UGC NET Exam November 2017 Forensic Science Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. While conducting Luminol test, luminol reacts with hydrogen salt and forms ?

(1) Cation

(2) Di-anion

(3) Anion

(4) Zwitter ion

Answer: (2)

2. The para-dimethyl aminoacid (DMAC) reacts with ____ ,if present, produces a pink colour product.

(1) Creatinine

(2) Ammonia

(3) Uric acid

(4) Urea

Answer: (4)

3. Assertion (A) : Corporo basal index helps in the determination of sex.

Reason (R) : It is derived by calculating the measurements of the bones of skull.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

(3) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.

(4) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.

Answer: (3)

4. Which of the following skeletal changes is the last one to happen ?

(1) Fusion of metopic suture

(2) Fusion of Greater cornu of hyoid with the body

(3) Fusion of Basi-sphenoid with Basi-occipit

(4) Fusion of Xiphisternum and manubrium

Answer: (4)

5. In a Firearm, which noise component could be reduced by a Suppressor ?

(1) Supersonic crack of bullet

(2) Hammer noise

(3) Pressure wave

(4) Flight noise

Answer: (3)

6. A firearm “Model 1900 Colt 0.38” automating” is associated to :

(1) Jonann Nikolaus

(2) Jonann Kiefuss

(3) John Drowning

(4) Samuel Colt

Answer: (3)

7. Which of the following is used as dehydrating agent during the extraction of poisons from toxicological samples ? 

(1) Ammonium sulphate

(2) Ferrous Chloride

(3) Sodium Tungstate

(4) Ammonium Nitrate

Answer: (1)

8. Widmark equation is used to calculate which of the following :

(1) Breath alcohol concentration

(2) Urine alcohol concentration

(3) Blood alcohol concentration

(4) Sweat alcohol concentration

Answer: (3)

9. Which of the following is not a petroleum product ?

(1) Bitumen

(2) Wax

(3) Petrol

(4) TATP

Answer: (4)

10. Which firearm was the earliest example of true breech-loading weapon having a self contained cartridge ?

(1) Pin fire

(2) Match lock

(3) Wheel lock

(4) Flint lock

Answer: (1)

11. Crompton scattering results in which of the following ?

(1) Interference with the resulting signal

(2) Increase in peak intensity

(3) Increase in signal to noise ratio

(4) High resolution

Answer: (1)

12. Which of the following technique is used for the elemental profiling of cement ?

(1) ICP – MS

(2) GC – MS

(3) FT – IR

(4) HPLC

Answer: (1)

13. Which of the following is not true for Atomic emission Spectroscopy ?

(1) It is a destructive Technique.

(2) It is used for metal analysis.

(3) It is a quantitative technique.

(4) It can distinguish the oxidation states of elements.

Answer: (4)

14. Which of the following parameters of Gustafson method to determine age can be appreciable macroscopically ?

(1) Root resorption

(2) Cementum apposition

(3) Secondary dentin

(4) Attrition

Answer: (4)

15. Which of the following statements are correct in relation to scars ?

(a) It is a fibrous tissue covered by epithelium

(b) It contains sweat glands

(c) It is pigmented and has hair follicles

(d) The shape of scars could be oval or elliptical in stab wounds

Code :

(1) (a), (b) and (c) are correct.

(2) (b), (c) and (d) are correct.

(3) (b) and (c) are correct.

(4) (a) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (4)

16. Which of the following wounds resemble an incised wound ?

(1) Imprint abrasion

(2) Graze abrasion

(3) Split laceration

(4) Avulsed laceration

Answer: (4)

17. Which of the following statements are true regarding tattoos ?

(a) It is derived from Polynesian word “ta tau” meaning to mark.

(b) The process is impregnation of a dye into the dermal layers of the skin.

(c) The leaves of “lawsonia inermics” are used for permanent tattooing.

(d) Tattoos can be erased by derm-abrasion.

Code :

(1) (a), (b) andU (c) are correct.

(2) (b), (c) and (d) are correct.

(3) (a), (b) and (d) are correct.

(4) (b) and (c) are correct.

Answer: (3)

18. Ancillary investigations in medicolegal autopsy include :

(a) Microbiology

(b) Toxicology

(c) Radiology

(d) Angiography

Code :

(1) (a), (b), (c), (d) are correct.

(2) (a), (b), (c) are correct.

(3) (b), (c), (d) are correct.

(4) (c) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (2)

19. Which of the following is the name of finger prints classification system based on ten fingers ?

(1) Galton’s system

(2) Faulds system

(3) Bertillon system

(4) Henry system

Answer: (4)

20. Thin layer of which metals are coated to develop latent finger prints using VMD method :

(1) Gold and Lead

(2) Gold and Aluminium

(3) Gold and Zinc

(4) Gold and Silver

Answer: (3)

21. Assertion (A) : Request standard writing may not be ideal standard for comparison.

Reason (R) : Request standards can be obtained without the limitation of amount of writing but may not be contemporary.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct .

(2) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

(3) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.

(4) (A) is correct but (R) is not.

