UGC NET Exam November 2017 Comparative Literature Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Who makes the comment, “Literatures in India, therefore, call for being read in conjunction with their co-terminous growth within a multilingual matrix” ? 

(1) Sisir Kumar Das

(2) Swapan Majumdar

(3) Sujit Mukherjee

(4) Ganesh Devy

Answer: (2)

2. One major difference between linguistic theories of translating and philological theories of translating is that :

(1) Linguistic theories are prescriptive rather than descriptive

(2) Linguistic theories are inductive rather than deductive

(3) Linguistic theories are descriptive rather than prescriptive

(4) Linguistic theories are deductive rather than inductive

Answer: (3)

3. The corpus of Sanskrit literature has illustration of all the following genres EXCEPT :

(1) erotic lyrics

(2) novel in Verse

(3) court Poetry

(4) devotional lyrics

Answer: (2)

4. Which of the following is not a Kunstlerroman ?

(1) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

(2) The Dubliners

(3) Mosquitoes

(4) Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’

Answer: (4)

5. __________ is often determined by a great individual – for instance, a Shakespeare, Goethe, or Napoleon – dominating a time-space of some length.

(1) Era

(2) Generation

(3) Movement

(4) Age

Answer: (4)

6. Shyamal Gangopadhyay’s Brihannala uses __________ as a source book of themes and plots.

(1) Mahabharata

(2) Ramayana

(3) Vishnupurana

(4) Bhagwat Purana

Answer: (1)

7. Who among the following coined the phrase, “structure of feeling” ?

(1) Raymond Williams

(2) Terry Eagleton

(3) Stephen Greenblatt

(4) Walter Benjamin

Answer: (1)

8. Stephen Greenblatt, one of the founders of New Historicism, has worked extensively on __________.

(1) William Shakespeare

(2) John Milton

(3) William Wordswoth

(4) S. T. Coleridge

Answer: (1)

9. Identify the titles of the essays of Rene Wellek :

(a) “Periods and Movements in Literary History”

(b) “The Attack on Literature”

(c) “On the Discriminations of Romanticisms”

(d) “Second Thoughts on Literary Periods”

The right combination according to the code is

(1) (a) and (c)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (c) and (d)

(4) (a) and (b)

Answer: (4)

10. The comparatists who warn against Influence Studies as being “too lazy and too uncertain” are :

(a) Jean Marie Carre

(b) Rene Wellek

(c) Paul Van Tieghem

(d) Marius-Francois Guyard

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (b) and (c)

(2) (a) and (c)

(3) (a) and (d)

(4) (b) and (d)

Answer: (3)

11. Bankimchandra was very much aware of this novel ; indeed, he recognized and lauded it as the first Bengali novel : that it must exclude “every word or phrase that [has]… a new learned appearance”, that it must draw upon “nature and life” for its material. Identify the book : 

(1) Phulmoni O Karunar Bibaran

(2) Naba Babu Bilas

(3) Alaler Gharer Dulal

(4) Hutom Pyanchar Naksha

Answer: (3)

12. Who is of the view that “ Comparative literature is a branch of literary history : it is the study of international spiritual relations …”.

(1) Jean-Marie Carre

(2) Paul Van Tieghem

(3) Marius-Francois Guyard

(4) Claude Pichois

Answer: (1)

13. Who makes the statement to the effect that the term ‘Comparative Literature’ is a bogus term, one that makes ‘neither sense or syntax…’ ?

(1) Rene Wellek

(2) S. S. Prawer

(3) Lane Cooper

(4) Susan Bassnett

Answer: (3)

14. The Golden Gate, Vikram Seth’s first work, is a :

(1) novel in verse

(2) poetic drama

(3) prose allegory

(4) pastoral poem

Answer: (1)

15. To understand the complexity of the process of globalization Arjun Appadurai suggests that we examine the fundamental disjunctions between economy, politics and culture. For Appadurai the global cultural flows occur in and through the disjunctions between five “scapes”. Which one of the following is not one of them ?

(1) Ethnoscape

(2) Mediascape

(3) Religioscape

(4) Technoscape

Answer: (3)

16. Vedanayake Sastri’s Bethlehem Kuravanci is an example of :

(1) picaresque narrative

(2) dance drama

(3) political Satire

(4) travel narrative

Answer: (2)

17. When Guilliver’s Travels is regarded as a children’s book it is an example of __________.

(1) negative influence

(2) false influence

(3) pastiche

(4) creative treason

Answer: (4)

18. Name the author of the work, The Rule of Art : Literature and Painting in the Renaissance :

(1) Clark Hulse

(2) Stephanie Lawrence

(3) Luigi Salerno

(4) Eric S. Rabkin

Answer: (1)

19. “Language in history is never merely a means to an end ; it is neither transparent nor neutral, nor does it disappear to allow the pure truth of history to emerge “. Whose view is this ? 

