Paper – III
Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Who among the following represents natural right and liberal perspective of justice and human rights and duties ?
(A) Locke
(B) Gramci
(C) Rosa Luxemburg
(D) Hobbes
2. According to feminist perspective which form of society is in favour of gender equality ?
(A) Patriarchal
(B) Matriarchal
(C) Communist
(D) Independent and interdependent individualistic
3. Gandhian perspective favours which of the following social order to achieve social justice ?
(A) Socialist
(B) Capitalist
(C) Mixed Economy
(D) Swaraj and Trusteeship of property
4. Phule represents which of the following approaches to human rights and duties ?
(A) Gandhian perspective
(B) Socialist perspective
(C) Dalit perspective
(D) Liberal perspective
5. Who among the following propounded the approach of development as freedom ?
(A) Ambedkar
(B) Amartya Sen
(C) Manmohan Singh
(D) Mao Tse Dong
6. Right to dissent against the Majoritarian government based on principles was emphasized by whom ?
(A) Plato
(B) Bentham
(C) John Rawls
(D) Ronald Dworkin
7. In which year was the National Human Rights Commission was established ?
(A) 1951
(B) 1990
(C) 1993
(D) 1986
8. Which theory is the maximum supportive of human rights ?
(A) Positive
(B) Natural
(C) Historical
(D) Marxian
9. Which one of the following is not a basic concept favouring human right ?
(A) Fraternity
(B) Dharma
(C) Civil liberty
(D) Counter revolution
10. Which one of the following is a correct statement ?
(A) Human rights are only those granted by the State.
(B) Human rights are only those granted by the Constitution.
(C) Human rights are those which are inherent in every human being.
(D) Human rights are merely weak moral rights which can not be enforced by law.
11. Freedom of conscience and religion under Article 25 of the Constitution is not subject to which of the following ?
(A) Public order
(B) Law and order
(C) Morality
(D) Health
12. Children below the age of fourteen can be employed in which of the following instances ?
(A) To work in any large factory.
(B) To work in any mine.
(C) To work in hotel kitchen not affecting his education.
(D) To work in family agriculture and cattle farming.
13. Which of the following statements is correct under the Constitution of India ?
(A) Right to freedom of speech is available to all persons.
(B) Protection in respect of conviction of offences is available only to citizens of India.
(C) Right to education free and compulsory is available to all children.
(D) Fundamental duties are addressed to all citizens of India.
14. Which one of the following is not a fundamental principle on which I.L.O. is based ?
(A) Labour is not a commodity.
(B) Freedom of expression and association are essential to sustained growth.
(C) Poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere.
(D) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
15. Which of the following is not punishable under convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide ?
(A) Conspiracy to commit genocide
(B) Attempt to commit genocide
(C) Complicity in genocide
(D) None of the above
16. The authority to issue writs for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights in India is vested with
(A) All the Courts in India
(B) The Supreme Court and High Courts
(C) Human Rights Commission
(D) The Parliament
17. Right to Education has been included as a Fundamental Right under which category of Rights ?
(A) Cultural and Educational Rights
(B) Right against Exploitation
(C) Right to life and personal liberty
(D) Freedom of speech and expression
18. Which of the following is immune from the writ of Mandamus ?
(A) Chief Election Commissioner
(B) Chief Minister
(C) Chief of Armed Forces
(D) Governor of a State
19. In which case the Supreme Court held that sexual harassment in the workplace is a violation of Articles 15 and 21 of the Constitution and gave directions on the subject to the state to frame guidelines ?
(A) Nisha Priya Bhatia Vs. Union of India
(B) Railway Board Vs. Chandrima Dass
(C) Apparel Export Promotion
Council Vs. A.K. Chopra
(D) Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan
20. In accordance with provisions of International covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, states are not obliged to recognize Individual Rights in whch of the following ?
(A) To have equal share in means of production.
(B) To take part in cultural life.
(C) To enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its application.
(D) To have protection of benefits from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
21. “Liberty and right are synonyms. In liberty, the leading idea is the absene of restraints whereas in case of right, protection of it is the predominant consideration”. Who said this statement ?
