Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Gorakhpur Assistant Station Master Examination Held on 22-03-2009 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Gorakhpur Assistant Station Master Examination Held on 22-03-2009


1. A prime number is the number which is divisible by

(a)  1

(b)  2

(c)  itself

(d)  1 and itself only

Answer: (d)

2. A person has three iron bars whose lengths are 10, 15 and 20 m respectively. He wants to cut pieces of same length from each of the three bars. What is the least number of total pieces if he is to cut without any wastage?

(a)  45

(b)  15

(c)  9

(d)  30

Answer: (c)

3. The value of  is

(a)  1/2n

(b)  1/5n

(c)  1/3n

(d)  1/n

Answer: (d)


(a)  4

(b)  6

(c)  8

(d)  16

Answer: (c)

5. A can do a piece of work in 90 days, B in 40 days and C in 12 days. They work turn by turn; on the first day, only B works, on the second day only A and on t the third day only C and then only A again and so on. On the finishing of the work a sum of Rs 240 is paid to them. Find the share of A on the basis of work done by each

(a)  Rs 54

(b)  Rs 162

(c)  Rs 24

(d)  Rs 80

Answer: (c)

6. The profit earned by selling an article for Rs 752 is 1.2 times the loss incurred when the same article was sold for Rs 400. What is the CP of the article?

(a)  Rs 520

(b)  Rs 580

(c)  Rs 560

(d)  Data inadequate

Answer: (c)

7. A man invested a certain sum of money at 5% per annum simple interest. After 6 months invested an equal sum at 6% per annum simple interest. When the amount in each cash became Rs 2300, he with drew the money. The sum invested in each case was

(a)  Rs 1800

(b)  Rs 2200

(c)  Rs 2000

(d)  Rs 1500

Answer: (c)


(a)  86

(b)  84

(c)  76

(d)  74

Answer: (c)

9. A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs 2100 in 2 yr and Rs 2250 in 5 yr. The principal and the rate of interest

(a)  Rs 1800, 3%

(b)  Rs 1800, 5%

(c)  Rs 2000, 3%


Answer: (d)

10. In how many years will a sum o f money become double at 10% per annum simple interest ?

(a)  5 yr

(b)  8 yr

(c)  10 yr

(d)  20 yr

Answer: (c)

11. A person borrowed Rs 5500 from a money lender at 24% per annum. He lent this amount to his friend at the rate of 36% per annum. After 2 yr he collected the amount from his friend and paid back the amount due to the money lender. The amount he thus earned is

(a)  Rs 8140

(b)  Rs 6820

(c)  Rs 3960

(d)  Rs 1320

Answer: (d)

12. A sum of money invested at compound interest amount to Rs 5850 at the end of 2 yr and to Rs 5908.50 at the end of 3 yr. The rate per cent per annum is

(a)  0.9

(b)  1.1

(c)  1

(d)  12

Answer: (c)

13. A person who bought an article for Rs 900 keeps his marked price such that his profit percentage and discount percentage each is equal to 10% the marked price of the article, in rupees, is

(a)  900

(b)  1000

(c)  1150

(d)  1100

Answer: (d)

14. If 11 pencils are bought for Rs 10 and are sold at the rate of 10 pencils for Rs 11, then profit is

(a)  11%

(b)  17%

(c)  21%

(d)  24%

Answer: (c)

15. A toy car was sold at a loss for Rs 60. Had it been sold for Rs 81, the gain would have been 3/4 of the former loss. The cost of the toy is

(a)  Rs 72

(b)  Rs 80

(c)  Rs 65

(d)  Rs 81

Answer: (a)

16. Rajgopalan purchased a second hand TV for Rs 4800 and spent 20% of the cost on its repairs. If he wants to earn Rs 1440 as net profit on it, how much percentage should he add to the purchase price of the TV?

