UGC NET Exam December 2014 Comparative Study of Religions Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Match the following and identify the correct code :


2. Which of the following is not a modern concept ?

(A) Materialism

(B) Manaism

(C) Rationalism

(D) Secularism

Ans: (B)

3. Which of the following scriptures is written in Gurumukhi ?

(A) Vedas

(B) Jain Agamas

(C) Guru Granth Sahib

(D) Tripitakas

Ans: (C)

4. Taboos are

(A) Prohibitions

(B) Virtues

(C) Ethics

(D) Morals

Ans: (A)

5. The book “Elementary Forms of Religious Life” was written by

(A) E.B. Tylor

(B) Max Weber

(C) Emile Durkheim

(D) Max Muller

Ans: (C)

6. The statement “religion is the opium of the people” was made by

(A) Max Weber

(B) J.G. Frazer

(C) Karl Marx

(D) Emile Durkheim

Ans: (C)

7. Match the following and identify the correct code :

Ans: (A)

8. Ashoka the Great was a patron of

(A) Hinduism

(B) Jainism

(C) Buddhism

(D) Brahmanism

Ans: (C)

9. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(A) Jainism – Muni

(B) Buddhism – Bhikkhu

(C) Hinduism – Rsi

(D) Sikhism – Imam

Ans: (D)

10. The hymns of the Vedas are arranged into

(A) Metres

(B) Verses

(C) Dohas

(D) Savaiyas

Ans: (A)

11. The Brahmana Texts are recognised as

(A) Grammar-texts

(B) Novels

(C) Poetry-texts

(D) Commentaries of the Vedas

Ans: (D)

12. The concept of “Satkaryavada” is closely related to

(A) Yoga

(B) Sankhya

(C) Nyaya

(D) Vedanta

Ans: (B)

13. “Vedokhilo Dharma Mulam” is quoted from this following scripture :

(A) Mahabharata

(B) Ramayana

(C) Upanishad

(D) Manu Smriti

Ans: (D)

14. Adi Kavi of Sanskrit literature is recognised as

(A) Kali Das

(B) Panditraj Jagannath

(C) Magh

(D) Valmiki

Ans: (D)

15. The dialogue between Yamacharya and Nachiketa is described in

(A) Kathopanishad

(B) Chhandogyopanishad

(C) Prashnopanishad

(D) Kenopanishad

Ans: (A)

16. The propounder of the concept of Advait is

(A) Vallabhacharya

(B) Madhvacharya

(C) Ramanujacharya

(D) Sha kracharya

Ans: (D)

17. The motto of L.I.C. of India is

(A) Ahinsa Parmo Dharmah

(B) Satyam Shivam Sundaram

(C) Yogakshemam Vahamyaham

(D) Acharahinam Na Punanti Vedah

Ans: (C)

18. Ayam Nijah Paro Veti Ga ana Laghu Chetasam Udaracharitanam tu Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
This verse is inscribed on the gate of

(A) Parliament of India

(B) Gateway of India

(C) Supreme Court of India

(D) House of India in England

Ans: (A)

19. The Prominent Preacher of Vaish av Bhakti in Assam region was

(A) Kab r Das

(B) Ramanand

(C) Ravi Das

(D) Shankra Deva

Ans: (D)

20. Raja Rama Mohan Rai was the first harbinger who abolished the evil custom of

(A) Child Marriage

(B) Sati Pratha

(C) Idol Worship

(D) Untouchability

Ans: (B)

21. The Acaragasnutra mainly deals with

(A) vows of householder

(B) spiritual saying of Lord Mahavira

(C) ten types of Religions

(D) the concept of Substance

Ans: (B)

22. Social and religious service is closely associated with the following activity of Jainism :

(A) Observing five vratas

(B) Reading scriptures

(C) Visiting Jaina temples

(D) Giving four kinds of charity

Ans: (D)

23. This statement is not correct.

(A) Jainism believes in Karma theory.

(B) Jainism believes in Salvation.

(C) Jainism believes that God is creator of world.

(D) Jainism prescribes four kinds of Charity.

Ans: (C)

24. Match the item in List – I with those in List – II.

Ans: (C)

25. Famous Jaina temples of Rajasthan are

(A) Parshvanath temples

(B) Delavara temples

(C) Devagarh temples

(D) Shatrunjaya temples

Ans: (B)

26. Shri Sammedashikhara is famous for

(A) Ancient Museum of Palm leave manuscripts

(B) Salvation place of Lord Rsabhadeva

(C) Salvation place of 20 Jaina Tirthankaras

(D) Worship place of the Statue of Gomateshvara

Ans: (C)

27. Bird Hospital is run by Jain society at

(A) Chennai

(B) Varanasi

(C) Ahmedabad

(D) New Delhi

Ans: (D)

