UGC NET Exam June 2014 Folk Literature Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Folklore which is taken out of context and used for other purposes with or without altering the same is called

(A) Meta folklore

(B) Urban folklore

(C) Applied folklore

(D) Rural folklore

Ans: (C)

2. William John Thoms defined folklore as the

(A) ‘artistic communication in small groups’

(B) ‘cultural product of a group of people’

(C) ‘behaviour of a group of people’

(D) ‘traditional beliefs, legends andcustoms current among the common people’

Ans: (D)

3. Narratives that concentrate on representative incidents of named individuals or groups are known as

(A) Episodes

(B) Anecdotes

(C) Motifs

(D) Allegories

Ans: (B)

4. What is the functional role of Folklore ?

(A) Religious and Psychological issues are settled

(B) Validation of beliefs and rituals 

(C) Legends glorify conduct

(D) All the above

Ans: (D)

5. “The Folklore of a people can be fully understood only through knowledge of their culture” – is stated by

(A) William Bascom

(B) Malinowski

(C) Franzy Boas

(D) Alan Dundes

Ans: (A)

6. Panchatantra deals with

(A) Fairy tales

(B) Numskull tales

(C) Moral tales

(D) Religious tales

Ans: (C)

7. “A group of words which is regularly employed under the same material conditions to express a given essential idea” is known as

(A) Formula

(B) Refrain

(C) Chorus

(D) Parole

Ans: (A)

8. One of the well known indigenous tribes of the Eastern Ghats whose traditional economy is huntinggathering

(A) Garo

(B) Chenchu

(C) Bhil

(D) Khasi

Ans: (B)

9. The popular Soap-Opera “Ramayana’ is produced by

(A) B.R. Chopra

(B) Rama Naidu

(C) Siddharta Basu

(D) Ramanand Sagar

Ans: (D)

10. The custom of marrying maternal uncle to his sister’s daughter is called

(A) The patrilineal system

(B) The matrilocal system

(C) The avunculate system

(D) The trilineal system

Ans: (C)

11. Performance refers to

(A) A folklore event

(B) A live presentation of an item of folklore

(C) A fleeting existence of the performance

(D) A description of the assemblage of the performers and the acts they perform

Ans: (B)

12. ‘Kangra’ painting is the folk art form of

(A) Himachal Pradesh

(B) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Madhya Pradesh

(D) Andhra Pradesh

Ans: (A)

13. The concept of ‘Type’ in folktale is propounded by

(A) E.K. Maranda

(B) Antti Aarne

(C) Theodore Benfey

(D) Warren E Roberts

Ans: (B)

14. Jallikattu is a taming sport of

(A) Camels

(B) Snakes

(C) Goats

(D) Bulls

Ans: (D)

15. The purpose of Free Association technique of Sigmund Freud is

(A) to deliver the patient from latent dreams.

(B) to probe into the preconscious level of mind.

(C) to discover the unconscious level of mind.

(D) to cognate the process of functioning of mind.

Ans: (C)

16. Style and Artistry of the folk are the basic features of

(A) Metaphor

(B) Anecdote

(C) Ethnic Slur

(D) Aesthetics

Ans: (D)

17. The German scholar who worked on Vedic Gods is

(A) Hermann Gundert

(B) Furrer Haimendorf

(C) Gunther Sontheimer

(D) Max Muller

Ans: (D)

18. ‘Language in context’ is the field study of

(A) Computational linguistics 

(B) Historical linguistics

(C) Sociolinguistics

(D) Generative linguistics

Ans: (C)

19. “Folklore must be considered from the socio-political point of view as an aid to understanding the hopes and expectations of working masses in the past.” – Who said it ?

(A) Lenin

(B) Gorky

(C) Sokolov

(D) Karl Marx

Ans: (A)

20. “The materials handed on traditionally may be physical objects, ideas or words” – Who made this statement ?