(a)  48

(b)  50

(c)  25

(d)  24

Answer: (c)

17. By selling 144 tin boxes, Kamal suffered a loss equal to selling price of 6 boxes. If the total cost price of the boxes is Rs 7200, the selling price of a box is

(a)  Rs 48

(b)  Rs 50

(c)  Rs 40

(d)  Rs 38

Answer: (a)

18. A dealer offered a machine for sale Rs 27500, but even if had charged 10% less, he would have made a profit of 10%. The actual cost of the machine is

(a)  Rs 24250

(b)  Rs 22500

(c)  Rs 22275

(d)  Rs 22000

Answer: (b)

19. A man sold a fan for Rs 540 losing 10%. At what price should he have sold it to gain 10%?

(a)  Rs 660

(b)  Rs 648

(c)  Rs 650

(d)  Rs 594

Answer: (a)

20. The value of 2 – [3 –{4 – (2 – 3)}] is

(a)  6

(b)  4

(c)  2

(d)  3

Answer: (b)

21. A pressure cooker is sold for Rs 120. Sale tax accounts for one fifth and profit one third of the remainder of the selling price. The cost price of the cooker is

(a)  Rs 72

(b)  Rs 80

(c)  Rs 64

(d)  Rs 75

Answer: (c)

22. By selling 12 oranges for Rs 10, a man losses 20%. How many oranges for Rs 10, should he sell to get a gain of 20%?

(a)  9

(b)  10

(c)  7

(d)  8

Answer: (d)

23. If a fruit seller purchase 24 bananas for Rs 8 and sells these are Rs 5 per dozen, then his profit is

(a)  25%

(b)  35%

(c)  20%

(d)  30%

Answer: (a)

24. One shopkeeper purchases a TV for Rs 6000 and sells it at 15% loss, then the selling price of TV will be

(a)  Rs 5600

(b)  Rs 5100

(c)  Rs 5900

(d)  Rs 5910

Answer: (b)

25. For what sum should goods worth Rs 570 he insured at 5% so that in case of loss the owner may recover the premium as well as the value of the goods?

(a)  Rs 640

(b)  Rs 600

(c)  Rs 587.50

(d)  Rs 595.40

Answer: (b)

26. Ramesh starting from a fixed point goes 15 km towards North and then after turning to his right he goes 15 km. Then he goes 10, 15 and 15 m after turning to his left each time. How far is he from his starting point?

(a)  5 m

(b)  10 m

(c)  20 m

(d)  15 m

Answer: (b)

27. Sonalika goes 12 km towards North from a fixed point and then she goes 8 km towards South from there. In the end she goes 3 km towards East. How far and in what direction is she from her starting point?

(a)  7 km East

(b)  5 km West

(c)  7 km West

(d)  5 km North-East

Answer: (d)

28. How many 4’s are there in the following number-series which are preceded by 5 but not followed by 7?


(a)  One

(b)  Two

(c)  Three

(d)  Four

Answer: (a)

29. If the numbers between 4 to 90, which are divisible by 5 and which contain 5 in the unit, tenth or both place, are removed, then how many numbers divisible by 5 will be left?

(a)  7

(b)  8

(c)  18

(d)  12

Answer: (b)

30. How many 3’s are there in the following series, which are not preceded by an odd number but followed by 4?


(a)  None

(b)  Two

(c)  Four

(d)  One

Answer: (c)

31. How many B’s are there in the following letter-series, which are followed by G but G is not be followed by S?


(a)  4

(b)  3

(c)  2

(d)  5

Answer: (a)

32. A lady pointing to a man in photograph says, ‘The father of his brother is the only son of my maternal grand father”. How is the man related to that lady?

(a)  Husband

(b)  Son

(c)  Father

(d)  Maternal cousin

Answer: (d)

33. A lady pointing to a man in a photograph says, “The sister of the son of this man is my mother-in law.” How is the husband of the lady related to the man in the photograph?

(a)  Maternal grand son

(b)  Nephew

(c)  Son

(d)  Maternal grand father

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 34-36) In each of the following questions one word is different from the rest. Find out the word which does not belong to the group?


(a)  Sofa

(b)  Bed

(c)  Diwan

(d)  Chair

Answer: (b)


(a)  Cheese

(b)  Butter

(c)  Ghee

(d)  Milk

Answer: (d)


(a)  Ginger

(b)  Tomato

(c)  Carrot

(d)  Beet

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 37 and 38) Which one of the alternatives will replace the question mark (?)?

37. MR, PO, SL, VI, ?

(a)  YF

(b)  ZE

(c)  YD

(d)  ZF

Answer: (a)

38. LOT, NNR, QMO, ULK, ?

(a)  YKE

(b)  YJF

(c)  JKF

(d)  ZKF

Answer: (d)

39. In a row of ladies Manorama is 20th from the right and Kanta is 10th from the left. When they interchange their positions Manorama becomes 25th from the right. What is the total n umber of ladies in the row?

(a)  35

(b)  34

(c)  44

(d)  24

Answer: (b)

40. Nikhilesh is taller than Arvind who is taller than Mahendra. Naresh is smaller than Suresh but taller than Nikhilesh. Who is the smallest?

