Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Mumbai Assistant Loco Pilot, Diesel & Electrical Assistant Examination Held on 05-06-2005 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway Recruitment Board, Mumbai Assistant Loco Pilot, Diesel & Electrical Assistant Examination Held on 05-06-2005


1. Match List-I and the List-II

List-I                         List-II

(i) Sudan                 (1) Johannesburg

(ii) South Africa       (2) Ottawa

(iii) Canada             (3) Canberra

(iv) Australia           (4) Khartoum

(a)   (i) – 1; (ii) – 4; (iii) – 3; (iv) – 2

(b)   (i) – 1; (ii) – 4; (iii) – 2; (iv) – 3

(c)   (i) – 4; (ii) – 1; (iii) – 3; (iv) – 2

(d)   (i) – 4; (ii) – 1; (iii) – 2; (iv) – 3

Answer: (d)

2. Match List-I and the List-II

List-I                                List-II

(i) Sindari                         (1) Petroleum

(ii) Ankaleshwar               (2) Fertilizer

(iii) Neyveli                       (3) Atomic energy

(iv) Kalpakkam                 (4) Lignite

(5) Space research

(a)   (i) – 2; (ii) – 1; (iii) – 4; (iv) – 3

(b)   (i) – 2; (ii) – 1; (iii) – 3; (iv) – 4

(c)   (i) – 2; (ii) – 1; (iii) – 5; (iv) – 3

(d)   (i) – 1; (ii) – 2; (iii) – 3; (iv) – 5

Answer: (a)

3. Which of the following Indian State does not share a common border with Bhutan?

(a)   Sikkim

(b)   Assam

(c)   Meghalaya

(d)   West Bengal

Answer: (c)

4. Which of the following cities is Westernmost?

(a)   Vienna

(b)   Tunis

(c)   Stockholm

(d)   Helsinki

Answer: (c)

5. Arrange the following in chronological order :

(1) Dandi March     (2) Simon Commission

(3) Poona Pact        (4) Gandhi-Irwin Pact

(a)   2, 1, 4, 3

(b)   2, 1, 3, 4

(c)   3, 4, 2, 1

(d)   1, 2, 4, 3

Answer: (a)

6. The British introduced provincial autonomy in India through

(a)   The Minto-Morley Reforms Act of 1909

(b)   India Councils Act of 1892

(c) The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919

(d)   The Government of India Act, 1935

Answer: (d)

7. The highest mountain peak in India is

(a)   Mount Everest

(b)   Nanga Parbat

(c)   K-2

(d)   Kanchenjunga

Answer: (c)

8. Chemical reaction of calcium carbide with water yields the gas

(a)   carbon dioxide

(b)   methane

(c)   carbon monoxide

(d)   acetylene

Answer: (d)

9. Who is the present Chairperson of National Women’s Commission?

(a)   Dr. Purnima Advani

(b)   Dr. Girija Vyas

(c)   Mrs. Tarjani Vakil

(d)   None of the above

Answer: (b)

10. Khilafat Andolan was started by

(a)   Mohammad Ali Jinnah

(b)   Dr. Zakir Hussain

(c)   Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad

(d)   Ali Brothers

Answer: (d)

11. Swadeshi Andolan was started during the following event

(a)   Gandhiji’s Camparan Satyagrah

(b)   Movement against Bengal partition

(c)   Opposition against Rowlatt Act

(d)   First non-cooperative movement of 1919-22

Answer: (b)

12. Ashtapradhan Council of Ministers existed during the rule of the following ruler

(a)   Krishnadev Raya

(b)   Tipu Sultan

(c)   Shivaji

(d)   Akbar

Answer: (c)

13. Rajghat dam is located on which river?

(a)   Narmada

(b)   Sutlej

(c)   Betwa

(d)   Chambal

Answer: (c)

14. Who among the following became a Jain monk and spent his last days at Shravanbelagola?

(a)   Chandragupta Maurya

(b)   Ashoka

(c)   Harsh Vardhan

(d)   Krishnadev Raya

Answer: (a)

