RBI Office Assistant Pre (Phase I) Online Examination Held on November 27, 2017 Question Paper With Answer Key

RBI Office Assistant Pre (Phase I) Online Examination Held on November 27, 2017
RBI Office Assistant Pre (Phase I) Online Examination Held on November 27, 2017 Question Paper With Answer Key

RBI Office Assistant Pre (Phase I) Online Examination Held on November 27, 2017

Part I English Language

Direction (Q. Nos. 1-5) In the given sentence there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence five pairs of words have been given. Find out which pair of words can  be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. The incident has …… severe damage to the …… of the employees.

(a)   resulted; optimism

(b)   led; emotions

(c)   produced; conduct

(d)   contributed; integrity

(e)   caused; orale

Answer: (e)

2. …….. investing in technology, the company has been ………. to complete globally.

(a)   For; trying

(b)   Despite; gradual

(c)   While; clear

(d)   Since; enable

(e)   By; able

Answer: (e)

3. The root….. of slow reduction in poverty is …….. of investment in agriculture.

(a)   purpose; increase

(b)   reason; hike

(c)   cause; lack

(d)   effect; incidence

(e)   consequence; plunge

Answer: (c)

4. You have unfairly ……….. his success to the fact that he is well ……..

(a)   reduced; behaved

(b)   doubted; adjusted

(c)   excused; educated

(d)   attributed; connected

(e)   rated; known

Answer: (e)

5. To ……. the problems of the region it is ……… to interact with the local people.

(a)   discover; necessity

(b)   understand; essential

(c)   research; advice

(d)   manage; needful

(e)   focus; better

Answer: (b)

Direction (Q. Nos. 6-10) In this question, a sentence with four words in bold type is given. One of these four words given in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. That word is your answer. If all the words given in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark ‘All correct’ as your answer.

6. The government has permitted foreign direct investment in digitail service providers upto a limit of 50

(a)   permitted

(b)   digitail

(c)   service

(d)   percent

(e)   All correct

Answer: (e)

7. A bank gift card is usually a prepaid card which can be used in an ATM to cheque the balance, but one cannot withdraw

(a)   usually

(b)   prepaid

(c)   cheque

(d)   withdraw

(e)   All correct

Answer: (c)

8. He first joinned the Board of Directors two years ago and has expressed his concerns at various global

(a)   joinned

(b)   ago

(c)   various

(d)   global

(e)   All correct

Answer: (a)

9. The waste amount of information available today has created a more knowledgeable

(a)   waste

(b)   amount

(c)   information

(d)   public

(e)   All correct

Answer: (a)

10. Some of the steps taken over the late few months have made the tax return filing process

(a)   steps

(b)   late

(c)   filing

(d)   simpler

(e)   All correct

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11-18) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The Number of that part is the answer, if there is not error, the answer is (e). (Ignore error of punctuation, if any)

11. The two-part documentary/ is a critique of the education system/ and its impacting/ on upliftment of women.

(a)   The two-part documentary

(b)   is a critique of the education system

(c)   and its impacting

(d)   on upliftment of women

(e)   No error

Answer: (c)

12. All the Airlines is/ using the increased awareness/ about security to impose a new/ code of conduct among passengers.

(a)   All the Airlines is

(b)   using the increased awareness

(c)   about security to impose a new

(d)   code of conduct among passengers

(e)   No error

Answer: (a)

13. They treated themselves/ to ice creams/ and were all set of explore/ the markets of the city.

(a)   They treated themselves

(b)   to ice creams

(c)   and were all set of explore

(d)   the markets of the city

(e)   No error

Answer: (c)

14. He used to help his/ friend’s mother cook/ and clean of the house/ at an incredible speed.

(a)   He used to help his

(b)   friend’s mother cook

(c)   and clean of the house

(d)   at an incredible speed

(e)   No error

Answer: (c)

15. One afternoon, the crocodile/ was resting beside a stone near/ the pond, when two fishermen/ stopped there to drinking water.

