Railway (RRC) Patna Group ‘D’ Examination 1st Sitting Held on 16.11.2014 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway (RRC) Patna Group ‘D’ Examination 1st Sitting Held on 16.11.2014


1. Sharmila started to move in the south direction After moving 15 metres, she turned to her left twice and moved 15 metres each time. How far is she now and in which direction from her starting point :

(1)   15 m. East

(2)   15 m. South

(3)   15√2 East

(4)   30 m. West

Answer: (1)

2. From the given alternatives, choose the world which can be formed using the letters of the word ‘REPUTATION’ :

(1)   TOTAL

(2)   TITAN

(3)   RETIRE


Answer: (2)

3. Which of the following diagrams represents the correct relationship between Books, Novels and Dictionaries :

Answer: (4)

4. What I s the number of triangles in the figure given below :

(1)   20

(2)   18

(3)   16

(4)   12

Answer: (2)

5. Looking at a woman sitting next to him, Raman said, “she is sister of the husband of my wife”. How is the woman related to Raman :

(1)   Daughter

(2)   Sister

(3)   Wife

(4)   Niece

Answer: (2)

6. A person starts from a point A and travels 3 km towards East to reach point B. Then he turns left and travels thrice that distance to reach C. He again turns left and travels five times the distance he covered between A and B and reaches his destination D. The shortest distance between the starting point and the destination is :

(1)   16 km

(2)   18 km

(3)   15 km

(4)   27 km

Answer: (3)

7. Pointing towards a person, a man said to a women, “His mother is the only daughter of your Father”. How is the woman related to that person ?

(1)   Daughter

(2)   Sister

(3)   Mother

(4)   Wife

Answer: (3)

8. What will be the correct arrangement of given leaves according to their size (Small to Large):

(i) Mango Leaf

(ii) Tamarind Leaf

(iii) Papaya Leaf

(iv) Banana Leaf

(1)   ii, i, iii, iv

(2)   iii, ii, iv, i

(3)   i, ii, iii, iv

(4)   ii, iii, i, iv

Answer: (1)

9. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and replace the question m ark in the series given below :

8, 28, 116, 584, ?

(1)   1752

(2)   3502

(3)   3504

(4)   3508

Answer: (4)

10. Which term of the series 5, 10, 20, 40,…. is 1280 :

(1)   10th

(2)   9th

(3)   8th

(4)   11th

Answer: (2)

11. The position of how many letters in the word ‘WONDERFUL’ will remain unchanged when the letters within the word are arranged alphabetically :

(1)   One

(2)   Two

(3)   Three

(4)   None

Answer: (1)

12. A meaningful word starting from A is made from the First, Second, Forth, Fifth and Sixth letters of the word ‘CONTRACT’. Which of the following is the middle letter of that word :

(1)   C

(2)   O

(3)   R

(4)   T

Answer: (4)

13. In a row of boys facing the North. A is sixteenth from the left and C is sixteenth form the right end B, who is fourth to the right of A, is fifth to the left of C in the row. How many boys are there in the row :

(1)   39

(2)   40

(3)   41

(4)   42

Answer: (2)

14. If the day before yesterday was Saturday, the day after tomorrow will be :

(1)   Friday

(2)   Thursday

(3)   Wednesday

(4)   Tuesday

Answer: (3)

15. If P denotes ÷, Q denotes ×, R denotes + and S denotes −, then the value of 18Q12P4R5S6

(1)   53

(2)   59

(3)   63

(4)   65

Answer: (1)

16. The length of the diagonal of a square is ‘a’ cm. Which of the following represents the area of the square (in sq. cm) :

(1)   2a2

(2)   a2/√2

(3)   a2/4

(4)   a2/4

Answer: (3)

17. The breadth of a rectangular hall is three-fourth of it’s length. If the area of the floor is 768 sq. m. then the difference between the length and breadth of the hall is :

(1)   8 m

(2)   12 m

(3)   24 m

(4)   32 m

Answer: (1)

18. Ashok has drawn an angle measuring 45°27ʹ when he was asked to draw and angle of 45°. The percentage error in his drawing is :

(1)   0.5%

(2)   1.0%

(3)   1.5%

(4)   2.0%

Answer: (2)

