(b)  Rs 2257.2

(c)  Rs 2986

(d)  Rs 2775.4

Answer: (b)

45. One-seventh of a number is 51. What will be 64% of that number?

(a)  248.12

(b)  228.48

(c)  238.24

(d)  198.36

Answer: (b)

46.  is equal to

(a)  0

(b)  2√15

(c)  2√10

(d)  2√6

Answer: (a)

47. The average weight of A, B, C is 45 kg. If the average weight of A and B be 40 kg and that of B and C 43 kg, then the weight of B is

(a)  17 kg

(b)  20 kg

(c)  26 kg

(d)  31 kg

Answer: (d)

48. A man can do a piece work in 5 days, but with the help of his son, he can do it in 3 days. In what time can the son do it alone?

(a)  7 days

(b)  8 days



Answer: (c)

49. A truck covers a distance of 550 m in 1 min whereas a bus covers a distance of 33 km/s in 45 min. The ratio of their speeds is

(a)  4 : 3

(b)  3 : 5

(c)  3 : 4

(d)  50 : 3

Answer: (c)

50. The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increase by 20%, is

(a)  40

(b)  42

(c)  44

(d)  46

Answer: (c)

51. Some articles were bought at 6 for Rs 5, and sold at 5 for Rs 6. Gain percentage is

(a)  5

(b)  6

(c)  30

(d)  44

Answer: (d)

52. Rs 750 are divided among A, B and C in such a manner that A : B = 5 : 2 and B : C = 7 : 13

What is A’s share?

(a)  Rs 350

(b)  Rs 260

(c)  Rs 140

(d)  Rs 250

Answer: (a)

53. The value of  is

(a)  2

(b)  3.8

(c)  0.6

(d)  4.2

Answer: (b)

54. If the students of a class can be grouped exactly into a 6 or 8 or 10, then the minimum number of students in the class must be

(a)  60

(b)  120

(c)  180

(d)  240

Answer: (b)

55. When simplified the product  gives

(a)  1/n

(b)  2/n



Answer: (a)

56. The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the numbers is 60, the other is

(a)  50

(b)  75

(c)  65

(d)  100

Answer: (a)

57. Of the two numbers, 48% of first number is 60% of the second number. What is the respective ratio of the first number to the second number?

(a)  4 : 7

(b)  3 : 4

(c)  5 : 4

(d)  Cannot be determined

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 58-60) Find the value of question mark (?)

58. 45% of 1200 = 54% of ?

(a)  1080

(b)  1320

(c)  1240

(d)  1000

Answer: (d)

59. 1354 + 1184 = ? % of 5640

(a)  36

(b)  42

(c)  45

(d)  52

Answer: (c)


(a)  112

(b)  148

(c)  184

(d)  124

Answer: (b)

61. A trader marked the price of h is commodity so as to include a profit of 25%. He allowed discount of 16% on the marked price. His actual profit was

(a)  5%

(b)  9%

(c)  16%

(d)  25%

Answer: (a)

62. There is a rectangular tank of length 180 m and breadth 120 m in a circular field. If the area of the land portion of the field is 40000 m2, what is the radius of the field? (Take π = 22/7)

(a)  130 m

(b)  135 m

(c)  140 m

(d)  145 m

Answer: (c)

63. If the compound interest on a sum for 2 yr at  per annum is Rs 510, the simple interest on the same sum at the same rate for the same period of time is

(a)  Rs 400

(b)  Rs 480

(c)  Rs 450

(d)  Rs 460

Answer: (b)


(a)  1

(b)  1.5

(c)  2

(d)  2.5

Answer: (a)

65. Which number is 60% less than 80?

(a)  24

(b)  28

(c)  32

(d)  36

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 66-69) Choose the alternative which is most opposite in meaning of the word given in capitals.


(a)  Dominant

(b)  Proud

(c)  Despotic

(d)  Pompous

Answer: (b)


(a)  Importable

(b)  Acceptable

(c)  Desirable

(d)  Irritable

Answer: (c)


(a)  Stable

(b)  Trivial

(c)  Musical

(d)  Melodious

Answer: (b)

69. REAR

(a)  Front

(b)  Foreground

(c)  Forehead

(d)  Forward

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 70-73) Choose the alternative which is most nearly similar in meaning to the word given in capitals.