(a)   One afternoon, the crocodile

(b)   was resting beside a stone near

(c)   the pond, when two fishermen

(d)   stopped there to drinking water

(e)   No error

Answer: (d)

16. My brother and I are/ going to tell her that scientists/ are here to take crystals away,/ which is how everyone is crying.

(a)   My brother and I are

(b)   going to tell her that scientists

(c)   are here to take crystals away

(d)   which is how everyone is crying

(e)   No error

Answer: (d)

17. All of them met after a hour/ at the same spot and were/ counting money spread/ out on a blanket.

(a)   All of them met after a hour

(b)   at the spot and were

(c)   counting money spread

(d)   out on a blanket.

(e)   No error

Answer: (a)

18. The fishermen took/ the foolish fishes to the/ market and sale/ them for a good profit.

(a)   The fishermen took

(b)   the foolish fishes to the

(c)   market and sale

(d)   them for a good profit

(e)   No error

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 19-30) Read the following passage and answer the given questions. Certain words/phrase are given in bold to help you locate them whole answering some of the questions.

There was once a king who died leaving four sons. The other three prices were extremely jealous of the youngest and conspired against him making him leave the palace. The queen went along with him( her beloved son). Now one day they were by the river when they spotted an abandoned boat. The young prince saw it and immediately began to plan a voyage. His mother pleaded. But the young prince was determined to seek his fortune with or without her. So at last time queen got into the boat. They set sail and journeyed for days till the river met the sea. They journeyed on and on till land was no longer visible and came upon a whirlpool. Strange red rocks were floating and disappearing from sight. As their boat drew alongside one such rock they could see it was ruby.

The prince cast a net and drew in a dozen large rubies. As he drew them on board, his mother said, “Perhaps they belong to someone who was shipwrecked and we’ll be taken as thieves”. So the prince threw them overboard, keeping just one which he hid among his clothes from his mother. They sailed on and at last came to a port. When they came ashore they realized it was the capital of a great king. They took some cheap rooms on the city outskirts. Now the prince was still young and longed for company of his age after working for a local merchant all day.

One day he came some youth of the town playing marbles and they Invited him to join them. But he couldn’t join in their game as he had no marbles of  his own. On the spur of the movement he used the red ruby. Now it so happened that the princess was passing by and seeing the brilliant ‘marble’ was enchanted. When she reached the palace she told her father that she had never seen such a marble and would like to possess it. The king ordered that the boy and the marble brought to the palace. ‘When the king saw the brilliant stone he realized it was a so rare a gem that he would be the envy of all.

He asked the boy how he had come upon it. The boy said that he had got it from the sea. The king offered a thousand rupees for the marble and the boy not realizing its true value readily parted with it. He took the money to his mother who was a little frightened, wondering if he h ad stolen it for they had nothing of such value to sell. On learning where he had got the money she calmed down. Now at the palace the princess happily put the ruby in her hair but her parrot said, “What princess puts just one ruby in her hair?” The princess went to her father in tears, “Where was he to get another ruby?” But she was adamant.

The king sent for the boy: He was unable to describe exactly where he had found the ruby but volunteered to go in search of more. The king offered the boy a handsome reward for he loved his daughter. The boy went his home and told his mother that he had to set off. She was frightened but nothing could deter him. He set off and finally after many days and getting out several times h e came upon the whirlpool.

This time through he wanted to discover the source of the rubies. He dived into the gap in the middle of the whirlpool and reached a beautiful palace. There he saw a young girl imprisoned and as her tears fell on the beautiful red corral these were transformed into rubies. Seeing the plight of the girl he was moved and picked up one of the golden rods lying outside her prison to break the lock when the rod floated from his hand and touched the bars which melted away.

The girl was astonished to see the boy and the two quickly ran from the palace before, he witch who had imprisoned her there realized. The two made off with some of the rubies and returned to the king who rewarded them. They were married and lived happily ever after and the whirlpool was never found again.

19. Which of the following is most nearly the opposite of the word ‘True’ as used in passage?

(a)   Evil

(b)   Disloyal

(c)   Untrustworthy

(d)   Wrong

(e)   All the given options

Answer: (d)

20. Which of the following can be said about the prince’s mother?

(A) She loved her youngest son very much.