(1) Matthew Arnold

(2) Stephen Greenblatt

(3) Arnold Toynbee

(4) Hayden White

Answer: (4)

20. Which of the two books in the following list are by Lawrence Venuti ?

(a) The Nature of Translation

(b) The Translator’s Invisibility

(c) The Scandals of Translation

(d) Literature and Translation

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (a) and (d)

(4) (b) and (d)

Answer: (2)

21. In which of the following Ramayanas Sita is Ravana’s daughter and Lakshmana kills Ravana ?

(1) Vilanka

(2) Kamban

(3) Paumachariu

(4) Nagachandra

Answer: (3)

22. The author of “Phenomenology of Reading “ is __________.

(1) Stanley Fish

(2) Wolfgang Iser

(3) Georges Poulet

(4) Hayden White

Answer: (3)

23. Gabriel Garcia Marquez has made frequent allusions to this American novelist calling him “my master”. Identify the writer :

(1) Edgar Allam Poe

(2) Herman Melville

(3) William Faulkner

(4) Mark Twain

Answer: (3)

24. What does Gerard Genette call as “intellectual bricolage” ?

(1) One discipline can be satisfactorily applied to the study of other disciplines

(2) One discipline cannot be so satisfactorily applied to the study of other disciplines

(3) One discipline becomes controversial when applied to other disciplines

(4) Study of disciplines is not any way connected with structuralism

Answer: (1)

25. According to S. S. Prawer, __________ is a literary technique where the author uses mythological allusions in his texts inviting comparisons and contrasts. 

(1) prefiguration

(2) archaing

(3) adaptation

(4) literary indebtedness

Answer: (1)

26. __________ is a historical situation in which the essential difference between two genres of literature is obsevered by the presence of terms with a similar sound or spelling 

(1) Parody

(2) Contamination

(3) Libretto

(4) Baroque

Answer: (2)

27. Many Indian writers have translated their own work into English. Match the writer with the language :

Answer: (2)

28. Listed below are two books by Sujit Mukherjee, important contributions to the field of Indian literary history :

(a) A History of Indian Literature

(b) Of Many Heroes

(c) Towards a Literary History of India

(d) Some Positions on a Literary History of India

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (c)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (a) and (b)

(4) (c) and (d)

Answer: (4)

29. In 1880, the Serampore Mission Press was established by three Baptist missionaries with the intention of translating the Bible into the languages of India. Who among the following was not one of the missionaries associated with the process ?

(1) William Ward

(2) William Mitchell

(3) Joshua Marshman

(4) William Carey

Answer: (2)

30. The recurrence of Prometheus theme in European Literature is an instance of :

(1) classicism

(2) recasting

(3) prefiguration

(4) influence

Answer: (3)

31. The influence of Sigmund Freud on modern Western literature shows that :

(1) Freud is a great man, but not acknowledged by all.

(2) Modern Western literature borrowed only from Freud.

(3) Even the non-literary person can be the most potential influence.

(4) Influence is not a subject for study for comparatists.

Answer: (3)

32. Roman Polanski has directed a movie version of Thomas Hardy’s :

(1) Tess of the d’Urbervilles

(2) Far from the Madding Crowd

(3) The Return of the Native

(4) Jude the Obscure

Answer: (1)

33. The term, _________ refers to what constitutes the literature of a country.

(1) World Literature

(2) General Literature

(3) Regional Literature

(4) National Literature

Answer: (4)

34. Identify the author of the statement : “Themes, like symbols, are polysemous : that is, they can be endowed with different meanings in the face of different situations”.

(1) Ulrich Weisstein

(2) Benedetto Croce

(3) Harry Levin

(4) H. H. Remak

Answer: (3)

35. Who said, “ For art’s sake alone I would not face the toil of writing a single sentence” ?

(1) W. B. Yeats

(2) John Galsworthy

(3) G. B. Shaw

(4) T. S. Eliot

Answer: (3)

36. Who among the following has argued that the formation of “nation”, national community and national identity is intrinsically linked to the devolopment of print media ?

(1) Pierre Bourdieu

(2) Jean Baudrillard

(3) Benedict Anderson

(4) Slovak Zizek

Answer: (3)

37. In the opening section of The Waste Land Eliot makes use of a song from an Opera by :

(1) Ludwig von Beethoven

(2) Richard Wagner

(3) Joseph Haydn

(4) Johann Sebastian Bach

Answer: (2)

38. Who observes that “Heart of Darkness projects the image of Africa as the other world, the antithesis of Europe and therefore of civilization” ?