(A) Marian W. Smith

(B) E.B. Tylor

(C) Archer Taylor

(D) George Hergog

Ans: (C)

21. In folk narrative research, the first form of a narrative from which all known variants emerged is called as

I. Original form

II. Ur-form

III. Archetype

IV. Ecotype

Codes :

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) III and IV are correct.

(D) II and III are correct.

Ans: (D)

22. Human bodily communication of signs include

I. Transience

II. Ellipsis

III. Kinesies

IV. Proxemies

Codes :

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) III and IV are correct.

(C) I and III are correct.

(D) II and III are correct.

Ans: (B)

23. According to Antti Aarne, if a tale has to be a ‘type’

I. It has to be independent

II. Should have tradition

III. It has to be complete in itself

IV. Can have one or more motifs

Codes :

(A) I and IV are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) II and III are correct.

(D) All are correct.

Ans: (D)

24. The scholars who worked with the synchronic material to develop a theory in folkloristics are :

I. Andrew Lang

II. Albert Lord

III. E.B. Tylor

IV. Alan Lomax

Codes :

(A) I and IV are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) II and IV are correct.

(D) III and IV are correct.

Ans: (C)

25. Comparative Mythology is the study of mythology that attempts to reachconclusions through cross-cultural investigation and the advocates of this method include

I. Victor Turner

II. Jacob Grimm

III. Van Gennep

IV. Max Muller

Codes :

(A) II and IV are correct.

(B) I and IV are correct.

(C) II and III are correct.

(D) III and IV are correct.

Ans: (A)

26. The term animism is used to signify

I. Spirits inherent in animate objects

II. Souls dwelling in purgatory

III. Theory of origin of God-men

IV. Theory of origin of religion 

Codes :

(A) I and III are correct.

(B) I and IV are correct.

(C) II and III are correct.

(D) III and IV are correct.

Ans: (B)

27. According to Alan Dundes Eico types are formed due to

I. Genetic factors

II. Cosmological factors

III. Environmental factors

IV. Cultural factors

Codes :

(A) I, II and IV are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) II, III and IV are correct.

(D) III and IV are correct.

Ans: (D)

28. According to Victor Turner a social relationship that differs from the normal social and ideological order of things is known as

I. Liminalitas

II. Communitas

III. Hybriditas

IV. Immunitas

Codes :

(A) I and IV are correct.

(B) I and II are correct.

(C) II and IV are correct.

(D) II and III are correct.

Ans: (B)

29. The Trickster character figures in

I. Legends

II. Epics

III. Myths

IV. Folktales

Codes :

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) III and IV are correct.

(D) II and III are correct.

Ans: (C)

30. Alan Lomax’s choreometrics is a method for describing and rating movement patterns in general qualitative terms to find out

I. Dance theme

II. Dance style

III. Dance type

IV. Dance motifs

Codes :

(A) I, II and IV are correct.

(B) II and III are correct.

(C) II, III and IV are correct.

(D) All are correct.

Ans: (B)

31. Language is a ‘Science of man’ because of its

I. Distinctive feature

II. Extra-somatic phenomenon

III. Non-measurability

IV. Psycho-somatic feature

Codes :

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) II and III are correct.

(D) III and IV are correct.

Ans: (A)

32. In North American Universities, folklore was first taught by scholars as part of

I. Literature

II. Ethnology

III. Philosophy

IV. Anthropology

Codes :

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) II and III are correct.

(C) III and IV are correct.

(D) I and III are correct.

Ans: (D)

33. The unorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human’s basic instinctual drive and unpresentable part of the psyche is termed as

I. Persona

II. Id

III. Ego

IV. Shadow

Codes :

(A) I and IV are correct.

(B) II and IV are correct.

(C) I and III are correct.

(D) II and III are correct.

Ans: (B)

34. Albert B. Lord is the author of

I. The Singer of Tales

II. Studies in the Epic Technique of Oral Verse-Making

III. The Making of Homeric Verse

IV. Epic Singers and Oral Tradition

Codes :

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) II and III are correct.

