Railway (RRC) All India Group ‘D’ Online Examination Held on 21.02.2016 (Physically Handicapped) Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway (RRC) All India Group ‘D’ Online Examination Held on 21.02.2016 (Physically Handicapped)


1. Which vector transmits disease of Malaria

(A)  Male culex mosquito

(B)  Female culex mosquito

(C)  Male anopheles mosquito

(D)  Female anopheles mosquito

(1)   B

(2)   D

(3)   A

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

2. Which of the following is known as the ‘Grand Old man of India?

(A)  Dadabhai Naoroji

(B)  Rabindranath Tagore

(C)  Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

(D)  Mahatma Gandhi

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

3. Who is the current Law and Justice Minister of India?

(A)  Nitin Gadkari

(B)  Samriti Irani

(C)  Sadanand Gowda

(D)  Rajnath Singh

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (3)

4. In Indian economy, agriculture is placed under which sector?

(A)  Primary sector

(B)  Secondary sector

(C)  Tertiary sector

(D)  Quaternary sector

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

5. Which of the following is the new capital of Andhra Pradesh after the separation of Telangana?

(A)  Varangal

(B)  Rajahmundry

(C)  Vishakhapatnam

(D)  Amravati

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   A

Answer: (1)

6. Which of the following is known as the ‘King of Chemicals’?

(A)  Sulfuric acid

(B)  Perchloric acid

(C)  Sodium chloride

(D)  Nitric acid

(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

7. What is the full form of ‘PIL’?

(A)  Public Investigation Law

(B)  Public Interest Law

(C)  Petroleum India Limited

(D)  Public Interest Litigation

(1)   C

(2)   D

(3)   A

(4)   B

Answer: (2)

8. Who was the first Indian female to climb Mt. Everest?

(A)  Malleshwari

(B)  Azra Fatima

(C)  Bachhendri Pal

(D)  Gupta

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (2)

9. Who gave the slogan of ‘Do or Die’?

(A)  Mohammad Ali Jinnah

(B)  Bhagat Singh

(C)  Lokmanya Tilak

(D)  Mahatma Gandhi

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   B

Answer: (1)

10. Who propounded the theory of Relativity?

(A)  Albert Einstein

(B)  Schrodinger

(C)  C. V. Raman

(D)  Michael Faraday

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (1)

11. Who is the founder of ‘Aam Admi Party’?

(A)  Anna Hazare

(B)  Nitish Kumar

(C)  Arvind Kejriwal

(D)  Kiran Bedi

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (3)

12. In which y ear the Reserve Bank of India was established?

(A)  1947

(B)  1953

(C)  1935

(D)  1951

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (4)

13. Which of the following places receives highest rainfall in the world?

(A)  Cherrapunji

(B)  Imphal

(C)  Gangtok

(D)  Kohima

(1)   C

(2)   B

(3)   A

(4)   D

Answer: (3)

14. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution is related with-

(A)  Abolition of untouchability

(B)  Abolition of title

(C)  Abolition of child marriage

(D)  Abolition of polygamy

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   A

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

15. What is the official residence of the Governor of a State?

(A)  Royal House

(B)  Rashtrapati Bhavan

(C)  Teeen Murti Bhavan

(D)  Raj Bhavan

(1)   C

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   A

Answer: (2)

16. Right to Information is a ——- right.

(A)  Neither Fundamental nor Legal Right

(B)  Legal Right

(C)  Fundamental Right

(D)  Both Fundamental and Legal Right

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   B

Answer: (4)

17. Which of the following non-metal conducts electricity?

(A)  Lead

(B)  Wood charcoal

(C)  Coal

(D)  Diamond

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (4)

18. What is the full form of IMF

(A)  Indian Monetary Fund

(B)  International Monetary Fund

(C)  Indian Management Organization

(D)  Indian Mine Organization

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   B

Answer: (4)

19. Hyderabad City is located in which plateau?

(A)  Chhotanagapur

(B)  Deccan

(C)  Malwa

(D)  Meghalaya Plateau

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (2)

20. Who publishes the Economic survey of India?

(A)  Finance Ministry

(B)  Reserve Bank of India

(C)  Election Commission

(D)  Planning Commission

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (1)

21. If 1, 2, 3 is coded as the ‘bright little boy’, 1, 4, 5 is coded as tall big boy and 6, 3 and 7 is coded as ‘beautiful little flower in a specific code language then. Which of the following number represents the word “bright”?

