UGC NET Exam November 2017 Criminology Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Among the following who proposed “Law of Criminal Saturation” ?

(1) Enricco Ferri

(2) Rafalo Garafalo

(3) Robert Dugdales

(4) Earnest Hooton

Answer: (1)

2. The assumption that criminals represent genetic throwback to primitive humans is known as :

(1) Alescam

(2) Atavism

(3) Animism

(4) Autism

Answer: (2)

3. Sexual excitement experienced by secretly observing unknowing victims is known as :

(1) Fetishism

(2) Pedophilia

(3) Voyeurism

(4) Beastiality

Answer: (3)

4. Assertion (A) : An early criminological school based upon the assumption that criminals are rational actors capable of choosing between different courses of action.

Reason (R) : Models of punishment influenced by such approaches tend, therefore, to argue that the extent of the penalty involved should only be what is sufficient to modify behaviour.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation

(3) (A) is true but (R) is false

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer: (1)

5. Match List – I with List – II using the code given below :

Answer: (4)

6. ‘Utilitarianism’ is a term associated with :

(1) Marx

(2) Sutherland

(3) Bentham

(4) Lombroso

Answer: (3)

7. Reacting to breaking of laws has been seen as within the scope of criminology by :

(1) Bentham

(2) Marx

(3) Sutherland

(4) Beccaria

Answer: (3)

8. Which principle has Cesare Beccaria propounded to explain criminal behaviour ?

(1) Psychic Anamoly

(2) Animism

(3) Hedonism

(4) Atavism

Answer: (3)

9. With whom is the principle of ‘Atavism’ associated ?

(1) Cesare Beccaria

(2) Cesare Lombroso

(3) Jeremy Bentham

(4) Enrico Ferri

Answer: (2)

10. The study of crime, those who commits crime, the criminal justice and penal systems is called :

(1) Victimology

(2) Penology

(3) Criminology

(4) Green Criminology

Answer: (3)

11. Rational Choice theory has been proposed by whom ?

(1) Sutherland and Cressey

(2) Cullen and Gilbert

(3) Cornish and Clarke

(4) Radzinowicz and King

Answer: (3)

12. Theories can be assessed by which of the following criteria :

(a) Logical Consistency

(b) Scope

(c) Parsimony

(d) Testability

Use the following code :

(1) (a) and (d) are correct

(2) (b) and (c) are correct

(3) (b), (c) and (d) are correct

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) are correct

Answer: (4)

13. An emotional disturbance in which moods alternate between periods of wild elation and deep depression is called as :

(1) Bipolar Disorder

(2) Social Disorder

(3) Behaviour Modeling

(4) Kleptomania

Answer: (1)

14. Match List – I with List – II using the code given below :

Answer: (1)

15. A deliberate deception perpetrated for unlawful or unfair gain is called :

(1) Trafficking

(2) Identity theft

(3) Fraud

(4) Stalking

Answer: (3)

16. A statistical test that measures the degree of relationship between pairs of internal variables in a sample is called :

(1) Chi-square analysis

(2) Correlation

(3) Standard deviation

(4) t-test

Answer: (2)

17. A process that enables the body to get rid itself of a drug is :

(1) Drug addiction

(2) Detoxification

(3) Withdrawal system

(4) Dependance

Answer: (2)

18. Resumption of drug use after treatment is called :

(1) Psycho-active

(2) Relapse

(3) Drug tolerance

(4) Withdrawal

Answer: (2)

19. Who among the following uses the term ‘techniques of neutralization’ that juveniles use to avoid responsibility for deviant actions ?

(1) Sutherland and Cressey

(2) Sykes and Matza

(3) Gleuck and Gleuck

(4) Shaw and McKay

Answer: (2)

20. Match the following, using the code given below :

Answer: (4)

21. Assertion (A) : Victimization surveys provide a relatively accurate measure of crime rates.

Reason (R) : Victimization surveys can be used to estimate the size of the gap between reported and unreported crime.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong

Answer: (2)

22. Who has propounded Victim precipitation theory ?

(1) Lawrence Cohen

(2) Menachem Amir

(3) Sutherland

(4) Marcus Felron

Answer: (2)

23. Sexual intercourse by a man with a woman even with her consent is a rape, if she is below the age of :

(1) 17 years

(2) 16 years

(3) 19 years

(4) 18 years

Answer: (4)

24. The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 was enacted for providing and competent legal services to :

(1) Well-to-do people

(2) Police personnel

(3) Prison officials

(4) Weeker section accused

Answer: (4)

25. Which country awards death penalty for possessing narcotic drugs ?

(1) United States of America

(2) Australia

(3) Great Britain

(4) Saudi Arabia

Answer: (4)

26. In Research, control groups are used in :

(1) Formulative Studies

(2) Descriptive Studies

(3) Experimental Studies

(4) Explorative Studies

Answer: (3)

27. What does the term ‘Sadism’ means to derive pleasure ?

(1) From gaining popularity

(2) By inflicting pain on self

(3) From a massing wealth

(4) By inflicting pain on others

Answer: (4)