19. If x = 7 – 4√3, then the value of (x + 1/x) is :

(1)   3√3

(2)   8√3

(3)   14 + 8√3

(4)   14

Answer: (4)

20. If a : b = 2 : 3 and b : c = 4 : 5, then a2 : b2 : bc = ?

(1)   4 : 9 : 45

(2)   16 : 36 : 45

(3)   16 : 36 : 20

(4)   4 : 36 : 40

Answer: (2)

21. Bronze is an alloy consisting of :

(1)   Cu & Al

(2)   Sn & Zn

(3)   Cu & Sn

(4)   Sn & Cr

Answer: (3)

22. The pH value of Lemon Juice should be :

(1)   7.0

(2)   Less than 7.0

(3)   More than 7.0

(4)   Zero

Answer: (2)

23. Study of inter-relationship between living (organism) and their environment is called :

(1)   Ecology

(2)   Evolution

(3)   Eugenics

(4)   Enthology

Answer: (1)

24. The value of ‘g’ (acceleration due to gravity) is maximum at:

(1)   Equator

(2)   Poles

(3)   Earth’s Centre

(4)   Mouth Everest

Answer: (2)

25. ‘Electron’ was discovered by :

(1)   Rutherford

(2)   Chadwick

(3)   J. J. Thomson

(4)   Anderson

Answer: (3)

26. A charged particle accelerator which can accelerate charged particles to high energies is called :

(1)   Cryometer

(2)   Commutator

(3)   Magnetometer

(4)   Cyclotron

Answer: (4)

27. The ‘Second Generation Computers’ used which of the following as the main electronic component :

(1)   Transistor

(2)   Optical Fibre

(3)   Vacuum Tubes

(4)   Integrated Circuits

Answer: (1)

28. Y-2K was a computer programming problem associated with the calendar (Date, Month & Year) also known as :

(1)   Trojan Virus

(2)   Silicon Bug

(3)   Micro Chip Bug

(4)   Millennium Bug

Answer: (4)

29. ‘CDMA’ stands for :

(1)   Computer Designed Multiple Access

(2)   Code Division Multiple Access

(3)   Compact Disk Multiple Access

(4)   Centre for Development of Message Access

Answer: (2)

30. East Central Railway became operation in :

(1)   October 2000

(2)   October 2001

(3)   October 2002

(4)   October 2003

Answer: (3)

31. If a man walks 20 km at the speed of 5 km/hr., will be late by 40 minutes. If he walks at 8 km/hr., how early from the fixed time will he reach:

(1)   15 Minutes

(2)   25 Minutes

(3)   50 Minutes

(4)   1 hr. 30 Minutes

Answer: (3)

32. In covering a certain distance, the speed of A and B are in the ratio of 3 : 4. A takes 30 minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by a to reach the destination is :

(1)   1 hour


(3)   2 hours


Answer: (3)

33. If the H.C.F. of two numbers (each greater than 13) is 13 and L.C.M. is 273, then the sum of the number will be :

(1)   286

(2)   130

(3)   288

(4)   290

Answer: (2)

34. Which of the following fractions is the largest :

(1)   7/8

(2)   13/16

(3)   31/40

(4)   63/80

Answer: (1)

35. (256)16 × (16)0.18 = ?

(1)   4

(2)   16

(3)   64

(4)   256

Answer: (1)


(1)   2/3




Answer: (4)


(1)   2997

(2)   5979

(3)   5997

(4)   5994

Answer: (3)

38. A total of 324 coins of 20 paise and 25 paise make a sum of Rs 71. The number of 25 paise coins is :

(1)   120

(2)   144

(3)   124

(4)   200

Answer: (3)

39. Anil is as much younger to Vivek as he is older to Tarun. If the total of the ages of Vivek and Tarun is 48 years, how old is Anil :

(1)   36 years

(2)   42 years

(3)   22 years

(4)   24 years

Answer: (4)

40. Out of 100 students, 50 failed in English and 30 in Mathematics. If 12 students fail in both English and Mathematics, then the number of student who passed in both the subjects is :

(1)   26

(2)   28

(3)   30

(4)   32

Answer: (4)

41. The ‘Indus Valley Civilization’ was Non-Aryan because :

(1)   It was urban

(2)   It has a pictographic script

(3)   It had an agricultural economy

(4)   It extended upto the Narmada Valley

Answer: (1)