15. At Ellora, 34 cave temples were built between ……….. and ……….. AD.

(a)   500, 700

(b)   300, 500

(c)   700, 800

(d)   250, 450

Answer: (c)

16. Which of the following h ill ranges does not fall in Tamil Nadu?

(a)   Nilgiri Hills

(b)   Nallmala Hills

(c)   Shevaroy Hills

(d)   Javadi Hills

Answer: (b)

17. Which month is named after the Roman God of war?

(a)   April

(b)   May

(c)   March

(d)   August

Answer: (c)

18. The instrument for measuring the altitude of celestial bodies is called

(a)   Spherometer

(b)   Altimeter

(c)   Sextant

(d)   Spectrometer

Answer: (c)

19. The heater element in an electric iron is made of

(a)   Tungsten

(b)   Nichrome

(c)   Copper

(d)   Aluminium

Answer: (b)

20. Why do some automobiles have additional yellow headlights?

(a)   Yellow light does not produce dazzling effect in the eyes of the people coming from front

(b)   Yellow light consumes less power

(c)   Yellow light is able to penetrate the fog and is thus able to illuminate the road better in foggy nights

(d)   Both (a) and (b)

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. 21 to 25) : In each of the following questions, sentence is given with a blank space. Choose the correct preposition out of the four options even so that the sentence is completed

21. Sincere people always abide ……….. their friends in all circumstances.

(a)   against

(b)   in

(c)   by

(d)   with

Answer: (d)

22. When I visited him last evening, we talked the matter ………

(a)   over

(b)   through

(c)   off

(d)   away

Answer: (a)

23. It is due to their lethargy that the plan fell ………..

(a)   off

(b)   out

(c)   through

(d)   apart

Answer: (c)

24. She was greatly amused …… his ignorance.

(a)   over

(b)   at

(c)   on

(d)   with

Answer: (b)

25. He mixed freely …….. the common people.

(a)   with

(b)   between

(c)   besides

(d)   among

Answer: (a)

26. The consumption of diesel in a truck is 4 km/h litre and the truck runs on an average of 500 km/day. If the truck is running 24 days in a month. Calculate the cost of diesel per Rate of diesel is Rs 6.50 per litre.

(a)   Rs 18500

(b)   Rs 19300

(c)   Rs 18700

(d)   Rs 19500

Answer: (d)

27. A body is madeup of soft iron. A cutter of 100 mm diameter is being used for its milling and cutting at the rate of 30 m/min. Calculate the rpm of the cutter

(a)   95.54 rpm

(b)   85.45 rpm

(c)   76.54 rpm

(d)   98.45 rpm

Answer: (a)

28. A gun metal b lock consist of 5 parts of copper, 3 parts of tin and 0.5 part of zinc. If the quantity of zinc is 6.5 kg and 6% of total weight has been lost in the process of manufacturing, find the original weight of copper required.

(a)   67.75 kg

(b)   68.55 kg

(c)   69.15 kg

(d)   69.45 kg

Answer: (c)

29. Find the area of a sector of a circle whose radius is 14 cm and the length of the arc of the sector is 28 cm.

(a)   196 cm2

(b)   342 cm2

(c)   372 cm2

(d)   394 cm2

Answer: (a)

30. A sphere of lead is melted and converted into small spheres. The radius of small sphere is half of that of the big sphere. How many such small spheres would be formed?

(a)   6

(b)   8

(c)   4

(d)   10

Answer: (b)

31. The height of a hollow cylinder is 14 cm, its diameter is 7 cm and its thickness is 1 cm. The area of its total external surface will be

(a)   98 π cm2

(b)   106 π cm2

(c)   108 π cm2

(d)   110 π cm2

Answer: (c)

32. The height of a tower is 100 m. From its top and middle point, the top of a hill is observed to have angles of depression 30° and 60°, respectively. The height of the hill is?

