Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Religious experience is a :
(1) Religious practice
(2) Religious belief
(3) Worship
(4) Mystical experience
2. Main aim of interfaith dialogue is :
(1) Maintaining peace
(2) Respect the other
(3) Mutual understanding
(4) Interaction among religious communities
3. Totem in primitive societies was known as :
(1) A form of magic
(2) Mana
(3) Symbol of sacred
(4) God
4. Which one of the following statement is not correct ?
(1) Religion deals with metaphysical issues.
(2) Religion is an alloy of rituals and rites.
(3) Religion nothing to do with higher values.
(4) Religion is a social phenomenon.
5. The book ‘‘Patterns in Comparative Religion’’ was written by :
(1) Mircea Elide
(2) Max Muller
(3) William James
(4) John Hick
6. Find the correct match from Group-A and Group-B and identify the correct in the code given below :
7. Hermeneutics deals with :
(1) Religion
(2) Society
(3) Scriptures
(4) Belief systems
8. Among the following which religious tradition does not believe in monotheism :
(1) Islam
(2) Hinduism
(3) Sikhism
(4) Judaism
9. ‘Avesta’ is the scripture of which Religion ?
(1) Taoism
(2) Zoroastrianism
(3) Islam
(4) Bahaism
10. These scriptures are called ‘Sruti’ :
(1) Aranyakas
(2) Puranas
(3) Upanishads
(4) Vedas
11. Maharshi Patanjali narrated ‘‘Sahasra Vartma Sama for Samaveda, it’s meaning is :
(1) Thousand schools of Samaveda
(2) Thousand routes of Samaveda
(3) Thousand streets of Samaveda
(4) Thousand traditions of Samaveda
12. “Hetur Nirvachanam Ninda Prasansa SansayoVidhih.
Prakriya purakalpo vyavadharna-kalpana.
Upamanam dasaite tu visayo Brahmanasya cha”
Above cited karika of Shankar Bhasya indicates the subject-matter of these scriptures:
(1) Veda Samhitas
(2) Brahman Scriptures
(3) Pratisakhyas
(4) Upanishads
13. The literal meaning of ‘Upaniîhad’ is :
(1) To sit near of the spiritualism.
(2) To sit near of the social welfare.
(3) To sit near of the fundamental rights.
(4) To sit near of the religious practices.
14. Nasadiya Sukta of Rigveda deals with the subject matter of :
(1) Philosophy.
(2) Family welfare.
(3) Yama-yami dialogue.
(4) Function of Indra.
15. The following texts dealing with Law, Justice, Punishment, Family-matters, Property and Succession etc., are :
(1) Srauta sutra
(2) Brahman-scriptures
(3) Upanishads
(4) Smritis
16. International yoga-day has been declared by U.N.O., that day is :
(1) 22 April
(2) 21 May
(3) 17 June
(4) 21 June
17. “Upanishad – Geeta and Brahmsutra” these all three scriptures jointly are popular by the following term :
(1) Granthatrayee
(2) Prasthanatrayee
(3) Siddhanttrayee
(4) Pitakatrayee
18. Following kinds of marriages are found in the vedic culture :
(1) Four
(2) Six
(3) Eight
(4) Ten
19. The belief in the following saint was only in attribute-less and form-less god :
(1) Chaitanya Prabhu
(2) Tulasidas
(3) Suradas
(4) Kabirdas
20. In 1875, Dayanand Saraswati founded the :
(1) Brahma Samaj
(2) Deva Samaj
(3) Arya Samaj
(4) Rama Krishna Mission
21. Tirthankara Parsvanatha attained Nirvana in :
(1) Ayodhya
(2) Girnar
(3) Sammedashikhara
(4) Pava
22. The name of the third Jaina Anga Agama text is :
(1) Sthanangasutra
(2) Vipakasutra
(3) Sutrakratangasutra
(4) Tattavarthasutra
23. Acarya Gunadhara is the author of :
(1) Jayadhavala
(2) Kasayapahuda
(3) Chakkhandagama
(4) Astapahuda
24. It is Generally believed that Acarya Kundakunad belongs to:
(1) 3rd Century B.C.
(2) 1st Century A.D.
(3) 6th Century A.D.
(4) 8th Century A.D.
