Paper – II
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Of Froebel’s idealism it can be said that
(A) education is not a process of unfoldment
(B) learning unites knowledge, feelings and doing
(C) education cannot be a process of self realization
(D) the notion of self activity is limited to manual activity
2. Concerning the nature of truth
(A) the idealist says it is absolute discovered through reasoning and intuition
(B) the realist says it is constantly changing and is a concept that is man made
(C) the pragmatist says it consists of laws governing the physical world of man
(D) the rationalist humanist says it is whatever the individual in his/her society makes it
3. Those whose educational philosophy is based on pragmatism, will
(A) reject the scientific method of experimentation
(B) accept that complete objectivity is possible
(C) accept the stimulus response theory of learning
(D) claim that knowledge is tentative, truth is relative
4. Critically examine the following Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and give your answer from the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : There is almost a consensus that drop out rate of the government primary schools is much higher in comparison to that of public schools.
Reason (R) : It is so because the government primary schools do not offer enough cocurricular activities.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false but (R) is true.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.
5. A student has a problem. He/she comes to the teacher and asks, “What shall I do ?” The teacher should
(A) tell the student the course of action after considering the student’s abilities and interest
(B) tell the student what he/she (the teacher) would do if he/she were in student’s place
(C) ask questions to the student, which will develop the information needed for an intelligent decision.
(D) tell the student to figure out himself/herself to find solution to his/her problems
6. Which of the following premises is inconsistent with democratic school administration ?
(A) Every teacher should make an equal contribution to the cause of education.
(B) The welfare of the group is assured by furthering the welfare of individuals.
(C) Cooperative group decisions are apt to be more valid than the decisions of individuals
(D) Every person can make a unique and important contribution
7. Find the odd item out :
(A) Budhi
(B) Antahkaran
(C) Chitta
(D) Manas
8. The initiation ceremony called “Pabajja” is related to which of the following ?
(A) Islam
(B) Jainism
(C) Buddhism
(D) Samkhya-Yoga
9. Match Column – I (thinkers) and Column – II (their works) and give your answer from the codes given below :
10. Which of the following is correct ?
(A) Maktab is a place where pupils learn reading and writing and Madarsa is where lectures are delivered.
(B) The two concepts are the same, there is no actual difference.
(C) Madarsa is where literacy is provided and Maktab where higher education is given.
(D) Maktabs are educational institutions meant for religious (Islamic) education but Madarsas are institutions where non-religious secular education is provided.
11. Application of general principles of sociology in the process of education is known as
(A) Educational Sociology
(B) Social foundations of education
(C) Sociology of education
(D) Educational foundations of education
12. In modern society one spends a significant part of one’s formative years ________ to avail formal education.
(A) in family
(B) in community
(C) with peers
(D) at school
13. Which of the following will not form part of a social system ?
(A) values
(B) technology
(C) collectivities
(D) roles
14. In social change, alteration in social organization relates mainly to its
(A) structural aspects
(B) functional aspects
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) neither (A) nor (B)
15. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R) :
Assertion (A) : An equitable society strives towards providing equality of opportunity to its members and also excellence on the basis of talents.
Reason (R) : These are mutually exclusive and hence it will not be possible to attain both.
After reflecting on the two statements as above, decide as to which one of the following is correct.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation.
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
16. Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of a school as a social subsystem ?
(A) Latent pattern maintenance
(B) Goal attainment
(C) Integration
(D) Enrichment of resources
17. In arranging the following policies / reports in order in which they appeared choose the correct code :
I. Report of National Commission on Teachers – I (Chairperson Prof. D.P. Chattopadhyaya)
II. Towards an enlightened and humane society (Chairperson Acharya Rammurti)
III. Challenge of Education : A policy perspective
IV. National Policy on Education, 1986 : Revised Policy Formulations
Codes :
(A) III, I, II, IV
(B) I, III, II, IV
(C) III, IV, I, II
(D) IV, II, III, I
18. Articles (36) to (51) of the Constitution of India deal with
(A) Fundamental Rights
(B) Fundamental Duties
(C) Introduction
(D) Directive Principles
19. Which of the following illustrates the spirit of the statement :
“There is a gap between technological development of society (material aspects) and its moral and legal institutions (non material aspects)”.
(A) Social stratification
(B) Cultural imperialism
(C) Cultural lag
(D) Cultural change
20. Which of the following statements cannot be considered true with reference to Indian education since independence ?
(A) With the expansion of education since independence the number of teachers has shot up
(B) Implementation of ‘three language formula’ has raised a controversy.
(C) The expansion of higher education has raised the quality of education at all levels
(D) Extreme unevenness can be perceived between different segments of society and between different states
21. Which of the following is the most appropriate term to describe the content of Educational Psychology ?
(A) Determinable
(B) Fluid
(C) Causal
(D) Transparent
22. The relation between Education and Psychology is best understood on the basis of
(A) Interdependence
(B) Independence
(C) Interaction
(D) Dependence
23. One of the most significant implications of individual differences for organizing educational programmes lies is using
(A) Teacher centric approach
(B) Content centered approach
(C) Examination centered approach
(D) Learner centric approach
24. While measuring intelligence which tests assume that upto a certain chronological age intelligence reaches a peak ?
(A) Verbal and non verbal tests
(B) Emotional and social intelligence tests
(C) Spiritual and ethical intelligence tests
(D) Social and emotional intelligence tests
25. A student of class XII aspires to get ‘A’ in his school final examination. Which of the following will best explain his/her motivation ?