(a)  Nikhilesh

(b)  Arvind

(c)  Mahendra

(d)  Data inadequate

Answer: (c)

41. Ram is taller than Shyam. Rahim is taller than Ram. Karim is taller than Shokat but smaller than Shyam. Who is the tallest?

(a)  Rahim

(b)  Ram

(c)  Karim

(d)  Shyam

Answer: (a)

42. If + means −, − means ×, × means ÷ and ÷ means +, then 48 × 4 ÷ 7 + 8 – 2 = ?

(a)  3

(b)  −5

(c)  35

(d)  16

Answer: (a)

43. If + means −, − means ×, × means ÷ and ÷ means +, then 16 ÷ 4 × 2 – 5 + 8 = ?

(a)  58

(b)  50

(c)  44

(d)  18

Answer: (d)

44. As ‘Tennis’ is related to ‘Racket’ in the same way ‘Hockey’ is related to what?

(a)  Ball

(b)  Stick

(c)  Field

(d)  Player

Answer: (b)

45. As ‘Mosque’ is related to ‘Islam’ in the same way ‘Church’ is related to what?

(a)  Hinduism

(b)  Sikhism

(c)  Christianity

(d)  Buddhism

Answer: (c)

46. As ‘Hindu worshiper’ is related to ‘Temple’ in the same way ‘Maulvi’ is related to what?

(a)  Monastery

(b)  Church

(c)  Mosque

(d)  Sikh temple

Answer: (c)

47. In the following series which is the 8th letter to t he right of 16th letter from your left?


(a)  K

(b)  Y

(c)  X

(d)  W

Answer: (c)

48. If first half of the following series is written in the reverse order, which will be the 5th letter to the left of 13th letter from your right?


(a)  S

(b)  E

(c)  F

(d)  D

Answer: (b)

49. If CRY is coded as MRYC, then how will GET be coded?

(a)  MTEG

(b)  MGET

(c)  MEGT

(d)  METG

Answer: (d)

50. If BURNER is coded as CASOIS, then how will ALIMENT be coded?





Answer: (c)

51. Which of the following non-banking finance companies is not allowed to convert itself into a Bank?

(a)  Birla Mutual Funds

(b)  Tata Finance

(c)  Peerless Finance

(d)  Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd

Answer: (d)

52. The Ex-officio Secretary of NDC is

(a)  Secretary of Finance Ministry

(b)  General Secretary of Lok Sabha

(c)  Secretary of Planning Commission

(d)  Vice Chairman of Planning Commission

Answer: (c)

53. The found of the city of Agra was

(a)  Alam Khan

(b)  Daulat Khan

(c)  Bairam Khan

(d)  Sikandar Lodi

Answer: (d)

54. Which one of the following is a language of Baluchistan but linguistically Dravidian?

(a)  Brahul

(b)  Kui

(c)  Parji

(d)  Pengo

Answer: (a)

55. The time gap in between two sessions of Lok Sabha cannot be more than

(a)  6 months

(b)  6 weeks

(c)  3 months

(d)  None of these

Answer: (a)

56. When Subhash Chandra Bose resigned from the presidentship of Indian National Congress, the seat was offered to

(a)  Jawaharlal Nehru

(b)  Pattabhi Sitaramaiah

(c)  Rajendra Prasad

(d)  J B Kripalani

Answer: (c)

57. Which article of the Indian Constitution relates to the post of Deputy Prime Minister?

(a)  Article 74

(b)  Article 75

(c)  Article 76

(d)  None of these

Answer: (d)

58. Rice cultivation is associated with which one of the following Harappan sites?

(a)  Harappa

(b)  Lothal

(c)  Kalibangan

(d)  Kot Diji

Answer: (b)

59. Port Louis is the capital of

(a)  Malta

(b)  Malawi

(c)  Maldives

(d)  Mauritius

Answer: (d)

60. The first Indian ruler to organize Haj pilgrimage at the expense of the state was

(a)  Alauddin Khaliji

(b)  Feroz Tughlaq

(c)  Akbar

(d)  Aurangzeb

Answer: (c)

61. Manu Smriti deals with

(a)  Economics

(b)  Politics

(c)  State craft

(d)  Law

Answer: (d)

62. The Pala rulers had close cultural relations with

(a)  China

(b)  Tibet

(c)  Malaya

(d)  Java

Answer: (d)

