UGC NET Exam July 2018 Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains hundred (100) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Ghassan was under the suzerainty of :

(1) Iraq

(2) Iran

(3) Yemen

(4) Byzantium

Answer: (4)

2. Hubal the main deity of the Arabs during Pre-Islamic days was brought to Makkah from Syria by :

(1) ‘Amr ibn Zuhair

(2) ‘Amr ibn Luhayy

(3) ‘Amr ibn Samawal

(4) ‘Amr ibn al-’Abd

Answer: (2)

3. Ziyad ibn Mu‘awiyah was the name of the Mu‘allaqah writer :

(1) Al-Nabighah al-Dhubyani

(2) Imru’ul Qays

(3) Al-A’sha

(4) ‘Antarah ibn Shaddad

Answer: (1)

4. The Christian delegation that visited the Prophet came from :

(1) Ta’if

(2) Najran

(3) San‘a

(4) Tabuk

Answer: (2)

5. The companion of the Prophet who is credited with the Tafsir of a large number of the Quranic verses is :

(1) Abu Bakr

(2) Umar

(3) Ushman

(4) Ali

Answer: (4)

6. The direction of prayer at Madinah was changed to Ka‘bah.

(1) Six months after the migration

(2) Sixteen months after the migration

(3) Twenty four months after the migration

(4) After the conquest of Makkah

Answer: (2)

7. The deserts of al-Nufud and al-Rub ‘al-Khali are joined by a strip of red desert land called : 

(1) Al-Sahra al-Hamra

(2) Al-Dahna

(3) Al-Nafaq al-Ahmar

(4) Al-Fam al-Saghir

Answer: (2)

8. Ayyam al-Tashriq fall in the month of :

(1) Sha’ban

(2) Ramadan

(3) Shawwal

(4) Dhi al-Hijjah

Answer: (4)

9. After the conquest of Makkah, its first governor that was appointed by the Prophet was :

(1) Talhah

(2) Harith ibn Hisham

(3) Abu Sufyan

(4) ‘Attab ibn Usayd

Answer: (4)

10. The Jews of Khaybar were allowed to remain in possession of their lands on the payment of :

(1) 1/10 of the produce

(2) 1/5 of the produce

(3) 1/4 of the produce

(4) 1/2 of the produce

Answer: (4)

11. One of the following incidents is described in the Qur’an as ‘‘a clear victory” :

(1) Pact of Madinah (Mithaq Madinah)

(2) Conquest of Khaybar

(3) Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

(4) Conquest of Makkah

Answer: (3)

12. The Tahwil (Change) of Qiblah is mentioned in the Surah :

(1) Al-Baqarah

(2) Al-Tahrim

(3) Al-Taghabun

(4) Al-Hadid

Answer: (1)

13. Identify the commentator of the Qur’an who belonged to Madinite School of Tafsir.

(1) Masruq ibn al-Ajda’

(2) Ta’us ibn Kaysan

(3) Muhammad ibn Ka’b

(4) Sa‘id ibn Jubair

Answer: (3)

14. This question consists of three statements. Indicate the correct answer from the alternatives given below by using the code :

(a) In affairs such as various financial transactions, making a will and acquiring a small loan, the parties involved should not write down a document.

(b) Gambling and interest are some horrendous forms of usurpation.

(c) The wealth of every Muslim must necessarily be distributed after his demise amongst his heirs as per the instructions given in the Qur’an.

Code :

(1) (b) and (c) are correct, but (a) is wrong.

(2) (a) is correct, but (b) and (c) are wrong.

(3) (b) is correct, but (a) and (c) are wrong.

(4) (c) is correct, but (a) and (b) are wrong.

Answer: (1)

15. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan – Tafsir al-Qur’an wa Huwa al-Huda wa al-Furqan

(2) Abul Ala Maududi – Tafhim al-Qur’an

(3) Abul Kalam Azad – Ruh al-Ma’ani

(4) Ashraf Ali Thanvi – Bayan al-Qur’an

Answer: (3)

16. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Ibn Jarir al-Tabari – Al-Siraj al-Munir

(2) Fakhr al-Din al-Razi – Mafatih al-Ghaib

(3) Al-Zamakhshari – Al-Kashf wa al-Bayan ‘An Tafsir al-Qur’an

(4) Ibn Kathir – Al-Bahr al-Muhit

Answer: (2)

17. One who is not included among the seven eminent jurists belonging to Tabi ‘een. 

(1) Qasim ibn Abdullah

(2) Khalid ibn Ma’dan

(3) Sa‘id ibn Musayyib

(4) Sulaiman ibn Yasar

Answer: (2)

18. This question consists of three statements. Indicate correct answer from the alternatives given below :

(a) The Zanadiqah have fabricated a large number of traditions in the name of the Prophet.

