Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Earliest form of Religion was known as
(A) Bahaism
(B) Lamaism
(C) Animism
(D) Homotheism
2. Totem was usually represented by
(A) An old man
(B) An Animal
(C) A Pillar
(D) A Handicapped person
3. Epic of Gilgamesh is found in
(A) Greek Civilization
(B) Inca Civilization
(C) Egyptian Civilization
(D) Babylonian Civilization
4. Study of religion is known as
(A) Symbolism
(B) Systematic theology
(C) Enlightenment
(D) Religions Wissenschaft
5. Who authored the book “The Sacred and Profane” ?
(A) Emile Durkheim
(B) Mircea Eliade
(C) Paul Tillich
(D) Rudolf Otto
6. “The Book of Dead” is concerned with
(A) Indus People
(B) Hebrews
(C) Chinese
(D) Egyptians
7. Read List-I and List-II and identify the correct match :
8. Who was the exponent of Psychology of Religion ?
(A) William James
(B) Samuel P. Huntington
(C) Sigmund Freud
(D) James Frazer
9. Who propounded the Anthropology of Religion ?
(A) William Brede Kristensen
(B) Edward Burnett Tyler
(C) Paul Tillich
(D) Sigmund Freud
10. Match the followings and identify the correct match :
11. Identify the correct match :
12. Inter faith understanding does not promote
(A) Cultural Pluralism
(B) Religious Pluralism
(C) Multi-Culturalism
(D) Cultural Imperialism
13. There is no challenge to religion from
(A) Materialism
(B) Racism
(C) Communalism
(D) Mysticism
14. The number of chapters and hymns respectively in the Yajurveda is
(A) 40 and 1975
(B) 20 and 1875
(C) 30 and 2075
(D) 10 and 1775
15. The entire hymns of all four Vedas are arranged into
(A) seven metres
(B) three metres
(C) twelve metres
(D) four metres
16. The famous sentence “Satyameva Jayate” is quoted from this literature
(A) Brahman literature
(B) Aranyak literature
(C) Upanishad literature
(D) Smriti literature
17. Which one of the following deals with law, justice and punishment process ?
(A) Philosophical scriptures
(B) Smriti scriptures
(C) Sanskrit dramas
(D) Prose texts
18. The number of Puranas is
(A) Twelve
(B) Twenty
(C) Eighteen
(D) Ten
19. Mahabharat is considered as
(A) Prose Text
(B) Drama
(C) Champu
(D) Epic
20. “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” is the concept of
(A) Communism culture
(B) Thervad culture
(C) Islamic culture
(D) Vedic culture
21. Meerabai was the great devotee of
(A) Goddess Durga
(B) Lord Rama
(C) Lord Shiva
(D) Lord Krishna
22. This state of North-east region is usually considered as the follower of Vaishnav culture –
(A) Manipur
(B) Arunachal
(C) Nagaland
(D) Mizoram
23. Inspired by the Vedas Widowremarriage movement was propounded by
(A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(B) Keshav Chandra Sen
(C) Swami Ramtirth
(D) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
24. Tirthankara Rsabhadeva obtained ‘Moksha’ from this place
(A) Sammedashikhar Hill
(B) Girnar Parvat
(C) Shatunjaya Parvat
(D) Ashtapada Parvat
25. An earlier spiritual text of Jainism is known as –
(A) Dravyasangraha
(B) Suryapragyapti
(C) Samraiccakaha
(D) Samayasara
26. The author of the ‘Ka ayapahuda’ is
(A) Gu adhara
(B) Siddhasena
(C) Kundakunda
(D) Nemichandra
27. Which was Jaina Agamavacana known as ‘Mathuri Vacana’ ?
(A) Fourth
(B) Third
(C) First
(D) Second
28. Read the following :
Codes :
(A) a + I
(B) b + II
(C) c + IV
(D) d + III
29. The meaning of ‘Anekantavada’ in Jainism is
