State Bank of India S.O. Examination Held on 17-6-2017 Reasoning and Data Interpretation Question Paper With Answer Key

State Bank of India S.O. Examination Held on 17-6-2017 Reasoning and Data Interpretation
State Bank of India S.O. Examination Held on 17-6-2017 Reasoning and Data Interpretation Question Paper With Answer Key

State Bank of India S.O. Examination Held on 17-6-2017

Reasoning and Data Interpretation

1. Read the given information and answer the given question-

College D has been experiencing frequent power cuts lately.

“We are in this situation only because of College S. Due to the new rule laid out by the government, the units consumed by an area calculated while deciding power cuts and those areas using more power face frequent cuts. College S regularly lend its ground to outsiders thus consuming much more power than us” – Statement by one of the staff members of college D.

Which of the following can be inferred from the statement of the staff member of college D?

(A)  The number of students studying in both colleges S or D is more or less equal

(B)  Both colleges S and D are located in the same area

(C)  College S is not facing as many power cuts as College D

(D)  College D consumes least units of electricity in its area

(E)  College D haasa not lent its ground even once to outsiders

Answer: (B)

Directions – (Q. 2-4) Study the following information carefully and answer the given question –

     There are ten family members A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J. There are three generations in the family. There are three married couple in the family. B is the only sister of G’s brother H. G. and J are the married couple. A is the mother of J. D is the brother of J. C is the father-in-law of G. I is the mother of B. F is the father-in-law of J. E is the son of G.

2. How is G related to D?

(A)  Brother

(B)  Brother-in-law

(C)  Cousin

(D)  Father

(E)  Husband

Answer: (B)

3. How is I related to E?

(A)  Grandfather

(B)  Sister

(C)  Grandmother

(D)  Mother

(E)  Brother

Answer: (C)

4. How is B related to E?

(A)  Aunt

(B)  Uncle

(C)  Spouse

(D)  Cousin

(E)  Niece

Answer: (A)

5. Read the given information to answer the given question-

A private sector bank of company P has been launching many new schemes on its credit cards from the past one year for its customers.

Which of the following may be an effect on its customers of the launch of new schemes by the bank ?

(1) The number of customers opting for transaction through credit card will increase.

(2) The said bank will make meager profits with t he launch of these new schemes.

(3) The internet rate offered by the bank on all its cards will decrease.

(4) Many new customers will be attracted to open an account with the said bank.

(A)  Only 1

(B)  None will be an effect

(C)  Only 1, 2 and 4

(D)  Only 2 and 3

(E)  All 1, 2, 3, and 4

Answer: (C)

6. Statement : P > R ≥ A = N ≤ K ≤ S

Conclusion : I. N < P

II. S ≥ A

(A)  Only conclusion I follows

(B)  Only conclusion II follows

(C)  Both conclusions I and II follow

(D)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows

(E)  Either conclusion I or II follows

Answer: (C)

Directions- (Q. 7-10) Study the following information to answer the given question –

      Six person, A, B, C, D, E and F are seated in a straight line facing North, with equal distance between each other but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also likes a different colour viz. Red, blue, Pink, Yellow, White and Silver but not necessarily in the same order.

   C sits at an extreme end of the line. Only two people sit  between C and the one who likes White. A sits second to the left of the one who likes Blue. A is not an immediate neighbour of the one who likes White. As many people sit to the left of a as to the right of one who likes Silver. E is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes silver. F sits third to the right of the one who likes Pink. B sits at one of the positions to the right of F. F does not like Yellow.