(C) I and IV are correct.

(D) III and IV are correct.

Ans: (C)

35. Identify the correct group offolklorists who made significant contribution to South Indian folklore :

I. Alan Dundes

II. Brenda Beck

III. Peter Claus

IV. Devender Satyarthi

Codes :

(A) II and III are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) II and IV are correct.

(D) None of the above

Ans: (A)

36. Assertion (A) : Research in social sciences is a systematic approach concerning generalisation and formulation
of a theory.

Reason (R) : Folklore research is a careful investigation especially through search for new facts in any aspect of a cultural group for some theoretical formulation.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) is false.

(B) Both (A) and (R) is true.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is not correct explanation.

(D) (A) is true and (R) is false.

Ans: (B)

37. Assertion (A) : Historic-geographic method was based on the textcritical approach of philology to discover the original form, place of creation, and age of a given item of folklore.

Reason (R) : Geography atlases and environment cartographies are the resultant of the historicgeographic method.

Codes :

(A) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(B) (A) is true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false and (R) is the correct explanation.

Ans: (C)

38. Assertion (A) : Evolutionary Theory is based on the assumption that history of culture has been one of advancement or progress form complex to simpler forms.

Reason (R) : Only through contact with a much more advanced culture, a less developed culture can bypass or slip a stage in the evolutionary process of development.

Codes :

(A) (A) is false and (R) is correct explanation.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false and (R) is not the correct explanation.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false. 

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true.

Ans: (D)

39. Assertion (A) : Graphia is the process of trying to understand, describe, and analyse a cultural group.

Reason (R) : Ethnography is a literary genre and a piece of writing that is about a particular culture.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(B) (A) is true and (R) is correct explanation.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is not correct explanation.

(D) (A) is false and (R) is correct explanation.

Ans: (B)

40. Assertion (A) : An act or expression that transgresses a culture’s ordinary norms of social decorum is known as obscene lore.

Reason (R) : Folk being innocent, pure and religious never produced any obscene lore and therefore it cannot be made as a part of folkloristics.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(B) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(D) (A) is true and (R) is not the correct explanation.

Ans: (D)

41. Assertion (A) : Manism is a belief in the deification of deceased ancestors.

Reason (R) : According to this hypothesis, ghosts developed into Gods and their offering places into the shrines for ritual propitiation.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(B) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(D) (A) is true and (R) is not the correct explanation.

Ans: (C)

42. Assertion (A) : Folklorism is a “Process of adaptation, reproduction and transformation of folklore placed in a new social context.”

Reason (R) : Folklorism is the conscious recognition and repetition of folk tradition as a symbol of ethnic, regional, or national identity. 

Codes :

(A) (A) is true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(B) (A) is false and (R) is true. 

(C) (A) is false and (R) is not correct explanation.

(D) (A) is true and (R) is false. 

Ans: (A)

43. Assertion (A) : The function of myth is to strengthen tradition and endow a sense of empowerment. 

Reason (R) : As it traces it back to a higher, supernatural and make believe reality.

Codes :

(A) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(B) (A) is true and (R) is partial true.

(C) (A) is false and (R) is the correct explanation.

(D) (A) is false and (R) is not the correct explanation.

Ans: (B)

44. Assertion (A) : Currently considerable number of folk aesthetic forms in rural India are loosing their existence from their socio-cultural contexts.

Reason (R) : This is due to the effect of popular culture and mass media.

Codes : 

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation.

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Ans: (A)

45. Assertion (A) : Gender studies so far probed into the body ofbehaviours, roles and expectations of only one biological sex.

Reason (R) : Acceptance of Third Gender by the Supreme Court may challenge the existing theories such as rites of passage.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true.

Ans: (D)

46. Assertion (A) : For constructing oral histories, historians do not discover the facts “out there”but rather construct them through narratives.