(A)  1

(B)  3

(C)  6

(D)  2

(1)   C

(2)   B

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (3)

22. On one side of ‘: :’ two numbers are given and on the other side of ‘: :’ also, two numbers are given There is a definite relation on both the sides. Out of given options, you have to find the number missing in it so that correct relation be established.

(1)   A

(2)   B

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

23. One one side of ‘: :’, two numbers are given and on the other side of ‘: :’ also, two numbers are given. There is definite relation on both the sides. Out of the given options, you have to find the number missing in it, so to establish a correct relationship.

3 : 27 : : 4 : ?

(A)  140

(B)  80

(C)  64

(D)  100

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (4)

Direction : (24-25) : Read the instruction carefully and answer the questions given below –

    Five Friends went to see the exhibition Three things i.e. balloons, coins and needles are kept at the stall to shoot. The number of balloons which were shot are as follows : 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 and the number of coins which were shot are as follows – 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6.

(a) The number of coins shot by A is three times the number of coins shot by the person who also shot 4 balloons.

(b) The three persons including the guy who shot 4 balloons did not shoot any needle.

(c) B did not shoot any needle

(d) The person who shoot one balloon, did not shoot any coin or needle. He was not C

(e) D shot balloons and coins but did not shoot any needle

(f) C who did not shoot any needle shot half the number of coins in comparison to the person who shot twice balloons than he shot.

(g) E shot two balloons more than A. However, A shot two coins more than E

24. The person who shoots equal number of coins and balloons is

(A)  b

(B)  c

(C)  d

(D)  a

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (1)

25. Which of the following is true?

(A)  D shot 4 coins

(B)  A shot 6 coins

(C)  C shot 4 coins

(D)  B shot 2 coins

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

26. Pick the odd one out





(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   B

Answer: (2)

27. On one side of ‘: :’, two words are given and on the other sides of ‘:; :’ also, two words are given. there is a definite relation on both the sides out of the options given, you have to find the missing word which can be fit in the pair and a correct relation be established options are –

Acophobia (fear of height) : Height : : canophobia (fear of open and vacant Space) : ?

(A)  Water

(B)  motion

(C)  Prosperity

(D)  Vacant space

(1)   C

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (4)

28. Identify the pattern and complete the sequence below :

8, ………………23, 38, 58

(A)  5

(B)  10

(C)  13

(D)  15

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (3)

29. Identify the correct number in the given blank

P                   34      32      Q

V         48      44      X

G         __      __      I

(A)  40, 32

(B)  18, 30

(C)  18, 147

(D)  14, 12

(1)   C

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (1)

30. Having heard sound, a police man moves 4 km in the south direction from its post towards A. At that point, he hears one more sound and moves 4 km towards his left to reach a point B. At B, he discovered that sound was coming from left of B. He moves 4 km left of B to reach the place sound was coming from

In which direction should he move to reach his post finally?

(A)  West

(B)  East

(C)  North

(D)  South

(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

31. Recognize the patten and complete the sequence

6, 11, ———-, 19, 22

(A)  14

(B)  5

(C)  12

(D)  13

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (4)

32. How is the daughter of the daughter of dad of my elder brother’s dad related to me?

(A)  Sister-in-law

(B)  Sister

(C)  Aunty

(D)  Cousin sister

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   A

(4)   C

Answer: (1)

33. Find the odd





(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (4)

34. Find the missing number in the following pattern

3          8        5

5          9        4

2          7        ?

