UGC NET Exam June-2013 Comparative Literature Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Which of the following works does not address the theme of ‘The Fall of Man’ ?

(A) Milton’s Paradise Lost

(B) Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy

(C) William Golding’s Lord of the Flies

(D) Camus’ The Fall

Answer: (B)

2. The 17th century collection of French fables which facilitated the migration of tales to a large extent were written by

(A) La Fontaine

(B) Aesop

(C) Ignacy Krasicki

(D) Phaedrus

Answer: (A)

3. The following book argues that growth in literary criticism and the interest in institutionalizing literary education are closely interrelated :

(A) Is there a text in this class ?

(B) The Anxiety of Influence

(C) The Social Mission of English Criticism : 1848 – 1932

(D) After Theory

Answer: (C)

4. By “Cultural Capital” is meant ____.

(A) the prestige attached to a particular work of art, or any commodity, in a socio-cultural milieu

(B) the prestige attached to capitalist culture in a sociocultural milieu

(C) the distinction capitalism draws between/among culture’s products and effects

(D) the capital culture makes in a scenario that undervalues noncultural products and services

Answer: (A)

5. The following could constitute legitimate objects of enquiry within cultural studies

I. Work song

II. Comic book

III. Film

IV. Social networking

The correct combination according to the code :

(A) Only III

(B) Only II

(C) All of the above

(D) II and IV

Answer: (C)

6. Arrange the following in chronological order : 

i. Aeschylus’ death

ii. Babur’s arrival in India

iii. Virgil’s birth

iv. The traditional date for the fall of Troy

Codes :

(A) i ii iii iv

(B) iv i iii ii

(C) iii ii i iv

(D) iv iii ii i

Answer: (B)

7. Grouped below are languages that share socio-historical and cultural traditions of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Identify the group to which languages with this shared history belong :

1. Hindi, Urdu, English, Dogri

2. Bangla, Sindhi, Punjabi, Gujarati

3. Manipuri, Maithili, Malayalam 

4. Chhattisgarh, Haryanvi, Marathi 

Codes :

(A) 1

(B) 3 & 4

(C) 2

(D) 1 & 2

Answer: (D)

8. Which of the following argues for an open embrace of and sympathy for, linguistic aliens and minorities ? 

(A) Monolingualism of the Other

(B) Strangers to Ourselves

(C) A Million Mutinies

(D) The Stranded Diaspora

Answer: (A)

9. Which of the following statements on Vande Matram is/are not true ?

1. Its opening passage is an invocation of fertility, beauty and  benignity.

2. It code switches from Sanskrit to Bangla and back.

3. It is the battle chant of the Hindu army in Bankim Chandra’s novel.

4. It is a lyric Bankim Chandra wrote at the ascension of George V to the throne of England.

5. It became popular as a great revolutionary hymn during India’s struggle for independence.

Codes :

(A) 1 & 2 are not true.

(B) 4 is not true.

(C) 3 & 5 are not true.

(D) 3 is not true.

Answer: (B)

10. Identify the author of Literary into Cultural Studies from the following :

(A) Lawrence Grossberg

(B) Meghan Morris

(C) Stuart Hall

(D) Anthony Easthoge

Answer: (D)

11. Hori is a character in 

(A) Godan

(B) House of Kanooru

(C) Hajaar Churashir Ma

(D) Padmamali

Answer: (A)

12. Identify the writer of The Joys of Motherhood.

(A) Ama Ata Aidoo

(B) Buchi Emecheta

(C) Flora Nwapa

(D) Bessie Head

Answer: (B)

13. On the question of cultural production of meaning, this text highlighted how different class cultures might in fact share sources, such as John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, yet make radically opposed meanings of those works in arriving at a consciousness of one’s relational position in society. The text in question is

(A) The Uses of Literacy

(B) The Making of English Working Class

(C) Culture and Society : 1780-1950 

(D) Crusoe’s Footprints

Answer: (B)

14. Which of the following art styles does not belong to the classical group ?

(A) Expressionism

(B) The Baroque

(C) The Renaissance

(D) The Gothic

Answer: (C)

15. All except one of the following films incorporate the experience of the partition in their plots. Identify the exception.

(A) Garm Hawa

(B) Earth 1947

(C) Heat and Dust

(D) Meghey Dhaka Tara

Answer: (C)

16. An artist, very crucial to an understanding of narrative forms in the eighteenth-century English culture, engraved the contemporary English society in a series of scenes called

(A) The Rogne’s Progress

(B) The Pilgrim’s Progress

(C) The Harlot’s Progress

(D) The Journeyman’s Progress

Answer: (C)

17. Lessing’s Laskoön invokes comparison primarily between literature and 

(A) Greek Sculpture

(B) Roman Sculpture

(C) Roman art

(D) German music

Answer: (B)

18. Nietzsche’s Thus Spake Zarcthwstra was interpreted in music by

(A) Philip Glass

(B) Richard Strauss

(C) Karl Böhm

(D) John Cage

Answer: (B)

19. Identify the common factor which binds these three characters – Noah, Utnapishtim and Deucalion.

(A) They fought for the independence of their country. 