7. What is the position of D with respect to B?

(A)  Second to the right

(B)  Third to the left

(C)  Fourth to the right

(D)  Second to the left

(E)  Third to the right

Answer: (B)

8. Who amongst the following likes Red colour?

(A)  A

(B)  C

(C)  D

(D)  F

(E)  E

Answer: (D)

9. Which of the following represents the immediate neighbour of the one who sits at the extreme ends of the line?

(A)  E, F

(B)  E, D

(C)  A, B

(D)  B, F

(E)  A, F

Answer: (A)

10. Which of the following is true with respect to the given arrangement?

(A)  The one who likes Pink sits to the immediate left of C

(B)  Only one persons sits between D and the one who likes Red

(C)  None of the given option is true

(D)  A likes Pink

(E)  C likes Silver

Answer: (B)

11. If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word with the first, fourth, seventh and ninth letters (when counted from left to right) of the word PRESIDENT using each letter only once, which will be the third letter of the word so formed from the left end. If no such word can be formed give X as your answer. If more than one such word can be formed, give Z as your answer.

(A)  Z

(B)  X

(C)  T

(D)  O

(E)  S

Answer: (A)

12. Read the following information and answer the question-

Municipal Corporation of City X has received a complaint about extending the premises of residential colony Dream Home without obtaining necessary permissions from the authorities. Select the most appropriate sequence of courses of action on behalf of Municipal Corporation of City X ?

(1) The builder of Dream Home should be given a month’s notice the rebuild a boundary within the permissible area.

(2) Follow up whether the premises are rebuild as per the norms of municipal corporation.

(3) Municipal Corporation of City X should order an enquiry to determine the authenticity of the complaint.

(4) Levy a plenty on the builder of DreamHome for extending premises without obtaining necessary permissions from the authorities.

(A)  3241

(B)  1243

(C)  2413

(D)  1324

(E)  3412

Answer: (A)

13. What should come next in place of question mark (?) in the given letter series according to the English alphabetical series?


(A)  UQ

(B)  SQ

(C)  UP

(D)  TP

(E)  TJ

Answer: (C)

14. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word FUMING, each of which has a many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have in the English alphabetical series?

(A)  Four

(B)  One

(C)  Two

(D)  Three

(E)  More than four

Answer: (C)

15. The position of how many digits will remain same if digits in the number 613852747 are arranged in the ascending order within the numbers from left to right?

(A)  None

(B)  Three

(C)  Two

(D)  One

(E)  More than three

Answer: (B)

Directions – (Q.16-20) When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

   (All the numbers are two-digit numbers)

Input : Apple 4216 Egg 34 Fan Grapes 25 91 Horse

Step 1 : Horse Apple 42 16 Egg 34 Fan Grapes 25 19

Step 2 : Horse Grapes Apple 16 Egg 34 Fan 25 19 24

Step 3 : Horse Grapes Fan Apple 16 Egg 25 19 24 43

Step 4 : Horse Grapes Fan Apple 16 Egg 19 24 43 52

Step 5 : Horse Grapes Fan Apple Egg 19 24 43 52 61

Step V  is the last step of above arrangement as the indended arrangement is obtained

As per the rules followed in the given step, find out the appropriate steps for the input.

Input : Ant 43 17 Eagle 24 Forest Gun 25 81 House.

16. Which element comes exactly between ‘17’ and ‘25’ in Step III of the given Input?

(A)  House

(B)  Gun

(C)  Eagle

(D)  18

(E)  Ant

Answer: (C)

17. If in the second step, ‘17’ interchanges its position with ‘25’ and ‘Gun’ also interchanges its position with ‘Forest’ then which element will be the second from the left end ?

(A)  House

(B)  Gun

(C)  18

(D)  Eagle

(E)  Forest

Answer: (E)

18. Which of the following combinations represent the first two and the last two elements in Step IV of the given input?

(A)  House Gun and 52 71

(B)  House Gun and 34 42

(C)  House Gun and 34 52

(D)  House Gun and 42 52

(E)  House Gun and 42 71

Answer: (D)

19. Which element in third t the left of the one which is eighth from the left in Step III of the given Input?

(A)  17

(B)  Forest

(C)  Gun

(D)  42

(E)  Eagle

Answer: (A)

20. In which step are the elements ‘Ant 17 Eagle 25’ found in the same order?

(A)  Third

(B)  Fourth

(C)  Second

(D)  Fifth

(E)  The given order of elements is not found in any step

Answer: (A)

Directions – (Q. 21-25) Study the given information carefully to answer the given question-

   Eight boxes –M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are kept above one another in a stack. Only two boxes are kept between M and T. P is kept immediately above T. As many boxes are kept between M and S as between S and P. Only three boxes are kept between S and O. S is kept at one of the positions above O. Only one box is kept between O and R. N is kept at one of the positions below O.

