UGC NET Exam November 2017 Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. The founder of the caityika sect was :

(1) Mahakassapa

(2) Mahadeva

(3) Maharakkhita

(4) Mahanama

Answer: (2)

2. Match the items in List – I with the items in List – II :

Answer: (1)

3. Which inscription of King Asoka refers to sanghabheda and expulsion of monks for doing so ?

(1) Minor Pillar Edict of Sarnath

(2) Minor Pillar Edict of Kausambi

(3) Pillar Edict of Sanci

(4) All the above three

Answer: (4)

4. Chan (Dhyana) Buddhism originated in :

(1) Japan

(2) Korea

(3) China

(4) Mongolia

Answer: (3)

5. Bodhisattva Vessantara was born in the city of :

(1) Jetuttara

(2) Sagala

(3) Baranasi

(4) Rajagaha

Answer: (1)

6. Match the items in List – I with the items in List – II :

Answer: (3)

7. Gijjhakita (Vulture’s Peak) is located near :

(1) Patna

(2) Rajgir

(3) Kosam

(4) Bodh-Gaya

Answer: (2)

8. Who was the author of Tattvasamgraha?

(1) Vasubandhu

(2) Nagarjuna

(3) Santideva

(4) Santaraksita

Answer: (4)

9. Who is called the Second Buddha in the Tibetan tradition?

(1) Pancana Lama

(2) Santaraksita

(3) Padmasambhava

(4) Taranatha

Answer: (3)

10. Which of the following inscriptions of King Asoka talks about Trisarana?

(1) Bhabru-Bairat Rock Inscription

(2) Rummindei Pillar Inscription

(3) Girnar Rock Inscription

(4) Dhauli Rock Inscription

Answer: (1)

11. Which of the following is not a Theravadin sect?

(1) Vatsiputriya

(2) Yapaniya

(3) Haimavata

(4) Sammitiya

Answer: (2)

12. The text which was not composed by Acarya Buddhaghosa is:

(1) Abhidhammavatara

(2) Papancasudani

(3) Visuddhimagga

(4) Nanodaya

Answer: (1)

13. The author of ‘samantapasadika’ is:

(1) Dharmapala

(2) Dinnaga

(3) Dharmakirti

(4) Buddhaghosa

Answer: (4)

14. The preaching of the four noble truths was heard for the first time by :

(1) Sariputta – Moggallana

(2) Mahakassapa – Ananda

(3) Pancavaggiya – bhikkhu

(4) Tapassu – Bhallika

Answer: (3)

15. Match the concepts of List – I with the synonyms of List – II :

Answer: (1)

16. The order that occupied in the Khuddakanikaya by Dhammapada is :

(1) Third

(2) Fifth

(3) Second

(4) Fourth

Answer: (3)

17. In the constituents of eight – fold path, ‘sammakammanto’ is at the place of :

(1) Third

(2) Fourth

(3) Fifth

(4) Sixth

Answer: (2)

18. The first commentary written by Acarya Buddhaghosa is :

(1) Manorathpurani

(2) Atthasalini

(3) Sumangalavilasini

(4) Sammohavinodani

Answer: (2)

19. The three teaching are :

(1) Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta

(2) Adhisila, Adhicitta and Adhiprajna

(3) Pancasila, Atthasila and Dasasila

(4) Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha

Answer: (2)

20. ‘Sile patitthaya naro sa panno, cittam pannam ca bhavayam’ – Here cittam stands for :

(1) Sila

(2) Samadhi

(3) Mana

(4) Cetana

Answer: (2)

21. Match the texts of List – I with Piòakas or NikÂyas of List – II :

Answer: (2)

22. Arahata is called as :

(1) Saiksa

(2) Asaiksa

(3) Pratyeka Buddha

(4) Bodhisattva

Answer: (2)

23. The Buddha’s mother gave birth to the Buddha while :

(1) Standing

(2) Sitting

(3) Lying

(4) In a dream

Answer: (1)

24. Chronologically the serial number of Tirthankar Rsabhanatha is :

(1) Twenty first

(2) Third

(3) Twenty third

(4) First

Answer: (4)

25. Lord Parsvanatha was son of :

(1) Visvasena

(2) Siddhartha

(3) Nabhiraya

(4) Samudradatta

Answer: (1)

26. Acharya Bhuksu belongs to this sect :

(1) Taranapantha

(2) Terapantha

(3) Bisapantha

(4) Sthanakavasi

Answer: (2)

27. This text was written by Acharya Gunadhara :

(1) Ksapanasara

(2) Pamcastikaya

(3) Kasayapahuda

(4) Bodhapahuda

Answer: (3)

28. The main subject matter of the Jambudvipa-pranapti is :

(1) Jaina Narratives

(2) Jain Geography

(3) Jain logic

(4) Grammar

Answer: (2)

29. The subject matter of Bhagavati-aradhana is :

(1) Sallekhana

(2) Pramana

(3) Astrology

(4) Mathematics

Answer: (1)