(B) They built boats to save the lives of God’s creations.

(C) They spread Christianity in their homelands.

(D) They were all turned into beasts.

Answer: (B)

20. The concept of a ‘Literary History from Below’ was first enunciated by which of the following scholar ?

(A) Susie Tharu

(B) Tutun Mukherjee

(C) Amiya Dev

(D) N.D. Mirajkar

Answer: (C)

21. The term ‘Mosaic’ is used to describe the cultural framework of


(B) Australia

(C) UK

(D) Canada

Answer: (D)

22. Comparative Literature : Where have we been, where are we now, where are we going and do we want to go there ? is a recent book on Comparative Literature by

(A) Dorothy Figueira

(B) Haun Saussy

(C) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

(D) Steven Sondrup

Answer: (A)

23. Dialectic of Enlightenment was written by

(A) Jean Baudrillard and Max Horkheimer

(B) Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno

(C) Jean Baudrillard and Theodor Adorno

(D) Jean Baudrillard and Pierre Bourdieu

Answer: (B)

24. Listed below are 4 Indian journals. One of them was devoted to translation and translation studies.

(A) Triveni

(B) Indian Thought

(C) Hans

(D) Setu

Answer: (D)

25. It is argued that Indian literature is neither “one” nor “many” but rather a systemic whole, by

(A) Sujit Mukherjee

(B) Sisir Kumar Das

(C) Swapan Majumdar

(D) V.K. Gokak

Answer: (C)

26. Which of the following languages was not covered in Comparative Indian Literature, edited by K.M. George and published in 1984 ? 

(A) Kashmiri

(B) Sanskrit

(C) Sindhi

(D) Lepcha

Answer: (D)

27. Name the theoretician who, in the 1920s, described Comparative Literature as a bogus term that made neither sense nor syntax .

(A) Lane Cooper

(B) Austin Warren

(C) Ulrich Weisstein

(D) Rene Wellek

Answer: (A)

28. Who among the persons listed below is not an indigenous story teller ?

(A) Ned Kelly

(B) Lee Maracle

(C) Hoskie Benally

(D) Hiromi Goto

Answer: (D)

29. “On Cannibals” is 

(A) a short story written by George Orwell

(B) an essay written by Michel de Montaigue

(C) an essay written by Francis Bacon

(D) a short story written by Kenneth Anderson

Answer: (B)

30. “Peshwar Express” is a short story by 

(A) Krishna Chander

(B) Rajinder Singh Bedi

(C) Saadat Hasan Manto

(D) Ismat Chugtai

Answer: (A)

31. Among other things, Comparative Literature is a branch of literary history and it is, like all historical disciplines, faced with the thankless task of bringing order to the seeming chaos of ceaselessly unfolding and constantly flowing events. Who commented this ?

(A) Amiya Dev

(B) Ulrich Weisstein

(C) Ruth Prawer Jhabwala

(D) Matthew Arnold

Answer: (B)

32. Which of the following works is not literature proper and is more of a  political treatise ?

(A) War and Peace

(B) Crime and Punishment

(C) The Prince

(D) The Agony and the Ecstasy

Answer: (C)

33. The first Japanese writer to win the Nobel Prize for literature was

(A) Yukio Mishima

(B) Yasunari Kawabata

(C) Haruki Murakami

(D) Kenji Nakagami

Answer: (B)

34. Death in Venice is written by

(A) Agatha Christie in English

(B) Machiavelli in Italian

(C) Thomas Mann in German

(D) Honore de Balzac in French

Answer: (C)

35. The Wretched of the Earth is a book by

(A) Edward Said related to postcolonial theory

(B) Edward Said related to readerresponse theory

(C) Franz Fanon related to readerresponse theory

(D) Franz Fanon related to postcolonial theory

Answer: (D)

36. Which of the following is associated with Translation Studies ?

(A) Locke/Dryden Map

(B) Franco-Germanic Map

(C) Holmes/Toury Map

(D) Prussian-Czech Map

Answer: (C)

37. Which of the following texts argues that untouchability has its roots in internal social discrimination in India and not in racial difference, as had been argued by Stanley Rice, a sociologist ? 

(A) “Can the Subaltern Speak ?”

(B) Balut

(C) Taral-Antaral

(D) Untouchables : Who were they ?