Reason (R) : Facts are primarily the domain of language of a particular cultures and constructed by historians in language.

Codes :

(A) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(B) (A) is false and (R) is not correct explanation.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(D) (A) is true and (R) is false.

Ans: (C)

47. Sequence the scholars who are connected with performance studies :

I. Ben Amos

II. Richard Bauman

III. Victor Turner

IV. Roger Abrahams

Codes :

(A) I, II, IV, III

(B) I, III, II, IV

(C) IV, I, III, II

(D) IV, II, I, III

Ans: (A)

48. Sequence the deities – Somanatha, Mallikarjuna, Mahakaleswara, Vaidyanatha – with the places 

I. Srisailam

II. Prabhas Pattan

III. Deogarh

IV. Ujjain

Codes :

(A) I, III, II, IV

(B) II, I, IV, III

(C) IV, III, II, I

(D) I, III, IV, II

Ans: (B)

49. Identify the cultural performances associated with the States of Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Kashmir

I. Naqual

II. Burrakatha

III. Koodiyattam

IV. Bhand Pather

Codes :

(A) III, I, II, IV

(B) II, IV, III, I

(C) IV, III, II, I

(D) I, II, III, IV

Ans: (D)

50. Geographically arrange the sacred mountains from South to North India :

(A) Nallamalai, Neelakant, Sabarimala, Sahyadris

(B) Sahyadris, Sabarimala, Nallamalai, Neelakant

(C) Sabarimala, Nallamalai, Sahyadris, Neelakant

(D) Neelakant, Sahyadris, Sabarimala, Nallamalai

Ans: (C)

51. Sequence Shakti Pithas from South to North India :

(A) Kanchi, Srisailam, Kolhapur, Mysore

(B) Kanchi, Mysore, Srisailam, Kolhapur

(C) Kanchi, Kolhapur, Mysore, Srisailam

(D) Mysore, Kanchi, Srisailam, Kolhapur

Ans: (B)

52. The sequence of Proppian functions that constitute preparatory part of the fairytales

(A) Absentation, interdiction, violation, reconnaissance, delivery, trickery, complicity

(B) Absentation, violation, trickery, interdiction, delivery, reconnaissance, complicity

(C) Absentation, violation, interdiction, delivery, trickery, complicity, reconnaissance

(D) Absentation, violation, interdiction, trickery, delivery,reconnaissance, complicity

Ans: (A)

53. Sequence of life cycle ceremonies in India

I. Death II. Birth

III. Marriage IV. Puberty

Codes :

(A) II, III, I, IV

(B) IV, III, II, I

(C) II, IV, III, I

(D) I, III, IV, II

Ans: (C)

54. Identify the profounders of the concepts – multiforms, migration, Indian Oedipus, performance setters – in the order of sequence

I. A.K. Ramanujan

II. Theodor Benfey

III. Louri Honko

IV. S. Blackburn

Codes :

(A) I, III, II, IV

(B) II, IV, III, I

(C) IV, I, II, III

(D) III, II, I, IV

Ans: (D)

55. Sequence the places associated with the epic Ramayana from North to South

I. Rameshwaram

II. Panchavati

III. Lanka

IV. Ayodhya

Codes :

(A) I, II, III, IV

(B) II, IV, I, III

(C) IV, II, I, III

(D) IV, I, II, III

Ans: (C)

56. Identify the dance forms from East to West in order of sequence

I. Kalbelia

II. Bihu

III. Garba

IV. Gambhira

Codes :

(A) IV, I, III, II

(B) II, IV, I, III

(C) III, II, IV, I

(D) I, III, II, IV

Ans: (B)

57. Correct sequence of Indian folklorists from South to North is

I. Krishnadev Upadhyaya

II. Narayana Rao

III. Hem Barua

IV. Vaanamaamalai

Codes :

