UGC NET Exam July 2018 Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains hundred (100) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. If the date of the coronation (Abhiseka) of King Asoka is taken as 269 BCE, then on the basis of the information provided in the DipavaÙsa, in which year did the Mahaparinibbana take place ?

(1) 483 BCE

(2) 484 BCE

(3) 486 BCE

(4) 487 BCE

Answer: (4)

2. Which Korean monk visited India during the 720s ?

(1) Hyecho

(2) Wonhyo

(3) Uisang

(4) Pomnang

Answer: (1)

3. Match the items in List – I with the items in List – II :

Answer: (4)

4. According to the Therigatha, after hearing the Dhamma from the Buddha, women such as Khema, Sujata, Kisa-Gotami, Sama, Mutta and Citta are said to have become :

(1) Sotapanna

(2) Sakadagamini

(3) Anagamini

(4) Arhat

Answer: (4)

5. The Vimanavatthu is an anthology of how many short stories ?

(1) 65

(2) 75

(3) 85

(4) 95

Answer: (3)

6. According to the Digha-Nikaya, at the time of the future Metteyya Buddha, which city would be the capital of JambudÍpa ?

(1) Ketumati

(2) Pataliputta

(3) Rajagaha

(4) Indapatta

Answer: (1)

7. The Saddharmapundarika-sutra deals with :

(1) the monastic rules and regulations for the monks and nuns.

(2) the life of the Buddha as unlimited.

(3) the benefit of the lay devotees.

(4) the empirical truth (samvrti satya) and transcendental truth (parmartha satya)

Answer: (2)

8. Consider the following statements with regard to the Gandhara school of Art :

(a) It imbibed all kinds of foreign influences like Persian, Greek, Roman, Saka, and Kusana.

(b) Its most important contribution is evolution of beautiful images of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, which were executed in black stone.

(c) Its typical features are rich carving, elaborate ornamentation, and complex symbolism.

Identify the correct code :

(1) (a) and (b) only

(2) (b) and (c) only

(3) All (a), (b) and (c)

(4) (a) and (c) only

Answer: (3)

9. When was made the Vinaya rule that parental consent is mandatory before ordination ?

(1) When King Pasenadi’s only son gate-crashed into the Samgha

(2) When the Buddha’s son Rahula was ordained

(3) When too many young boys and girls flooded the Samgha

(4) When the only son of Anathapindaka gate-crashed into the Samgha

Answer: (2)

10. Which of the following discourses was directly preached by the Buddha to his son Rahula in which the Buddha warns against the use of lies ?

(1) Maha Rahulovada Sutta

(2) Cula Rahulovada Sutta

(3) Ambalatthika Rahulovada Sutta

(4) Vammika Sutta

Answer: (3)

11. Shortly before the Second Buddhist Council was convened, which punishments were imposed by the Vajjian monks on Yasa ?

(1) Brahmadanda and Parajika

(2) Patisaraniyakamma and Parajika

(3) Ukkhepaniyakamma and Brahmadanda

(4) Patisaraniyakamma and Ukkhepaniyakamma

Answer: (4)

12. Match the items in List – I with items in List – II :

Answer: (1)

13. According to historian A.S. Altekar, it appears that after the establishment of the Bhikkhuni-Samgha.

(1) The marriageable age of girls increased.

(2) The marriageable age of girls decreased.

(3) The Buddha’s wife started a parallel nuns’order.

(4) King Suddhodana expressed unhappiness at GotamÍi becoming a nun.

Answer: (2)

14. The commentary of the Vimanavatthu, which forms part of the Paramatthadipani, is sometimes called :

(1) Vimalatthavilasini

(2) Vimanavatthudipani

(3) Vimanatthavilasini

(4) Vimalatthadipani

Answer: (1)

15. Nibbana is realized by the :

(1) Puthujjana

(2) Sekha

(3) Asekha

(4) Bodhisattva

Answer: (3)

16. ‘Sabha papassa akaranam, kusalassa upasampada’ – Here this line stands for :

(1) Sila and Samadhi

(2) Panna and Karuna

(3) Adhipanna and Abhivinaya

(4) Visuddhi and Panna

Answer: (1)

17. Which of the following text was not composed by Dharmakirti ?

(1) Nyayabindu

(2) Nyayapravesa

(3) Vadanyaya

(4) Hetubindu

Answer: (2)

18. The number of Sanghadisesa – rules under Bhikkhuni Patimokkha is :

(1) 04

(2) 08

(3) 13

(4) 17

Answer: (4)

19. The famous gatha – ‘ye dhamma hetuppabhava ………. Mahasamano’ ti, is the utterance of :
(1) Sariputta

(2) Moggallana

(3) Assaji

(4) Buddha

Answer: (3)

20. The Noble Eight-fold Path is also known as :

(1) Middle Path

(2) Two Extremes

(3) Cessation of Suffering

(4) Cessation of Desires

Answer: (1)

21. Match the items in List – I with items in List – II :

Answer: (2)

22. According to law of dependent origination, for the destruction of the last link (nidana) Jaramarana, which is the primary cause, which must be uprooted :

(1) Ignorance

(2) Desire

(3) Mind and matter

(4) Becoming

Answer: (1)

23. The principal Abhidharma text of Sarvastivada school is :

(1) Abhidharmasamuccaya

(2) Vijnaptimatratasiddhi

(3) Abhidhammatthasangaho

(4) Jnana-prasthana

Answer: (4)

24. The founder of the Bkah-rgyud-pa sect of Tibet was :

(1) Padmasambhava

(2) Hbrom-ston

(3) Mar-pa

(4) Tson-kha-pa

Answer: (3)

25. According to the Pali-based tradition, on what occasion did the Buddha make this statement : ‘‘Monks, among these, some women are stream winners, some one-returners, some nonreturners.’’?

(1) When 500 of King Udena’s wives perished in a fire’’.

(2) When Gotami and her companion women were admitted to the samgha.

(3) When Khema and her companions participated in a debate.

(4) When Dhammadinna and her companions built an arama for the Buddha.

Answer: (1)

26. Identify one of the following, which was not composed by Dhammapala :

(1) Paramatthadipani

(2) Paramatthamanjusa

(3) Paramatthajotika

(4) Nettippakarana-atthakatha

Answer: (3)

27. ‘Samadhi’ has been defined as :

(1) It puts a stop to the physical and vocal misdeeds.

(2) It is one-pointedness of moral consciousness.

(3) It makes it understandable as impermanent, subject to suffering and substanceless.

(4) It is refraining from all desires.

Answer: (2)

28. One of the following texts does not discuss the life and contributions of Àcarya  Buddhaghosa :

(1) Mahavamsa

(2) Buddhaghosuppatti

(3) Gandhavamia

(4) Abhidhammavatara

Answer: (4)

29. Saddhammappakasini, the commentary of the Patisambhidamagga, was prepared by :

(1) Mahanama

(2) Buddhaghosa

(3) Buddhadatta

(4) Assaghosa

Answer: (1)

30. The Bhikkhuni – Samgha was founded :

(1) five years after the Bhikkhu – Samgha

(2) at the same as the Bhikkhu – Samgha

(3) ten years after the Bhikkhu – Samgha

(4) ten years before the death of the Buddha

Answer: (1)

31. Bçhatkalpa is counted into :

(1) Upanga

(2) Chedasutra

(3) Mulasutra

(4) Prakirnaka

Answer: (2)

32. The author of Mahabandha is :

(1) Acarya Bhutabali

(2) Acarya Puspadanta

(3) Acarya Jinasena

(4) Acarya Virasena

Answer: (1)

33. Early name of Lord Mahavira on his birth time was :

(1) Vira

(2) Ativira

(3) Sanmati

(4) Vardhamana

Answer: (4)

34. The name of father of Lord Rsabhadeva is :

(1) Siddhartha

(2) Samudravijaya

(3) Nabhiraya

(4) Jayaraya

Answer: (3)

35. Description of these is available in Upasakadasamsutra :

(1) Holy conduct of the householders

(2) Different philosophical views

(3) Path to Siddhi by the devas and narakiyas

(4) Depiction of love stories

Answer: (1)

36. The Mathuri vacana was held in the presidentship of :

(1) Samaya – sundara gani

(2) Devardhigani ksamasramana

(3) Arya Skandila

(4) Acarya Hemacandra

Answer: (3)

37. According to Jainism the number of ‘Tapas’ for monks is :

(1) Eleven

(2) Ten

(3) Twelve

(4) Nine

Answer: (3)

38. “saddarsanasamuccaya’ is authored by :

(1) Hemachandra

(2) Haribhadra

(3) Kundakunda

(4) Umaswati

Answer: (2)

39. The sub-sect Svetambemurti-pujaka is related to :

(1) Sthanakavasi

(2) Terapantha

(3) Tapagaccha

(4) Digamber sect

Answer: (3)

40. The number of the Gathas of kasaya pahuda is :

(1) 433

(2) 533

(3) 333

(4) 233

Answer: (4)

41. Match an item from List – I with an item of List – II and :

Answer: (2)

42. Which one pair is correct from the following pairs :

(1) Haribhadra – Pancastikaya

(2) Kundakunda – Pramanamimamsa

(3) Umaswati – Anekantapravesa

(4) Srutakevali Bhadrabahu-Sravanavelagola

Answer: (4)

43. The method to explain the multi-view point of reality is known in Jainism as :

(1) Anekantavada

(2) Supreme Knowledge

(3) Spiritualism

(4) Syadvada

Answer: (4)

44. The collection of the Jaina Manuscripts is found at :

(1) Kolakata

(2) Kurukshetra

(3) Jesalmera

(4) Amritsar

Answer: (3)

45. According to Jainism, the original characteristics of ‘Jiva’ is :

(1) Upayoga

(2) Trasa

(3) Darsana

(4) Jnana

Answer: (1)

46. The period of various Jaina Temples situated in Khajuraho is :

(1) 18th C.E

(2) 20th C.E

(3) 15th C.E

(4) 12th C.E

Answer: (4)

47. The famous Parsvanatha Digamber Jaina Temple is situated at :

(1) Elora

(2) Khajuraho


(4) Pahadapura

Answer: (2)

48. According to Jainism the meaning of Anuvratas is :

(1) Vows of monks

(2) General administrative rules

(3) Method of discovering atom

(4) Minor vows for householders

Answer: (4)

49. According to Jainism, for the protection of environment this activity of the householders is supported :

(1) To protect anti-social elements

(2) To differentiate between a son and a daughter

(3) To gradually minimize violent activities in daily life

(4) To accumulate goods more than needed

Answer: (3)

50. ‘Adharma’ term is included in :

(1) Six Substances

(2) Twelve Vows

(3) Seven Fundamentals

(4) Eight Karmas

Answer: (1)

51. ‘Sambara’ term in Jainism stands for :

(1) To be free from accumulated Karmas

(2) To restrain the flow of Karmas

(3) To know the self

(4) To give charity

Answer: (2)

52. In Jainism ‘Kevalajnani’ is known as :

(1) The one who knows directly all substances altogether

(2) Knower of the present only

(3) Knower of substances through the sense organs

(4) Giver of fruit of karmas

Answer: (1)

53. This activity of the Jaina householders is for the welfare of the Indian Society :

(1) Reading the Jaina scriptures

(2) Chanting of the Religious Mantras

(3) Idol – worship

(4) To give charity in the field of education and health

Answer: (4)

54. Match the items in List-I with those in List-II :

Answer: (3)

55. This activity prescribed in Jainism is more effective in the development of society :

(1) To give four types of charity

(2) To possess money in temples

(3) To decorate Jaina monuments

(4) To collect religious books

Answer: (1)

56. Types of ‘Karma’ in Jainism are :

(1) Seven

(2) Three

(3) Eight

(4) Four

Answer: (3)

57. The ancient Jaina Stupa has been discovered at 

(1) Rajgih

(2) Mathura

(3) Udaigiri-Khandagiri

(4) Shravanabelagola

Answer: (2)

58. ‘Sramana’, prominent research Journal of Jainism, is being published from this institution :

(1) Veera Seva Mandir

(2) Parsvanatha Vidyasrama

(3) Kundakunda Jnanapeetha

(4) Apabhramsa Sahitya Akadami

Answer: (2)

59. ‘‘Vegetarianism’’ is primarily related to this definitional word of Jainism :

(1) Avadhijnana

(2) Akasadravya

(3) Ahimsavrata

(4) Asariri Jiva

Answer: (3)

60. Mahasati Candanabala was Chief woman diciple in the Dharmasangha of :

(1) Lord Neminatha

(2) Lord MahavÍra

(3) Lord Rsabhadeva

(4) Lord Parsvanatha

Answer: (2)

61. Porbandar, the birth place of Gandhiji, was also known as :

(1) Gokulpuri

(2) Sudamapuri

(3) Krishnapuri

(4) Bet Dwarka

Answer: (2)

62. ‘‘SÂnti Parva’’ is part of this text :

(1) Ramayana

(2) Mahabharata

(3) Manu Smrti

(4) Rgveda

Answer: (2)

63. Gandhiji spelled this English word incorrectly as a child when the school inspector gave a dictation in the class ?

(1) Know

(2) Umbrella

(3) Psychology

(4) Kettle

Answer: (4)

64. What was Gandhiji’s age at the time of his father’s death ?

(1) 15 years

(2) 16 years

(3) 17 years

(4) 18 years

Answer: (2)

65. What was the maiden name of Gandhiji’s wife ?

(1) Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia

(2) Kasturbai Kesarbai Desai

(3) Kasturbai Laxmibai Kapadia

(4) Kasturbai Vrajkunwerba Patil

Answer: (1)

66. What was the title given by Gandhiji to his Gujarati translation of ‘‘Un to the Last’’ ?

(1) Harijan

(2) Sarvodaya

(3) Asahayoga

(4) Swaraj

Answer: (2)

67. Who is the author of ‘‘Peace by Peaceful Means’’ ?

(1) Nelson Mandela

(2) John Galtung

(3) Martin Luther King, Jr.

(4) Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: (2)

68. Who among the following tried to convert Gandhiji to Christianity in South Africa ?

(1) Spencer Williams

(2) William James

(3) A.W. Baker

(4) Spencer Walton

Answer: (3)

69. What was the vow not taken by Gandhiji before he left for England to study ?

(1) Not to eat meat

(2) Not to drink alcohol

(3) Not to eye other women

(4) Not to wear more than three cloths

Answer: (4)

70. In which year Gandhiji used the word ‘‘trustee’’ for the first time ?

(1) 1908

(2) 1909

(3) 1910

(4) 1911

Answer: (2)

71. In which year did Gandhiji shave his head, discard his clothes, and settle for a loin cloth ?

(1) 1921

(2) 1923

(3) 1925

(4) 1927

Answer: (1)

72. Searle’s Supreme Court Judgement which caused great resentment among Indians and led to mass protests, related to :

(1) Registration of Indians as Labourers

(2) Strike by Indian coal miners in Pretoria

(3) Invalidation of Indian Marriages

(4) Deportation of Indians from South Africa

Answer: (3)

73. Who acted as Gandhiji’s advisor at the Second Round Table Conference in London ?

(1) Madan Mohan Malvia

(2) Sarojini Naidu

(3) Gilbert Murray

(4) Annie Besant

Answer: (1)

74. What was the real name of Miraben who was a lifelong devotee of Gandhiji ?

(1) Eleanor Hadlee

(2) Elizabeth Slade

(3) Madeleine Slade

(4) Anna Sledge

Answer: (3)

75. How old was Gandhiji’s wife Kasturba at the time of her death ?

(1) 70 years

(2) 72 years

(3) 74 years

(4) 76 years

Answer: (3)

76. The exact time of Gandhiji’s assassination on 30 January 1948 was :

(1) 05 : 17 pm

(2) 05 : 47 pm

(3) 05 : 55 pm

(4) 06 : 07 pm

Answer: (1)

77. Which of the following is not a grandson of Gandhiji ?

(1) Tushar Gandhi

(2) Rajmohan Gandhi

(3) Gopalkrishna Gandhi

(4) Ramchandra Gandhi

Answer: (1)

78. On which date was the Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed ?

(1) 28 February 1931

(2) 05 March 1931

(3) 28 March 1931

(4) 28 February 1932

Answer: (2)

79. Tinkathia system was prevalent in :

(1) Champaran

(2) Calcutta

(3) Haridwar

(4) Bombay

Answer: (1)

80. Who said, ‘‘My uniform experience has convienced me that there is no other God than Truth’’ ?

(1) Miraben

(2) Kasturba

(3) Gandhiji

(4) Putlibai

Answer: (3)

81. Who was the Viceroy of India at the beginning of the Non-Cooperation Movement ?

(1) Lord Hardinge

(2) Lord Reading

(3) Lord Chelmsford

(4) Lord Irwin

Answer: (3)

82. ‘‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’’ Whose statement is this ?

(1) M. K. Gandhi

(2) Jesus Christ

(3) N. Machiavelli

(4) Daisaku Ikeda

Answer: (1)

83. In the year 2007, the United Nations General Assembly declared Gandhiji’s birthday second October as :

(1) International Day of Freedom

(2) International Day of Peace

(3) International Day of Communal Harmony

(4) International Day of Non Violence

Answer: (4)

84. While in England, in order to gain expertise in Western music, Gandhiji bought a violin worth :

(1) Two pounds sterling

(2) Three pounds sterling

(3) Four pounds sterling

(4) Five pounds sterling

Answer: (2)

85. A play called ‘‘Kasturba’’ was written on the life of Gandhiji’s wife by :

(1) Narayan Desai

(2) Ramchandra Gandhi

(3) Vijay Tendulkar

(4) Girish Karnad

Answer: (1)

86. ‘‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth’’ was translated from Gujarati to English for the first time by :

(1) Sushila Nayyar

(2) Mahadev Desai

(3) Pyarelal

(4) Miraben

Answer: (2)

87. From where was the first issue of the weekly paper ‘‘Harijan’’ published on 11 February 1933 ?

(1) Ahmedabad

(2) Nasik

(3) Poona

(4) Bombay

Answer: (3)

88. ‘‘Either man will abolish war or war will abolish man.’’ This statement was made by :

(1) Karl Marx

(2) Bertrand Russell

(3) Nelson Mandela

(4) John Parker

Answer: (2)

89. Mandala theory for the management of relationships with neighbouring states finds mention in :

(1) Arthasastra

(2) Manu Smrti

(3) Bhagavat Gita

(4) Harîacarita

Answer: (1)

90. In schools of many countries, 30 January is celebrated as :

(1) International Day of Freedom

(2) International Day of Human Rights

(3) International Day of Communal Harmony

(4) International Day of Non-Violence and Peace

Answer: (4)

91. While on a short visit to Burma, Gandhiji was pained by :

(1) lethargy of the men

(2) sad plight of the women

(3) condition of Buddhist monks

(4) the poverty of the masses

Answer: (1)

92. Gandhiji was released from jail in February 1924 because :

(1) The Viceroy commuted his remaining jail term

(2) He needed an appendicitis surgery

(3) The Privy Council had declared his imprisonment ultra vires

(4) The British Government wanted him to go to London to participate in the Round Table Conference.

Answer: (2)

93. Which of the following concessions was granted by the Government under the Gandhi-Irwin Pact ?

(1) Reduction of Land Revenue for the farmers of Kheda

(2) Relaxation of conditions for Indigo growers

(3) Permission to make salt for one’s use

(4) Removal of tax on Khadi production

Answer: (3)

94. J. M. Keynes had argued that peace could be promoted through :

(1) Managed capital

(2) Free trade

(3) Removal of tariff barriers

(4) Disarmament

Answer: (1)

95. What is Democratic Peace Theory ?

(1) It holds that democracies will never go to war with one another

(2) A democratic society by nature is less violent

(3) Theocratic states are better promoters of peace and democracy

(4) Democracy promoted the opposite of peace

Answer: (1)

96. The main aim of Nuclear Deterrence is to maintain :

(1) Unilateral Disarmament

(2) Bilateral Disarmament

(3) Balance of Power

(4) Balance of Religious Terrorism

Answer: (3)

97. Agenda 21 is a product of :

(1) Tokyo Action Plan (2003)

(2) Rio Earth Summit (1992)

(3) Bandung Conference (1955)

(4) Versailles Treaty (1919)

Answer: (2)

98. What is Rio+20 ?

(1) Rio Declaration on Disarmament

(2) Rio Declaration on Peace and Conflict Resolution

(3) Rio Declaration on Free Trade

(4) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development

Answer: (4)

99. Who was the originator of the U.S. Fleet of Nuclear Submarines ?

(1) Bill Clinton

(2) Barack Obama

(3) Harry Truman

(4) Hyman Rickover

Answer: (4)

100. AWACS stands for :

(1) Airborne Warning And Centralized System

(2) Aerial Warning And Command System

(3) Airborne Warning And Control System

(4) Airborne Warning And Command System

Answer: (3)

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