30. The earliest name of Jainism as referred in Agamas is :

(1) yapaniya Dharma

(2) Murtipujaka Dharma

(3) Niggantha Dhamma

(4) Muni Dharma

Answer: (3)

31. Aupapatika sutra is related to :

(1) Chedasutra

(2) Mulasutra

(3) Upanga

(4) Prakirnaka

Answer: (3)

32. Among the five Anuvratas of Jainism the fifth vow is :

(1) Satya

(2) Aparigraha

(3) Achaurya

(4) Ahimsa

Answer: (2)

33. According to Jainism ‘upadhyaya’ is included in :

(1) Tirthankaras

(2) Vows

(3) Parmesthis

(4) AstaKarmas

Answer: (3)

34. ‘Asteya’ term is included in this group of Jaina principles :

(1) Five Vows

(2) Six Substances

(3) Three Jewels

(4) Seven Elements

Answer: (1)

35. Characteristic of ‘Anekantavada’ theory of Jainism is :

(1) Theory of Seven methods of sayings

(2) Theory of Multiple aspects of Reality

(3) Theory of Doubtfulness

(4) Theory of Final Judgement

Answer: (2)

36. According to Jainism, term ‘Moksa’ stands for :

(1) to get assimilated with five elements

(2) to be freed from all karmas

(3) to blow off the light

(4) to be one with the superem

Answer: (2)

37. According to Jainism number of types of Karmas is :

(1) Eight

(2) Six

(3) Two

(4) Four

Answer: (1)

38. According to Jainism one kind of knowledge is :

(1) Avadhi

(2) Samvara

(3) Dharma

(4) Gotra

Answer: (1)

39. Jaina Art centre Ellora cave was developed in the period of :

(1) Mughal Kings

(2) RastraKuta Kings

(3) Rajputa Kings

(4) Pala Kings

Answer: (2)

40. Activity of giving four kind of charity in Jaina Tradition is closely related to :

(1) Meditation and Yoga

(2) Vows of Monks

(3) Self Realization

(4) Service of Society and Religion

Answer: (4)

41. Initiated women in Digambar Jain Tradition are known as :

(1) Sravika

(2) Bhiksuni

(3) Vidusi

(4) Aryika

Answer: (4)

42. Adinatha Jain temple (Vimalavasahi) of Mount Abu was built in this century A.D. :

(1) Eleventh

(2) Thirteenth

(3) Ninth

(4) Fifteenth

Answer: (1)

43. This term of Jainism closely related to environment-protection:

(1) Arambha

(2) Yatnacara

(3) Murccha

(4) Asrava

Answer: (2)

44. Jaina Monuments of Devagarh belong to :

(1) Tenth Century A.D.

(2) Fifth Century A.D.

(3) Fourteen Century A.D.

(4) Seventh Century A.D.

Answer: (1)

45. ‘Bauddha Avam Jaina Agamon men Nari Jivana’ book was written by :

(1) Dr. Jagdishchandra Jain

(2) Dr. Nemi Chandra Shastri

(3) Dr. Komal Chand Jain

(4) Smt. Dr. Shanta Bhanawat

Answer: (3)

46. Uttamchand Gandhi had the following number of sons :

(1) Four

(2) Five

(3) Six

(4) Seven

Answer: (3)

47. State consipiracy compelled Uttamchand Gandhi to seek refuge in :

(1) Rajkot

(2) Porbandar

(3) Junagarh

(4) Bhavnagar

Answer: (3)

48. Karamchand Gandhi had been taking pension from this place when he died :

(1) Porbandar

(2) Rajkot

(3) Vankaner

(4) Ahmedabad

Answer: (2)

49. Becharji Swami was a :

(1) Brahmin

(2) Modh Bania

(3) Christian

(4) Parsee

Answer: (2)

50. The author of the ‘‘Music of the spinning wheel’’ is :

(1) Harold Kroto

(2) M.K. Gandhi

(3) Anthony J. Parel

(4) Sudheendra Kulkarni

Answer: (4)

51. ‘‘ Road to freedom : A sociological study on the Abolition of scavenging in India’’ has been written by :

(1) Acharya Kripalani

(2) M.K. Gandhi

(3) Bindeshwar Pathak

(4) Kaka Kalelkar

Answer: (3)

52. Gandhi’s residence known as Hridayakunj was located in the following Ashram :

(1) Sevagram (Wardha)

(2) Sabarmati (Ahmedabad)

(3) Kocharab (Ahmedabad)

(4) Tolstoy farm (South Africa)

Answer: (2)

53. Sabarmati Ashram was established in :

(1) 1915

(2) 1916

(3) 1917

(4) 1920

Answer: (3)

54. At which Ashram Gandhi took an auth not to return back to it until India got Independence ?

(1) Sevagram

(2) Sabarmati

(3) Kocharab

(4) Phoenix Settlement

Answer: (2)