21. What is the position of Box Q in the stack?

(A)  Second from the top

(B)  Fifth from the bottom

(C)  Fifth from the top

(D)  Third from the top

(E)  Third from the bottom

Answer: (C)

22. What is the position of Box S in the stack?

(A)  Second from the top

(B)  Fifth from the bottom

(C)  Fifth from the top

(D)  Third from the top

(E)  Third from the bottom

Answer: (A)

23. Which of the following is at the bottom of the stack?

(A)  N

(B)  R

(C)  M

(D)  P

(E)  Q

Answer: (B)

24. Which of the following is true with respect to the given information ?

(A)  No one sits between O and Q

(B)  No one lives above M

(C)  T sits fourth from the top

(D)  N sits second from the bottom

(E)  All the given options are true

Answer: (E)

25. Which of the following is kept between Box Q and Box N?

(A)  R

(B)  S

(C)  M

(D)  P

(E)  O

Answer: (E)

Directions – (Q. 26 and 27) Study the given information carefully and answer the given question-

    Two different sum of money, Rs ‘X’ and Rs. ‘0.8X’ are invested in two schemes A and B respectively, for 2 years and 6 years respectively. Scheme A offers compound interest @ 10% p.a., compound annually while Scheme B offers simple interest @ 7.5% p.a. The interest earned from Scheme B is Rs 1050 more than that from Scheme A.

26. Interest earned from Scheme A was what per cent less than that earned from scheme B?






Answer: (C)

27. What would have been the difference between the interest from both schemes, if Rs ‘1.2X’ had been invested in each of the Schemes for the given periods respectively ? (In Rs)

(A)  1996

(B)  1984

(C)  2004

(D)  2022

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (E)

Directions – (Q. 28-31) The question consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the date provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and choose the appropriate option and answered as-

(A) Only statement I is sufficient to answer the question

(B) Only statement II is sufficient to answer the question

(C) Both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question

(D) Either statement I or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question

(E) Statement I and Statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question

28. What is the value of A?

(I) 3A + B = 2B, 3B + C = 17 and 3C + A = 23

(II) 2A – B = 12, 2B – A = 0

Answer: (D)

29. What is the respective ratio of volume of right circular cylinder A and volume of right circular cylinder B?

(I) The radius of cylinder A is 3/5th of the radius of cylinder B and the height of cylinder of A is 1.2 times the height of cylinder B.

(II) The difference between the volumes of cylinder A and cylinder B is 8736 m3.

Answer: (A)

30. What is the respective ratio of initial investments of A and B?

(I) A started a business by investing a certain amount and he invested for the whole year. B joined A after 6 months from the start of the business and invested for the rest of the year. The profit earned by A and B is in the respective ratio of 8 : 3.

(II) The initial investment of A was Rs 9,200.

Answer: (C)

31. What is A’s mother’s present age ?

(I) The respective ratio between A’s father’s present age and A’s present age is 4 : 1.

(II) The combined present age of A’s father and A is 6 years more than the combined present age of A’s mother and A. 14 years ago, A’s father’s age that time was  times A’s mother’s age that time.

Answer: (B)

Directions – (Q. 32-35) Study the graph and answer the given questions :

32. The number of cats adopted in cities B in June is what per cent less than the number of cats adopted in city B in September?


(B)  20

(C)  22

(D)  25

(E)  18

Answer: (A)

33. If the total number of cats adopted in cities A and B together in December was 150 more than that in July, what was the total number of cats adopted in cities A and B together in December?

(A)  650

(B)  730

(C)  720

(D)  660

(E)  680

Answer: (E)

34. What is the ratio between the total number of cats adopted in June in City A and July in City B respectively?

(A)  2 : 3

(B)  3 : 4

(C)  5 : 6

(D)  Other than those given as options

(E)  14/17

Answer: (E)

35. What is the difference between the total number of cat adopted in June and August together and that sold in July and September in both the cities?