(A) Salmond
(B) Bentham
(C) Pound, Roscoe
(D) Austin
22. “Now the Law of Nature is so unalterable, that it cannot be changed even by God himself. For although the power of God is infinite, yet there are some things, to which it does not extend… Thus two and two must make four, nor is it possible otherwise, nor again, can what is really evil not be evil.” Who said this ?
(A) Kant
(B) Hobbes
(C) Hugo Grotius
(D) Thomas Aquinas
23. In which case the Supreme Court observed that “the courts must forever remain alive to the international instruments/conventions and apply the same to a given case where there is no inconsistency between the international norms and the domestic law occupying the field.” ?
(A) Jolly George Verghese Vs. Bank of Cochin
(B) A.D.M. Jabalpur Vs. Shivakant Shukla
(C) Francis Coralie Mullin Vs. Adm. UT of Delhi
(D) Apparel Export Promotion Council Vs. A.K. Chopra
24. The right to development implicitly supposes that
(A) State will not interfere in each other’s processes of development.
(B) United Nations has nothing to do with the development of a particular state.
(C) States will mutually assist each other when external factors impede the effective implementation of rights.
(D) States always need external assistance for development.
25. Which of the following statements is true regarding Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ?
(A) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
(B) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
(C) Everyone has the right to equal access to public services in his country.
(D) Both (A) and (B)
26. “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation” is stated in which Article of International Covenant of Civil and Political rights ?
(A) Article 8
(B) Article 7
(C) Article 6
(D) Article 5
27. The United Nations Charter has been subjected to informal amendments in which of the following ways ?
1. Through the non-implementation or non-application of certain provisions of the charter.
2. Through the interpretation of the charter by various organs and members of the United Nations.
3. Through the conclusion of supplementary treaties of agreements.
4. Through the creation of special organs and agencies.
Codes :
(A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
(B) 2 and 3 are correct.
(C) 3 and 4 are correct.
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
28. ‘The United Nations’ activities relevant to Human Rights over the years fall into distinct categories including
(A) Defining and clarifying the Rights of Individuals (standard setting)
(B) Studying particular Human Rights or Human Rights in particular places and recommending measures for their Fuller realisation (promotional activities)
(C) Providing assistance directly to victims of Human Rights Violations (the humanitarian functions)
(D) All of the above
29. The observance of Human Rights and implementation of fundamental freedoms is the special concern of the
(A) Secretary General
(B) General Assembly
(C) Security Council
(D) Economic and Social Council
30. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights contain
(A) First Generation Rights
(B) Second Generation Rights
(C) Third Generation Rights
(D) Fourth Generation Rights
31. Vienna World Conference on Human Rights was held in the year
(A) 1993
(B) 1992
(C) 1997
(D) 1994
32. Which of the following crimes is not listed in the statute of the International Criminal Court ?
(A) Crime against humanity
(B) Crime of Genocide
(C) Crime of hijacking and terrorism
(D) Crime of aggression
33. Arrange in sequence of their placement in the Indian Constitution
i. Freedom of association or unions
ii. Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment
iii. Right to education
iv. Prohibition employment of children in factories
Codes :
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) ii i iii iv
(C) i ii iv iii
(D) iv iii ii i
34. Arrange in the chronological order of establishment of the following commission :
i. National Commission for S.C./S.T.
ii. National Commission for Human Rights
iii. National Commission for Women
iv. National Commission for Scheduled castes
Codes :
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iv ii iii
(C) i ii iv iii
(D) iv i iii ii
35. Which one of the following statement is not correct ?
(A) The covenant on Civil and Political Rights recognize the inherent dignity of human person.
(B) The covenant on Civil and Political Rights is more effective in the matter of enforcement of Human Rights than the covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
(C) That the state is under obligation as per the charter of United Nations to promote universal respect for and observance of human rights and freedoms.
(D) Under the Civil and Political Rights covenant, a state party cannot complaint against another state party for the non compliance with the covenant.