Answer: (D)

38. “Comparative Literature in India” the landmark essay published in the Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (YCGL) was written by

(A) G.N. Devy

(B) D.W. Fokkema

(C) Buddhadeva Bose

(D) Jasbir Jain

Answer: (C)

39. The first modern phase of Hindi literature is held to be the 

(A) Dwivedi period

(B) Chhayavaad

(C) Pragativaad

(D) Bhartendu period

Answer: (D)

40. How many Prakrits are prescribed in “Natyashastra” ?

(A) 5

(B) 8

(C) 7

(D) 10

Answer: (C)

41. In Brecht’s Der Kaukasische Kreidekreis, the most important message is contained in the 

(A) Epilogue

(B) Chorus

(C) Prologue

(D) Dedication

Answer: (C)

42. Who among the following do you associate with the concepts of formal and dynamic equivalence ?

(A) Itamar Evan-Zohar

(B) Eugene Nida

(C) Lawrence Venuti

(D) Walter Benjamin

Answer: (B)

43. Which writer’s Nobel Prize Address makes a reference to both Antonio Pigafetta and William Faulkner ?

(A) Gabriel Garcia Marquez

(B) Octavio Paz

(C) Mo Yan

(D) Frauz Kafka

Answer: (A)

44. The journal of the Comparative Literature Association of India is called 

(A) Literature and Literary Studies

(B) Literary and Cultural Studies

(C) Indian Comparative Literature Studies

(D) Sahitya

Answer: (D)

45. Sisir Kumar Das’ “Muses in Isolation” pleads for

(i) abolishing English studies in India

(ii) a rationale of English studies in India

(iii) a distinction between the teaching of English language and the teaching of English literature

(iv) strengthening the teaching of the English language in India 

Codes :

(A) Only (i) is correct.

(B) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(D) Only (iv) is correct.

Answer: (C)

46. Which of the bodies mentioned below was one of the two organizations that merged to form the Comparative Literature Association of India (CLAI) ?

(A) Comparative Literature Society

(B) Indian National Comparative Literature Association 

(C) Dravidian Comparative Literature Association

(D) Comparative Literature Association of Delhi

Answer: (B)

47. Namdeo Dhasal’s poetry has been translated most recently into Bengali by

(A) Manabendra Bandyopadhyay 

(B) Sunil Gangopadhyay

(C) Aveek Majumdar

(D) Mahasweta Devi

Answer: (C)

48. In the essay “Present Tasks of Comparative Literature” Meltzl emphasizes on the idea of

(A) Defamiliarization

(B) World literature

(C) The principle of polyglottism

(D) National literature

Answer: (C)

49. Identify the text which is not adapted from Mahabharata.

(A) Andha Yug

(B) Mahagatha

(C) Yugantar

(D) Samskara

Answer: (D)

50. The Aeneid is 

(A) an epic poem written in Greek

(B) an epic poem written in Latin 

(C) a historical treatise on ancient Greece

(D) an early Latin religious text

Answer: (B)

51. Who among the following was not one of the contributors to Aspects of Comparative Literature : Current Approaches, edited by Chandra Mohan and published in 1989 ?

(A) Harish Trivedi

(B) K. Chellapan

(C) Gerald Gillespie

(D) Rene Wellek

Answer: (D)

52. Which of the following constitutes one of the periods of literary history demarcated by Sisir Kumar Das in his A History of Indian Literature ?

(A) 1800-1835

(B) 1857-1919

(C) 1885-1919

(D) 1857-1900

Answer: (A)

53. That the notion of fidelity in translation was not an essential one for the Indian context before colonial contact, was argued by

(A) Sujit Mukherjee

(B) Hrish Trivedi

(C) Rabindranath Tagore

(D) Jaucy James

Answer: (A)

54. Lacan has been influential on

(A) French Feminism

(B) Post-Modernism

(C) Marxist Cultural Studies

(D) American Feminism

Answer: (A)

55. The tradition of Revenge Tragedy was introduced in Europe by

(A) Corneille

(B) Kyd

(C) Seneca

(D) Racine

Answer: (C)

56. Identify the writer who says : “I think Comparative Literature, which is not different from the study of single  literatures so far as the critical methodology is concerned, but differs only in matter and attitude,  can play a vital role in the reorganization of our literature faculties and in the teaching of literature.”