28. Who coined the concept ‘culture conflict’ ?

(1) Thomas Bhom

(2) Edwin Lemert

(3) Thorsten Sellin

(4) Freda Adler

Answer: (3)

29. In court sentencing procedure what does probation mean ?

(1) Determinate Sentencing

(2) Indeterminate Sentencing

(3) Suspended Sentencing

(4) In-ordinate Sentencing

Answer: (3)

30. Pink collar crime is committed by :

(1) Police personnel

(2) Industrial workers

(3) Women in workplace

(4) Professionals

Answer: (3)

31. Goods, services or money, received for referring business to a particular individual is called :

(1) Flaking

(2) Internal pay off

(3) Opportunistic theft

(4) Kick backs

Answer: (4)

32. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Mandamus – We order

(2) Habeas Corpus – You have the body

(3) In Co Co Parentis – On the first appearance

(4) Quo warranto – By what authority

Answer: (3)

33. Rights that are laid down in law is called :

(1) Moral Rights

(2) Political Rights

(3) Legal Rights

(4) Natural Rights

Answer: (3)

34. A crime in which an imposter obtains components of personal information, such as Aadhaar details or driving license number to impersonate someone else is called :

(1) Stalking

(2) Arson

(3) Identity theft

(4) Assault

Answer: (3)

35. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Search – Afrial without the accused

(2) Cognizable offence – Police can act without warrant

(3) General exception – A chapter in Indian penal code

(4) Non-cognizable offence – Police cannot act without a warrant

Answer: (1)

36. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Gun running – Trafficking arms and ammunition

(2) Golden cresent – Related to child trafficking

(3) Loan sharking – Lending money at unreasonably high interests

(4) Opium – Poppy plant

Answer: (2)

37. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Denial of service – Crimes against person

(2) Arson – Malicious setting fire

(3) Stalking – Unwanted human contact with implied threat

(4) Insurgency – Use of violence to negotiate with Government

Answer: (1)

38. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Safety Plan – Reparation to victim

(2) Assault – Wilful, malicious burning

(3) Physical Abuse – Non-accidental injury

(4) Domestic Violence – A deception for unlawful gain

Answer: (3)

39. Who is accredited to have conducted first a statistical study on incidence of crime man urban area ?

(1) Cesare Beccaria

(2) Jermy Bentham

(3) Adolphe Quetelet

(4) E. H. Sutherland

Answer: (3)

40. Assertion (A) : Deviance is the product of weak moral integration and poor social regulation.

Reasoning (R) : In a sense, certain amount of crime is ‘normal’ and ‘inevitable’, perhaps even ‘useful’ for any society.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong

Answer: (2)

41. Arrange how criminology research is conducted in chronological order using the code given below :

(a) Formulate objectives

(b) Construct tool

(c) Select a problem

(d) Formulate Hypotheses

Code :

(1) (a), (c), (b), (d)

(2) (a), (b), (c), (d)

(3) (d), (c), (b), (a)

(4) (c), (a), (d), (b)

Answer: (4)

42. The view that victimization results from the interaction of suitable targets, absence of capable guardians and the presence of motivated offenders is :

(1) Life style theory

(2) Strain theory

(3) Peace making criminology

(4) Routine activity theory

Answer: (4)

43. The system of sanctions imposed by criminal courts in response to offending is :

(1) Penology

(2) Parole

(3) Punishment

(4) Utilitarianism

Answer: (3)

44. Which term among the following is used to denote the principle of ‘the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers’ ?

(1) Insane criminal

(2) Atavism

(3) Criminoloid

(4) Utilitarianism

Answer: (4)

45. The purpose of punishment, to change offender into a good person is :

(1) Incapacitation

(2) Reformation

(3) Revenge

(4) Deterrence

Answer: (2)

46. Which institution among the following is meant for the children in conflict with law ?

(1) Shelter Homes

(2) Special Homes

(3) Childrens Homes

(4) Shortstay Homes

Answer: (2)

47. Which agency deals cases of ‘Children in need of care and protection’ ?

(1) Small causes court

(2) Juvenile Justice Board

(3) Fast track courts

(4) Child Welfare Committee

Answer: (4)

48. The UN Standard Minimum Rules for the administration of Juvenile Justice (1985) is also called :

(1) The Beijing Rules

(2) Nelson Mandela Rules

(3) Riyadh Guidelines

(4) U.N. Declaration of Human Rights

Answer: (1)

49. Which one of the following is not under the sentencing dispositions specified in Tokyo Rules (1990) ?

(1) Verbal sanction

(2) Incarceration

(3) Conditional discharge

(4) Community service order

Answer: (2)

50. Which among the following is probability sampling ?

(1) Purposive sampling

(2) Snowball sampling

(3) Random sampling

(4) Convenience sampling

Answer: (3)