25. This theory is closely related to Jainism :
(1) Theory of Satkaryavada
(2) Theory of Sunyavada
(3) Theory of Anekantavada
(4) Theory of Brahmavada
26. The meaning of ‘Aparigraha’ in jainism is :
(1) Non-attachment
(2) Not telling lies
(3) Not killing
(4) Non-Absolutism
27. ‘Nirjara’ is included in this group of Jain principles :
(1) Six substances
(2) Five vows
(3) Seven fundamentals
(4) Three jewels
28. Match the items in List – I with those in List – II and identify the correct answer in the code given below :
29. Vastupala-Tejapala, were supporters in the construction of:
(1) Ranakapur Jain Temples
(2) Khajuraho Jain Temples
(3) Shravanabelagola Jain Temples
(4) Delawara Jain Temples
30. The Dept. of Jainology and Prakrits is funcitoning in Karnataka at :
(1) Mysore
(2) Banaglore
(3) Dharwar
(4) Mangalore
31. The Shravanavelagola Tirtha is located in :
(1) Karnataka
(2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Rajasthan
(4) Orissa
32. Among the following list of Buddhas, the one who happens to be the future Buddha, is __________.
(1) Narada Buddha
(2) Konagamana Buddha
(3) Gotama Buddha
(4) Metteyya (Maitreya) Buddha
33. Gautama Buddha’s mother belonged to the clan of :
(1) Sakya
(2) Kalama
(3) Kamboja
34. The Gautama Buddha delivered his first Discourse at the place known as :
(1) Isipatana
(2) Kusinara
(3) Uruvela
(4) Vesali
35. The Pali Tipitaka is divided into five Nikaya-s. The Dhammapada belongs to the Nikaya known as :
(1) The Digha Nikaya
(2) Majjhima Nikaya
(3) Samyutta Nikaya
(4) Khuddaka Nikaya
36. As regards the Buddhist conversion movement in India in the twentieth century, the largest number of Buddhist converts are from the state :
(1) Punjab
(2) Uttar Pradesh
(3) Gujrat
(4) Maharashtra
37. The Vibhasa council held during the reign of king kaniska belonged to the Buddhist sect :
(1) Mahasanghika
(2) Sarvastivada
(3) Theravada
(4) Lokottaravada
38. ‘Citta-matrata’ (Consciousness Alone) is the main doctrine of the Buddhist school of thought :
(1) Sunyavada
(2) Theravada
(3) Sarvastivada
(4) Yogacara
39. The number of stupa-s originally built on the relics of the Buddha is :
(1) Twelve
(2) Eight
(3) Five
(4) Four
40. Buddhism reached Sri Lanka during :
(1) First century A.D.
(2) Second century A.D.
(3) Third century A.D.
(4) Fourth century A.D.
41. The famous Buddhist text named as ‘The Buddha And His Dhamma’ was authored by :
(1) B.R. Ambedkar
(2) G.C. Pande
(3) P.V. Bapat
(4) Bhikkhu Jagadish Kashyap
42. Among the following Buddhist scriptural texts, one is Theravada text and the rest are Mahayana texts. Identify the Theravada one :
(1) Lalitavistara
(2) Suvarnaprabhasa Sutra
(3) Dhammasangani
(4) Lankavatara sutra
43. The Pentateuch (collection of first five books of the Bible) and ascribed to :
(1) Abraham
(2) Moses
(3) Jesus Christ
(4) St. Peter
44. Identify the correct chronological order from the code given below :
(a) St. Peter
(b) St. Augustine
(c) Karl Rahner
(d) St. Thomas Aquinas
(1) (a), (c), (b), (d)
(2) (a), (b), (d), (c)
(3) (b), (a), (d), (c)
(4) (d), (a), (c), (b)
45. The meaning of the word ‘‘Christ’’ in Greek language is :
(1) ‘‘The Anointed one’’
(2) ‘‘Saviour’’
(3) ‘‘God is with us’’
(4) ‘‘Messenger’’
46. The world council of churches was established in :
(1) 1948
(2) 1848
(3) 1772
(4) 1965
47. The parables of Jesus are formed in :
(1) Book of Prophets
(2) Gospels of New Testament
(3) Acts of Apostles
(4) Egyptian kings
48. The twelve apostles of Jesus were generally from :
(1) Romans
(2) Egyptians
(3) Jews
(4) Greeks
49. This is the prophet of the old Testament :
(1) St. Paul
(2) St. Thomas
(3) Jeremiah
(4) Jesus Christ
50. Jesus Christ preached his message in the area of :
(1) Egypt
(2) Rome
(3) London
(4) Judea
51. Easter Sunday is the day of :
(1) Death of Jesus
(2) Ascension of Jesus
(3) Apparition of Jesus
(4) Resurrection of Jesus
52. Match the items of List – I with the List – II by identifying the correct one :
53. The New Testament Canon includes :
(1) 14 books
(2) 46 books
(3) 39 books
(4) 27 books
54. The first migration of Muslims of the city of Makkah was to :
(1) Madinah
(2) Ukaz
(3) Abysinia
(4) Taif
55. The Legitimists (AshÂb al-nÂss w-al-ta’ yin) who designated a person as the only legitimate successor to Prophet Muhammad was :