(b) Ahmad ibn Hanbal has said that Hadith and Tafsir had been more affected by forgery than any other branch of literature.

(c) Imam Bukhari selected 12,000 genuine traditions from the collection of 1,00,000 traditions in circulation.

Code :

(1) (a) is correct, but (b) and (c) are wrong.

(2) (a) and (c) are correct, but (b) is wrong.

(3) (a) and (b) are correct, but (c) is wrong.

(4) (b) and (c) are correct, but (a) is wrong.

Answer: (3)

19. Arrange the following books in order they appeared. Use the code given below :

(a) Sunan Abi Daud

(b) Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal

(c) Sahih Muslim

(d) Muwatta Imam Malik

Code :

(1) (a), (c), (b), (d)

(2) (b), (d), (a), (c)

(3) (d), (b), (c), (a)

(4) (c), (a), (d), (b)

Answer: (3)

20. The companion who used to teach Fiqh at the mosque of al-Kufah during the Umar’s caliphate was :

(1) Zaid ibn Harith

(2) Mu’adh ibn Jabal

(3) Abdullah ibn Mas’ud

(4) Abu Musa Ash’ari

Answer: (3)

21. During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, those who refused to pay Zakat belonged to the tribes in :

(1) Fustat

(2) Halab

(3) Yaman

(4) Hudaibiyah

Answer: (3)

22. Match the following. Identify the correct answer and mark the same in the code given below :

Answer: (2)

23. ‘The Muslim women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act’ was passed in :

(1) 1970 A.D.

(2) 1975 A.D.

(3) 1980 A.D.

(4) 1986 A.D.

Answer: (4)

24. Arrange the following Sufis in chronological order. Use the code given below :

(a) Fariduddin Ganjshakar

(b) Burhanuddin Gharib

(c) Nizamuddin Awliya

(d) Muinuddin Chishti

Code :

(1) (a), (c), (b), (d)

(2) (c), (b), (a), (d)

(3) (d), (a), (c), (b)

(4) (b), (a), (d), (c)

Answer: (3)

25. Arrange the following Caliphs in chronological order. Use the code given below :

(a) Al-Walid II

(b) Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz

(c) Abdul Malik

(d) Sulayman

Code :

(1) (a), (c), (d), (b)

(2) (b), (d), (a), (c)

(3) (c), (d), (b), (a)

(4) (d), (c), (a), (b)

Answer: (3)

26. One of the following is not counted among the four political geniuses of the Arab Muslims :

(1) Al-Mughirah Ibn Shu’bah

(2) Abu Musa al-Ashari

(3) ‘Amr Ibn al-’As

(4) Mu‘awiyah

Answer: (2)

27. The Naqshbandi Sufi order was established in India by :

(1) Muinuddin Chishti

(2) Fariduddin Ganjshakar

(3) Bahauddin Zakariya

(4) Baqi Billah

Answer: (4)

28. Al-Khalil Ibn Ahmad is credited with having compiled the first :

(1) Arabic travelogue

(2) Arabic dictionary

(3) Arabic grammar

(4) Arabic history

Answer: (2)

29. The population under the Umayyads was divided into :

(1) Two social classes

(2) Three social classes

(3) Four social classes

(4) Five social classes

Answer: (3)

30. One of the following Caliphs was known as the fifth rightly guided caliph :

(1) Al-Walid

(2) Umar bin Abdul Aziz

(3) Sulayman

(4) Hisham

Answer: (2)

31. The famous Abbasid poet Abul Atahiyah died in Baghdad in the reign of :

(1) Mahdi

(2) Harun Rashid

(3) Amin

(4) Mamun

Answer: (4)

32. Arrange the following Umayyad rulers in chronological order. Use the code given below :

(a) Al-Walid

(b) Mu’awiyah

(c) Marwan

(d) Hisham

Code :

(1) (a), (b), (d), (c)

(2) (b), (c), (a), (d)

(3) (d), (b), (c), (a)

(4) (c), (d), (b), (a)

Answer: (2)

33. The revolt that toppled the Umayyad dynasty was led by :

(1) Abu Muslim al-Khurasani

(2) Sharik Ibn Shaikh al-Mahri

(3) Ziyad Ibn Salih

(4) Al-Qahir Billah

Answer: (1)

34. The Caliphate of Uthman lasted during the period :

(1) 634 – 644 A.D.