(B) She sometimes gave into her son’s wisehs.

(C) She was honest.

(a)   Only A

(b)   Only C

(c)   A and B

(d)   B and C

(e)   All of these

Answer: (e)

21. How did the king react to the princess’ demands?

(a)   He himself set off in search of the rubies.

(b)   He tried to distract her with other jewels.

(c)   He banished her to her room with only her parrot for company.

(d)   He tried to meet them.

(e)   Not mentioned in the passage.

Answer: (d)

22. What made the boy pick up the golden rod?

(a)   He wanted to take it back to the king and sell it.

(b)   To rescue the girl trapped in the palace.

(c)   To fish out more rubies from the whirlpool.

(d)   To defend himself from the witch’s vicious attack on him.

(e)   Not mentioned in the passage

Answer: (b)

23. Why did the prince dive into the whirlpool?

(a)   To discover the source of the rubies.

(b)   To rescue the princess.

(c)   To destroy the palace so that no one else would get such rubies.

(d)   He enjoyed swimming.

(e)   None of the given options.

Answer: (a)

24. Why did the prince leave his palace home?

(a)   The king had banished him and the queen.

(b)   His elder brothers plotted against him.

(c)   He was adventurous and wanted to travel.

(d)   He wanted to marry a princess from a distant land.

(e)   None of the given options.

Answer: (b)

25. Which of the following is most nearly the opposite of the word ‘Brilliant’ as used in the passage?

(a)   dull

(b)   unintelligent

(c)   foolish

(d)   unaware

(e)   All the given options

Answer: (a)

26. Why did the boy play with the ruby?

(a)   He knew the princess was passing by and wanted to impress her.

(b)   He wanted to participate in the game the other boys were playing and used it as a plaything.

(c)   He knew that it would fetch a handsome price.

(d)   His mother would not allow him to sell it at any cost.

(e)   None of the given options

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning as the word ‘Cast’ as used in the passage?

(a)   Actors

(b)   Moulded

(c)   Stereotyped

(d)   Threw

(e)   Selected

Answer: (a)

28. Which of the following is/are true in the context of the story?

(a)   The prince was foolish not to marry the princess.

(b)   The rubies were cursed

(c)   The king did not pay the boy the true worth of the ruby the first time.

(d)   The young prince was dishonest and untrustworthy.

(e)   All the given options are not true in the context of the story.

Answer: (c)

29. Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning as the word ‘Spotted’ as used in the passage?

(a)   Dirty

(b)   Multicoloured

(c)   Saw

(d)   Stained

(e)   Difficulty

Answer: (c)

30. Which not the following does not describe the princess?

(a)   Stubborn

(b)   Demanding

(c)   Determined

(d)   Malicious

(e)   All the given options

Answer: (d)

Part II Reasoning Ability

31. In the word CITRUS, the letter immediately before each vowel is replaced with the next alphabet (as per the English alphabetical order) and all other remain unchanged. Which of the following letters did not appear in the word thus formed?

(a)   I

(b)   V

(c)   T

(d)   S

(e)   D

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 32-34) In each question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements.

The statements are followed by two conclusions I and II. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.

Give answer

(a) if only conclusion I is true

(b) if only conclusion II is true

(c) if either conclusion I or II true

(d) if both conclusions are true

(e) if none of the conclusion is true

32. Statement G ≤ I = A ≤ N < T

Conclusion I. G < T                  II. G = T

Answer: (a)

33. Statements B ≤ C = X ≥ Y < Z

Conclusion I. B > Z                   II. B = Z

Answer: (e)

34. Statements G ≤ H ≤ R ≥ S = T > U

Conclusion I. R ≥ G        II. H > U

Answer: (a)

35. In a certain code language, SHOUT is written as *$59# and HATES is written as $4#6*. How will HOUSE be coded in the same code language?