63. Which one of the following is related to the origin of the caste system?

(a)  Dasaranjana

(b)  The Purusha-Sukta

(c)  Kalpasutra

(d)  The Brahmanas

Answer: (b)

64. The largest producer of fish in the world is

(a)  Chile

(b)  Russia

(c)  Japan

(d)  Norway

Answer: (c)

65. How many schedules are there in the Indian Constitution?

(a)  11

(b)  12

(c)  13

(d)  14

Answer: (b)

66. During whose Viceroyalty, Queen Victoria was crowned with ‘Kaiser-i-Hind’ in Delhi Durbar?

(a)  Hastings

(b)  Lytton

(c)  Elgin

(d)  Lord Minto

Answer: (b)

67. ‘Heart to Heart’ is a book written by

(a)  M J Akbar

(b)  Prem Shankar Jha

(c)  K Natwar Singh

(d)  Mani Shankar Aiyar

Answer: (c)

68. Who is not Bhakti poet?

(a)  Tukaram

(b)  Kabir

(c)  Nirala

(d)  Meerabai

Answer: (c)

69. The largest producer of Goundnuts is

(a)  India

(b)  Sudan

(c)  Zaire

(d)  China

Answer: (a)

70. The climate of India is of which of the following types?

(a)  Savanna

(b)  Tropical

(c)  Monsoonal

(d)  Mediterranean

Answer: (c)

71. In Jainism ‘perfect knowledge’ is referred to as

(a)  Jina

(b)  Ratna

(c)  Kaivalya

(d)  Nirvanas

Answer: (c)

72. Who among the following is NOT associated with medicine in ancient India?

(a)  Dhanvantri

(b)  Bhaskaracharya

(c)  Charaka

(d)  Susruta

Answer: (b)

73. The social system of the Harappans was

(a)  fairly egalitarian

(b)  slave-labour based

(c)  colour (Varna) based

(d)  caste based

Answer: (a)

74. Which of the following does not have 8% Service Tax?

(a)  Telephone

(b)  Non-risk part of Life Insurance

(c)  Share Transaction

(d)  General Insurance

Answer: (b)

75. Which country is called the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’?

(a)  China

(b)  Japan

(c)  Korea

(d)  Vietnam

Answer: (b)

76. Which of the following is the heaviest planet in the solar system?

(a)  Earth

(b)  Jupiter

(c)  Mars

(d)  Saturn

Answer: (b)

77. Jhumming cultivation is prevalent in

(a)  Punjab

(b)  Haryana

(c)  Madhya Pradesh

(d)  Manipur

Answer: (d)

78. The capital of India was shifted to Delhi during the reign of

(a)  Minto

(b)  Chelmsford

(c)  Curzon

(d)  Hardinge

Answer: (d)

79. Chandranagore was a trading Centre of the

(a)  English

(b)  French

(c)  Dutch

(d)  Portuguese

Answer: (b)

80. The chief raw material for the fabrication of paper is

(a)  jute

(b)  bamboo

(c)  cotton

(d)  turpentine

Answer: (b)

81. The Mughal dynasty in India was founded in

(a)  1526

(b)  1536

(c)  1546

(d)  1556

Answer: (a)

82. Who is the writer of ‘Swamy and Friends’?

(a)  Max Muller

(b)  R K Narayan

(c)  Munshi Premchand

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (b)

83. Megasthenes was the the ambassador of

(a)  Alexander

(b)  Seleucus

(c)  Darius

(d)  Cyrus

Answer: (b)

84. The District Primary Education Programme a Centrally sponsored Programme in India is supported b y

(a)  International Monetary Fund

(b)  World Bank


(d)  Japanese Government

Answer: (b)

85. Where is the headquarter of OPEC?

(a)  Vienna

(b)  Riyad

(c)  Algiers

(d)  Baghdad

Answer: (a)

86. On the death of Gandhiji, who said that “The light has gone out of our lives…”?

(a)  Dr Rajendra Prasad

(b)  Jawaharlal Nehru

(c)  Dr Sa Radhakrishnan

(d)  Lord Mountbatten

Answer: (b)

87. The Guardian of the Constitution of India is

(a)  Indian Parliament

(b)  Supreme Court of India

(c)  Prime Minister of India

(d)  High Courts of the States

Answer: (b)

88. Who was the first rulers to issue gold coins in India?

(a)  Mauryas

(b)  Indo Greeks

(c)  Guptas

(d)  Kushanas

Answer: (a)