42. Which of the following ‘Indus Civilization’ cities had n o fortified citadel :

(1)   Lothal

(2)   Harappa

(3)   Canhudaro

(4)   Mohenjodaro

Answer: (3)

43. The religion of ‘Early Vedic Aryan’ was primarily :

(1)   Bhakti

(2)   Image Worship and Yajnas

(3)   Worship of Nature and Yajnas

(4)   Bhakti and Deity Worship

Answer: (3)

44. Which of the following places is associated with Jainism?

(1)   Kapilavastu

(2)   Pawapuri

(3)   Prayag

(4)   Shravasti

Answer: (2)

45. A Buddhist Council during the reign of Kanishka was held at :

(1)   Patliputra

(2)   Varanasi

(3)   Kashmir

(4)   Rajgriha

Answer: (3)

46. In the Bahmani Kingdom, ‘Taraf’ implied :

(1)   Gold Coin

(2)   Transit Tax

(3)   Agricultural Tax

(4)   Province

Answer: (4)

47. The ‘Chisti Sufi Order’ was established in India by :

(1)   Khwaja Badruddin

(2)   Khwaja Moinuddin

(3)   Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi

(4)   Sheikh Bahauddin Zakariya

Answer: (2)

48. Who among the following was the founder of ‘Satya Shodhak Samaj’ :

(1)   B. R. Ambedkar

(2)   Jyotiba Phule

(3)   Narayan Guru

(4)   Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: (2)

49. The ‘Moplah Revolt’ of 1921 took place in :

(1)   Kashmir

(2)   N.W.F.P

(3)   Kerala

(4)   Champaran

Answer: (3)

50. Who called Bal Gangadhar Tilak the ‘Father of Indian Unrest’ :

(1)   Valentine Chirol

(2)   Vincent Smith

(3)   Lord Curzon

(4)   Henry Cotton

Answer: (1)

51. A shopkeeper claims to sell his articles at discount of 10%, but marks his articles by increasing the cost of each by 20%. His gain percent is :

(1)   6%

(2)   8%

(3)   10%

(4)   12%

Answer: (2)

52. If the income of A is 10% more than that of B and the income of B is 20% less than of C, then the incomes of A, B, C are in the ratio :

(1)   22 : 20 : 25

(2)   11 : 10 : 8

(3)   10 : 9 : 7

(4)   22 : 18 : 25

Answer: (1)

53. 8 men and 12 children can do a piece of work in 9 days. A child takes double the time to do the work than the man. In how many days 12 men can complete the work :


(2)   14 days

(3)   18 days


Answer: (1)

54. A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak in the tank, it takes  hours to fill the tank. The leak can empty the filled tank in :


(2)   7 hours

(3)   14 hours

(4)   16 hours

Answer: (3)

55. Two trains 105 m and 90 m long run at the speeds of 45 kmph and 72 kmph respectively in opposite direction on parallel tracks. The time in which they cross each other is :

(1)   5 sec.

(2)   6 sec.

(3)   7 sec.

(4)   8 sec.

Answer: (2)

56. A cylinder and a cone have the same height and same radius of base. The ratio between the volumes of the cylinder and the cone is :

(1)   3 : 1


(3)   1 : 2

(4)   2 : 1

Answer: (1)

57. The radius of a circle is 13 cm and AB is a chord which is at a distance of 12 cm from the centre. The length of the chord is :

(1)   16 cm

(2)   8 cm

(3)   10 cm

(4)   15 cm

Answer: (3)


(1)   1/2

(2)   1/4

(3)   2

(4)   1

Answer: (4)

59. A ladder leaning against a vertical wall makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal ground The foot of the ladder is 3 m from the wall. The length of the ladder is :

(1)   4 m

(2)   3√2 m

(3)   5 m

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

60. In a triangle ABC, ∠A − ∠B = 33° and ∠B − ∠C = 18°, then what is the value of ∠B :

(1)   35°

(2)   55°

(3)   45°

(4)   57°

Answer: (2)

61. Who among the following was the editor of ‘Young India’ :

(1)   M. K. Gandhi

(2)   Jawahar Lal Nehru

(3)   Subhash Chandra Bose

(4)   B. R. Ambedkar

Answer: (1)