(a)   158 m

(b)   125 m

(c)   120 m

(d)   160 m

Answer: (b)

33. The specific gravity of ice is 0.918 and that of sea water is 1.03. What would be the total volume of that iceberg which is floating with 20 cubic metre above water surface?

(a)   160 m3

(b)   172 m3

(c)   184 m3

(d)   196 m3

Answer: (c)

34. In an arrangement of wheel and axle, the diameter of the wheel is 15 cm and diameter of the axis is 6 cm. If the efficiency of the machine is 75%. What would be the amount of the effort to lift up an object of 150 kg?

(a)   80 kg

(b)   60 kg

(c)   100 kg

(d)   96 kg

Answer: (a)

35. If a pump can raise 100 litres of water through a height of 200 m in one m inute, how much work it can do in one hour?

(a)   1.2 × 105 J

(b)   12 × 106 J

(c)   8 × 105 J

(d)   80 × 105 J

Answer: (b)

36. A gas engine has piston diameter 150 mm, length of stroke 400 mm and mean effective pressure 5.5 bar. The engine makes 120 explosions per minute. Determine the mechanical efficiency of the engine if its break power is 5 kW

(a)   62.5%

(b)   63.4%

(c)   64.2%

(d)   65.4%

Answer: (c)

37. A bullet of mass 5 g travel with a speed of 500 m/s. If it penetrates a fixed target which offers a constant resistance of 1000 N to the motion of the bullet, find the distance through which the bullet has penetrated.

(a)   58.5 cm

(b)   60.5 cm

(c)   62.5 cm

(d)   64.5 cm

Answer: (c)

38. A block of weight of 10 N rests on a rough inclined plane of slope 3 in 5. The minimum force required to start moving the book up the inclined plane will be

(Given μ = 0.6)

(a)   22 N

(b)   10.8 N

(c)   7.37 N

(d)   9.62 N

Answer: (b)

39. Calculate the pressure required to punch a 19 mm diameter blank of steel sheet 5 mm thick. The ultimate shear stress of the material is 30 kgf/mm2.

(a)   31.58 kgf/mm2

(b)   28.24 kgf/mm2

(c)   32.84 kgf/mm2

(d)   34.64 kgf/mm2

Answer: (a)

40. A train runs for 20 min at the speed of 75 km/h, in the next 25 min at the speed of 60 km/h and the least 15 min at the rate of 40 km/h, find out the average speed of the train

(a)   65 km/h

(b)   58 km/h

(c)   55 km/h

(d)   60 km/h

Answer: (d)

41. Calculate the end temperature of the mixture, if 5 g ice at 0°C is mixed with 20 g water at 45° Latent heat of ice is 80 cal/g :

(a)   22°C

(b)   20°C

(c)   24°C

(d)   23°C

Answer: (b)

42. What would be the value of x if 

(a)   8

(b)   16

(c)   24

(d)   32

Answer: (d)

43. A man borrowed a total amount of Rs 24,000 from two different lenders. Annual interest rate for one loan is 15% and the second is 18%. At the close of a year he pays Rs 4050 as interest. What amount did he borrow at the rate of 15%?

(a)   Rs 8000

(b)   Rs 8500

(c)   Rs 9000

(d)   Rs 9500

Answer: (c)

44. A man covered a distance of 90 k m in 9 hours. One part of the distance, he covered on foot at the rate of 8 km/h and the rest distance on cycle at the rate of 17 km/h. What distance did he travel on foot?

(a)   48 km

(b)   56 km

(c)   52 km

(d)   60 km

Answer: (b)

45. A pipe can fill a tank full in 16 hours, but due to leakage in the bottom, it is filled in 24 hours. If the tank is full of water, how long will it take to be emptied completely due to leakage?

(a)   48 hours

(b)   36 hours

(c)   44 hours

(d)   42 hours

Answer: (a)

46. P and Q undertake to do a piece of work for Rs 600. P alone can do it in 6 days while Q alone can do it in 8 days. With the help of R, they finish it in 3 days. Find the share of R.