89. The State, which is known as the ‘Granary of India’ of

(a)  Kerala

(b)  UP

(c)  Haryana

(d)  Punjab

Answer: (d)

90. The First Secretary General of UNO was

(a)  Hammarskjoeld

(b)  Trygve Lie

(c)  U Thant

(d)  Count Bernadotte

Answer: (b)

91. The Mughal Emperor in India who gave Surat to the British East India company was

(a)  Babur

(b)  Akbar

(c)  Jahangir

(d)  Aurengzeb

Answer: (c)

92. Chanakya was known as

(a)  Bhattasvamin

(b)  Rajasekhara

(c)  Vishnugupta

(d)  Visakhadatta

Answer: (c)

93. The higher peaks of the Himalayas are found in

(a)  Himachal

(b)  Siwalik

(c)  Nepal

(d)  Purvanchal

Answer: (c)

94. Garos are the tribe of

(a)  Assam

(b)  Manipur

(c)  Mizoram

(d)  Meghalaya

Answer: (d)

95. Teejan Bai is associated with which field?

(a)  Journalism

(b)  Folk dance

(c)  Folk music

(d)  Balle

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 96 and 97) Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the word in capital letters.


(a)  Turn down

(b)  Spare

(c)  Rebound

(d)  Ride

Answer: (c)

97. DEFT

(a)  Swift

(b)  Skilful

(c)  Vigorous

(d)  Deceitful

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 98 and 99) Choose the most appropriate alternative to fill in the blank.

98. Even a ……. glance will reveal the mystery.

(a)  crude

(b)  curious

(c)  cursory

(d)  critical

Answer: (c)

99. I have often ………… why he went to live abroad.

(a)  thought

(b)  suprised

(c)  puzzled

(d)  wondered

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 100 and 101) Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


(a)  Spread

(b)  Enlarged

(c)  Shattered

(d)  Diffused

Answer: (b)


(a)  Wealthy

(b)  Sumptuous

(c)  Drooping

(d)  Poor

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 102 and 103) Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase.

102. To pull ane’s socks up

(a)  To prepare

(b)  To get ready

(c)  To try hard

(d)  To depart

Answer: (c)

103. A storm in a tea cup

(a)  Unexpected event

(b)  A signal of danger

(c)  A great noise

(d)  Much excitement over something trivial

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 104 and 105 ) Choose the alternative which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

104. A person very hard to please

(a)  Obstinate

(b)  Unconquerable

(c)  Fastidious

(d)  Invincible

Answer: (c)

105. To take one to task

(a)  Disgrace

(b)  Entreat

(c)  Handle

(d)  Rebuke

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 106-110) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

India has always been an utmost inspiration for the world at large for her fabulous wealth, both material and economic prosperity as well as her spiritual excellence. It brought here both traders and invaders along with preachers and seekers in search to truth and salvation. All of them came through land routes by undertaking long and hazardous journeys which put a lot of stress and strain on their physique and nerves. Thus, the troops of Alexander mutinied and refused to march beyond Beas because of their weariness and fatigue in fighting and homesickness. They had, therefore, to be perforce dispatched back. Many invading tribes like Kushans, Huns and Sakas in the ancient era and the Turks and Mughals during the medieval age, however, chose to make this land their own home and absorbed themselves in the stream of her life. They attempted their best to bring more and more luster to her glory and enriched her culture, heritage and tradition.

106. The passage speaks voliably of

(a)  India’s past glory

(b)  Invaders who attacked India

(c)  India’s fabulous wealth

(d)  India as a home for foreigners

Answer: (a)

107. What in India attracted traders, invaders and preachers?

(a)  Its material and economic prosperity

(b)  Its material and spiritual wealth

(c)  The knowledge of truth and salvation

(d)  Its fabulous wealth and glory

Answer: (b)

108. What exerted the foreigners who came to India?

(a)  India’s immense riches

(b)  India’s land routes

(c)  Tiresome and risky journeys to India

(d)  Fighting with natives

Answer: (c)

109. What forced Alexander to move back to his country?

(a)  The resistance of the natives

(b)  The revolt of his armymen

(c)  Sickness in his troops

(d)  Lack of fighting spirit in this people

Answer: (b)

110. What good did Mughals bring to this country?

(a)  They absorbed themselves into the stream of her life

(b)  They made India their homeland

(c)  They enriched its glory

(d)  They increased its wealth

Answer: (b)

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