(a)   $59#2

(b)   6$295

(c)   #95$6

(d)   Cannot be determined

(e)   $59*6

Answer: (e)

Directions (Q. Nos. 36-37) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.

A is 8 m West of M. L is 9 m North of A. Q is 3 m West of L. R is 14 m South of Q. W is 15 m East of R.

36. In which direction is M with respect to R?

(a)   North-East

(b)   North-West

(c)   North

(d)   South-East

(e)   East

Answer: (a)

37. If C is 5 m North of W, then what will be the distance between A and C?

(a)   12 m

(b)   None of the given options

(c)   15 m

(d)   5 m

(e)   8 m

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 38-42) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.

Six people A, B, C, P, Q and R cleared their promotion exam in different months of the same year – January, March, June, September, November and December. B cleared his exam after the eighth month of the year but before November. Only one person cleared the exam between B and C. As many people cleared their exam before C as after Q. A cleared his exam in one of the months between B and Q. Only two people cleared their exams between A and R.

38. If X cleared his exam in one of the calendar months between those of B and R, then in which month did X clear his exam?

(a)   February

(b)   Either April or May

(c)   October

(d)   None of the given options

(e)   Either July or August

Answer: (c)

39. In which month did R clear his exam?

(a)   March

(b)   December

(c)   June

(d)   January

(e)   November

Answer: (e)

40. As per the given arrangement, Q is related to P in the same way as B is related to C. Following the same pattern, to whom is A related?

(a)   Either R or B

(b)   R

(c)   Either B or Q

(d)   Q

(e)   B

Answer: (e)

41. How many people have cleared their exam before Q?

(a)   Two

(b)   More than three

(c)   None

(d)   One

(e)   Three

Answer: (c)

42. Which of the following statement is/are true with respect to the given arrangement?

(I) C cleared his exam in a month having 31 days.

(II) C cleared his exam on one of the days before R.

(III) No one cleared an exam between B and R.

(a)   Both I and II

(b)   Only I

(c)   Both II and III

(d)   Only II

(e)   All of these

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 43-46) In each question, two/three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II, have been given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

Give answer

(a) if only conclusion I is true

(b) if only conclusion II is true

(c) if either conclusion I or II true

(d) if both conclusions are true

(e) if none of the conclusion is true

43. Statements Some sketches are paintings.

All paintings are drawings.

Some drawings are letters.


I. All sketches can never be drawings.

II. No painting is a letter.

Answer: (e)

44. Statements All cubes are spheres.

Some spheres are triangles.


I. No cube is a triangle.

II. All spheres are cubes.

Answer: (e)

45. Statements Some juices are drinks.

All drinks are snacks.

No snack is cookie.


I. All juices can never be cookies.

II. At least some juices are snacks.

Answer: (d)

46. Statements Some juices are drinks.

All drinks are snacks.

No snack is cookie.


I. No drink is a cookie.

II. At least some juices are cookies.

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 47-51) The questions are based on five words given below

            CAR  BET  AIR   PIE    USE

The new words formed after performing the mentioned operations may or may not necessarily be meaningful English words.

47. If the first letter of the second, third and fourth words (from the left) are used to make a meaningful English word, then which word will be formed?

(a)   More than one words can be formed.

(b)   TUB

(c)   No word can be formed.

(d)   RUB

(e)   CAP

Answer: (c)

48. If all the letters in each of the given words are rearranged in alphabetical order within the word, in which of the following words will the last alphabet be a vowel?

(a)   Only USE

(b)   Both BET and AIR

(c)   Only BET

(d)   Only CAR

(e)   Both AIR and PIE

Answer: (a)

49. If in each of the given words, each of the consonants is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series, in how many words thus formed will all the letters be vowels (same or different vowels)?

(a)   One

(b)   Two

(c)   All the given words

(d)   Four

(e)   Three

Answer: (a)

50. If the letter ‘F’ is added before each of the given words, how many meaningful English words will be formed?

(a)   Two

(b)   Four

(c)   One

(d)   None

(e)   Three

Answer: (a)

51. If the given words are arranged in the order as they would appear in an English dictionary from left to right, which of the following will be second from the right?