(A)  7

(B)  2

(C)  5

(D)  3

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (3)

35. In a code language the word Questions is written as NXBVQLLQ

If REPLY is written in the same code language then what will be the first two letter of the code word for REPLY?

(A)  O, H

(B)  R, L

(C)  E, P

(D)  Y, C

(1)   B

(2)   D

(3)   A

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

36. In a code language the word GREEN is written as FSDFM. If BLUE is written in the same code then what will be the last letter of the code word for BLUE?

(A)  M

(B)  R

(C)  D

(D)  F

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (2)

37. X walks 3 km to south then moves right and walks 5 km. Again he moves right and walks 7 km. Finally in which direction X was moving?

(A)  North

(B)  West

(C)  South

(D)  East

(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (1)

38. Identify the correct number in the blanks

G         39      33      J

C         47      41      F

R         __      __      Y

(A)  17, 3

(B)  3, 17

(C)  15, 1

(D)  4, 12

(1)   A

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (1)

39. ‘A’ rays to ‘B’ that ‘C’ is the nephew of his father. ‘D’ is the cousin of ‘A’ but not the brother of ‘C’ then how ‘D’ is related to ‘C’.

(A)  Mother

(B)  Aunt

(C)  Sister

(D)  daughter

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (3)

40. On one side of ‘: :’ two words are given and on the other side ‘: :’ also, two words are given. There is a definite relation in both the sides. Choose the best options given below so to establish a correct relationship :

Person : Anthrophobia (fear of people) :

colour : ?

(A)  Thermophobia (fear of heat)

(B)  Chromophobia (fear of colour)

(C)  Ombrophobia (fear of rain)

(D)  Cyber phobia (fear of new techniques/computers)

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

41. In the word “DOUBLE” two letters are such that number of letters between those two letters is as many as numbers of letters of alphabet. Find those two letters.

(A)  B, E

(B)  E, U

(C)  O, L

(D)  D, B

(1)   A

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (3)

42. Identify the missing number below.

12        36      3

5          20      4

19        38      ?

(A)  3

(B)  2

(C)  18

(D)  4

(1)   A

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (3)

Direction : (43-44) : Read the instructions and answer the following questions : Four couples decided to play Holi. Each couple has used three different colours. No two couples have used the same combination of colours. A, B, C and D are women whereas PQRS are men

(a) They used red, green, yellow and black colours.

(b) ‘C’ who is not the wife of ‘S’, used red colour

(c) Wife of ‘F’ used yellow and black colours, but the wife of ‘Q’ used only one colour

(d) ‘A’ is not the wife of ‘P’ or ‘S’

(e) Wifes of ‘B’ and ‘S’, both used red and yellow colours

43. Who among the following is the husband of ‘A’?

(A)  Q

(B)  P

(C)  S


(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   C

(4)   D

Answer: (*)

44. Who is wife of Q?

(A)  B

(B)  D

(C)  A

(D)  C

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (3)

45. Reorganize the word ‘SARBS’ in such a way that you get the name of a metal or non-metal. What would be the first letter of the word

(A)  R

(B)  B

(C)  S

(D)  A

(1)   B

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (1)

46. A girl was riding a bicycle towards the north. Then she tuned left and from left she went ahead 2 km. Then she found herself at 1 km. west from the starting point. At the beginning towards north How much distance she covered?

(A)  3 km.

(B)  2 km.

(C)  1 km.

(D)  5 km.