51. Which among the following is a determinate sentencing ?

(1) Capital Punishment

(2) Probation

(3) Parole

(4) Furlough

Answer: (1)

52. Among the following, who has evolved the ‘social distance scale’ ?

(1) Thurston

(2) Osgood

(3) Bogardus

(4) Likert

Answer: (3)

53. Among the following, which intoxicant is banned in India ?

(1) Caffeine

(2) Brandy

(3) Heroin

(4) Nicotine

Answer: (3)

54. For which category of children is a special home meant ?

(1) Orphaned children

(2) Run-away children

(3) Rescued bonded-labour children

(4) Juvenile in conflict with law

Answer: (4)

55. Individuals who are born with a genetic predilection toward criminality is :

(1) animism

(2) a social

(3) anomie

(4) born criminal

Answer: (4)

56. The term used by Cesare Lombroso to describe occasional criminals who were pulled into criminality by environmental influences is :

(1) Utilitarian

(2) Lacivious criminal

(3) Criminaloid

(4) Delinquent

Answer: (3)

57. Under which form of suicide explained by Durkheim does ‘sati’ come under :

(1) Egoistic suicide

(2) Altruistic suicide

(3) Anomic suicide

(4) Fatalistic suicide

Answer: (2)

58. People who belong to groups that have an extremely risky life are at high risk for victimization :

(1) Victim precipitation theory

(2) Routine activity theory

(3) Labelling theory

(4) Life style theory

Answer: (4)

59. Which among the following is not a basic principle as laid down in the U.N. Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for victims of Crime and Abuse of Power (1985) ?

(1) Access to Justice and Fair treatment

(2) Restitution

(3) Retribution

(4) Assistance

Answer: (3)

60. The book ‘The victim and his criminal’ was written by :

(1) Stephen Schafer

(2) Frederic Wertham

(3) Margery Fry

(4) Emilio Viano

Answer: (1)

61. An offender can not be released on probation under which Act ?

(1) The Probation of Offenders Act

(2) The Code of Criminal Procedure

(3) The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act

(4) The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act

Answer: (4)

62. The law relating to Bail is down in :

(1) The Indian Penal Code

(2) The Code of Criminal Procedure

(3) The Evidence Act

(4) The Prisons Act

Answer: (2)

63. ‘Cognizable’ and ‘non-cognizable’ crimes are defined in :

(1) The Indian Penal Code

(2) The Indian Evidence Act

(3) The Code of Criminal Procedure

(4) The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act

Answer: (3)

64. Which of the following is not correctly paired ?

(1) Monozyotes : Identical twins

(2) Testosterone : Kline felter’s syndrome

(3) Superego : Reality principle

(4) Neurotransmitters : Chemicals enabling electrical impulses in the brain

Answer: (2)

65. A specialised subject which is concerned with the diagnosis, classification and the treatment of prisoners is known as :

(1) Sociology

(2) Victimology

(3) Correctional Psychology

(4) Anthropology

Answer: (3)

66. The belief that the observation of violence in media serves as an emotional release and lessens violence is known as :

(1) Ponzi

(2) Bust – out

(3) Sub-rosa

(4) Catharsis

Answer: (4)

67. Let Nine guilty persons go scot free, but one innocent person should not be punished’. Who has said this ?

(1) Lord Macaulay

(2) Lord Acton

(3) Lord Burke

(4) Lord Attlee

Answer: (2)

68. Under which legal system “benefit of doubt” goes to the accused during court trial ?

(1) Inquisitorial System

(2) Accusatorial System

(3) Socialist System

(4) Theological System

Answer: (2)

69. Who is the proponent of ‘Group Conflict Theory’ in criminology ?

(1) Thorstein Sellin

(2) Donalt Craft

(3) George Vold

(4) Ralf Dahrendorf

Answer: (3)

70. Who used the concept of ‘Middle class measuring rod’ to develop a theory in crime causation ?

(1) Thosten Sellin

(2) Walter Miller

(3) Albert Cohen

(4) Howard Becker

Answer: (3)

71. Which among the following, is not a subcultural theory of Crime ?

(1) Delinquency and opportunity by Cloward and Ohlin

(2) Miller’s focal concern Theory

(3) When’s Theory of Delinquent Gangs

(4) Culture Theory by Thorstein Sellin

Answer: (4)

72. The Indian Evidence Act 1872 was drafted by :

(1) Macaulay

(2) Sir James F. Stephen

(3) Huxley

(4) Sir Henry Summer Maine

Answer: (2)

73. Who among the following is the proponent of Arousal Theory explaining juvenile delinquency ?

(1) Robert Rubin

(2) Donald J. West

(3) Jack Katz

(4) Martin Neilson

Answer: (3)

74. Which among the following is not a cyber crime ?

(1) Key loggers

(2) Salami Slices

(3) Spoofing

(4) Arson

Answer: (4)

75. Increase or decrease in crime, over a period of time, is called :

(1) Victim Survey

(2) Crime Trend

(3) Crime Data

(4) Crime Survey

Answer: (2)

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