Answer: (1)

22. Match the following :

Answer: (3)

23. Which of the following can be said as interlineation ?

(1) Writing between two words

(2) Writing between two letters

(3) Writing between two lines

(4) Writing between two paras

Answer: (3)

24. Photosensitive nature of reaction of which of the following reagent with sweat residue allows to develop latent finger prints in dark only :

(1) Silver nitrate

(2) Indane dione

(3) Super glue

(4) Amido black

Answer: (1)

25. Nest of sieve is generally used for the analysis of :

(1) Lead shots

(2) Wet mortar

(3) Pharmaceutical compounds

(4) Explosive

Answer: (2)

26. In case of examination of paints, pyrolysis Gas Chromatography is useful for the characterization of :

(1) Pigment

(2) Lacquer

(3) Binder

(4) Solvent

Answer: (3)

27. The Scientific Working Group for shoeprint and Tire Tread Evidence “SWGTREAD” was created by :

(1) CBI

(2) FBI

(3) Scotland yard

(4) NYPD

Answer: (2)

28. As “Wool” is obtained from sheep hair likewise “mohair” is obtained from :

(1) Camel hair

(2) Angora goat hair

(3) Asiatic goat hair

(4) Vicuna hair

Answer: (2)

29. In which type of fiber, nodes are found ?

(1) Cotton

(2) Wool

(3) Silk

(4) Nylon

Answer: (1)

30. The formula for calculating the correct rate of twist for firearm was given by :

(1) Gaspard Kollner

(2) George Greenhill

(3) Greener

(4) Minie

Answer: (2)

31. “Magnum Nitro Express” is a term associated with :

(1) Cartridge

(2) Bullet

(3) Pellet

(4) Jacket Bullet

Answer: (1)

32. Which of the following technique has not been routinely used in the forensic analysis of explosives ?

(1) NMR

(2) MS

(3) FTIR

(4) TLC

Answer: (1)

33. In the early 19th Century who among the following revolutionised the ignition of gun powder by using highly sensitive mercury fulminate :

(1) John Browning

(2) Henry VIII

(3) Mann Le Bovrgeoys

(4) Alexander John Forsyth

Answer: (4)

34. Organophosphorus compounds are powerful inhibitors of which of the following :

(1) Cholinesterase

(2) Acetylcholinesterase

(3) Diacetylcholinesterase

(4) Monoacetylcholinesterase

Answer: (2)

35. Washburn index, that helps in the determination of sex, from which of the following bone ?

(1) Skull

(2) Pelvis

(3) Scapula

(4) Vertebra

Answer: (2)

36. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

Answer: (4)

37. The articular surface of which of the following bones help in reliable age determination :

(1) Radius

(2) Pubis

(3) Sternum

(4) Pisiform

Answer: (2)

38. In which of the following historical case was a body identified by jaw bones and dental structures from the charred remains ?

(1) Buck-Ruxton case

(2) Parkman Webster case

(3) Bhowal Sanyasi case

(4) Tandoor murder case

Answer: (2)

39. Smokable form of cocaine is obtained by treating which of the following :

(1) Coca leaf with sulphuric acid

(2) Coca leaf with Hydrochloric acid

(3) Cocaine sulphate with baking soda

(4) Cocaine Hydrochloride with baking soda

Answer: (4)

40. Antibodies are found in the blood _________.

(1) Serum

(2) Plasma

(3) RBC

(4) WBC

Answer: (1)

41. Saliva is largely water, containing small quantities of :

(1) Electrolytes, Proteins, Antibodies and Enzymes

(2) Proteins, Antibodies and Harmones

(3) Electrolytes, Acids and Proteins

(4) Electrolytes, Harmones and Enzymes

Answer: (1)

42. The Cortex derives’ its major forensic importance because it is embedded with pigment granules that gives hair its :

(1) Strength

(2) Length

(3) Colour

(4) Both length and strength

Answer: (3)

43. Jaffe test used for examination of urine sample is a ________ method.

(1) Capillary

(2) Ultraviolet

(3) Both Capillary and Colorometric

(4) Colorometric

Answer: (4)

44. In PCR reaction, the annealing temperature depends on :

(1) AT contents of sequence

(2) GC content of sequence

(3) Primer Dimer

(4) Concentration of Mg used in reaction

Answer: (2)

45. The forensic DNA analysis of fecal matter is possible because of the presence of :

(1) Tracheal epithelial cells

(2) Intestinal epithelial cells

(3) Vaginal epithelial cells

(4) Alveolar epithelial cells

Answer: (2)

46. Diffracting crystal in XRFS isolates which of the following ?

(1) Narrow energy bands

(2) Wide Wavelength bands

(3) Wide energy bands

(4) Narrow Wavelength bands

Answer: (4)

47. Which of the following elements is used in plasma desorption ?

(1) Uranium

(2) Thorium

(3) Californium

(4) Polonium

Answer: (3)

48. The neutron Activation Analysis Unit for Forensic Science was established in 1971 at which of the following places :

(1) Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam

(2) Bhabha Atomic Research centre, Trombay

(3) Narora Atomic Power Station, Uttar Pradesh

(4) Kakrapar Atomic Power Station, Gujarat

Answer: (2)

49. The ideal method of collecting and packing of physical evidence for its transportation to a forensic science laboratory mainly depends on :

(1) Nature of transportation available

(2) Nature of evidence

(3) Nature of investigator

(4) Nature of scene of crime

Answer: (2)

50. A foot wear print observed on the cloths worn by a victim of an alleged murder case could be best lifted by using :

(1) Plaster of Paris

(2) Liquid wax

(3) Electrostatic dust print lifting device

(4) Adhesive tape

Answer: (3)

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