(A) Multi aspects of reality
(B) Final judgement
(C) Doubtfulness
(D) Seven methods of saying
30. This is included in six substances in Jainism
(A) Adharma
(B) Bandha
(C) Samvara
(D) Ahara
31. The path of liberation is known in Jainism as
(A) Anuvratas
(B) Four kinds of Dana
(C) Ratnatraya
(D) Karma theory
32. These numbers of Ellora caves are associated with Jainism
(A) Cave No. 30-34
(B) Cave No. 13-29
(C) Cave No. 5-20
(D) Cave No. 1-12
33. Famous Jaina temples of Mount Abu are also known as
(A) Dilavara Jain temple
(B) Ke hariyaji Jain temple
(C) Shatru jay Jain temple
(D) Mahav ra Jain temple
34. The propagator of Amuvrata- Movement was this Jain Monk
(A) Acharya Shri Nanesh
(B) Acharya Shri Tulsi
(C) Acharya Shri Atmarama
(D) Acharya Shri Gyansagar
35. Lord Buddha obtained ‘Sambodhi’ on
(A) Chaitra Sukla Tryodasi
(B) Vaisakha Dasami
(C) Vaisakha Purnima
(D) Vaisakha Tritiya
36. The description of the first Desana (Sermon) of Lord Buddha is found in
(A) Milapariyayasutta
(B) Mahaparinibbanasutta
(C) Dhammacakkapavattanasutta
(D) Dhaniyasutta
37. The first Buddhist council was held in the Chairmanship of
(A) Mahakasyapa
(B) Dharmakeetri
(C) Moggaliputta Tissa
(D) Dharmakeerti
38. The main subject matter of the Mahavamsa is
(A) Buddhist Logic
(B) Buddhist monks ethics
(C) Buddhist History
(D) Buddhist Art
39. This is the one chapter of the Dhammapada
(A) Vinaya Adhiyana
(B) Culika
(C) Theragatha
(D) Pupphavagga
40. The order of the ‘Dukkhasamudaya’ is in the four Noble Truth as
(A) Second
(B) Fourth
(C) Third
(D) First
41. The number of ‘Nidanas’ in Paticcasamuppada are
(A) Twelve
(B) Eight
(C) Four
(D) Fourteen
42. This principle of Buddhism is profounded by Nagarjuna
(A) Vajrayana
(B) Sunyavada
(C) Sarvastivada
(D) Vijñanavada
43. In Buddhism ‘Nirvana’ means
(A) Existence
(B) Sunyata
(C) Cessation of sufferings
(D) Substancelessness
44. Buddhism has been accepted as main religion in China in
(A) First Century
(B) Eighth Century
(C) Third Century
(D) Fourth Century
45. The ten commandments were given to
(A) Moses
(B) Abraham
(C) Isaac
(D) Jacob
46. The author of the book “Confessions”
(A) Karl Rahner
(B) Joseph Ratzinger
(C) St. Thomas Aquinas
(D) St. Augustine
47. Parables of Jesus are found in
(A) Books of the prophets
(B) ‘Gospels’ of the New Testament
(C) Acts of the Apostles
(D) Egyptian Kings
48. Fore runner of Jesus Christ
(A) Mary
(B) Joseph
(C) Elizabeth
(D) John the Baptist
49. Who among the apostles of Jesus is believed to have come to India ?
(A) Thomas
(B) Fransis
(C) Peter
(D) Paul
50. Identify the correct chronological order :
Use the code given below
I. Thomas of Cana in India.
II. Vasco de gama in India
III. St. Thomas in India
IV. Synod of Diampor
Codes :
51. Identify the Christian mystic from the following :
(A) St. Fransis Assissi
(B) St. Thomas Apostle
(C) St. George
(D) St. Peter
52. It is related to the social involvement of Christianity
(A) Every thing is impermanent
(B) Giving Zakat
(C) Bodhisttva ideal
(D) Love your neighbour
53. Identify the chronological order of the great persons of the Bible :
(A) Jacob, Abraham, Isaac, Jesus Christ
(B) Jesus Christ, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham
(C) Isaac, Abraham, Jesus Christ, Jacob
(D) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus Christ.