62. Who attended the ‘Congress of Oppressed Nationalities’ at Brussels in 1927 on behalf of the Indian National Congress :

(1)   Mahatma Gandhi

(2)   Jawaharlal Nehru

(3)   Subhash Chandra Bose

(4)   B. R. Ambedkar

Answer: (2)

63. ‘Marble’ is a :

(1)   Igneous Rock

(2)   Sedimentary Rock

(3)   Metamorphic Rock

(4)   Seismic Rock

Answer: (3)

64. Which of the following is freely available in the gaseous, liquid and solid states :

(1)   CO

(2)   CO2

(3)   O2

(4)   H2O

Answer: (2)

65. Any location n the Earth is described by :

(1)   It’s Elevation and Depression

(2)   It’s Distance from the Equator

(3)   It’s Distance form the Poles

(4)   It’s Latitude and Longitude

Answer: (4)

66. Which of the following planets is known as the ‘Veiled Planet’?

(1)   Mars

(2)   Venus

(3)   Mercury

(4)   Earth

Answer: (4)

67. ‘Bangalore’ and ‘Mysore’ Division of Railway are part of which of the following Zonal Railways :

(1)   Southern Railway

(2)   South Western Railway

(3)   South East Central Railway

(4)   South Central Railway

Answer: (2)

68. The trial run of semi high speed train (Semi bullet train) at the speed of 160 km/hr in July 2014 took place between :

(1)   Delhi to Agra

(2)   Delhi to Bhopal

(3)   Delhi to Chandigarh

(4)   Ahmedabad to Mumbai

Answer: (1)

69. Coral Reefs are :

(1)   Underwater structures made of Volcanic rocks

(2)   Underwater structures made of Marine sediments

(3)   Underwater structures made of Chlorine materials precipitated from sea water

(4)   Underwater structures of Calcium Carbonates made by tiny colonial marine animals

Answer: (4)

70. The Canal which links Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea is :

(1)   Suez Canal

(2)   Malacca Canal

(3)   Panama Canal

(4)   Gibraltar Canal

Answer: (1)

71. The judiciary in the Union Territory of Pondicherry comes under the administrative control of :

(1)   High Court of Judicature at Kolkata

(2)   High Court of Judicature at Mumbai

(3)   High Court of Judicature at Madras (Chennai)

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

72. Which of the following is India’s Largest Public Sector Commercial Bank ?

(1)   IDBI Bank

(2)   ICICI Bank

(3)   AXIS Bank

(4)   SBI

Answer: (4)

73. Bad Loans in Banking terminology are known as :

(1)   NPAs

(2)   Prime Loans

(3)   BPOs

(4)   CBs

Answer: (1)

74. ‘Sonpur Mela (Cattle Fair)’ is also called :

(1)   Sauratha Mela

(2)   Harihar Kshetra Mela

(3)   Janaki Navami Mela

(4)   Vaishali Mela

Answer: (2)

75. Who is the author of the book ‘India Divided’?

(1)   Mahatma Gandhi

(2)   Abul Kalam Azad

(3)   Dr. Rajendar Prasad

(4)   Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer: (3)

76. The percentage of Scheduled Tribes (ST) population in Bihar is about :

(1)   7.5%

(2)   15.3%

(3)   1.3%

(4)   11%

Answer: (3)

77. ‘Zohra Sehgal’, who died in July 2014 at the age of 102 years was :

(1)   An Actress

(2)   A Journalist

(3)   A Painter

(4)   A Human Right Activist

Answer: (1)

78. ‘Padma Shri Sita Devi’ was a legendary figure of :

(1)   Classical Dance

(2)   Bhojpuri Cinema

(3)   Maithili Cinema

(4)   Madhubani Painting

Answer: (4)

79. The winner of 2014 Wimbledon Women’s Singles title is :

(1)   Petra Kvitova

(2)   Eugenie Bouchard

(3)   Serena Williams

(4)   Maria Sharapova

Answer: (1)

80. Which of the following countries defeated Brazil by 7-1 in 2014 FIFA World Cup Semifinal?

(1)   Argentina

(2)   Nehterland

(3)   Germany

(4)   France

Answer: (3)