(1) Ngugi Wa Thiongo

(2) Chinua Achebe

(3) Wole Soyinka

(4) Buchi Emecheta

Answer: (2)

39. Who among the following scholars in the field of Comparative Literature have traditionally run down Thematology ?

(a) Fernand Baldensperger

(b) Ulrich Weisstein

(c) Harry Levin

(d) Paul Hazard

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (a) and (d)

(3) (c) and (d)

(4) (a) and (c)

Answer: (2)

40. “Puram” tradition in Tamil concerns itself with :

(a) War

(b) King

(c) Love

(d) Eroticism

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (c) and (d)

(4) (a) and (d)

Answer: (1)

41. Entitled “Tagore’s Gandhi Novel”, this review of Home and the World appeared in the West in 1921. Identify the reviewer :

(1) Walter Benjamin

(2) Felix Weil

(3) Georg Lukacs

(4) Friedrich Pollock

Answer: (3)

42. Tracts for the Times refers to __________.

(1) the Oxford Movement

(2) the Pre-Raphaelite Movement

(3) the Romantic Movement

(4) the Symbolist Movement

Answer: (1)

43. Dante Gabriel Rossetti was a __________ and __________ at once.

(a) poet

(b) musician

(c) painter

(d) architect

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (a) and (c)

(3) (b) and (c)

(4) (c) and (d)

Answer: (2)

44. __________ has been used to signify great books, ‘classics, the best that has been written in the world : The Odyssey, the Oresteia, the Aeneid and The Magic Mountain,’ says S. S. Prawer.

(1) General Literature

(2) World Literature

(3) Classical Literature

(4) Elizabethan Literature

Answer: (2)

45. The Russian school of Comparatists believes that :

(1) literature is a unique attribute of mind that deals with social issues.

(2) literature is a repository of aesthetic values practised down the generations.

(3) literature is a social property though it is created by individual artists.

(4) literature is a record of the past that has great relevance in the present.

Answer: (3)

46. This play, entitled Piya Behrupiya, a ‘translation’ of a Shakespearean play, was premiered at the World Shakespeare Festival at the Globe Theatre in London in 2012 and it has become one of the most popular theatre acts over the last five years in India. Which Shakespearean play does it ‘translate’ ?

(1) Twelfth Night

(2) As You Like It

(3) Much Ado About Nothing

(4) The Comedy of Errors

Answer: (1)

47. Which Gulzar film is a brilliant adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors ?

(1) Namkeen

(2) Andhi

(3) Angoor

(4) Mausam

Answer: (3)

48. Match the theorist with the field of theory :

Answer: (1)

49. Which two languages/dialects are used in Tulsidas’s Ramcharitmanas ?

(a) Hindi

(b) Maithili

(c) Bhojpuri

(d) Avadhi

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (c)

(2) (a) and (d)

(3) (b) and (c)

(4) (a) and (b)

Answer: (2)

50. The theme that has left its impact on many writers from Christopher Marlowe to the modern Thomas Mann is :

(1) Faust

(2) Odysseus

(3) Sisyphus

(4) Antigone

Answer: (1)

51. Who among the following is not a translator of The Odyssey ?

(1) W. H. D. Rouse

(2) E. V. Rieu

(3) T. E. Lawrence

(4) Samuel Putnam

Answer: (4)

52. In his “Second Thoughts on Literary Periods”, Claudio Guillen recommends the view that :

(1) authors and works live in many different periods or durations at once.

(2) authors and works are delimited by a system of literary norms, standards and conventions

(3) authors and works live in a specified time and place with its trajectory of flux and fixity

(4) authors and works live in a space transcending narrow considerations of evaluative criteria

Answer: (1)

53. Match the rhetorician with the subject :

Answer: (3)

54. Two among the following translators have translated the Pali Jatakas into English :

(a) T.H. Rhys David

(b) F.S. Growse

(c) C.A. Elliot

(d) E.B. Cowell

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (a) and (d)

(4) (c) and (d)

Answer: (3)

55. Identify the author of the following statement :

“The literary type has favoured the evolution of the human type. Art has rejoined life”.

(1) Anna Balakian

(2) Hugo Dyserinck

(3) Georges Bernano

(4) Simon Jeune

Answer: (4)

56. Which ACLA Report encourages graduate students “to broaden their linguistic horizons to encompass at least one non-European language” ?

(1) the Green Report

(2) the Saussy Report

(3) the Bernheimer Report

(4) the levin Report

Answer: (3)

57. For many commentators British cultural studies begins in the 1960 s with Raymond Williams’s announcement and the nascent work of __________ Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies.

(1) Birmingham

(2) Bristol

(3) Edinburgh

(4) York

Answer: (1)

58. Which two texts in the following list centrally employs Western music as theme or structure ?

(a) Amsterdam

(b) The Corrections

(c) Middlesex

(d) Grace Notes

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (b) and (c)

(2) (a) and (b)

(3) (a) and (c)

(4) (a) and (d)

Answer: (4)

59. Match the genre with the definition :

Answer: (3)

60. In Malayalam post-modern literature Ayyappa Paniker’s Kurushetra (1961) has echoes of __________ and __________.

(a) The Ramayana

(b) The Waste Land

(c) The Bhagavad Gita

(d) Mahabharata

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (c) and (d)

(2) (a) and (d)

(3) (b) and (c)

(4) (a) and (b)

Answer: (3)

61. __________ complained that the term ‘Comparative Literature’ designates the object of study rather than the method employed ?