(2) 632 – 634 A.D.

(3) 644 – 656 A.D.

(4) 656 – 660 A.D.

Answer: (3)

35. The Umayyad empire reached its greatest expansion during the reigns of :

(1) Mu’awiyah and Yazid

(2) Al-Walid and Hisham

(3) Yazid and Marwan

(4) Mu’awiyah II and Abdul Malik

Answer: (2)

36. The first Abbasid Caliph to resume holy war against the Byzantines was :

(1) Abu Jafar al-Mansur

(2) Al-Mahdi

(3) Al-Amin

(4) Al-Mamun

Answer: (2)

37. The foundation stone of the Abbasid capital Baghdad was laid by :

(1) Abul Abbas al-Saffah

(2) Abu Ja‘far al-Mansur

(3) Mahdi

(4) Hadi

Answer: (2)

38. Arrange the following Caliphs in chronological order. Use the code given below :

(a) Harun Rashid

(b) Al-Mahdi

(c) Al-Mutawakkil

(d) Al-Wathiq

Code :

(1) (a), (c), (b), (d)

(2) (c), (b), (a), (d)

(3) (d), (c), (b), (a)

(4) (b), (a), (d), (c)

Answer: (4)

39. Abu Tammam is best known in Arabic literature for his :

(1) Travel writings

(2) Compilation of the rules of Arabic Prosody

(3) Compilation of Diwanul Hamasah

(4) Tafsir writings

Answer: (3)

40. The Palaces of the Barmakids were built at :

(1) Al-Shammasiyah

(2) Samarra

(3) Raqqah

(4) Kufah

Answer: (1)

41. The last Abbasid Caliph at Baghdad was :

(1) Al-Nasir

(2) Al-Zahir

(3) Al-Musta‘sim

(4) Al-Mustansir

Answer: (3)

42. In the first pledge of Aqabah, the number of disciples from Yathrib was :

(1) eight

(2) ten

(3) twelve

(4) fifteen

Answer: (3)

43. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Tulunids – Saif al Dawlah

(2) Hamadanids – Sa id al Dawlah

(3) Idrisids – Abdul Rahman bin Rustam

(4) Tahirids – Nasir al Din

Answer: (2)

44. The founder of the Aghlabid dynasty was :

(1) Ibrahim bin Aghlab

(2) Ziyadatullah Aghlabi

(3) Abu Iqal Aghlab

(4) Abul Abbas Muhammad Aghlabi

Answer: (1)

45. Fas (Moracco) was the capital of :

(1) Ikhshidis

(2) Tulunids

(3) Aghlabids

(4) Idrisids

Answer: (4)

46. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Al Suyuti – Abbasid

(2) Aziz Jamal al Din Yusuf – Mamluk

(3) Al Zahir – Fatimid

(4) Rudki – Samanid

Answer: (1)

47. The official language of Saljuqs was :

(1) Arabic

(2) Persian

(3) Turkish

(4) Pashto

Answer: (2)

48. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Fatimids – 909 – 1150 A.D.

(2) Zangids – 1127 – 1262 A.D.

(3) Ayyubids – 1171 – 1250 A.D.

(4) Mamluks – 1250 – 1470 A.D.

Answer: (2)

49. The first Burji Mamluk sultan was :

(1) Aybak

(2) Al Zahir Saif al Din Barquq

(3) Al Ashraf Saif al Din

(4) Al Nasir al Din Faraj

Answer: (2)

50. Fatimids shifted their capital from Mahdia to Cairo in the year :

(1) 968 A.D.

(2) 970 A.D.

(3) 973 A.D.

(4) 977 A.D.