28. The ‘A uvrat Ándolana’ was initiated by the famous Jain Saint in present time

(A) Acarya Nanesh

(B) Acarya Tulsi

(C) Acarya Padmasagar

(D) Acarya Vidyasagar

Ans: (B)

29. One common Prakrit text of Jainism was compiled in present age known as

(A) Tattvarthsutra

(B) Kalpasutra

(C) Sama asuttam

(D) Vivagasuttam

Ans: (C)

30. Identify the correct combination :

(A) Acharya Vidhyananda – Mookamati

(B) Acharya Tulsi – Dharmapala Pravratti

(C) Acharya Nanesh – Jain Vishva Bharti

(D) Acharya Gyansagar – Sarak Uddharaka

Ans: (D)

31. ‘Jaina Vishva Bharti’ is known for

(A) The first Jain publication institute

(B) The first University of Jainism

(C) All India Association of Jain Samaj

(D) Ancient centre of Jain caves

Ans: (B)

32. Gautama Buddha (original name Siddhartha) was born at

(A) Savatthi

(B) Kapilavastu

(C) Lumbini

(D) Vesali

Ans: (C)

33. The Buddha attained Bodhi (enlightenment) at the age of

(A) 40 (forty)

(B) 35 (thirty five)

(C) 30 (thirty)

(D) 25 (twenty five)

Ans: (B)

34. The language used in the Mahayana Sutra literature happens to be

(A) Pali

(B) Prakrit

(C) Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit

(D) Sanskrit

Ans: (C)

35. The Doctrine considered as the Heart of Buddhism is

(A) Anatmavada

(B) Anityavada

(C) The five khandhas (pañca Khandhas)

(D) The Pratityasamutpada (Pali Paticcasamuppada)

Ans: (D)

36. The Sangiti (Buddhist Religious Council) held during the reign of King Ashoka was tilted towards

(A) Vaibhasika

(B) Sautrantika

(C) Sarvastivada

(D) Theravada

Ans: (D)

37. The number of texts recognized by the Simhalese Tradition as part of the Khuddaka Nikaya, is

(A) 15 (fifteen)

(B) 18 (eighteen)

(C) 17 (seventeen)

(D) 20 (twenty)

Ans: (A)

38. The traditional set order of the Nikayas of the Sutta Pi aka happens to be

(A) Digha Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya

(B) Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya

(C) Anguttara Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya

(D) Majjhima Nikaya, Digha Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya

Ans: (B)

39. The Pañca-Sila doctrine of the Buddhists begins with the S la (moral conduct) known as

(A) Abstention from telling lies

(B) Abstention from stealing

(C) Abstention from sexual misconduct

(D) Abstention from killing

Ans: (D)

40. Among the six heretical teachers and the Buddha, the one whose philosophy is identified with Ucchedavada (Annihilationism) was

(A) Niggantha Nataputta

(B) Makkhali Gosala

(C) Ajita Kesakambala

(D) Gautam Buddha

Ans: (C)

41. Idol worship in Buddhism is considered to have been started in India during the period

(A) 3rd century B.C.

(B) 1st century A.D.

(C) 2nd century A.D.

(D) 3rd century A.D.

Ans: (B)

42. The chronologically correct combination of the visits of the Chinese pilgrims to India from amongst the combinations given below :

(A) Fa-Hien, Yuan Chwang, Itsing, Tan Yun Shan

(B) Yuan Chwang, Itsing, Tan Yun Shan, Fa-Hien

(C) Itsing, Tan Yun Shan, Fa-Hien, Yuan Chwang

(D) Tan Yun Shan, Fa-Hien, Yuan Chwang, Itsing,

Ans: (A)

43. William Carey came to India as a missionary in the year

(A) 1793 A.D.

(B) 1796 A.D.

(C) 1798 A.D.

(D) 1800 A.D.

Ans: (A)

44. The Sermon of the Mount is associated with

(A) Judaism

(B) Christianity

(C) Buddhism

(D) Islam

Ans: (B)

45. The first book of the Old Testament is

(A) Psalms

(B) Ezra

(C) Genesis

(D) Jonah

Ans: (C)

46. The New Testament is collection of

(A) 21 Books

(B) 29 Books

(C) 27 Books

(D) 31 Books

Ans: (C)

47. The New Testament Canon contains

(A) Gospels

(B) Tanakh

(C) Torah

(D) Talmud

Ans: (A)

48. The book “Key to the Scriptures” was published by

(A) M.F. Illyricus

(B) Martin Luther

(C) John the Baptist

(D) Elizabeth

Ans: (A)

49. David is the author of

(A) Genesis

(B) Book of Revelation

(C) Acts of Apostles

(D) Psalms

Ans: (D)

50. The Ten Commandments were given to

(A) Abraham

(B) Moses

(C) Isaac

(D) Jacob

Ans: (B)

51. The book “Christianity : Its Essence and History” was authored by

(A) Karl Rahler

(B) Hans Kung

(C) Geoffrey Wainright

(D) St. Thomas Aquinas

Ans: (B)

52. Trinity according to Christian religion means

(A) One God in one person

(B) One God in two persons

(C) Three Gods in one person

(D) One God in three entities

Ans: (D)

53. Jerusalem was conquered by the Crusaders in the

(A) 1050 A.D.