(a)   USE

(b)   CAR

(c)   BET

(d)   PIE

(e)   AIR

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 52-54) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.

Six people A, B, C, D, E and F bought different number of books from a store. C bought more books from only two people. A bought less books than only F. E bought more books than both B and C. B did not buy the least number of books. The one who bought second lowest number of books bought 9 books.

52. If E bought 15 books, then how many books did C possibly buy?

(a)   7

(b)   20

(c)   8

(d)   17

(e)   13

Answer: (e)

53. How many books did B buy?

(a)   16

(b)   7

(c)   9

(d)   Cannot be determined

(e)   2

Answer: (c)

54. Who bought the third highest number of books?

(a)   None of the given options

(b)   D

(c)   E

(d)   A

(e)   C

Answer: (e)

55. If ‘1’ is added to all even digits of the number 4782659 and ‘2’ is subtracted from all the odd digits, then which of the following digits will appear twice in the new number thus formed?

(a)   7, 2

(b)   1, 5, 9

(c)   7, 9

(d)   1, 9

(e)   5, 3, 7

Answer: (e)

56. If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word with the first, the fourth, the fifth and the seventh letters from the left of the word EVACUATION, using all the letters but each letter only once, which would be the second letter of the word from the left end? If more than one such word can be formed, give ‘Z’ as your answer. If no such word can be formed give ‘Y’ as your answer.

(a)   Y

(b)   Z

(c)   U

(d)   T

(e)   C

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 57-61) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.

V J T & 9 H % # Y 5 @ 7 P ⋆ A 2 π M 4 φ K 6 F + 8 G

57. How many symbols are there between the fifth and the sixteenth elements from the left end?

(a)   Five

(b)   Two

(c)   More than five

(d)   Three

(e)   Four

Answer: (e)

58. If only one meaningful English word can be made using the letters between the seventh and the seventeenth elements from the left end, what will be the last letter of that word?

(a)   Y

(b)   M

(c)   P

(d)   More than one word can be formed using the given letters

(e)   H

Answer: (a)

59. If all the symbols are deleted, then which of the following will be the tenth element from the right end?

(a)   5

(b)   7

(c)   2

(d)   A

(e)   P

Answer: (e)

60. If all letters and symbols are deleted, then what will be the sum of the first, third and fifth elements from the left end?

(a)   17

(b)   10

(c)   8

(d)   14

(e)   None of the given options

Answer: (e)

61. Which of the following is the eight element to the right of 7?

(a)   φ

(b)   F

(c)   π

(d)   6

(e)   M

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 62-64) Study the following information and answer the given questions.

B is married to S. G is the brother of B. A is the father of G. R is the only daughter of A. R is the mother of P. G is married to E.

62. How is B related to P?

(a)   Uncle

(b)   Aunt

(c)   Cousin

(d)   Brother-in-law

(e)   Sister-in-law

Answer: (e)

63. If Q is the mother-in-law of S, then how is Q related to R?

(a)   Sister-in-law

(b)   Mother-in-law

(c)   Grandmother

(d)   Aunt

(e)   Mother

Answer: (c)

64. How is A related to E?

(a)   Brother

(b)   Uncle

(c)   Grandfather

(d)   Father-in-law

(e)   Father

Answer: (d)

65. In a certain code language, MICRO is written as NHDQP and WIDES is written as XHEDT. Then, how STAINS will be written in that code language?

(a)   TUBJMR

(b)   RUBJMT

(c)   TSBHOR

(d)   TIJSHR

(e)   None of these

Answer: (c)

Part III Quantitative Aptitude

66. Rs 4800 was invested at 10% per annum compound interest (compounded annually) and a certain sum was invested t 20% per annum compound interest (compounded annually) . After 2 years the total interest accrued from both the schemes was Rs 3472. What was the sum invested at 20% per annum compound interest (compounded annually)?

(a)   Rs 6000

(b)   Rs 5800

(c)   Rs 5600

(d)   Rs 5200

(e)   Rs 6400

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 67-76) What will come in place of question marks in the given equations?