Answer: (3)

51. The last Caliph of Fatimid dynasty was :

(1) Al Mustali

(2) Al Mustansir

(3) Al Zafir

(4) Al Adid

Answer: (4)

52. Shaikh Safiuddin the founder of the Safaviyah tariqah was the disciple and Khalifah of :

(1) Abdul Qadir Gilani

(2) Abul Hasan al-Junaid

(3) Shah Ni‘matullah Wali Kirmani

(4) Shaikh Zahid Gilani

Answer: (4)

53. The elements of the doctrine of incarnation are traceable among the :

(1) Babis

(2) Zaidis

(3) Hanafis

(4) Malikis

Answer: (1)

54. The 8th Imam of ‘Ithna Ashari’ Shii Sect was :

(1) Musa Kazim

(2) Ali Zaynul Abidin

(3) Ali al-Rida

(4) Ali al-Hadi

Answer: (3)

55. The Iranian scholar who authored the book under the title Islamology was :

(1) Mulla Sadra

(2) Ali Shariati

(3) Ayatullah Khomaini

(4) Rafsanjani

Answer: (2)

56. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Revolution of 1979 – Ayatullah Khomaini

(2) Ghulaman Forces – Shah Ismail

(3) Qizilbashi Forces – Shah Abbas

(4) Janisari Forces – Bayazid-I

Answer: (1)

57. The founder of Ghaznavid dynasty was :

(1) Murad I

(2) Subuktigin

(3) Mahmud Ghaznavi

(4) Ismail

Answer: (2)

58. The author of ‘al-Fasl fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa wa al-Nihal was :

(1) Ibn Bajjah

(2) Ibn Hazm

(3) Ibn Rushd

(4) Ibn al-Baytar

Answer: (2)

59. The Khawarij were annihilated in the battle of :

(1) Jamal

(2) Qadisiyyah

(3) Jisr

(4) Nahrawan

Answer: (4)

60. Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan was the author of :

(1) Kitab al-Tawhid

(2) Parda

(3) Ithaf al-Nubala al-Muttaqin

(4) Tadwin-i-hadith

Answer: (3)

61. The concept of ‘Hukumat-i Ilahiya’ was propounded in the Indian subcontinent by :

(1) Tayyib Qasmi

(2) Qasim Nanawtawi

(3) Abul AtÂ’ Maududi

(4) Anwar Shah Kashmiri

Answer: (3)

62. In the initial stage the first ‘Zawiyah’ of the Sanusi movement was established at :

(1) Egypt

(2) Makkah

(3) Madinah

(4) Libya

Answer: (2)

63. Musa ibn Nusair was recalled on the charge of insubordination by the Caliph :

(1) Al-Walid ibn Abdul Malik

(2) Sulayman ibn Abdul Malik

(3) Marwan ibn Abdul Malik

(4) Hisham ibn Abdul Malik

Answer: (1)

64. The Muslim army commandar who belonged to Berber race was :

(1) Muhammad ibn Qasim

(2) Qutaibah ibn Muslim

(3) Tariq ibn Ziyad

(4) Uqba ibn Nafi

Answer: (3)

65. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Banu Nasr – Constantinople

(2) Banu Abbad – Aleppo

(3) Muwahhids – Damascus

(4) Almoravids – South Spain

Answer: (4)

66. Arrange the rule of the following Amirs of Cordova chronologically. Use the code given below :

(a) Al-Hakam I

(b) Hisham I

(c) Abd al-Rahman III

(d) Al-Mundhir

Code :

(1) (c), (b), (d), (a)

(2) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(3) (d), (a), (c), (b)

(4) (b), (a), (d), (c)

Answer: (4)

67. Read the following statements carefully and identify the wrong statement :

(1) Abdur Rahman – I was the grandson of Hisham, the tenth Caliph of Damascus.

(2) The Capital of Umayyad rule of Spain was Cordova.

(3) Nuruddin Abu Ishaq al-Bitröji was an Abbasid astronomer.

(4) Al-Baytar was the botanist and pharmacist of Spain.

Answer: (3)

68. The question consists of four statements. Indicate the correct answer from the alternatives given below :

(a) Abdur Rahman – II ruled from 822 A.D. to 852 A.D.

(b) He was the 8th ruler of the Umayyad Kingdom of Spain.

(c) He was later surnamed as ‘Al-Amin’.

(d) He was a zealous patron of music and astronomy.

Code :

(1) (a) and (d) are correct, but (b) and (c) are wrong.

(2) (a) and (c) are correct but (d) and (b) are wrong.