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (3)

47. If ‘ACNP’ is coded as ‘NPJL’ then in the same code what would be the last letter from ‘CIN PQS  RIG’.

(A)  C

(B)  D

(C)  F

(D)  E

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   D

Answer: (2)

48. Identify the paired number which is different from others.

(A)  8, 509

(B)  5, 122

(C)  7, 338

(D)  2, 5

(1)   C

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   B

Answer: (1)

49. Grandfather of ‘A’ is maternal grandfather of ‘B’ then how the father of ‘A’ is related to father of ‘B’

(A)  Cousin brother

(B)  Brother in law

(C)  brother

(D)  Uncle

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   A

Answer: (*)

50. On one side of ‘: :’ two words are given and the other side of ‘: :’ also two words are given. There is a definite relation on both the sides. Out of the options given, you have to find the missing word which can be fit in the pair and a correct relation be established. options are : –

(A)  Blood

(B)  Fishes

(C)  Algae

(D)  Kidney

(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

51. On one side of ‘: :’ two numbers are given and on the other side of ‘: :’ also, two numbers are given. There is a definite relation on both the sides out of the options given, you have to find the missing number which satisfies the criteria options are:

12 : 35 : : 16 : ?

(A)  63

(B)  49

(C)  48

(D)  32

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   D

Answer: (*)

52. A man walking towards the north covers distance of 15.6 km then moves 7 km. to left. Again he moves left covering 31 km again he moves left and then stops after covering 7 km now, how far is he from his house.

(A)  60.5 km.

(B)  46.5 km.

(C)  8.5 km.

(D)  15.5 km.

(1)   A

(2)   B

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

53. Find the missing number in the following pattern

16        21      5

8          ?        4

7          15      8

(A)  10

(B)  9

(C)  11

(D)  12

(1)   B

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (2)

54. Find the correct answer for the blank space

S                   16      10      V

L                   28      20      P

F                   __      __      J

(A)  40, 32

(B)  32, 40

(C)  35, 41

(D)  38, 30

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   A

Answer: (1)

55. The word “clock” is coded as kcolc” then how the word “REMESHA” be coded in the same way to determine the first and last letter of the word.

(A)  A, M

(B)  A, R

(C)  R, A

(D)  H, E

(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (1)

56. Identify the pattern and complete the following sequence –

6, 10, 22 −, 86

(A)  25

(B)  50

(C)  32

(D)  42

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   A

(4)   C

Answer: (1)

57. Identify the missing number

5          ?        9

6          8        4

7          6        5

(A)  5

(B)  4

(C)  6

(D)  3

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (4)

58. On one side of ‘: :’ two numbers are given and on the other sides ‘: :’ also, two numbers are present. There is a definite relation on both the sides. Out of the given options, you have to find the missing numbers which satisfies the following criteria 1 : 5 :: 7 : ?

(A)  15

(B)  9

(C)  8

(D)  11

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

59. How is ‘A’ related to the only son of his sister’s grandfather’s only son?

(A)  father

(B)  Brother-in-law

(C)  brother

(D)  Cousin brother

(1)   C

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (*)

60. On one side of ‘: :’ two words are given and on the other sides of ‘: :’ also two words are given. There is a definite relation on both the sides. Out of the option given, you have to find out the missing words which satisfies the following criteria.

Anthroology (home science) : male : : Meteorology (weather science ; ?

(A)  weather

(B)  bird

(C)  space

(D)  fossils

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (1)

61. How many numbers of four digit can be made b y using the digits 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 (Repetition of digits is not allowed)

(A)  120

(B)  110

(C)  113

(D)  115

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (4)

62. Convert 18 into Binary number?

(A)  100011

(B)  100110

(C)  101100

(D)  110011

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (4)

63. What is the combined ratio of 3 : 2, 7 : 4 and 6 : 5?

(A)  63 : 20

(B)  7 : 10

(C)  20 : 7

(D)  20 : 63

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

64. Current salary of kriti is Rs 4800. There will be increase of 15% in it in next year. What will be the increased salary of kriti after increment?