(A) Rabindranath Tagore

(B) Harish Trivedi

(C) K.M. George

(D) Sisir Kumar Das

Answer: (D)

57. Eiron and alazon are characters in _______.

(A) Sophoclean tragedy 

(B) Farce

(C) Aristophenian comedy 

(D) Interlude

Answer: (C)

58. “Triumph and Tragedy” is one of the sections of the following book :

(A) Partitioning Pakistan

(B) A History of Indian Literature

(C) The Legacy of Faiz Ahmed Faiz

(D) Sylvia Plath : An Unauthorized Biography

Answer: (B)

59. Prithviraj Raso ascribed to Chand Bardai is composed in

(A) Standard Hindi

(B) Maithili

(C) Maithili and Bhojpuri

(D) Sandhyabhasha

Answer: (D)

60. Hayden White says : “… a specifically historical inquiry is born less of the necessity to establish that certain events occurred than of the desire to determine what certain events might mean for a given group, society, or culture’s conception of its present tasks and future prospects.”  Here, White reconceptualises historical process to include the 

(A) importance of validation of historical events 

(B) application of archival procedures to past occurrences

(C) relations between texts and the contexts of production as well as reception

(D) indexical relation between intention and meaning

Answer: (C)

61. The Macmillan Modern Indian Novels in Translation series 

(A) domesticates all culture – specific markers into English

(B) retains many culture-specific markers and provides detailed annotations 

(C) retains culture-specific markers, but neither annotates them nor signposts them by italicising

(D) retains culture-specific markers, italicises them, but does not provide any connotations

Answer: (B)

62. Of primary importance to Aristotle’s understanding of tragedy is the play

(A) Oedipus Rex

(B) Oedipus Tyrannus

(C) Antigone

(D) Choephoroi

Answer: (A)

63. Hutom Pyanchar Naksha is written by

(A) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

(B) Kaliprasanna Sinha

(C) Fakir Mohan Senapati

(D) Nabakanta Barua

Answer: (B)

64. Kiratarjuna according to the Sashtras, is designated as

(A) Charit

(B) Mahakavya

(C) Virgatha

(D) Akhyayika

Answer: (B)

65. Assertion (A) : The erosion of national boundaries in the sphere of literary production may serve as a Utopian project of encouraging transnational solidarity and exchange. 

Reason (R) : It can be deployed to disguise, in processes of cultural imperialism, the residual asymmetries embedded in neo-colonial structures of politics, economics and international power.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation.

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (B)

66. Post Colonial Translation : Theory and Practice has been jointly edited by 

(A) Harish Trivedi & Jaucy James

(B) Jaucy James & Susan Bassnett

(C) Susan Bassnett & Harish Trivedi

(D) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak & Andre Lefevere

Answer: (C)

67. The play by Vijay Tendulkar that is modelled on a real-life incident in the world of the media is 

(A) Kanyadaan

(B) Bimala

(C) Kamala

(D) A Friend’s Story

Answer: (C)

68. The following theoreticians have been particularly critical of thematology :

(i) Fernand Baldensperger

(ii) Paul Hazard

(iii) Benedetto Croce

(iv) Rene Wellek

Codes :

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (i) and (iii)

(C) All of the above

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

69. In Manto’s short story “Khol do”, the name of one of the characters is

(A) Hasina

(B) Sakina

(C) Hanifa

(D) Kamala

Answer: (B)

70. Which of the following has little, if any, theoretical efficacy as a contentcategory ?

(A) Motif

(B) Situation

(C) Staff

(D) Theme

Answer: (C)

71. Identify the writer of Kafka on the Shore.

(A) Haruki Murakami

(B) Yukio Mishima

(C) Hideo Oguma

(D) Kobo Abe

Answer: (A)

72. In which of these books did Gurbhagat Singh’s “Comparative Literature : Towards a Non- Logocentric Paradigm” appear ?

(A) Aspects of Comparative Literature

(B) Comparative Literature in the Age of Globalization

(C) Comparative Literature : Theory and Practice

(D) Comparative Literature : The Indian Context

Answer: (C)

73. W.H. Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts” uses a cluster of images from Bruegel’s paintings. While the poem explicitly mentions his “Fall of Icarus” some other references to his works include :

I. The Crucifixion

II. The Massacre of the Innocents

III. The Numbering at Bethlehem

IV. The Procession to Calvary

The correct combination according to the code is :

Codes :

(A) II and III are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) I and IV are correct.

(D) III and IV are correct.

Answer: (A)

74. In 1798 Wordsworth and Coleridge jointly published The Lyrical Ballads. The same year saw the publication of another such joint venture in Europe. The contributors to this anthology were

(A) Lamartine and Musset

(B) Goethe and Schiller

(C) Shelley and Keats

(D) Heine and Herder 

Answer: (B)

75. Who among the following Indian scholars is reputed to have contemplated a literary history of/for India in at least two of his major books ?

(A) Harish Trivedi

(B) K. Ayyappa Panicker

(C) Sujit Mukherjee

(D) K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar

Answer: (C)

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