(3) (d) is correct but (a), (b) and (c) are wrong.

(4) (c) and (b) are correct but (a) and (d) are wrong.

Answer: (1)

69. The Ottoman dynasty was established in the year :

(1) 1300 A.D.

(2) 1289 A.D.

(3) 1299 A.D.

(4) 1257 A.D.

Answer: (3)

70. Sulaiman the magnificent was known to his people by the honorific title of :

(1) Nishanchi

(2) Al-Qanuni

(3) Al-Shaikh al-Ra’is

(4) Al-Mu‘allim al-Thani

Answer: (2)

71. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Conquest of Constantinople – 1453 A.D.

(2) Hat-i Sharif-i Gulhane – 1839 A.D.

(3) Abolition of Caliphate – 1924 A.D.

(4) Conquest of Egypt by Salim-I – 1671 A.D.

Answer: (4)

72. The question contains four statements. Indicate the correct answer from the alternatives given below :

(a) Amir Hasan Al‘Sijzi was the Khalifah of Shaikh Nizamuddin Awliya.

(b) The Shrine of Gesudaraz is located at Bidar.

(c) Burhan-al-Din Gharib was the Khalifah of Shaikh Nasiruddin Chiragh of Delhi.

(d) Khairul Majalis is the malfuzat of Shaikh Nasiruddin Chiragh of Delhi.

Code :

(1) (a) and (b) are correct but (c) and (d) are wrong.

(2) (a) and (d) are correct but (b) and (c) are wrong.

(3) (d) and (b) are correct but (a) and (c) are wrong.

(4) (b) and (a) are correct but (d) and (c) are wrong.

Answer: (2)

73. The most distinguished architect that Turkey produced was :

(1) Al-Bayasi

(2) Hunayn ibn Ishaq

(3) Al-Mawsili

(4) Sinan

Answer: (4)

74. Ismat Inono was the Prime Minister of :

(1) Turkey

(2) Algeria

(3) Egypt

(4) Spain

Answer: (1)

75. Ibn al-Nafis elaborated the theory of circulation of blood in his commentary on the anatomical portion of the book :

(1) Al-Hawi fi-al-Tibb

(2) Al-Qanun fi-al-Tibb

(3) Al-Tasrif

(4) Kamil al-Sina’at fi-al-Tibb

Answer: (2)

76. Author of the book ‘Firdaws al-Hikmah’ was :

(1) Ibn Rushd

(2) Ali Ibn Sahl al-Tabari

(3) Ibn al-Jazzar

(4) Ibn Zuhr

Answer: (2)

77. One of the following was the greatest historical philosopher produced by Islam :

(1) Ibn Khaldun

(2) Ibn Khallikan

(3) Ibn Qutaybah

(4) Sa’id Ibn Ahmad al-Andalusi

Answer: (1)

78. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Ahmad al-Qalqashandi – Subh al-A‘sha

(2) Shamsuddin al-Dimashqi – Al-Wafi bi-al-Wafayat

(3) Abul Fida – Taqwim al-Buldan

(4) Ibn Hajar – Al-Durar al-Kaminah

Answer: (2)

79. The book “Al-Ahkam-al-Sultaniyah” is authored by :

(1) Ibn Rushd

(2) Ibn Khallikan

(3) Al-Mawardi

(4) Ibn Al- Athir

Answer: (3)

80. The Muhammadan Anglo oriental college got the status of University in the year :

(1) 1914 A.D.

(2) 1920 A.D.

(3) 1924 A.D.

(4) 1930 A.D.

Answer: (2)

81. Ibn Taymiyah was born in :

(1) Harran

(2) Tehran

(3) Cairo

(4) Taif

Answer: (1)

82. Ibn Khaldun was appointed as Maliki Qazi (Judge) by :

(1) Mansur Qalawun

(2) Zahir Barquq

(3) Zahir Baybars

(4) Al Nasir

Answer: (2)

83. Hasan al Banna was martyred in the year :

(1) 1939 A.D.

(2) 1949 A.D.

(3) 1954 A.D.

(4) 1959 A.D.

