UGC NET Exam June 2014 Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. The seaport of Jeddah is located on the

(A) Western coast of Arabia

(B) Eastern coast of Arabia

(C) South-East of Arabia

(D) North-East of Arabia

Ans: (A)

2. The chief diety of al-Ka‘aba was

(A) Al-Uzza

(B) Al-Manat

(C) Al-Lat

(D) Hubal

Ans: (D)

3. The Pre-Islamic Arabs were

(A) Atheist

(B) Monotheist

(C) Polytheist

(D) None of the above

Ans: (C)

4. The first ode which won the favour of the judges of Ukaz hanged on the wall of Ka‘bah was of

(A) Zuhair bin Abi Sulma

(B) Antara bin Shadad

(C) Nabigha Zubyani

(D) Imru’al-Qays

Ans: (D)

5. Muhammad was assigned Prophethood at the age of

(A) 40 years

(B) 50 years

(C) 44 years

(D) 42 years

Ans: (A)

6. Prophet Muhammad migrated to Madina in the year

(A) 612

(B) 617

(C) 622

(D) 626

Ans: (C)

7. The peace treaty of Hudaybiyah was signed between the

(A) Muslims & Syrians

(B) Muslims & the Quraish

(C) Muslims & the Christians

(D) Muslims & the Jews

Ans: (B)

8. The first Muslim state was established at

(A) Mecca

(B) Damascus

(C) Kufah

(D) Madina

Ans: (D)

9. The caliphate became hereditary from the times of

(A) Mu‘awiyah

(B) Marwan-I

(C) Al-Abbas

(D) Al-Mamun

Ans: (A)

10. Egypt was captured during the times of

(A) Al-Walid

(B) Abu Bakr

(C) Umar

(D) Mu‘awiyah

Ans: (C)

11. Hazrat Ali was martyred by a

(A) Kharijite

(B) Murjite

(C) Dhimmi

(D) Sabian

Ans: (A)

12. Mu‘awiyah nominated his son Yazid as his successor in the year

(A) 599

(B) 759

(C) 659

(D) 679

Ans: (D)

13. The number of administrative divisions in the Umayyad Kingdom was

(A) 8

(B) 9

(C) 10

(D) 12

Ans: (B)

14. Ahl al-Dhimmah, were 

(A) Christians

(B) Non-Muslims living in an Islamic state

(C) Muslims

(D) Jews

Ans: (B)

15. The legendary founder of Arabic grammar was

(A) Abual-aswad al-Duali

(B) Ibn Munabbih

(C) Ibn Sharyah

(D) Wasil bin Ata

Ans: (A)

16. The earliest religio-political sect in the history of Islam was

(A) Mutazilite

(B) Shiah

(C) Kharijite

(D) Murjite

Ans: (C)

17. The person who headed list of the Arabian Physicians during the first century of Islam was

(A) Al-Darimi

(B) Al-Farazdaq

(C) Ibn-Uthal

(D) Al-Harith ibn-Kaladah

Ans: (D)

18. The first mosque constructed in a conquered land was at

(A) Egypt

(B) Basrah

(C) Iran

(D) Damascus

Ans: (B)

19. Al-Saffah, the founder of the Abbasid Kingdom ruled from

(A) 785 to 786

(B) 750 to 754

(C) 754 to 775

(D) 847 to 849

Ans: (B)

20. Khalid ibn Barmak was the first incumbent to the office of

(A) Qazi

(B) Qazi-ul-Quzat

(C) Muhtasib

(D) Vazir

Ans: (D)

21. A school of popular philosophy which flourished in Basra, around the middle of the fourth Muslim century was

(A) Ikhwan al-Safa

(B) Ikhwan al-Muslimun

(C) Ikhwan al-Arab

(D) Ikhwan al-Ajam

Ans: (A)

22. Al-Hashimiyah, a courtly residence in Al-Anbar was built by

(A) Mauwiyah

(B) Mamun

(C) Haroon al-Rashid

(D) Al-Saffah

Ans: (D)

23. The diacritical marks on the Quran was laid by

(A) Tariq bin Ziyad

(B) Abu al Aswad al-Du’ali

(C) Hasan al-Basri

(D) Ibn Mas‘ud

Ans: (B)

24. The Quran was compiled on single Arabic dialect by

(A) Abu Bakr

(B) Umar

(C) Uthman

(D) Ali

Ans: (C)

25. Imam Razi was the author of

(A) Bayan al-Quran

(B) Tafsir ul-Quran

(C) Tafsir i-Kabir

(D) Tafhim al-Quran

Ans: (C)

26. According to a Quranic verse, zakat must be given to

(A) 7 categories of people

(B) 5 categories of people

(C) 3 categories of people

(D) 2 categories of people

Ans: (A)