(a)   Rs 75

(b)   Rs 120

(c)   Rs 125

(d)   Rs 70

Answer: (a)

47. After getting two successive discounts, a shirt with a list p rice of Rs 150 is available at Rs 105. If the second discount is 12.5%, find the first discount.

(a)   18%

(b)   20%

(c)   16%

(d)   19%

Answer: (b)

48. From the salary of an officer, 10% is deducted as house rent, 15% of the rest he spends on children’s education and 10% of the balance, he spends on clothes. Then he is left with him Rs 4131. Find his total salary.

(a)   Rs 8,000

(b)   Rs 7,000

(c)   Rs 7,500

(d)   Rs 6,000

Answer: (d)

49. If 1 – x8 = 65 and 1 – x4 = 64, then value of x is





Answer: (c)

50. The average age of 3 children in a family is 20% of the average age of the father and eldest child. The total age of the mother and the youngest child is 39 years. If the father’s age is 36 years, what is the age of second child.

(a)   15 years

(b)   18 years

(c)   20 years

(d)   Cannot be determined

Answer: (d)

51. Two resistance are combined in series and their total resistance is 50 Ω. When these are combined in parallel, the total resistance is 8 Ω. The value of each resistance is

(a)   20 Ω, 30 Ω

(b)   15 Ω, 35 Ω

(c)   40 Ω, 10 Ω

(d)   32 Ω, 18 Ω

Answer: (c)

52. In an installation of 230 V

(1) A geyser of 1500 W is heated daily for 4 hours

(2) A motor of 1/2 HP is used daily for 3 hours

(3) Two fluorescent tube-lights of 40 watt are used for two hours daily

In 30 days, total number of units used will be

(a)   184 units

(b)   216 units

(c)   224 units

(d)   236 units

Answer: (b)

53. There are 4 start threads in a screw of 9 mm pitch. How will the nut run in accordance with the screw to make 30 rpm?

(a)   64.8 m/h

(b)   56 m/h

(c)   72.4 m/h

(d)   68.6 m/h

Answer: (a)

54. There are 60 teeth with the modules of 3 mm in a spur gear. Calculate the external diameter

(a)   186 mm

(b)   168 mm

(c)   176 mm

(d)   172 mm

Answer: (a)

55. If the absolute temperature of a gas is doubled and the pressure is reduced to one half, then the volume of gas …….. of initial volume.

(a)   becomes two times

(b)   becomes four times

(c)   is reduced to half

(d)   is reduced to one-fourth

Answer: (b)

56. Calculate the time taken to drill a hole through a plat e of 55 cm thickness using diameter of 12 mm drill at a cutting speed of 20 m/min, the feed being 0.05 mm per revolution.

(a)   2 min 30 s

(b)   2 min 12.6 s

(c)   2 min 32 s

(d)   2 min 4.5 s

Answer: (b)

57. A thin lamina is shown in the figure below. Find the distance of its centre of gravity from point F on line FE

(a)   32.30

(b)   33.15

(c)   33.66

(d)   34.10

Answer: (d)

58. Calculate the value of Bending Moment of a cantilever at fixed oint as shown in the figure below

(a)   24 kg m

(b)   28 kg m

(c)   32 kg m

(d)   36 kg m

Answer: (c)

59. What thickness of metal would be required for a C.I. water pipe 80 cm in diameter under a head of 100 m. Assume permissible tensile stress for C.I. as 200 kg/cm2?

(a)   2 cm

(b)   1.5 cm

(c)   2.50 cm

(d)   2.25 cm

Answer: (a)

60. A boy throws a ball in air in such a manner that when the ball is at its maximum height he throws another ball. If the balls are thrown after the time difference of 1 sec and, then what will be the h eight attained by them.