(a)  Fair

(b)  Traditional

(c)  Real

(d)  Eccentric

Answer: (d)


(a)  Tiresome

(b)  Painful

(c)  Troublesome

(d)  Lengthy

Answer: (a)


(a)  Absorb

(b)  Arrange

(c)  Receive

(d)  Assemble

Answer: (a)


(a)  Mob

(b)  Group

(c)  Family

(d)  Institution

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 74-76) Choose the alternative which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

74. Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted

(a)  Unbelief

(b)  Superstition

(c)  Non-conformity

(d)  Heresy

Answer: (d)

75. A person obsessed with exclusively one idea or subject

(a)  Crazy

(b)  Kleptomaniac

(c)  Monomaniac

(d)  Nymphomaniac

Answer: (c)

76. A child of unusual or remarkable talent

(a)  Scholar

(b)  Diligent

(c)  Freak

(d)  Prodigy

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 77-80) Choose the most appropriate alternative to fill in the blank.

77. The passengers are cautioned ………. pickpockets.

(a)  to

(b)  against

(c)  for

(d)  about

Answer: (b)

78. ……… knowledge is a dangerous thing.

(a)  Less

(b)  Little

(c)  A little

(d)  The little

Answer: (c)

79. Do not hanker …. worldly pleasures.

(a)  after

(b)  about

(c)  for

(d)  towards

Answer: (a)

80. She died because they did not immediately…….. a doctor.

(a)  call up

(b)  call from

(c)  call in

(d)  call at

Answer: (c)

81. Excise duty on a commodity is payable with reference to its

(a)  production

(b)  production and sale

(c)  production and transportation

(d)  production, transportation and sale

Answer: (a)

82. Green Revolution was most successful in

(a)  Punjab and Tamil Nadu

(b)  Punjab, Haryana and UP

(c)  Haryana

(d)  UP and Maharashtra

Answer: (b)

83. Amartya Sen was awarded the Noble prize for his contribution to

(a)  Monetary Economics

(b)  Welfare Economics

(c)  Econometrics

(d)  Development Economics

Answer: (b)

84. Which of the following is not viewed as national debt?

(a)  Life Insurance Policies

(b)  Long-term Government Bonds

(c)  National Savings Certificates

(d)  Provident Fund

Answer: (c)

85. Blue Revolution is related to

(a)  fish production

(b)  milk production

(c)  oil production

(d)  food production

Answer: (a)

86. In India, the population growth rate is high because

(a)  birth rate as well as death rate remain high

(b)  birth rate has fallen less than the death rate

(c)  death rate has fallen but birth rate remains high

(d)  death rate has fallen less than the birth rate

Answer: (c)

87. Scheduled Banks have to be registered with.

(a)  SEBI

(b)  RBI

(c)  Finance ministry

(d)  SBI

Answer: (b)

88. Who among the following visited with Gandhiji in South-Africa?

(a)  BG Tilak

(b)  Vallabhbhai Patel

(c)  GK Gokhale

(d)  JL Nehru

Answer: (c)

89. Who was the constitutional Advisor to the constituent Assembly of India?

(a)  Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(b)  Dr. BR Ambedkar

(c)  Sir BN Rao

(d)  Shri KM Munshi

Answer: (c)

90. Who was the first speaker of independent India’s Lok-Sabha?

(a)  Hukam Singh

(b)  Bali Ram Baghat

(c)  Rubi Ray

(d)  G V Mavlankar

Answer: (d)

91. In which year Salt Satyagraha took place?

(a)  1929

(b)  1930

(c)  1931

(d)  1932

Answer: (b)

92. Cabinet mission came to India in the year

(a)  1946

(b)  1945

(c)  1942

(d)  1940

Answer: (a)

93. Muslim league was founded in the year

(a)  1900

(b)  1905

(c)  1942

(d)  1940

Answer: (c)

94. Who introduced the famous Persian festival of Nauroz?

(a)  Alauddin Khalji

(b)  Iltutmish

(c)  Firoz Tughlaq

(d)  Balban

Answer: (d)

95. The famous ‘Gir’ forests are located in

(a)  Mysore

(b)  Kashmir

(c)  Gujarat

(d)  Kerala

Answer: (c)

96. The surface temperature of the Sun is estimated as

(a)  6000°C

(b)  12000°C

(c)  18000°C

(d)  24000°C

Answer: (a)

97. Which one of t he following planets has no Moon?

(a)  Mars

(b)  Neptune

(c)  Mercury

(d)  None of these

Answer: (c)

98. Who invented optical firbe?

(a)  Samuel Cohen

(b)  Narinder Kapany

(c)  Percy L. Spencer

(d)  T H Maimah

Answer: (b)

99. The name of the first cloned sheep was

(a)  Molly

(b)  Dolly

(c)  Jolly

(d)  Roly

Answer: (b)

100. Which city is referred to as the ‘Silicon valley of India’?

(a)  Mumbai

(b)  Chennai

(c)  Hyderabad

(d)  Bengaluru

Answer: (d)

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