36. Who fully developed the concept or notion of Natural Right already developed by classical Greek Philosopher Aristotle ?
(A) Hugo Grotius
(B) Hobbes
(C) Thomas Aquinas
(D) Locke
37. Which of the following statements is incorrect in relation to the qualification of the members of the International Court of Justice ?
(A) That he must be a person of high moral standard.
(B) That he should be qualified to be a member of the Highest Court of his country.
(C) That he must be a renowned jurist.
(D) That he must not be a national of any member of the United Nations.
38. Which of the following Rights are not covered under the covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ?
(A) Right to Form Trade Unions
(B) Right to Primary Education
(C) Right to Equality of Sexes of Man and Woman
(D) Right to Person
39. Which one of the following is not a source of Law relating to International Human Rights ?
(A) International customs
(B) International Judicial Decisions
(C) International Treaties
(D) International agreement called ‘TRIPS’
40. Which one of the following statement is not correct in relation to the functioning of the United National Commission on Human Rights ?
(A) To impose legally finding sanctions
(B) Enforcement of human rights
(C) To prepare public reports on state practices
(D) To collect evidence in respect of human rights violations in all states
41. Prior to CEDAW, the Declaration on Elimination of Discrimination against Women was adopted by General Assembly unanimously on
(A) 18 December 1979
(B) 18 December 1967
(C) 07 December 1967
(D) 07 December 1979
42. Who is the author of ‘Political Economy of Development in India’ ?
(A) Amartya Sen
(B) Sudipta Kaviraj
(C) Pranab Bardhan
(D) Hanza Allavi
43. Which one ‘Right’ in the following includes two other Rights according to Locke ?
(A) Right to Property
(B) Right to Life
(C) Right to Liberty
(D) Right to Equality
44. International Law in its application is
(A) Universal
(B) Partial
(C) Absolute
(D) Relative
45. Arrange in the chronological order introduction of amendment in the Constitution for the purpose of the following matters :
i. Words, ‘Socialist Secular’ was added to preamble
ii. Provision for reservation in promotion in favour of S.C./S.T. community
iii. Right to education of children of the age of six to fourteen years as a separate fundamental right.
iv. For proclamation of emergency the decision of the Union Cabinet for that purpose should be communicated to the President in writing.
Codes :
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iv iii ii
(C) ii iv iii i
(D) i iv ii iii
46. Match the year and place in List – I with the conference in List – II :
47. With which social movement Sharad Joshi has been associated ?
(A) Trade Union
(B) Farmers
(C) Environment
(D) Human Rights
48. Which Article of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights relates to the rights of persons belonging to ethnics, religious and linguistic minorities ?
(A) Article 25
(B) Article 26
(C) Article 27
(D) Article 28
49. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer with the help of codes attached :
50. Which of the following Articles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that “Everyone
shall have the right to recognition as a person before the law” ?
(A) Article 16
(B) Article 17
(C) Article 18
(D) Article 19
51. Which of the following Articles of the United Nations Charter refers to Human Rights ?
(A) Article 76
(B) Article 68
(C) Article 55
(D) All of the above
52. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer with the help of codes given below :
53. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
54. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
55. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
56. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
57. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
58. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
59. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
Question – Nos. 60-68 contains two statements one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R). Examine
whether the statements are correct and related to each other with the help of the codes given below :
60. Assertion (A) : Rule of law is a basic and essential feature of Indian Constitution.
Reason (R) : Equality before law and non arbitrariness is provided under the Constitution.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
61. Assertion (A) : Under Indian Constitution, all authorities, civil and judicial, in the territory of India shall act in aid of the Supreme Court.
Reason (R) : In India there is no separation of powers between judiciary and executive.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
62. Assertion (A) : Under Indian Constitution every person who is arrested and detained in custody shall be produced before the nearest magistrate within a period of twenty four hours.