27. The fundamental sources of Islamic law are

(A) Istislah and Istidlal

(B) Qiyas and Istihsan

(C) The Quran Hadith

(D) Istihsan Istislah

Ans: (C)

28. Sihah Sittah, were complied during the

(A) Abbasid period

(B) Umayyad period

(C) Mamluk period

(D) Ottoman period

Ans: (A)

29. Qiyas means

(A) Giving preference

(B) Tradition

(C) Consensus

(D) Analogical deduction

Ans: (D)

30. Usul al-Fiqh, was laid down by

(A) Al-Shaibani

(B) Imam Shafii

(C) Abu Yusuf

(D) Yahya Andulusi

Ans: (B)

31. Kitab al-Umm, was written by

(A) Al-Shafii

(B) Imam Malik

(C) Abu Yusuf

(D) Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

Ans: (A)

32. Arrange the following jurists in  chronological order using the code given below :

(i) Abu Hanifah

(ii) Imam Malik

(iii) Al-Shafii

(iv) Al-Shamarqandi

Codes :

(A) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)

(B) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)

(C) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(D) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)

Ans: (C)

33. Arrange the following books of Hadith literature in order of chronology using the code given below :

(i) Muwatta

(ii) Sahih Bukhari

(iii) Mishkat al-Masabih

(iv) Sahifah Sadiqah

Codes :

(A) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)

(B) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)

(C) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(D) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)

Ans: (D)

34. Mahr, paid promptly at the time of marriage is called

(A) Sadaqah

(B) Mahr-i-Mu‘ajjal

(C) Mahr-i-Mithl

(D) Mahr-i-Mui’ajjal

Ans: (B)

35. Ahmad ibn Hanbal was imprisoned by

(A) Mamun

(B) Haroon al-Rashid

(C) Al-Saffah

(D) Al-Mutawakkil

Ans: (A)

36. The Jabaris believed in the concept of 

(A) Free-will

(B) Caliphate

(C) Imamat

(D) Pre-destination

Ans: (D)

37. The Muslim Philosophical school which believed in ‘Reason’ & ‘Revelation’ was

(A) Qadaris

(B) Maturidis

(C) Asharites

(D) Mutazilites

Ans: (C)

38. The most illustrious name in Arabic annals in the fields of philosophy was

(A) Ibn-Sina

(B) Ibn Khaldun

(C) Al-Majusi

(D) Al-Biruni

Ans: (A)

39. The harmonization of Greek philosophy with Islam began with

(A) Al-Battani

(B) Al-Ashqui

(C) Hasan Al-Basri

(D) Al-Kindi

Ans: (D)

40. Tahafat al-Falasifah, was written by

(A) Khwajazadah

(B) Al-Ghazzali

(C) Al-Kindi

(D) Al-Farabi

Ans: (A)

41. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched :

(A) Ihyani-Uloom – Al-Ghazzali

(B) Kitab al-Khiraj – Al-Shafii

(C) Tarjuman al- Quran – Al-Kindi 

(D) Fusus at Hikam – Abdul Qadir Gilani

Ans: (A)

42. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched :

(A) Shah Waliullah – Puritanic movement

(B) Nizam-ud-Din Auliya – Chishti order

(C) Khwaja Moinuddin – Sajistan

(D) Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan

Ans: (D)

43. The term Sufi is derived from

(A) ‘Saff’, ‘Safa’, ‘Ahl al-Suff’ & ‘Suf’

(B) Purity of Nafs

(C) Purity of Qalb

(D) Purity of Mind and Soul

Ans: (A)

44. The theory of ‘Disinterested love’ was given by

(A) Abu Hashim of Kufa

(B) Uwais al-Qarani

(C) Hasan Basri

(D) Rabia Basri

Ans: (D)

45. The theory of Wahdat ul Wujud was propounded by

(A) Al-Ghazali

(B) Ibn al-Arabi

(C) Ibn Sina

(D) Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi

Ans: (B)

46. Khair al-Majalis, are the Malfuzat of 

(A) Khwaja Moin ud Din Chishti

(B) Syed Mohd. Hussaini Gisudaraz

(C) Shaikh Nizam ud-din Auliya

(D) Shaikh Nasir ud-Din Chiragh of Delhi

Ans: (D)

47. Naqshbandi Sufi order in India was started by

(A) Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi

(B) Abdullah Shah

(C) Khwaja Baqibilla

(D) Bakhtiyar Kaki

Ans: (C)

48. The Shrine of Bandagi Muhammad Ghowth is located in

(A) Utch-Multan

(B) Delhi

(C) Lucknow

(D) Mumbai

Ans: (A)

49. The Qadiri order became very popular in India in

(A) North India

(B) Deccan

(C) South India

(D) West of Delhi

Ans: (B)