(a)   19.6 m

(b)   9.8 m

(c)   4.9 m

(d)   2.45 m

Answer: (c)

61. Raindrops fall from a great height under gravity. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a)   They fall with terminal velocities which are different for drops of different sizes

(b)   They fall with terminal velocity which is same for drops of different sizes

(c)   Their velocities go on increasing until they hit the earth but their final velocities are different

(d)   None of the above

Answer: (a)

62. An alternator of 8 pole is rotating at a rate of 375 rpm. Calculate the frequency of the alternater

(a)   25 cycle/s

30 cycle/s (b)

(c)   32 cycle/s

(d)   35 cycle/s

Answer: (a)

63. Low power factor causes which of the following losses?

(a)   Copper-loss rises

(b)   Expenditure increases

(c)   Terminal voltage falls

(d)   All of the above

Answer: (d)

64. Electrical efficiency of a DC motor is equal to which of the following expressions.




(d)   None of the above

Answer: (b)

65. Change in current of armature is called

(a)   armature reaction

(b)   critical resistance

(c)   commutation

(d)   sparking

Answer: (c)

66. When an electric current passes through a metallic wire, the temperature of the wire increases. What is the reason behind this?

(a)   Mutual collision of the atoms releases thermal energy

(b)   Mutual collision of conduction electrons emits thermal energy

(c)   When conduction electron falls from high energy level into low energy level, thermal energy is released

(d)   Collision of conduction electrons and the atoms of the metal results in emission of thermal energy

Answer: (d)

67. Magnetic field at some point, generated by a current bearing conductor, is proportional to

(a)   resistance of the conductor

(b)   thickness of the conductor

(c)   current passing through conductor

(d)   distance from the conductor

Answer: (c)

68. A particle is moving with a constant linear velocity of 5 cm/s, on the circumference of circle of radius 10 cm. The centripetal acceleration of the particle will be

(a)   0

(b)   2.5 cm/s2

(c)   2 cm/s2

(d)   0.5 cm/s2

Answer: (b)

69. A coin I kept on horizontal disc. The disc spins around its axis passing through its centre. When the speed of the disc increases, the coin spreads away. What is the reason of this spreading?

(a)   Centripetal force throws away the coin from the disc

(b)   Weight of the coin compels it go away from the disc

(c)   Friction between the disc and the coin is insufficient

(d)   All of the above

Answer: (c)

70. Two bodies of different masses dropped from the top of a tower reach the ground simultaneously because

(a)   gravitational force of attraction acting on both is the same

(b)   acceleration of both tat any point is the same

(c)   gravitational force on a body is independent of its mass

(d)   potential energy of both is the same at any point

Answer: (b)

71. Radii and lengths of two different wires of same material are both in the ratio 1 : 2. If the extension of both wires is the same then ratio of the stretching forces on the two is

(a)   1 : 2

(b)   1 : 4

(c)   2 : 1

(d)   none of these

Answer: (a)

72. Surface tension of mercury is much higher than that of water because

(a)   mercury has higher density than water

(b)   surface of mercury has higher reflectivity than water

(c)   cohesive forces between mercury molecules are much stronger

(d)   cohesive forces between mercury molecule are weaker

Answer: (c)

73. Two strings of the same material have lengths in the ratio 1 : 2, radii in the ratio 2 : 3 and tensions in the ratio 4 : 9. Then ratio of frequencies of the two wires is

(a)   2 : 1

(b)   1 : 2

(c)   2 : 3

(d)   none of these

Answer: (a)

74. A capacitor of 0.2 μF capacitance is charged at 8 V. Energy stored in the capacitor will be

(a)   6.4 × 107 J

(b)   6. 4 × 106 J

(c)   1.6 × 106 J

(d)   none of these

Answer: (b)

75. Find out the least count of Vernier caliper. One division of the main scale is equal to 1 mm. Total number of divisions on main scale is 49 which match the 50 divisions of Vernier scale.

(a)   0.01 mm

(b)   0.2 mm

(c)   0.15 mm

(d)   None of these

Answer: (b)

76. A screw of 7 mm pitch has to be cut of lathe which has lead screw of 4 threads per inch. Calculate the number o teeth of driver gear.