Reason (R) : In a constitutional democracy personal liberty of persons is to be protected.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
63. Assertion (A) : Directive principles of state policy are not enforceable in a court of law.
Reason (R) : Directive principles are only moral obligations.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
64. Assertion (A) : Atrocities against women are on the increase in India.
Reason (R) : Police force alone can not protect women unless the societal attitude changes.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
65. Assertion (A) : The U.N. General Assembly has power to authorise UN peace-keeping operations.
Reason (R) : The U.N. General Assembly represents the entire membership of the United Nations.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
66. Assertion (A) : International Court of Justice does not have any compulsory jurisdiction over all international disputes between states.
Reason (R) : States enjoy sovereignty in international relations.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
67. Assertion (A) : The Declaration on the Right to development provides that the objectives of development must be determined by people themselves and that their benefits must be equally distributed.
Reason (R) : The objective of economic activity is no longer seared towards growth and profit but towards the attainment of human and social objectives through the improvement of the social, economic, political and cultural well being of individual, groups and peoples.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
68. Assertion (A) : Maoists are mobilising tribals for armed struggle against the state for protection of their land.
Reason (R) : Maoism is an ideology for the welfare of Tribals.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
69. The convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment was adopted by General Assembly of United Nations on
(A) 10th December, 1948
(B) 10th December, 1984
(C) 10th October, 1974
(D) 10th September, 1988
70. Which Article of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 deals with the subject that adequate penalties shall be established by Law for unauthorized intrusion upon, or use of, the lands of the peoples concerned and governments shall take measures to prevent such offences ?
(A) Article 18
(B) Article 10
(C) Article 19
(D) Article 31
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow, based on your understanding of the passage : (Question Nos. 71-75)
At every stage of history, voices of protest against oppression have been heard; in every age, visions of human liberation have also been eclipsed. As we moved toward modern times, these voices and visions have been translated into programs of social action, and at times incorporated into the constitutions of states.
Yet conflicts, wars and despotic regimes have periodically crushed the very foundations of rights acquired across the centuries, or replaced old conceptions with new approaches to rights. The aftermaths of the world wars and more recently of the cold war witnessed new hopes for the advancement of historically competing visions of rights. From the growing prominence of groups like Amnesty International, forums like the International Women’s Conference, and debates over such issues as humanitarian intervention, it is evident that human rights will play a critical role in this new era of worldpolitics.
Yet post-cold war era upheavals also demonstrate how divided we remain over what constitutes basic human rights. One important division – highlighted in growing fundamentalist challenges to Western institutions – is between religious and secular views of rights. Thus, some religious leaders claim that their respective holy scriptures contain the fundamental universal principles of morality and duties for guiding all human interaction. Against such beliefs, liberals and socialists have maintained that the concept of human rights is secular by definition and should not be subject to claims based on divine revelation.
Liberals and socialists, however, also remain deeply divided over the nature of human rights. Liberals place great emphasis on private property rights, equality before the law and political liberty. Socialists (or progressive thinkers) stress economic equality as a precondition for political freedom and legal equity. To further complicate that debate, prevailing interpretations of liberalism and socialism have been challenged by movements complaining of exclusion from their respective universal rights agendas. Such appeals by women, gays and ethnic groups, however are justified largely by arguments drawn from the liberal and socialist human rights traditions.
71. Protest against oppression is
(A) An ancient phenomena.
(B) A phenomena that has emerged in the modern age.
(C) a non-existent phenomena.
(D) exercised only if allowed by the State.
72. In modern times dissent has been considered as
(A) a legitimate action by some states.
(B) an illegitimate action everywhere.
(C) a state-sponsored action.
(D) socially irrelevant action.
73. Division with regard to understanding of Human Rights has
(A) never been there.
(B) eclipsed after two world wars.
(C) eclipsed after the end of cold war.
(D) always been there and continued.
74. For Socialist Thinkers
(A) Economic equality is as important as legal equality.
(B) Economic equality is more important than legal equality.
(C) There can not be economic equality without political freedom.
(D) Human Rights is based on divine revelation.
75. New Social Movements challenge
(A) only liberal interpretation of Human Rights.
(B) only socialist interpretation of Human Rights.
(C) both socialist and liberal interpretation of Human Rights.
(D) no vision of Rights.
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