(A) IV, II, I, III

(B) II, I, IV, III

(C) III, IV, II, I

(D) I, III, IV, II

Ans: (A)

58. Give the correct order of Calenderic festivals celebrated in India

I. Baisakhi

II. Deepavali

III. Makara Sankranti

IV. Ganesh Chaturthi

Codes :

(A) I, III, IV, II

(B) II, IV, I, III

(C) III, I, IV, II

(D) III, II, I, IV

Ans: (C)

59. Correct sequence of Indian folklorists is

(A) Jawaharlal Handoo, Ravinder Bhramar, Satyendra, Devendra Satyarthi

(B) Satyendra, Jawaharlal Handoo, Devendra Satyarthi, Ravinder Bhramar

(C) Ravinder Bhramar, Satyendra, Jawaharlal Handoo, Devendra Satyarthi

(D) Devendra Satyarthi, Satyendra, Ravinder Bhramar, Jawaharlal Handoo

Ans: (D)

60. Identify the correct order of genres put according to the stages of childhood to death

(A) crying songs, play songs, puberty songs, lullaby

(B) play songs, puberty songs, crying songs, lullaby

(C) lullaby, play songs, puberty songs, crying songs

(D) lullaby, play songs, crying songs, puberty songs

Ans: (C)

61. Match the following :

Ans: (B)

62. Match the following :

Ans: (A)

63. Match the following :

Ans: (C)

64. Match the following :

Ans: (B)

66. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(A) Peter Claus – Performance Studies

(B) Alan Dundes – Fables of the ancients

(C) Levi-Strauss – Narrative inquiry

(D) Benjamin – Deathlore Cohen

Ans: (B)

67. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(A) Research that aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society is – Applied Research

(B) Research that concerns with generalizations to formulate a theory is – Fundamental Research

(C) Research that relate to some abstract idea or theory is – Conceptual Research

(D) Research that relies on experience alone is – Scientific Research

Ans: (D)

68. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(A) Janapada – Kannada

(B) Lok Sanskriti – Manipuri

(C) Lok Sahitya – Bengali

(D) Lokavarta – Hindi

Ans: (B)

69. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(A) Balinese cockfight – Clifford Geertz

(B) Anthropologyof Experience – Victor Turner

(C) Narrative Identity – Focault 

(D) Heteroglossia – Bakhtin 

Ans: (C)

70. Which one of the following pairs (festival and the place) is correctly matched ?

(A) Bonalu – Odisha 

(B) Raja Parba – Manipur

(C) Shigmo – Goa

(D) Pongal – Rajasthan

Ans: (C)

71. Which two of the following pairs are correctly matched ?

I. Ugadi – Chaitramasa

II. Madelpuranam – Caste myth of weavers

III. Indian Oedipus – Margaret Mills

IV. Gadamer – Philosophical Hermeneutics

Codes :

(A) I and III

(B) I and II

(C) III and IV

(D) I and IV

Ans: (D)

72. Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched ?

(A) In research method, purposive selection of particular units – Deliberate sampling

(B) Selection of entire units – Systematic sampling

(C) Each and every unit has an equal chance of inclusion – Simple random sampling

(D) If the units do not constitute a homogenous group – Stratified sampling

Ans: (B)

73. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(A) Tales ending with a question are – Fairy tales

(B) Tales ending with a question are – Supernatural tales

(C) Tales ending with a question are – Dilemma tales

(D) Tales ending with a question are – Numskull tales

Ans: (C)

74. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(A) Alan Dundes – America

(B) Marcel Mauss – France

(C) Louri Honko – Finland

(D) Radcliffe Brown – Germany

Ans: (D)

75. Which one is not correctly matched ?

(A) Tamasha is social type of folk drama of Maharashtra.

(B) Jatra is a socio-religious folk drama of Bengal

(C) Nautanki is religious folk drama of Gujarat

(D) Raslila is religious folk drama of Uttar Pradesh

Ans: (C)

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