(A)  Rs 5530

(B)  Rs 5520

(C)  Rs 5535

(D)  Rs 5550

(1)   B

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (1)

65. Write the following statement in the form of equation. If you take 9 from 5 times x then you get-

(A)  5x + 9 = 85

(B)  5x + 85 = 9

(C)  9 – 5x= 85

(D)  5x – 9 = 85

(1)   C

(2)   B

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (3)

66. There are 250 students in a school. Out of which 50 students like playing football only. While 47 students like playing chess only, similarly 40 students like playing tennis only. 35 students like playing football and Tennis, 33 students like playing chess and Tennis, 38 students like playing football and chess. If 10 students like playing all the three games then find the number of those students who do not like any game?

(A)  19

(B)  47

(C)  23

(D)  27

(1)   C

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (*)

67. Find such number so that one fourth of the number is 5 more than 8.

(A)  54

(B)  52

(C)  57

(D)  56

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   D

Answer: (1)

68. If A is integer B is natural number than B – A = ?

(A)  Whole number

(B)  Null set

(C)  Natural number

(D)  Even number

(1)   B

(2)   D

(3)   A

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

69. X can do 5 time faster than that of Y and so it takes 56 days less than Y. Find the time in which X alone can complete the work?

(A)  8 days

(B)  7 days

(C)  9 days

(D)  10 days

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (4)

70. In a following equation, what should be maximum value of R?

4P2 + 3Q1 + 2R5 = 1178

(A)  7

(B)  9

(C)  8

(D)  6

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

71. Six persons A, B, C, X, Y & Z go for an interview. What is the probability of selection of A and Y in the interview.

(A)  1/24

(B)  1/25

(C)  1/35

(D)  1/36

(1)   A

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (3)

72. If 15% of (x + y) = 45% of (x – y) then y is how much percent of x?

(A)  50%

(B)  30%

(C)  45%

(D)  60%

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (1)

73. In how many ways the letters of word ‘MACHINE’ can be arranged so that vowels will always be together?

(A)  8!

(B)  5!3!

(C)  6!3!

(D)  5!2!

(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (1)

74. A man covers a certain distance in 10 minutes with the speed of 15 km/hr. If he wants to cover the same distance in 7 minutes then what should be his speed?

(A)  21 km/hr

(B)  20.5 km/hr

(C)  21.4 km/hr

(D)  20 km/hr

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (4)

75. What is the average of first 1947 even numbers?

(A)  1948

(B)  1

(C)  1947

(D)  325

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   B

Answer: (3)

76. Two trains are running opposite to each other. Speeds of both trains are 112 km/hr and 1115 km/h. Find the elative speed of both trains with respect to each other.

(A)  227 km/hr

(B)  7 km/hr

(C)  220 km/hr

(D)  225 km/hr

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   A

Answer: (4)

77. If 2/3 work has been completed in 10/3 days, then in how many days, remaining work can be completed?

(A)  4 days

(B)  4/3 days

(C)  5 days

(D)  3/4 days

(1)   A

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (2)

78. If A = (x/x ≤ 10, x ∈ N) and B = (x/x ≤ 10, x ∈ H) then A ∩ B = 9

(A)  (0)

(B)  0

(C)  1

(D)  (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

(1)   D

(2)   B

(3)   A

(4)   C

Answer: (*)

79. What is number of prime factor in (15)18 × (14)10 × (6)9

(A)  70

(B)  72

(C)  75

(D)  74

(1)   B

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   A

Answer: (2)

80. In how many ways a team of 5 members can be chosen from 8 members?

(A)  50

(B)  56

(C)  13

(D)  40

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

81. The process of converting sugar into alcohol is called?

(A)  Hydration

(B)  Fermentation

(C)  Decarboxylation

(D)  Amalgamation

(1)   C

(2)   B

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (2)

82. What is the SI unit of Voltage?

(A)  Coulomb

(B)  Weber

(C)  Volt

(D)  Ampere

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (2)