(a)   60 – 50

(b)   80 – 40

(c)   70 – 60

(d)   70 – 40

Answer: (c)

77. A voltmeter, of 1000 Ω resistance, can read upto 25 V. How will you read upto 250 V?

(a)   By using a resistance of 1000 Ω in series

(b)   By using a shunt of resistance of 9000 Ω

(c)   By using a shunt of resistance of 1 Ω

(d)   By using a resistance of 9000 Ω in series

Answer: (d)

78. A charge of 10 C is transported around a closed circuit by an electric current obtained from a cell. In this process, work done by the cell is 5 J. The emf of cell is

(a)   2 V


(c)   1 V

(d)   4 V

Answer: (b)

79. Parallel rays of light are focused by a thin convex lens. A thin concave lens of same focal length is then joined to the convex lens and the result is that

(a)   the focal point shifts away from the lens by a small distance

(b)   the focal point does not shift at all

(c)   the focal point shifts towards the lens by a small distance

(d)   the focal point shifts to infinity

Answer: (d)

80. A capacitor (0.2 F) is charged to 600 V. After removing the charging battery, this capacitor is connected across another capacitor (1.0 F). The voltage across the capacitor changes from 600 V to

(a)   300 V

(b)   120 V

(c)   100 V

(d)   450 V

Answer: (c)

81. A far-sighted man cannot focus distinctly on objects close than 120 cm. The lens that will enable him to read from a distance of 40 cm, will have a focal length of

(a)   30 cm (convex lens)

(b)   30 cm (concave lens)

(c)   60 cm (convex lens)

(d)   60 cm (concave lens)

Answer: (c)

82. Two electric bulbs whose resistances are in the ratio of 1 : 2 are connected in parallel to a constant voltage source. The powers dissipated in them have the ratio

(a)   2 : 1

(b)   1 : 2

(c)   1 : 1

(d)   1 : 4

Answer: (a)

83. A current of 2 A passes through a resistance of 4.2 Ω for 5 min. What would the amount of heat generated? (J = 4.2 J/cal)

(a)   840 cal

(b)   1680 cal

(c)   1200 cal

(d)   5040 cal

Answer: (c)

84. Expression [ML2T2] expresses

(a)   power

(b)   kinetic energy

(c)   momentum

(d)   pressure

Answer: (b)

85. Joule-Second is the unit of

(a)   energy

(b)   angular momentum

(c)   frequency

(d)   velocity

Answer: (b)

86. A lift is going upward with uniform acceleration. There is a pendulum of time-period T in the lift. While the lift is going upward time-period will be

(a)   equal to T

(b)   less than T

(c)   more than T

(d)   unknown

Answer: (b)

87. Which of the following oxides displays the east acidic properties?

(a)   Al2O3

(b)   CO2

(c)   NO2

(d)   B2O3

Answer: (a)

88. The graph of the length of the pendulum and time-period will be

(a)   hyperbola

(b)   circle

(c)   straight line

(d)   parabola

Answer: (d)

89. If a ray of light enters water from air, its

(a)   wavelength increases

(b)   wavelength decreases

(c)   frequency decreases

(d)   neither wavelength nor frequency changes

Answer: (b)

90. The velocity of sound in air is not affected by

(a)   increase in the pressure of air

(b)   the composition of air

(c)   increase in temperature of air

(d)   increase in moisture content of air

Answer: (a)

91. The kinetic energy of a molecule is minimum in

(a)   gas

(b)   liquid

(c)   solid

(d)   same in all the three states

Answer: (a)

92. High temperatures are measured using

(a)   thermometer

(b)   pyrometer

(c)   thermocouple

(d)   thermistor

Answer: (b)

93. Radiation is better absorbed by

(a)   bright black surface

(b)   rough black surface

(c)   rough polished surface

(d)   bright  polished surface

Answer: (b)

94. Diode functions as a

(a)   rectifier

(b)   amplifier

(c)   condenser

(d)   none of these

Answer: (a)