67. 34 × √? ÷ 92 = 311

(a)   36

(b)   144

(c)   9

(d)   81

(e)   729

Answer: (e)


(a)   60

(b)   36

(c)   40

(d)   30

(e)   20

Answer: (a)

69. 22% of 550 = (? – 54)2

(a)   69

(b)   75

(c)   68

(d)   65

(e)   72

Answer: (d)

70. 958 − ?2 + 50 = 684

(a)   20

(b)   24

(c)   22

(d)   16

(e)   18

Answer: (e)

71. ?% of (4.5 × 4 + 24) = 21

(a)   20

(b)   50

(c)   60

(d)   40

(e)   30

Answer: (b)

72. (32.5 – 7.5) × 5 = 50 × ?

(a)   1.5

(b)   2.5

(c)   3.5

(d)   0.5

(e)   2.4

Answer: (b)

73. ?% of 240 – 23 = 157

(a)   70

(b)   65

(c)   85

(d)   75

(e)   80

Answer: (d)


(a)   1/6

(b)   3/4

(c)   3/8

(d)   5/8

(e)   1/4

Answer: (b)

75. ? ÷5 × 4 – 121 = 79

(a)   364

(b)   375

(c)   372

(d)   381

(e)   365

Answer: (b)


(a)   21

(b)   42

(c)   35

(d)   14

(e)   28

Answer: (a)

77. Two pipes can fill a tank in 30 hours and 45 hours respectively. A third pipe (Z) can empty the tank in X hours. If all the pipes are opened and function simultaneously, 50% of the tank will be full in 12 6/7 hours. What is the value of X?

(a)   60 h

(b)   75 h

(c)   45 h

(d)   50 h

(e)   90 h

Answer: (a)

78. A, B and C started a business by investing Rs 8400, Rs 9600, and Rs 14000 respectively. All of them invested for equal period of time. If C’s share of annual profit was Rs 12000 what was the sum of A’s and B’s share of annual profit?

(a)   Rs 16200

(b)   Rs 16900

(c)   Rs 23400

(d)   Rs 15430

(e)   Rs 14300

Answer: (d)

79. Four years hence, Rashmi will be half of Jasmine’s present age. Two years ago, the ratio between Rashmi’s age and Jasmine’s age that time was 1 : 3 respectively. If Jasmine is 12 years elder to Ana, what will be Ana’s age 3 years hence?

(a)   11 yr

(b)   20 yr

(c)   29 yr

(d)   23 yr

(e)   26 yr

Answer: (a)

80. There was 96 litre of pure mil in a vessel. 12 L of pure milk was taken out and replaced with equal quantity of water. Again 16 L of mixture was taken out and replaced with X litre water. After this, respective ratio of milk and water in the resultant mixture became 10 : 3. What is the value of X?

(a)   11 L

(b)   12 L

(c)   15 L

(d)   14 L

(e)   7 L

Answer: (b)

81. Sam invested a certain sum in scheme A for 5 years and in scheme B for 3 years a sum which was double of that invested in scheme A. Both the scheme offer 8% simple interest and the difference between the amounts received from both the schemes was Rs 12960, how much did sam invest in scheme A?

(a)   Rs 18000

(b)   Rs 12000

(c)   Rs 14000

(d)   Rs 15000

(e)   Rs 16000

Answer: (b)

82. The average of 10 numbers is 21.8. The average of last four number is 15. If the average of first five numbers is 23, what is the value of the sixth number?

(a)   32

(b)   43

(c)   48

(d)   38

(e)   42

Answer: (b)

83. The side of a square of area 196 cm2 is equal to the breadth of a rectangle of perimeter of 60 cm. What is the area of the rectangle?

(a)   258 cm2

(b)   244 cm2

(c)   232 cm2

(d)   216 cm2

(e)   224 cm2

Answer: (e)

84. Item A was sold at 60% profit. If it was marked 100% above its cost price, what was the percent discount offered?

(a)   10%

(b)   12.5%

(c)   17.5%

(d)   20%

(e)   25%

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 85-89) What will come in place of question marks in the given number series?