83. The property which helps an insect to move on the surface of water is

(A)  Magnetic force

(B)  Surface tension

(C)  Friction

(D)  Acceleration due to Gravity

(1)   A

(2)   C

(3)   D

(4)   B

Answer: (4)

84. The process b y which plants can absorb water from the soil is called

(A)  Osmosis

(B)  Diffusion

(C)  Reverse osmosis

(D)  Capillarity

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   D

Answer: (4)

85. Which acid is produced in the stomach of human beings?

(A)  Acetic acid

(B)  Sulfuric acid

(C)  Hydrochloric acid

(D)  Nitric acid

(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   D

(4)   C

Answer: (4)

86. Which branch of medicine deals with disorders related with heart?

(A)  Oncology

(B)  Gasteroenterelogy

(C)  Nephrology

(D)  Cardiology

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   D

(4)   A

Answer: (3)

87. What is the full form of Computer related term ‘VIRUS’?

(A)  Viral Illuminate Radiation Under Seizure

(B)  Viral Information Radiation Under Seizure

(C)  Vigoras illumination Radiation Under Seizure

(D)  Vital Information Resource Under Seizure

(1)   C

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (4)

88. What I s the energy possessed by a body due to its motion is called?

(A)  Geothermal energy

(B)  Kinetic energy

(C)  Potential energy

(D)  Thermal energy

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

89. What is the unit used to measure distances between celestial objects?

(A)  Angostorms

(B)  Decameters

(C)  Light years

(D)  Fathoms

(1)   D

(2)   A

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (4)

90. Which of the following chemical is commonly known as caustic soda?

(A)  Sodium Chloride

(B)  Sodium Bicarbonate

(C)  Sodium Carbonate

(D)  Sodium hydroxide

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (2)

91. The total number of Railway Stations in India is

(A)  8670

(B)  7112

(C)  3800

(D)  7500

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   D

Answer: (1)

92. When was DFCCIL incorporated?

(A)  1990

(B)  2006

(C)  1998

(D)  2000

(1)   A

(2)   C

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (3)

93. The first railway train of India ran between ______.

(A)  Bombay-Goa

(B)  Bombay-Delhi

(C)  Bombay-Calcutta

(D)  Bombay-Thane

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (2)

94. The origin and end points of Eastern Dedicated Frieght Corridor announced in the Railway Budget 2014-15 are

(A)  Kolkata-Ranchi

(B)  Ludhiana-Dankuni

(C)  Ludhiana-Dhanbad

(D)  Ludhiana-Ranchi

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

95. When was the railway finances separated from general government finances?

(A)  1955

(B)  1950

(C)  1924

(D)  1945

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   A

(4)   D

Answer: (2)

96. In which year Delhi Metro was inaugurated?

(A)  2002

(B)  2000

(C)  1995

(D)  1998

(1)   C

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   A

Answer: (4)

97. What is the Quadrilateral development project of connecting four Indian metropolitan cities (Delhi, Mumbai , Kolkata and Chennai) called?

(A)  Silver Quadrilateral

(B)  Diamond Quadrilateral

(C)  Golden Quadrilateral

(D)  Platinum Quadrilateral

(1)   C

(2)   D

(3)   B

(4)   A

Answer: (3)

98. The full form of NRVY is

(A)  National Railway Vikas Yojana

(B)  National Railway Swayamsevak Yojana

(C)  National Railway Vidhyut Yojana

(D)  National Railway Bahumukhi Yojana

(1)   A

(2)   D

(3)   C

(4)   B

Answer: (1)

99. The width of broad gauge railway track is

(A)  1676 mm

(B)  1300 mm

(C)  1200 mm

(D)  1000 mm

(1)   B

(2)   A

(3)   C

(4)   D

Answer: (2)

100. Where is the headquarter of North-Eastern Railway?

(A)  Howrah

(B)  Tatanagar

(C)  Ranchi

(D)  Gorakhpur

(1)   C

(2)   D

(3)   A

(4)   B

Answer: (2)

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