55. Identify the correct Match :

(1) A.D. Mishra – ‘Reading Gandhi’

(2) Adolf Hitler – ‘Conquest of violence’

(3) Huxley – ‘The Power of Non-violence’

(4) B.R. Nanda- ‘The life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi’

Answer: (1)

56. Identify chronologically the correct order in code :

(a) M.K. Gandhi wrote Hind Swaraj

(b) M.K. Gandhi went to London to Study Law

(c) Gandhi founded Gujarat Vidyapeeth

(d) Gandhi established Sabarmati Ashram

Code :

(1) (d), (a), (b), (c)

(2) (c), (a), (d), (b)

(3) (b), (d), (c), (a)

(4) (b), (a), (d), (c)

Answer: (4)

57. Gandhi was conferred ‘Kaiser-i-Hind’ Medal on :

(1) 3rd June, 1915

(2) 15th August, 1915

(3) 3rd June, 1920

(4) 15th August, 1947

Answer: (1)

58. Bapu, ‘‘You have thrown us to the wolves,’’ was the statement of :

(1) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

(2) Badshah Khan

(3) Mohammed Ali Jinnah

(4) Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer: (2)

59. ‘‘ The saint has left our shores I sincerely hope forever’’. Who said this ?

(1) Winston Churchill

(2) Lord Mount batten

(3) Mohammed Ali Jinnah

(4) General Smuts

Answer: (4)

60. Basically Satyagraha is based on :

(1) Confrontation

(2) Coercion

(3) Passive Resistance

(4) Truth and Non-violence

Answer: (4)

61. The first case pleaded by Gandhi in the court belonged to :

(1) Mamibai

(2) Seth Abdulla

(3) Raja

(4) Aalam Mir

Answer: (1)

62. Chauri – Chaura incident was related to :

(1) Boer War

(2) Civil Disobedience Movement

(3) Non-Cooperation Movement

(4) Champaran Satyagraha

Answer: (3)

63. M.K. Gandhi founded :

(1) Gandhi Peace Foundation

(2) Gandhi Smriti

(3) Gandhi Samadhi

(4) Kashi Vidyapeeth

Answer: (4)

64. Gandhi did not oppose :

(1) Untouchability

(2) Caste System

(3) Sarvadharma Sambhava

(4) Religious intolerance

Answer: (3)

65. Arrange the following in chronological order and Identify the correct code :

(a) Young India

(b) Harijan

(c) Indian Opinion

(d) Salt Satyagraha

Code :

(1) (b), (a), (d), (c)

(2) (c), (a), (d), (b)

(3) (d), (c), (b), (a)

(4) (a), (b), (d), (c)

Answer: (2)

66. In religious matter, the following person influenced Gandhi the most :

(1) Newman

(2) Leo Tolstoy

(3) Raichandrabhai

(4) Mav ji Dave

Answer: (3)

67. ‘‘The song one step is enough for me’’, was composed by :

(1) Narsin Mehta

(2) Newman

(3) Sant Kabir

(4) Sant Tukaram

Answer: (2)

68. At Wardha, Gandhi established :

(1) Sevagram Ashram

(2) Sabarmati Ashram

(3) Kocharab Ashram

(4) Harijan Sevak Sangh

Answer: (1)

69. In September 1924, Gandhi took 21 days fast for Hindu-Muslim unity in Delhi at the residence of :

(1) G.D. Birla

(2) Mohammed Ali

(3) Shaukat Ali

(4) Swami Shradhananda

Answer: (2)

70. Identify the incorrect statement :

(1) Violence is counter – productive.

(2) Violence breeds violence.

(3) Violence does not eliminate discrimination.

(4) Violence is the only way for rapid development.

Answer: (4)

71. Gandhi described the following as his two lungs :

(1) Work and Worship

(2) Truth and Non-Violence

(3) God and Religion

(4) Rich and the Poor

Answer: (2)

72. Identify the statement of Robert Mc Namara :

(1) ‘‘ There is need to separate religion from Politics’’.

(2) ‘‘ The end is the supreme consideration’’.

(3) ‘‘There is no greater danger in the world than that of atomic war’’.

(4) ‘‘War is an absolute necessity’’.

Answer: (3)

73. Identify the correct match :

(1) Pyarelal : ‘A Pilgrimage for Peace’

(2) Edwin Arnold : ‘Peace by Peaceful Means’

(3) Louis Fischer : ‘A Long Walk’

(4) B.R. Nanda : ‘ Hind Swaraj’

Answer: (1)

74. No Nuclear weapons is the main objective of :

(1) C.N.D.

(2) U.N.O.

(3) NATO

(4) Panchsheel

Answer: (1)

75. Identify the correct answer : The United Nations organization was born out of :

(1) World War – I

(2) World War – II

(3) Indo-China War (1962)

(4) Green Revolution

Answer: (2)

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