85. 3328   832    208    52      ?        25

(a)   7.5

(b)   11

(c)   13

(d)   15

(e)   10

Answer: (c)

86. 9   22      37      55      77      ?

(a)   105

(b)   97

(c)   115

(d)   99

(e)   104

Answer: (e)

87. 7   6        8        15      44      ?

(a)   146

(b)   152

(c)   195

(d)   150

(e)   154

Answer: (c)

88. 3    8        23      68      ?        608

(a)   198

(b)   203

(c)   212

(d)   199

(e)   215

Answer: (b)

89. 31   58      122    247    463    ?

(a)   796

(b)   806

(c)   810

(d)   792

(e)   824

Answer: (b)

90. The time taken by a boat to cover 84 km downstream is 2 hours 48 minutes. The speed of the boat upstream in 24 km/h. What is the total time taken to cover 60 km upstream and the same distance downstream?

(a)   4 h 20 min

(b)   4 h 30 min

(c)   5 h 50 min

(d)   5 h 30 min

(e)   6 h 30 min

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 91-95) Study the table and answer the given questions.

91. What was the difference between total number of people who visited Gymnasium C and D together in June and those who visited the same gymnasiums together in August?

(a)   20

(b)   15

(c)   35

(d)   25

(e)   30

Answer: (d)

92. What was the average number of people who visited Gymnasium A, B and D in September?

(a)   216

(b)   195

(c)   190

(d)   210

(e)   205

Answer: (e)

93. What was the respective ratio of number of people who visited Gymnasium C in May to total number of people who visited Gymnasium A in May and June together?

(a)   5 : 6

(b)   7 : 8

(c)   3 : 4

(d)   3 : 5

(e)   2 : 3

Answer: (e)

94. Out of total number of people who visited Gymnasium A in August, if 5/9th were females, how many were males?

(a)   84

(b)   96

(c)   80

(d)   100

(e)   128

Answer: (c)

95. Total number of people who visited Gymnasium B in June and July together was what percent more than number of people who visited Gymnasium C in July?

(a)   48%

(b)   56%

(c)   36%

(d)   44%

(e)   64%

Answer: (e)

96. The population of a village in 2013 was 3168. It decreased from 2011 to 2012 by 20% and increased from 2012 to 2013 by 10%. If in 2011 the number of females was 1843, what was the respective ratio between the number of females and that of males in 2011?

(a)   25 : 21

(b)   23 : 21

(c)   26 : 21

(d)   23 : 22

(e)   25 : 22

Answer: (b)

97. An interest of Rs 1680 is earned when a certain sum is invested for 5 years in Scheme A offering simple interest at 12% per annum. If the same sum was invested for 3 years in Scheme B offering simple interest at 14% per annum, what will be the interest earned?

(a)   Rs 1176

(b)   Rs 1088

(c)   Rs 1124

(d)   Rs 1512

(e)   Rs 1248

Answer: (a)

98. A man covers the first part of his journey by Car A at ‘X’ km/h in ‘X’ minutes and the remaining distance at 85 km/h in 6 hours by Car B. If the total distance covered by him by both cars together was 750 km, what is the total time taken by him to complete the journey?

(a)   8 h

(b)   9 h

(c)   10 h

(d)   6 h

(e)   5 h

Answer: (a)

99. The average scores of P, Q and R in Test A was 80 marks. In Test A, P scored 4 marks less than Q. In Test B, P got 6 marks less and Q got 4 marks more as compared to their respective scores in Test A; and the sum of P’s and Q’s score was 144 marks. What was the difference between P’s score and R’s score in Test A?

(a)   12 marks

(b)   16 marks

(c)   14 marks

(d)   18 marks

(e)   23 marks

Answer: (e)

100. The population of village A is 20% more than population of village B. Population of village C is 40% more than the population of village A. If the difference between population of village A?

(a)   2100

(b)   1660

(c)   1980

(d)   1960

(e)   1920

Answer: (c)

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