(1) Rene Wellek

(2) H. M. Posnett

(3) Ulrich Weisstein

(4) Paul Van Tieghem

Answer: (2)

62. The novel-based collaborative films of Ismail Merchant, James Ivory and Ruth Prawer Jhabvala included two films from the corpus of Henry James. Identify the two novels :

(a) The Portrait of a Lady

(b) The Ambassadors

(c) The Bostonians

(d) The Golden Bowl

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (c)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (c) and (d)

(4) (b) and (d)

Answer: (3)

63. The Tamil medieval work, Kalingatthu Parani is a __________ song.

(1) romantic

(2) war

(3) satirical

(4) epistolary

Answer: (2)

64. The Oedipal theme/motif is found in the following work :

(1) Karukku

(2) Arumugam

(3) Sangathi

(4) Pazhayana Kazhithalum

Answer: (2)

65. Identify the books of Robert Spiller, the literary historian :

(a) Literary History of the United States

(b) European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages

(c) The Cycle of American Literature

(d) Writing Women’s Literary History

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (b) and (d)

(2) (a) and (c)

(3) (b) and (c)

(4) (c) and (d)

Answer: (2)

66. Sisir Kumar Das’s collection of essays entitled The Mad Lover relates to :

(1) ancient Indian poetry

(2) medieval Indian poetry

(3) Moghul court poetry

(4) ancient troubadour poetry

Answer: (2)

67. According to __________ communicative rationality, which functions most directly in the life-world of everyday practices and representations, is the site of culture and cultural exchanges.

(1) Max Weber

(2) Francois Lyotard

(3) Jurgen Habermas

(4) Chantal Mouffe

Answer: (3)

68. Who among the following are the translators of The Odyssey ?

(a) H.R. Huse

(b) Christopher Isherwood

(c) E.V. Rieu

(d) Richmond Lattimore

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (c) and (d)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (c) and (a)

(4) (a) and (b)

Answer: (1)

69. Which State of the Discipline Report of ACLA makes a mention of a tendency to give “priority to theory over literature, to method over matter” because of the destructive influence of “the inevitable aporia of deconstructive undecidability” ?

(1) the Levin Report

(2) the Bernheimer Report

(3) the Saussy Report

(4) the Greene Report

Answer: (2)

70. Basil Willey has written two overviews of English literary periods. They relate to :

(a) fifteenth century

(b) seventeenth century

(c) eighteenth century

(d) sixteenth century

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (c) and (d)

(4) (a) and (d)

Answer: (2)

71. Dryden’s Essay of Dramatic Paesy is a work of :

(1) Interpretive Criticism

(2) Legislative Criticism

(3) Comparative Criticism

(4) Textual Criticism

Answer: (2)

72. Who among the following is not a British cultural theorist ?

(1) Dick Hebdige

(2) Lawrence Grossberg

(3) Raymond Williams

(4) Stuart Hall

Answer: (2)

Read the given passage and answer the questions, 73 to 75.

        If gender attributes are not expressive but performative, then these attributes effectively constitute the identity they are said to express or reveal. The distinction between expression and performativeness is crucial. If gender attributes and acts, the various ways in which a body shows or produces its cultural signification, are performative, then there is no preexisting identity by which an act or attribute might be measured ; there would be no true or false, real or distorted acts of gender, and the postulation of a true gender identity would be revealed as a regulatory fiction. That gender reality is created through sustained social performances means that the very notions of an essential sex and a true or abiding masculinity or femininity are also constituted as part of the strategy that conceals gender’s performative character and the performative possibilities for proliferating gender configurations outside the restricting frames of masculinist domination and compulsory heterosexuality.

73. The writer holds that a true gender identity is :

(1) possible in most cases

(2) impossible

(3) regulated by make-believe

(4) probable in exceptional cases

Answer: (3)

74. The passage identifies the ground of gender identity in :

(1) gender attributes articulated through culture.

(2) gender attributes articulated through expression.

(3) gender attributes articulated through performance.

(4) gender attributes articulated through domination.

Answer: (3)

75. Which of the following is correct in relation to the passage ?

(1) Ideas relating to abiding masculinity and femininity are constituted in the domain of performance possibilities in gender acts

(2) An abiding masculinity is constituted in gender attributes and acts

(3) An abiding femininity is constituted in gender attributes and acts

(4) Notions of an essential sex create space for a comprehensive articulation of gender identity

Answer: (1)

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