81. Which of the following Political Parties got the 3rd highest seats in 16th Lok Shabha Elections held in 2014?

(1)   RJD

(2)   AIADMK

(3)   Trinamool Congress

(4)   BJD

Answer: (2)

82. Who among the following is the richest member of Parliament of 16th Lok Sabha?

(1)   Konda Vishweshwar Reddy

(2)   Gokaraju Ganga Raju

(3)   Navin Jindal

(4)   Jaaydev Galla

Answer: (4)

83. Who among the following held the office of the Vice-President of India for two consecutive terms :

(1)   Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

(2)   Mr. R. Venkataraman

(3)   Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma

(4)   Mr. V. V. Giri

Answer: (1)

84. Consider the following words :

(i) Socialist

(ii) Democratic

(iii) Sovereign

(iv) Secular

Choose the response which gives their correct order in the Preamble of our Constitution :

(1)   iii, i, iv and ii

(2)   iii, iv, i and ii

(3)   iii, iv, ii and i

(4)   iv, i, iii and ii

Answer: (1)

85. Finance Bill of Indian Government is presented in :

(1)   Upper House

(2)   Lower House

(3)   Reserve Bank of India

(4)   Finance Commission

Answer: (2)

86. ‘Polio’ disease is caused by :

(1)   Bacteria

(2)   Worm

(3)   Virus

(4)   Fungus

Answer: (3)

87. The destruction of Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC) takes place in :

(1)   Lymph Node

(2)   Liver and Spleen

(3)   Bone Marrow

(4)   Intestine

Answer: (2)

88. The smallest bone in human body is :

(1)   Stapes

(2)   Humerus

(3)   Tarsal

(4)   Femur

Answer: (1)

89. ‘Auxins’ are :

(1)   A class of Animal Hormones

(2)   A Group of Virus

(3)   A Group of Bacteria

(4)   A Class of Plant Hormones

Answer: (4)

90. Role of Chlorophyll in Photosynthesis is :

(1)   Absorption of Water

(2)   Absorption of light energy

(3)   Absorption of CO2

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

91. In the given series, one term is wrong. Find out the wrong term from the alternatives given below :

69, 55, 26, 13, 5

(1)   5

(2)   13

(3)   26

(4)   55

Answer: (4)

92. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and replace the question mark in the series given below :

4, 10, ?, 82, 244, 730

(1)   24

(2)   28

(3)   32

(4)   77

Answer: (2)

93. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and replace the question mark in the series given below :

Z9A, X7D, ?, T3J, R1M

(1)   W6F

(2)   S3H

(3)   G9V

(4)   V5G

Answer: (4)

94. The two words ‘Birds : Wings” have a certain relationship to each other. Choose the correct alternative in which the two words similar relationship :

(1)   Whale : Water

(2)   Dog : Lungs

(3)   Car : Wheel

(4)   Pen : Paper

Answer: (3)

95. The two words “Hitler : Germany” have a certain relationship to each other. Choose the correct alternative in which the two words have similar relationship :

(1)   Shakespeare : England

(2)   Mussolini : Italy

(3)   Boris Yelstin : Russia

(4)   Tulsidas : India

Answer: (2)

96. In the alternatives given below, three are like in some manner while the fourth one is different. Choose the odd one :

(1)   Hear

(2)   Smell

(3)   Taste

(4)   Think

Answer: (4)

97. In the alternatives given below, three are alike in some manner while the fourth one is different. Choose the odd one :

(1)   Birbal

(2)   Abul Fazl

(3)   Faiz Ahmed

(4)   Tansen

Answer: (3)

98. If E = 5 and HOTEL = 12, then the code of LAMB will be :

(1)   7

(2)   10

(3)   26

(4)   28

Answer: (1)

99. If DRIVER = 12, PEDESTRIAN = 20, ACCIDENT = 16, then CAR = ?

(1)   3

(2)   6

(3)   8

(4)   10

Answer: (2)

100. In a certain code language, ‘col tip mot’; means ‘singing is appreciable’, ‘mot baj min’ means ‘dancing is good’ and ‘tip nop baj’ means ‘singing and dancing’, then which of the following means ‘good’ in that code language?

(1)   mot

(2)   min

(3)   baj

(4)   Can’t be determined

Answer: (2)

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