(A) Need for affiliation
(B) Need for self esteem
(C) Need for actualization
(D) Need for achievement
26. Which of the following learning theories is intimately related to Thorndike’s law of effect ?
(A) Guthrie’s contiguity theory
(B) Pavlov’s reflex conditioning
(C) Skinner’s operant conditioning
(D) Kohler’s Gestalt theory
27. Which learning theory lays stress on emergent synthesis ?
(A) Tolman’s sign gestalt
(B) Lewin’s field theory
(C) Mowrer’s two factor theory
(D) Hull’s need reduction theory
28. Defence mechanisms are used by the
(A) Ego of a person knowingly
(B) Superego of a person knowingly
(C) Id of a person unknowingly
(D) Ego of a person unknowingly
29. A student who fails in an examination, makes a complaint that the examiner was strict. He/she is using a defence mechanism of
(A) Sublimation
(B) Regression
(C) Rationalization
(D) Reaction formation
30. Which one of the following statements best describes the mental health of a teacher ?
(A) A teacher handles student problems without creating fuss.
(B) A teacher deals with students in a friendly manner.
(C) A teacher controls his/her emotions in the class.
(D) A teacher persuades his/her students to follow the rules.
31. Synectics is the method for dealing with
(A) Gifted children
(B) Cognitively impaired children
(C) Backward children
(D) Creative children
32. In which of the following, the principle of differential reinforcement is used ?
(A) Discrimination
(B) Generalisation
(C) Shaping
(D) Associate conditioning
33. Which schedule of reinforcement in operant conditioning is likely to produce steadiness in acquired behaviour ?
(A) Continuous schedule of reinforcement
(B) Fixed interval schedule of reinforcement
(C) Variable interval schedule
(D) Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement
34. A student suffering from depression and sadness can be classified as
(A) Sanguine type
(B) Phlegmatic
(C) Choleric
(D) Melancholic
35. By arranging following concepts of intelligence in the order in which they appeared, select the correct code :
I. Academic intelligence
II. Emotional intelligence
III. Spiritual intelligence
IV. Ethical intelligence
Codes :
(A) IV, I, II, III
(B) I, III, IV, II
(C) I, II, III, IV
36. The progress of a nation mostly depends on the
(A) means of production in a country
(B) natural resources in a country
(C) enhancement of output through use of proven techniques
(D) the government’s effort in a country
37. Some usual steps in conducting research are given below, identify the code which gives acceptable rational sequence :
I. Formulating hypothesis
II. Collecting data and its analysis
III. Identifying the research problem
IV. Testing the hypothesis
Codes :
(A) I, III, II, IV
(B) I, II, IV, III
(C) III, I, II, IV
(D) II, I, IV, III
38. A researcher wants to study whether discovery learning procedure has an impact on the motivation of students. In this situation, the variable motivation will be labelled as
(A) Intervening variable
(B) Independent variable
(C) Dependent variable
(D) Extraneous variable
39. In labelling research variables, the designations of variables from one research to the other have to be
(A) Identical
(B) Different
(C) Sometimes identical
(D) Sometimes different
40. In which research design sampling is least necessary ?
(A) Comparative analysis
(B) Experimental study
(C) Case study
(D) Correlational study
41. Research for exploring the applicability of a theory or law formulated in a specific situation in the field of education is termed as
(A) Pure research
(B) Action research
(C) Applied research
(D) Theoretical research
42. An aptitude test should essentially possess
(A) Content validity
(B) Predictive validity
(C) Concurrent validity
(D) Construct validity
43. Match the following and select the correct code :
44. In the process of standardization of a multiple choice test, the researcher while doing item analysis wants to test the hypothesis for each item response. The most appropriate statistics the researcher may use will be
(A) ‘t’ test
(B) ‘F’ test
(C) chi square test
(D) sign test
45. For collecting information under Right to Information Act from five different states, the better research tool will be
(A) Observation schedule
(B) Rating scale
(C) Questionnaire
(D) Checklist
46. The procedure of sampling which provides equal and independent chance to each unit while being selected in a sample is called
(A) Purposive sampling
(B) Convenient sampling
(C) Snowball sampling
(D) Random sampling
47. The association among variables in a scientific study is indicated quantitatively as
(A) Coefficient
(B) Ratio
(C) Percentile
(D) Variance
48. If the computed values are used only to explain the properties of a particular sample taken for the study, the statistics used is called __________
(A) Descriptive statistics
(B) Inferential statistics
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
49. Which of the following research tool / technique will be appropriate for an indepth understanding of cultural and social aspects of a tribe ?
(A) Questionnaire
(B) Participant observation
(C) Sociometric technique
(D) Rating scale
50. In research situations, non parametric statistics is used for
(A) Nominal data
(B) Ordinal data
(C) Interval data
(D) Ratio data
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