(1) Uthman
(2) Ali
(3) Abu Bakr
(4) Umar
56. Match the following. Identify the correct answer and mark the same in the code given below :
57. Which of the following is correct chronologically ?
(1) Mughals – Khiljis – Tughluqs
(2) Abbasids – Umayyads – Mamluks
(3) Shiites – Sunnis – Khawarj
(4) Al – Amin -Al- Mamun- Al-Mu‘tasim
58. The early travelogue ‘Silsilat al-Tawarikh’ which gives us the First Arabic description of China and coast-land of India was written by :
(1) Ibn Batutta
(2) Al-Masudi
(3) Sulaiman the Merchant
(4) Al-Beruni
59. The doctrine of free will was held by a group called :
(1) Jabarites
(2) Qadarites
(3) Asharites
(4) Maturids
60. The charter ‘Hat-i-Sharif-i Gulhane’ was issued by :
(1) Murad – I
(2) Bayazid
(3) Sulaiman the magnificent
(4) Abdul Majeed
61. Which of the following pair is correctly matched ?
(1) Faraidi Movement – Bengal
(2) Wahabi Movement – Iran
(3) Sanusi Movement – Egypt
(4) Babi Movement – Libya
62. Bhakti Movement in south-India was started by :
(1) Acharya Hemchandra
(2) Dayanand Saraswati
(3) Ramanuj
(4) Kabir
63. Who among the following Muslim reformers championed the cause of widow marriage?
(1) Shah Waliullah
(2) Shah Ismail
(3) Dudu Miyan/Wadud Miyan
(4) Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed
64. The Naqshbandi Sufi order in India was established by :
(1) Baqi Billah
(2) Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
(3) Baba Shah Musafir
(4) Abdullah Shah Saheb
65. Hasan Abdal is situated in :
(1) Maharashtra
(2) Rajasthan
(3) Punjab
(4) Pakistan
66. Author of ‘Ham Hindu Nahin’ is :
(1) Giani Dit Singh
(2) Prof. Gurmukh Singh
(3) Bhai Kahn Singh
(4) Bhai Vir Singh
67. Bhai Aali Singh was :
(1) A king of Patiala
(2) Companion of Banda Singh
(3) A servant of Guru Gobind Singh
(4) A leader of Misl Shahidan
68. Which baani amongst the following is not in Guru Granth Sahib ?
(1) Akal Ustat
(2) Anand Sahib
(3) Asa di Vaar
(4) Barhamaha
69. First coin of Sikh State was minted by :
(1) Guru Nanak Dev
(2) Guru Gobind Singh
(3) Baba Banda Singh
(4) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
70. Adina Beg was :
(1) A Subedar of Punjab
(2) Follower of Guru Nanak Dev
(3) A Sufi Saint
(4) Son of Pir Buddhu Shah
71. Kiratpur was founded by :
(1) Guru Nanak Dev
(2) Guru Hargobind Sahib
(3) Guru Tegh Bahadar
(4) Guru Gobind Singh
72. At the time of great holocaust, leader of Sikhs was :
(1) Guru Gobind Singh
(2) Nawab Kapur Singh
(3) Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
(4) Baba Banda Singh
73. The religion which doesn’t believe in the theory of re-birth is :
(1) Jainism
(2) Buddhism
(3) Sikhism
(4) Islam
74. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Darpan is written by :
(1) Bhai Santokh Singh
(2) Bhai Vir Singh
(3) Giani Gian Singh
(4) Prof. Sahib Singh
75. Story of Chandi di Vaar is borrowed from this ancient sanskrit text :
(1) Bhagavat Puran
(2) Markandey Puran
(3) Durga Puran
(4) Agni Puran
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