95. Electric current does not flow in insulators, because

(a)   there are not free electrons in them

(b)   there are no ions in them

(c)   they do no passes any electron

(d)   they do no passes any charge

Answer: (a)

96. Hot wire ammeter can measure :

(a)   only DC Current

(b)   only AC Current

(c)   AC and D both the currents

(d)   none of the above

Answer: (c)

97. T is time-period of the vertical oscillation of mass m attached to a spring. The time period- becomes four times, if an extra mass M is attached to the mass m. The ratio M/m will be

(a)   1/15

(b)   1/3

(c)   15

(d)   3

Answer: (a)

98. Which of the following pairs has identical dimensional formulae?

(a)   Momentum and energy

(b)   Energy and impulse

(c)   Force and power

(d)   Momentum and  impulse

Answer: (d)

99. The tool life of a tool is said to be over if :

(a)   a poor surface finished is obtained

(b)   sudden increase in power and cutting forces takes place

(c)   overheating and fuming due to friction occurring along with dimensional instability

(d)   All of the above

Answer: (d)

100. The Vernier Calliper’s advantage over the micrometer is that

(a)   it can be used to make both inside and outside measurements

(b)   it is more accurate

(c)   it is easier and quick to use

(d)   none of the above

Answer: (d)

101. Which of the following is not a ‘Drawing Process’?

(a)   Tube drawing

(b)   Lancing

(c)   Spinning

(d)   Embossing

Answer: (b)

102. For soldering of brass and copper the flux used is

(a)   cupric acid

(b)   hydrochloride

(c)   zinc chloride

(d)   ammonium chloride

Answer: (c)

103. Which of the following process is used for cutting and welding non-ferrous metals?

(a)   Carbon arc welding

(b)   Inert gas tungsten are welding

(c)   Submerged arc welding

(d)   Metal arc welding

Answer: (b)

104. A hexa blade cuts

(a)   on stroke, moving forward

(b)   on stroke, moving backward

(c)   on forward moving and backward moving both the strokes

(d)   depends on the direction of the force

Answer: (a)

105. The process of making seamless tube is called

(a)   piercing

(b)   bending

(c)   drawing

(d)   cupping

Answer: (a)

106. Trimming is a process related to

(a)   forging

(b)   electroplating

(c)   press work

(d)   machining metals

Answer: (d)

107. The process of making thin phosphate coating on steel, which works as base or primer for paint and enamel, is called

(a)   anodizing

(b)   colourizing

(c)   parkerizing

(d)   none of these

Answer: (c)

108. Brinell’s hardness testing instrument uses steel balls of which sizes?

(a)   4 mm

(b)   5 mm

(c)   10 mm

(d)   15 mm

Answer: (c)

109. Thickness of gear teeth is measured

(a)   along original circle

(b)   along pitch circle

(c)   along external circle

(d)   in average form of profile

Answer: (b)

110. Small steel balls are made by the process of

(a)   casting

(b)   rolling

(c)   spinning

(d)   cod heading

Answer: (d)

111. In case of helical gear, circular pitch is equal to (P = Normal Circular pitch, α = Helix angle of teeth)

(a)   P ∙ cos α

(b)   P ∙ sin α



Answer: (c)

112. Bevel gears are used when the axes are

(a)   non-intersecting

(b)   non-coplanar

(c)   parallel

(d)   none of these

Answer: (d)

113. In evaporative cooling

(a)   sensible h eat is added to the air

(b)   latent heat is removed from the air

(c)   air is cooled and humidified

(d)   air is cooled and dehumidified

Answer: (c)

114. Axial flow pump is started with its delivery valve

(a)   kept fully open

(b)   kept fully closed

(c)   kept  50% open

(d)   kept either in open or in closed position

Answer: (b)

115. In a welded joint, the throat thickness as compared to the plate thickness is :

(a)   equal

(b)   less

(c)   more

(d)   cannot say

Answer: (d)

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