Answer: (2)

84. Arrange the following scholars chronologically. Use the code given below :

(a) Ibn Taymiyah

(b) Al Mawardi

(c) Al Ghazali

(d) Ibn Khaldun

Code :

(1) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(2) (c), (a), (d), (b)

(3) (b), (c), (a), (d)

(4) (d), (b), (c), (a)

Answer: (3)

85. Muhammad Abduh was the rector of :

(1) Madrasah-e-Nizamiyah

(2) Jamia Azhar

(3) Darul Hikmah

(4) Bait-al Hikmah

Answer: (2)

86. Arrange the following scholars according to the date of their demise. Use the code given below :

(a) Muhammad Abduh

(b) Hasan al Banna

(c) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(d) Allama Iqbal

Code :

(1) (c), (a), (d), (b)

(2) (b), (d), (a), (c)

(3) (d), (b), (c), (a)

(4) (a), (c), (b), (d)

Answer: (1)

87. The Arab Philosopher who regarded the Neo-Pythagorean mathematics as the basis of all scienceswas :

(1) Al-Farabi

(2) Al-Kindi

(3) Al-Ghazali

(4) Ibn Rushd

Answer: (2)

88. The Arab Philosopher who syncretised Platonism, Aristotelianism and Sufism was :

(1) Al-Razi

(2) Al-Ghazali

(3) Al-Kindi

(4) Al-Farabi

Answer: (4)

89. Tahafut Tahafut al-Falasifah , was written by :

(1) Al-Ghazali

(2) Al-Farabi

(3) Ibn Rushd

(4) Ibn Tufayl

Answer: (3)

90. This question consists of three statements. Indicate the correct answer from the alternatives given below by using the code :

(a) Caliph Hisham was considered by Arab Historians as the last statesman of the house of Umayyah.

(b) The magnificent Dome of the Rock was built by Caliph Abdul Malik.

(c) Dome of the Rock is located in Damascus.

Code :

(1) (a) and (c) are correct, but (b) is wrong.

(2) (a) and (b) are correct, but (c) is wrong.

(3) (b) is correct, but (a) and (c) are wrong.

(4) (b) and (c) are correct, but (a) is wrong.

Answer: (2)

91. The city of Ramlah in Palestine was built by :

(1) Caliph Abdul Malik

(2) Caliph Umar Bin Abdul Aziz

(3) Caliph Sulayman

(4) Caliph Hisham

Answer: (3)

92. This question comprises three statements. Indicate the correct answer from the alternatives given below by using the code :

(a) Nasiruddin Tusi considerably advanced the knowledge of Planetary Astronomy

(b) He criticised Ptolemy for his views expressed in the Almagest

(c) Tusi did his research work at the Shammasiyah Observatory

Code :

(1) (a) is correct, but (b) and (c) are wrong.

(2) (a) and (c), are correct, but (b) is wrong.

(3) (a) and (b) are correct, but (c) is wrong.

(4) (b) and (c) are correct, but (a) is wrong.

Answer: (3)

93. The Bhakti movement was initiated as a cult of love and devotion by the :

(1) Alvar and Adiyar Brahmins

(2) Pandits and Pujaris of North-India

(3) Lingayats

(4) Nag Panthis

Answer: (1)

94. The sect which restricted the number of visible imams to seven is known as :

(1) Ithna-Asharis

(2) Zaydis

(3) Ismailis

(4) Akhbaris

Answer: (3)

95. The concept of ‘Pan-Ottomanism’ was propounded by :

(1) Kamal Ataturk

(2) Zia Gokalp

(3) Young Turks

(4) Committee of Union and Progress

Answer: (3)

96. The greatest Arab Indologist was :

(1) Al Masudi

(2) Al Biruni

(3) Merchant Sulayman

(4) Ibn Battutah

Answer: (2)

97. Khalid Ibn Barmak was the first incumbent of the office of :

(1) Qazi al Quzat

(2) Muhtasib

(3) Vizier

(4) Diwan Al Barid

Answer: (3)

98. The first mosque erected in a conquered land was that of :

(1) Al-Kufah

(2) Al-Basrah

(3) Al-Qahirah

(4) Al-Qyrawan

Answer: (2)

99. Inventor of the Muhaqqaq style of Calligraphy was :

(1) Rayhani

(2) Ibn Muqlah

(3) Ibn al-Bawwab

(4) Ibrahim al-Mawsili

Answer: (3)

100. One of the following was the greatest writer on the theory of music :

(1) Al-Mawardi

(2) Al-Farabi

(3) Al-Kindi

(4) Ziryab

Answer: (2)

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