50. The Bhakti movement was started by

(A) Ram Tiwari

(B) Chand Basheshwar

(C) Ram Krishna Parmahans

(D) Ramanuja

Ans: (D)

51. The mystical mannal which was taught in the Indian Chishti Khanqahs to train the disciples was

(A) Awarif al-Maarif

(B) Futuhat i-Makkiyah

(C) Futuh al-Ghaib

(D) Fusus al-Hikam

Ans: (A)

52. The Be-shai sufi order which worked in the Deccan was

(A) The Naqshbandi

(B) The Rifai

(C) The Suhrawardi

(D) The Chishti

Ans: (B)

53. The highest number of Sunnis in India are the followers of

(A) Hanbali school

(B) Shafii school

(C) Maliki school

(D) Hanafi school

Ans: (D)

54. Iman Jafar al-Sadiq was the

(A) Sixth Shi‘i Imam

(B) Seventh Shi‘i Imam

(C) Third Shi‘i Imam

(D) Fourth Shi‘i Imam

Ans: (A)

55. The concept of Imam al-Muntazar is given by the

(A) Ismailis

(B) Ithna Asharis

(C) Zaydis

(D) Zahiris

Ans: (B)

56. The Khojas are a sub-branch of

(A) Zaydis

(B) Jafaris

(C) Sunnis

(D) Ismails

Ans: (D)

57. Mut‘a’h marriages were permitted among

(A) Shias

(B) Sunnis

(C) Christians

(D) Jews

Ans: (A)

58. The deadly opponents of Ali were

(A) The Maturidis

(B) The Shiahs

(C) Kharijites

(D) Murjites

Ans: (C)

59. Zawiyas were associated with the

(A) Sanusis

(B) Tijanis

(C) Qadiris

(D) Naqshbandis

Ans: (A)

60. The headquarter of the Sanusi order initially was at

(A) Yaman

(B) Damascus

(C) Egypt

(D) Jaghbub

Ans: (D)

61. The Jamat-i-Islami was established by Moulana Mowdudi in British India in the year

(A) 1945

(B) 1941

(C) 1932

(D) 1930

Ans: (B)

62. The ‘movements of Mujahidin’ was started by

(A) Abdul Qadir

(B) Moulana Abdul hai

(C) Syed Ahmed Shaheed

(D) Moulana Mahmud ul-Hasan

Ans: (C)

63. Wadud Miyan was the founder of which reformistic movement among the peasants of Bengal ?

(A) Tijaniya movement

(B) Tablighi movement

(C) Wahabi movement

(D) Faraidi movement

Ans: (D)

64. The founder of modern Iran was 

(A) Shah Rukh

(B) Shah Ismail

(C) Nasir ud-din Shah Qachar

(D) Shah Abbas

Ans: (C)

65. The bloodless revolution in which the Iranian Ulama participated took place in the year

(A) 1905

(B) 1800

(C) 1672

(D) 1777

Ans: (A)

66. The first charter called ‘Hat i-Sharifi Gulhane’ was issued during the times of

(A) Sultan Abdul Hamid

(B) Sultan Salim-III

(C) Sultan Abdul Majeed

(D) Sultan Murad-I

Ans: (C)

67. The concept of ‘Pan-Turanism’ was given by

(A) Zia Gokalp

(B) Ziya Pasha

(C) Namik Kamal

(D) Ibrahim Shinasi

Ans: (A)

68. Silsila al-Tawarikh was written by 

(A) Masudi

(B) Al-Beruni

(C) Ibn Battuta

(D) Sulaiman the Merchant

Ans: (D)

69. Hasan al-Banna was the founder of 

(A) Ikhwan Ul-Muslimin

(B) Wahabi Movement

(C) Ikhwan al-Safa

(D) Bahai Movement

Ans: (A)

70. The ‘Ba‘th’ party is a political party of

(A) Arabia and Yemen

(B) Iran and Afghanistan

(C) Iraq and Syria

(D) Egypt

Ans: (C)

71. In which conference Jamiat al-Ulama decided to support the Congress

(A) At Saharanpur

(B) At Bareilly

(C) At Allahabad

(D) At Amroha

Ans: (D)

72. Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental school was established in the year

(A) 1855

(B) 1866

(C) 1877

(D) 1888

Ans: (C)

73. Dar ul-Uloom Nadwatul Ulama was started in the year

(A) 1900

(B) 1910

(C) 1895

(D) 1898

Ans: (D)

74. The great reformist of Badiuz Zaman Said Nursi hails from

(A) Pakistan

(B) Iran

(C) Turkey

(D) Syria

Ans: (C)

75. The first Egyptian writer who was awarded the Noble Prize is

(A) Najib Mahfuz

(B) Mohd. Yusuf

(C) Ahmad Amin

(D) Taufiq al-Hakim

Ans: (A)

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