54. Good Friday is the day of
(A) Judgement
(B) Creation of the world
(C) Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
(D) Jesus returned alive after death
55. Which of the following is correctly matched ?
(A) Ka’aba – Damascus
(B) Safa and Marwa – Makkah
(C) Abu Bakr – Siffin
(D) Umar – Nihawand battle
56. Hazrat Amina, mother of the Prophet Muhammad died at
(A) Taif
(B) Makkah
(C) Abwa
(D) Madina
57. Yathrib was the old name of
(A) Yamen
(B) Baghdad
(C) Madina
(D) Makkah
58. Who among the following is called the 2nd Caliph of Islam ?
(A) H. Ali
(B) H. Uthman
(C) H. Umar
(D) H. Abu Bakr
59. To which dynastic rule Khalifa Hasan Rashid belonged ?
(A) Abbasids
(B) Umayyads
(C) Fatimids
(D) Safawids
60. Read the following :
(A) (a) and (ii)
(B) (b) and (iii)
(C) (c) and (iv)
(D) (d) and (i)
61. Who among the following is known as the “second teacher” (al-muallim al-thani) ?
(A) Al-Farabi
(B) Al-Kindi
(C) Ibn Sina
(D) Al-Razi
62. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?
(A) Alf Laylah Wa Laylah – Hazar Afsana
(B) Abul-Farj – Kitabul-Aghani
(C) Hariri – Maqamat
(D) Ibrahim al- Mawsili – Painting
63. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?
(A) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad – Khilafat Tahreek
(B) Maulana Abul Ala Mawdudi – Tablighi Jama’at
(C) Hasan al- Banna – Nadwa Tahreek
(D) Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan – Deoband Tahreek
64. Which one of the following is not included in the basic beliefs of Islam ?
(A) Tawhid
(B) Risalat
(C) Zakat
(D) Akhirat
65. Kartar Singh Jhabbr established
(A) Shiromani Akali dal
(B) Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee
(C) Chief Khalsa Diwan
(D) Singh Sabha Lehar
66. Person who met Maharaja Ranjit Singh was
(A) Diwan Kavra Mal
(B) Diwan Todar Mal
(C) Anta Rao
(D) Jaswant Rao Holkar
67. Match of following from List-I & List-II and identify the correct combination.
68. Match the List-I with List-II and identify the correct combination :
69. Author of Prachin Panth Parkash is
(A) Bhai Santokh Singh
(B) Giani Gian Singh
(C) Rattan Singh Bhangoo
(D) Kesar Singh Chhiber
70. Latest Sikh code of conduct is prepared by
(A) Bhai Vir Singh
(B) Principal Teja Singh
(C) Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee
(D) Prof. Sahib Singh
71. Shabdarath Guru Granth Sahib was edited by
(A) Prof. Sahib Singh
(B) Bhai Vir Singh
(C) Giani Dit Singh
(D) Principal Teja Singh
72. Author of Satyarth Prakash is
(A) Shardha Ram Fillouri
(B) Dhani Ram Chatrik
(C) Swami Dayanand
(D) Pandit Tara Singh Narotam
73. Raagmala was denied the part of Guru Granth by
(A) Babu Teja Singh Bhasaur
(B) Bhai Randhir Singh
(C) Both of them
(D) None amongst them
74. Author of ‘Kukian Di Vithia’ book is
(A) Giani Dit Singh
(B) Bhai Kahn Singh Nabho
(C) Karam Singh Historian
(D) Ganda Singh
75. Villages Kup and Rahira where Vadda Ghallughara occurred is situated in the district ?
(A) Lahore
(B) Sangrur
(C) Amritsar
(D) None amongst above
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