Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1. Which is the most dangerous for transmitting Plague ?
(1) Blocked flea
(2) Partially blocked flea
(3) Unblocked flea
(4) Any flea
2. Commonest mode of HIV transmission in India is :
(1) Blood Transfusion
(2) Unsafe injection practices
(3) Heterosexual
(4) Mother to child
3. Zoonotic diseases include :
(1) Scrub typhus
(2) Zika virus disease
(3) Dengue fever
(4) Tuberculosis
4. Methods of water purification on large scale are all of the following except :
(1) Storage
(2) Filtration
(3) Boiling
(4) Disinfection
5. Sentinel surveillance is employed to :
(1) Establish natural history of disease
(2) Detect the total number of cases of a disease in a community
(3) Detect the missing/hidden cases in a community
(4) Plan intervention
6. