UGC NET Exam July 2018 International and Area Studies Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains hundred (100) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Which one of the following countries received maximum Sri Lankan Tamil migrants as a consequence of ethnic war in Sri Lanka :

(1) India

(2) Canada

(3) France

(4) United Kingdom

Answer: (2)

2. Who amongst the following stated that “War is hell. Spying is much, much worse. Wars you can win. But in espionage there are no winners because it never end” :

(1) Henry Kissinger

(2) Robert S. Hupe

(3) Philip Agee

(4) Mathew Aid

Answer: (4)

3. In which year India joined the security forum of ASEAN, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) :

(1) 1996

(2) 2005

(3) 2010

(4) 2007

Answer: (1)

4. Match the following authors given in List – I with their books given in List – II by using the correct code given below :

Answer: (1)

5. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below.

Assertion (A) : India – China relations do not correspond to a simplistic binary rivalry in the contemporary global and regional scenarios.

Reason (R) : Their mutuality underlines a complex action-reaction-interaction phenomenon in economic, political, strategic and other terms.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(2) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

Answer: (4)

6. Who amongst the following military thinkers propounded the concept of “Friction of War” :

(1) A. Jomini

(2) Carl Von Clausewitz

(3) Liddell Hart

(4) J.F.C. Fuller

Answer: (2)

7. Identify the major reasons for obeying international law by states :

(1) Fear of isolation, punishment and disorder.

(2) Making of law, international cooperation, wielding of global power.

(3) Diplomatic, economic and cultural association.

(4) To dictate international issues.

Answer: (1)

8. In view of the technological developments, which one of the following actors have diffused power in contemporary globalization period :

(1) Diplomats

(2) Politicians

(3) Non-state actors

(4) Judiciary

Answer: (3)

9. Which one of the following factors is not directly linked to fractionate international community :

(1) Transnational networks

(2) Nationalism

(3) Ethnicity

(4) Poverty

Answer: (1)

10. Who, among the following scholars observed that ‘For a country to choose not to become a great power is a structural anomaly’ :

(1) Geoffrey Hawthorn

(2) Kenneth Waltz

(3) Henry Kissinger

(4) Francis Fukuyama

Answer: (2)

11. Which one of the following doctrines gave public recognition of the policy of Containment in 1947 :

(1) Brezhnev Doctrine

(2) Estrada Doctrine

(3) Truman Doctrine

(4) Primakov Doctrine

Answer: (3)

12. Identify the correct code for Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below.

Assertion (A) : Terrorism is not like a hurricane before which we are helpless.

Reason (R) : Terrorism is a man made phenomenon and as such it can be fought and can be Liquidated.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(3) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (1)

13. Match the following notions given in List – I with their meaning in List – II by using the correct code given below :

Answer: (2)

14. Which among the following philosophers believed that ‘the primary purpose of government was to keep order’ :

(1) Edmund Burke

(2) C.W. Mills

(3) Jean Jacques Rousseau

 (4) Leo Tolstoy

Answer: (1)

15. Match the following thinkers given in List – I with their concepts given in List – II by using the correct code given below :

Answer: (2)

16. Match the following authors as given in List – I with their books provided in List – II by using the correct code mentioned below :

Answer: (1)

17. Arrange the following concepts in ascending chronological order by using the correct code given below :

(a) Theory of two Swords

(b) Objectivism

(c) Utopian Socialism

(d) Elitism

Code :

(1) (a), (c), (d), (b)

(2) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(3) (d), (c), (b), (a)

(4) (d), (a), (b), (c)

Answer: (1)

18. Identify the philosopher who first made the two basic ecological divides :

(1) Thomas Malthus

(2) Arne Naess

(3) Ann Dale

(4) Paul Wood

Answer: (2)

19. Identify the following public figures given in List – I with their respective countries of origin given in List – II by using the code given below :

Answer: (1)

20. The idea of Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSRI) was proposed by the current President of China during his 2013 visit to which one of the following countries :

(1) Malaysia

(2) Indonesia

(3) The Phillippines

(4) Singapore

Answer: (2)

21. Arrange the following UN Secretary Generals in ascending chronological order by using the code given below :

(a) Kurt Waldheim

(b) Boutros – Boutros Ghali

(c) Perez de Cuellar

(d) Kofi Annan

Code :

(1) (a), (c), (b), (d)

(2) (a), (b), (d), (c)

(3) (b), (d), (a), (c)

(4) (b), (a), (c), (d)

Answer: (1)

22. Identify the correct code for Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below.

Assertion (A) : The sun never sets on the persons of Indian origin all over the world.

Reason (R) : Indian diaspora has reached every nook and corner of the Earth.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (2)

23. Which one of the following countries recently observed that China is using Rohingya crisis to influence Myanmar’s policy options towards the crisis :

(1) Australia

(2) Japan

(3) US

(4) UK

Answer: (2)

24. Which one of the following is not a chemical warfare agent or means :

(1) Tabun

(2) Sarin

(3) Chloropicrin

(4) SARS

Answer: (4)

25. Arrange the following operations in the ascending chronological order by using the code given below :

(a) Operation Pawan

(b) Operation Tornado

(c) Operation Raahat

(d) Operation Meghdoot

Code :

(1) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(2) (b), (c), (d), (a)

(3) (c), (d), (a), (b)

(4) (a), (d), (b), (c)

Answer: (4)

26. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below.

Assertion (A) : If the lessons learnt by the Pakistan Army from Kargil War of 1999 were wrong, the BAT’s practice suggests it may have drawn a more dangerous conclusion still.

Reason (R) : The Pakistan Army seems to believe that Pakistan’s nuclear shield permits Pakistan to undertake terrorist attacks on India without fear of retaliation.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(3) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

Answer: (4)

27. Which one of the following countries strongly opposed the establishment of the International Criminal Court as it meant undermining of state sovereignty :

(1) France

(2) UK

(3) US

(4) Italy

Answer: (3)

28. Who amongst the following stated that “All states have a grand strategy, whether they know it or not” :

(1) Andrew Marshall

(2) Liddell Hart

(3) Bernard Brodie

(4) Edward Luttwak

Answer: (4)

29. Chronologically arrange the establishment of the following institutions in an ascending order by using the code given below :

(a) The Commission on Global Governance

(b) World Commission on Environment and Development

(c) Conference on Human Environment

(d) Rio-Conference

Code :

(1) (c), (b), (d), (a)

(2) (d), (c), (b), (a)

(3) (b), (a), (c), (d)

(4) (a), (d), (c), (b)

Answer: (1)

30. India is not a member of which one of the following :

(1) SCO



(4) OAS

Answer: (4)

31. Identify the major cause of the 1989 US invasion of Panama which was also known as ‘Operation Just Cause’ :

(1) Water dispute

(2) Collusion with drug traffickers

(3) Illegal immigration

(4) Territorial control

Answer: (2)

32. Match List – I (Authors) with List – II (Books) by using the correct code given below :

Answer: (1)

33. The UN ECOSOC recognized three categories of NGOs. Identify the category which is not recognized by the UN :

(1) High status NGOs

(2) Specialist NGOs

(3) Roster of other NGOs that occasionally work with the UN

(4) Profit making NGOs

Answer: (4)

34. Who, among the following authors stated that ‘the welfare state was an insurance system developed in terms of coping with external risk’ :

(1) Anthony Giddens

(2) David Held

(3) R.D. Alexander

(4) David Hume

Answer: (1)

35. In the context of cyber warfare, ‘MAID’ is referred to which one of the following :

(1) Maintenance of Artificial Intelligence Devices

(2) Mutually Assured Information Destruction

(3) Mutually Acquired Intelligence Devices

(4) Mutually Anticipated Intelligence Destruction

Answer: (2)

36. Match the following authors as given in List – I with their books provided in List – II by using the correct code mentioned below :

Answer: (3)

37. Arrange the following in the ascending chronological order and use the code given below :

(a) The UN Security Council Resolution 1172, urging India and Pakistan ‘to exercise maximum restraint’.

(b) Formation of Zangger Committee by the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group Countries.

(c) The Anglo-Tibetan Convention.

(d) Report of National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) on the parameters of India’s nuclear policy following the Kargil War.

Code :

(1) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(2) (b), (a), (c), (d)

(3) (c), (b), (a), (d)

(4) (d), (c), (b), (a)

Answer: (3)

38. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below.

Assertion (A) : India is a nuclear weapon state (NWS). Though not a party to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), India’s policies have been consistent with the key provisions of the NPT as they apply to nuclear weapon states.

Reason (R) : The existing international non-proliferation regimes and disarmament efforts do not address India’s most serious security concerns in the contemporary South Asian regional and global politico-strategic scenario.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but, (R) is not a comprehensive explanation.

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is neither correct nor a comprehensive explanation of (A).

(4) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (2)

39. Which one of the following features do not constitute the ‘Wars of the third kind’ :

(1) Conflicts within the society.

(2) Conflicts with other bordering states.

(3) Conflicts directed against the civilians.

(4) Conflicts with external support.

Answer: (2)

40. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below.

Assertion (A) : It was not 9/11 but the reaction to 9/11, the so-called Global War on Terror (GWOT) and the invasion of Iraq that made Al Qaeda’s rise and expansion inevitable, leading ultimately to other more extremist groups like ISIS.

Reason (R) : If the Global War on Terror (GWOT) has been a failure or partial success it is because it did not target the epicentres of Jihadi terrorism, whence terrorism derived its ideological, financial, and state support.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(4) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (2)

41. Identify the correct code for Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below.

Assertion (A) : Nationalism and democracy have become goals of an ever-increasing percentage of the world’s people.

Reason (R) : Both expand nation’s economic interests and foster political power.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(4) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (1)

42. Arrange the following in the ascending chronological order and use the code given below :

(a) The establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

(b) The establishment of Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

(c) The signing of the INF treaty.

(d) The extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty indefinitely.

Code :

(1) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(2) (b), (a), (c), (d)

(3) (c), (d), (a), (b)

(4) (d), (c), (b), (a)

Answer: (1)

43. Arrange the following events of trench occupation of Indo China in ascending order by using the code given below :

(a) Occupation of Tongking (Vietnam)

(b) Occupation of Cambodia

(c) Occupation of Laos

(d) Occupation of Cochin China (Vietnam)

Code :

(1) (d), (a), (b), (c)

(2) (d), (b), (a), (c)

(3) (a), (c), (d), (b)

(4) (b), (a), (c), (d)

Answer: (2)

44. In Burma a group of students were called as ‘Thakins’ in 1920s and 1930s. Identify the correct meaning of the word from the answers given below :

(1) Revolutionary nationalists

(2) Bhuddhist monks

(3) Burma police

(4) Plantation owners

Answer: (1)

45. Arrange the following events in ascending chronological order by using the code given below :

(a) The revolution in Thailand

(b) Succession of Mongkut

(c) Anglo-Siamese Treaty

(d) Thailand as a buffer state declaration

Code :

(1) (b), (c), (a), (d)

(2) (a), (b), (d), (c)

(3) (b), (d), (a), (c)

(4) (c), (b), (a), (d)

Answer: (3)

46. King Mongkut of Thailand was called with which one of the below given regal name, identify correct answer :

(1) Rama IV

(2) Rama V

(3) Rama VI

(4) Rama VII

Answer: (1)

47. In 1997, Hong Kong was transferred to China from which one of the following foreign countries control. Identify the correct answer :

(1) The United States of America

(2) France

(3) Spain

(4) The United Kingdom

Answer: (4)

48. Who one among the below mentioned leaders is considered as the founder of People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) :

(1) Ho Chi Minh

(2) Vo Nguyen Giap

(3) Pham Van Dong

(4) Le Duan

Answer: (2)

49. Which of the three pillars of West Asia were accommodated in the present tri-directional India’s foreign policy towards West Asia :

(1) Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia

(2) Israel, Iraq, Kuwait

(3) Iran, Yemen, Egypt

(4) Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE

Answer: (1)

50. The Borobodur temple complex was constructed by which one of the royal dynasties :

(1) Shailendra dynasty

(2) Singhasari dynasty

(3) Srivijaya dynasty

(4) Mataram dynasty

Answer: (1)

51. Identify the South Asian country which has been the largest recipient of China’s FDI assistance in 2017 :

(1) Nepal

(2) Bhutan

(3) Pakistan

(4) Sri Lanka

Answer: (4)

52. In which one of the below given years Japan occupied Manchuria and established a regime called Manchukuo :

(1) 1921

(2) 1931

(3) 1941

(4) 1951

Answer: (2)

53. In which one of the centuries given below Islam was introduced into Southeast Asia :

(1) 10th Century

(2) 11th Century

(3) 12th Century

(4) 13th Century

Answer: (4)

54. In the course of Vietnamese struggle for Independence and Unity which two of the countries supported the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) with military assistance :

(1) The U.S. and Japan

(2) India and The Soviet Union

(3) China and The Soviet Union

(4) The U.S. and Australia

Answer: (3)

55. The United East India Company of the Dutch (VOC) was established in which one of the following years :

(1) 1511

(2) 1595

(3) 1602

(4) 1619

Answer: (3)

56. “The beautiful Taj Mahal in Agra, surrounded by slums and a whole landscape of weak industrial buildings from which a hundred tall chimneys, belch smoke, eloquently characterises India’s urban problems”. Who among the following historians made the above observation :

(1) Colin Mason

(2) D.G.E. Hall

(3) B.H. Farmer

(4) F. Watson

Answer: (1)

57. Dong-Son civilization was discovered in one of the river deltas as given below. Identify correct answer :

(1) Yangtze river delta

(2) Mekong river delta

(3) Irrawady river delta

(4) Red river delta

Answer: (4)

58. The Lombok Treaty between Indonesia and Australia concluded in 2006 mainly addressed which one of the problems mentioned below :

(1) Security issues

(2) Economic issues

(3) Trade issues

(4) East Timor issue

Answer: (1)

59. To which one of the below mentioned countries the Kingdom ‘Lan Xang’ was the forerunner :

(1) Myanmar

(2) Thailand

(3) Laos

(4) Cambodia

Answer: (3)

60. Match List – I (Nationalist party established in sourtheast Asia) with List – II (Year of establishment) and find correct answer with the right code :

Answer: (1)

61. In which of the following South Asian Countries did India launch ‘Operation Cactus’ :

(1) Bangladesh

(2) Nepal

(3) Maldives

(4) Sri Lanka

Answer: (3)

62. Match the following authors given in List – I with their works given in List – II by using the code given below :

Answer: (2)

63. Arrange the following events in ascending chronological order by using the code given below :

(a) Formation of Commonwealth of Independent states

(b) Death of Joseph Stalin

(c) Soviet annexation of Baltic states

(d) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Code :

(1) (c), (b), (d), (a)

(2) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(3) (d), (c), (b), (a)

(4) (b), (d), (a), (c)

Answer: (1)

64. Which one of the following Seas borders with Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan :

(1) Caspian Sea

(2) Sea of Azov

(3) Arab Sea

(4) Sea of Akhotsk

Answer: (All)

65. On the banks of which of the following rivers the city of Novosibirsk is situated :

(1) Volga river

(2) Lena river

(3) Selenga river

(4) Ob river

Answer: (4)

66. Which of the following pipelines is more geared to serve Eastern Europe :

(1) Baku – Tbilisi – Ceyhan

(2) Nabucco

(3) Baku – Burgas

(4) IPI

Answer: (2)

67. Match the following leaders given in List – I with respective countries in List – II using the code given below :

Answer: (2)

68. Match the following revolutions given in List – I with the countries they took place listed in II by using the code given below :

Answer: (2)

69. Match the authors given in List – I with the books given in List -II by using the code given below :

Answer: (3)

70. Who among the following leaders was real hero of the Chechen war :

(1) Ramzan Kadyrov

(2) Dzhokar Dudayev

(3) Boris Yeltsin

(4) Yuri Andropov

Answer: (2)

71. Match the following countries given in List – I with their currencies given in List -II by using the code given below :

Answer: (3)

72. Match List – I (Countries) with List -II (Products) by using the code given below and identify the correct code :

Answer: (3)

73. Arrange the following events in ascending chronological order by using the code given below :

(a) Lagos Plan of Action

(b) Sharpavelle Massacre

(c) Rwanda Genocide

(d) UDI (Declaration) by Ian Smith

Code :

(1) (c), (b), (d), (a)

(2) (a), (c), (b), (d)

(3) (b), (d), (a), (c)

(4) (d), (b), (c), (a)

Answer: (3)

74. Arrange the following events in ascending chronological order with the help of given code :

(a) The British East of Suez Withdrawal Policy

(b) Baghdad Pact

(c) The Turks Conqured Constantinople

(d) Partition of Palestine by the UN

Code :

(1) (a), (c), (b), (d)

(2) (c), (d), (b), (a)

(3) (d), (a), (b), (c)

(4) (b), (d), (a), (c)

Answer: (2)

75. In Post-Cold War era, the most significant number of immigrates to Israel came from :

(1) East Europe

(2) Russia

(3) USA

(4) Latin America

Answer: (2)

76. Match the following organizations in Africa as given in List – I with the countries given in List – II by using the correct code given below :

Answer: (1)

77. The 1999 Lome’ Peace Accord was signed by the ruling government and rebels forces of which one of the following countries :

(1) Botswana

(2) Congo

(3) Somalia

(4) Sierra Leone

Answer: (4)

78. Match the List – I (Authors) with List – II (Books) by using the code given below :

Answer: (1)

79. Who among the following described Egypt as “The gift of Nile” :

(1) Winsten Churchill

(2) Gamal Abdel Nasser

(3) Herodotus

(4) Arnold Toyenbee

Answer: (3)

80. Which group of countries share Jordan river basin :

(1) Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel

(2) Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon

(3) Jordan, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon

(4) Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Israel

Answer: (1)

81. The term “The Revolt in the Desert” (Arab Revolt) refers to which one of the following :

(1) The Arab uprising led by the Sherif of Mecca and his son against the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

(2) Democratic upsurge in the Arab World against their authortarian rulers.

(3) Arab antagonism against European powers for their ‘Anti-Islamic Policies’.

(4) The Arab decision of invasion on newly born Israel.

Answer: (1)

82. Which one of the following countries was never ruled by a foreign power :

(1) Nigeria

(2) Liberia

(3) Mali

(4) Niger

Answer: (2)

83. Hutu and Tutsi Tribes belong to which of the following country :

(1) Chad

(2) Cameroon

(3) Nigeria

(4) Rwanda

Answer: (4)

84. Which among the following is the oldest city in Africa :

(1) Cairo

(2) Gold Coast

(3) Lagos

(4) Giza

Answer: (1)

85. Which one of the following Empires had no presence in West Asia :

(1) Roman Empire

(2) Byzantine Empire

(3) Moghal Empire

(4) Abbasid Empire

Answer: (3)

86. A historic trade centre, which is the only Iranian port with direct access to Indian ocean, is :

(1) Bandar Abbas

(2) Chabahar

(3) Kish Island

(4) Bushire

Answer: (2)

87. Which one of the following South American countries is a landlocked country ?

(1) Chile

(2) Bolivia

(3) Argentina

(4) Venezuela

Answer: (2)

88. Which among the following eminent scholars stated that ‘American Capitalism is really socialism for the rich’ :

(1) David Ricardo

(2) G.B. Shaw

(3) F. Nietzsche

(4) Thomas Malthus

Answer: (2)

89. Which one of the following countries in Latin America was supported by UNESCO’s Cultura de Paz since 2000 :

(1) Brazil

(2) Nicaragua

(3) Guatemala

(4) Venezuela

Answer: (3)

90. Which one of the following US Presidents adopted a middle course between inclusive and exclusive exceptionalist tendency in its foreign policy :

(1) Jimmy Carter

(2) George W. Bush

(3) Bill Clinton

(4) Ronald Reagan

Answer: (3)

91. Which US President made its people choose between ‘Distinctive American Internationalism’ and ‘Isolationism’ as its viable foreign policy objective :

(1) Ronald Reagan

(2) John Adams

(3) J.F. Kennedy

(4) George W. Bush

Answer: (4)

92. Which European countries were identified by the US as ‘Old Europe’ in 2003 :

(1) Italy and Spain

(2) France and Germany

(3) Belgium and Netherlands

(4) UK and Ireland

Answer: (2)

93. Which eminent figure in the US referred the term ‘Republic’ as government of elected representatives who were responsible to the people :

(1) George Washington

(2) Abrahim Lincoln

(3) James Madison

(4) Andrew Jackson

Answer: (3)

94. Which US President made human rights a major goal of US foreign policy :

(1) George W. Bush

(2) Jimmy Carter

(3) Bill Clinton

(4) Andrew Johnson

Answer: (2)

95. Identify the correct code for Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : After 1994 elections in Mozambique, most donors concluded that there was no longer a strategic objective for party support.

Reason (R) : Prevalence of lack of long – term vision for political parties of both the donors and party leaders had undermined the potential of International assistance.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.

(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

Answer: (1)

Read the passage given below and answer the questions based on it ranging from 96 to 100.

        At the national level, democracy means open markets and political party pluralism. At the individual level, democracy is defined as and usually limited to the right to vote. The definition of human rights has been similarly narrowed. Human rights concerns in the North are most often limited to the civil right to protest or organise against the government. The economic and social rights of human beings to eat, to educate their children, to earn a living wage, are ignored or marginalised in the human rights discourse, or their violations accepted as the unfortunate but acceptable consequence of the larger good of market democracy. In this context one might speak of the denial of the human right to democracy – but it would most likely refer only to the denial of the right to vote.

    The democratic right to live in an independent country remains absent from today’s democracy or human rights debates. While one may hear of ‘human rights violations’ by the occupying forces in Palestine, or East Timor, or South Lebanon, those violations will be specific instances involving military attacks, suppression of a protest march, and so on. Rarely, if
ever, will the occupation itself be described as a violation of human rights or democratic rights. What is called for is less a new definition of democracy or democratic rights, than a return to the once-richer and more complex understandings of what democracy or democratic rights mean. The problem is that the rapid collapse of the socialist bloc at the end of the 1980s, and the unchallenged victory of US-dominated global capitalism, allowed a new set of definitions of, and the imposition of new limitations on, political concepts. ‘Imperialism’ disappeared, replaced by the benign-sounding ‘globalisation’. ‘Capitalism’ disappeared, as ‘market economy’ became the policy watchword. ‘Internationalism’ disappeared altogether, replaced by nothing since economic globalisation was understood, albeit quietly, to refer only to the movement of capital and production and goods between countries not to cross-border ties between people.

96. How do you define democracy at the individual level :

(1) More open markets and pluralism

(2) Rights to vote

(3) Rights to organize the mob for rioting

(4) Freedom of trade

Answer: (2)

97. How does democracy address human rights concerns :

(1) By allowing citizens to indulge in violence.

(2) By allowing citizens their civil rights to protest.

(3) By proscribing all their political activities.

(4) By curtailing civil rights and controlling individual activities.

Answer: (2)

98. How are economic and social rights are marginalised in larger debate of democracy :

(1) Market democracy cares about the larger good of the society.

(2) It ignores nitty-gritty of daily life.

(3) Rights to eat, educate children and earn wages for a living are accepted as unfortunate and acceptable violations.

(4) There is a distinct difference between denial and violation of human rights.

Answer: (3)

99. How do human rights violations deprive democratic values :

(1) By ignoring democratic rights from the overall human rights debate.

(2) By engaging in East – Timor, Palestine or similar violations.

(3) By isolating specific instances of rights violations from the overall societal ethos.

(4) Democratic rights are different from human rights.

Answer: (1)

100. What are the factors responsible for a change in definition of democratic values :

(1) Collapse of the socialist block at the end of 1980s.

(2) Unchallenged sway of US dominated capitalism.

(3) Globalisation replaced imperialism.

(4) Movement of capital and goods between countries, disappearance of internationalism, dominance of market economy.

Answer: (4)

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