(B) 1070 A.D.

(C) 1075 A.D.

(D) 1099 A.D.

Ans: (D)

54. The Black Stone is placed in

(A) Masjid-e-Nabawi

(B) Masjid-e-Aqsa

(C) The Ka’ba

(D) Masjid-e-Quba

Ans: (C)

55. Who among the following was daughter of the Prophet ?

(A) Aisha

(B) Safia

(C) Sawda

(D) Fatimah

Ans: (D)

56. Who among the following Caliphs was first designated as Amir al-Mu’minin ?

(A) Abu Bakr

(B) Umar

(C) Uthman

(D) Ali

Ans: (B)

57. The Holy Quran consisted of

(A) 110 Surahs

(B) 112 Surahs

(C) 114 Surahs

(D) 116 Surahs

Ans: (C)

58. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

Ans: (B)

59. Who among the following is called al-ruh al-amin (trustworthy spirit) ?

(A) Mikail

(B) Harut

(C) Marut

(D) Jibrail

Ans: (D)

60. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

(A) Abu Bakr – 630-632 A.D.

(B) Umar – 634-644 A.D.

(C) Uthman – 632-634 A.D.

(D) Ali – 661-680 A.D.

Ans: (B)

61. Author of the book Al-Qanun fi-al-Tib was

(A) Ibn-al-Abbas

(B) Ibn-Zakariya al-Razi

(C) Ibn-Sina

(D) Ali al-Tabari

Ans: (C)

62. Arrange names of the following Sufis in chronological order. Use the code given below :

i. Moinuddin Chishti

ii. Nizamuddin Awliya

iii. Fariduddin Ganj Shakr

iv. Nasiruddin Chiragh Dehli

Codes :

(A) i, ii, iii, iv

(B) iii, i, ii, iv

(C) i, ii, iv, iii

(D) i, iii, ii, iv

Ans: (D)

63. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(A) Kalilalah Wa-Dimnah – Panchatantra

(B) Kitab al Musiqi al-Kabir – Calligraphy

(C) Maqamat of al-Hariri – Belles-lettres

(D) al-Masalik w-al-Mamalik – Geography

Ans: (B)

64. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

(A) Madina – The Ka’aba

(B) Tahdhib al-Akhlaq – Al-Mawardi

(C) The Nizamiyah – Samarqand

(D) Junayd Baghdadi – Sufi

Ans: (D)

65. The author of the book ‘Hujjat Allah al-Baligha’ was

(A) Shah Abdul Qadir

(B) Shah Abdul Ghani

(C) Shah Wali Allah

(D) Shah Rafi al-Deen

Ans: (C)

66. The idea of Miri-Piri in Sikhism means

(A) Temporality is superior to Religion.

(B) Religion and Politics are incompatible.

(C) Temporal and spiritual are inter-locked.

(D) Establishment of Sikh State.

Ans: (C)

67. Institutionalization of Sikhism began with

(A) Guru Nanak

(B) Guru Arjan

(C) Guru Gobind Singh

(D) Singh Sabha Movement

Ans: (A)

68. Identify the incorrect statement.

(A) Sikhism stands for religious harmony.

(B) Sikhism is a strong votary of Pluralistic character of society.

(C) Sikhism aspires for holistic development.

(D) Sikhism advocates segregation of society.

Ans: (D)

69. The Sikh scripture does not comprise the writings of

(A) Surdas

(B) Tulsidas

(C) Ramanand

(D) Jaidev

Ans: (B)

70. Sikh secular values deal with

(A) Devotion

(B) Metaphysics

(C) Epistemology

(D) Daily life

Ans: (D)

71. Identify the correct match from the following units :

Ans: (B)

72. According to Sikhism antidote to Humai is

(A) Pilgrimage

(B) Hath-Yoga

(C) Charity

(D) Contemplation on Sabda

Ans: (D)

73. Objective of Singh Sabha Movement was

(A) Formation of Punjabi Speaking State

(B) Religious awakening among the Sikhs

(C) Freedom of India

(D) Establishment of Sikh State

Ans: (B)

74. Identify the correct match from the following units :

Ans: (D)

75. Khalsa Akbar was edited by

(A) Prof. Gurumukh Singh

(B) Giani Dit Singh

(C) Bhai Vir Singh

(D) Dyal Singh Majithia

Ans: (B)

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