(A)  210

(B)  70

(C)  90

(D)  110

(E)  Other than those given as options

Answer: (E)

Directions – (Q. 36-39) Study the table and answer the given question.

Data regarding number of students (boys + girls) in 5 schools-P, Q, R, S, T

36. What is the average number of girls schools P, Q and T?

(A)  160

(B)  170

(C)  150

(D)  165

(E)  140

Answer: (C)

37. What is the respective ratio between the total number of boys in Schools Q and R together that of girls in same schools together?

(A)  3 : 6

(B)  5 : 4

(C)  6 : 7

(D)  7 : 8

(E)  3 : 4

Answer: (E)

38. In an exam, a total of 120 girls from School R and S together failed. If the respective ratio between number of girls who passed from Schools R and S was 5 : 3, how m any girls from Schools S failed the exam?

(A)  95

(B)  35

(C)  60

(D)  25

(E)  30

Answer: (A)

39. What is the difference between the total number of boys in School R and S together and the total number of girls in School (P and Q) together?

(A)  60

(B)  70

(C)  80

(D)  50

(E)  90

Answer: (C)

Directions – (Q. 40-45) Read the graph and answer the question-

40. What is the central angle corresponding to the distance travelled on Monday?

(A)  41.8°

(B)  50.6°

(C)  43.2°

(D)  44.5°

(E)  49°

Answer: (C)

41. If the distance travelled on Sunday (X km) was the sum of 70% and 60% of the distances travelled on Tuesday and Thursday respectively, what was the value of X?

(A)  151

(B)  137

(C)  147

(D)  142

(E)  146

Answer: (C)

42. What is the average distance travelled on Monday, Wednesday and Friday? (in km).

(A)  184

(B)  178

(C)  175

(D)  182

(E)  172

Answer: (C)

43. What is the difference between the total distance travelled on Monday and Wednesday together and the travelled on Thursday and Friday together? (in km)

(A)  40

(B)  65

(C)  10

(D)  30

(E)  25

Answer: (D)

44. What is the total distance travelled on Thursday and Friday together ? (in km)

(A)  200

(B)  250

(C)  300

(D)  350

(E)  400

Answer: (C)

45. What is the ratio between the distance travelled on Monday and distance travelled on Wednesday?

(A)  3 : 4

(B)  5 : 8

(C)  4 : 7

(D)  3 : 8

(E)  5 : 2

Answer: (D)

Directions – (Q. 46-50) Study the following information carefully to answer the given question-

    There are 5 colleges in City ‘ABC’ namely, P, Q, R, S, T. The number of students in College P is 20% of the total number of students in City ‘ABC’. The number of students in College Q is 10% less than the total number of students in College P. The number of students in College R is 50% more than the total number of students in College Q. The number of students in College S is three-fifth of the total number of students in College P. The number of female students in College T is 414, which is one-third of the total number of students in College T.

   The respective ratio between male students and female students in city ‘ABC’ is 5 : 4.

46. What is the average number of students in College P, Q and R?

(A)  1230

(B)  1150

(C)  1120

(D)  1240

(E)  1170

Answer: (E)

47. What is the number of female students in city ABC?

(A)  2800

(B)  2500

(C)  2400

(D)  3000

(E)  2900     

Answer: (C)

48. What is the difference between the total number of students in College R and total number of students in college T?

(A)  150

(B)  216

(C)  170

(D)  180

(E)  168

Answer: (B)

49. Out of the total number of male students in City ‘ABC’ , 1/12 study in College S. What is the number of females studying in college S?

(A)  398

(B)  400

(C)  499

(D)  500

(E)  600

Answer: (A)

50. In College P, 30% of the total students study in Science Stream and the remaining study in Commerce Stream. What is the number of students studying in Commerce Stream?

(A)  724

(B)  756

(C)  748

(D)  750

(E)  759

Answer: (B)

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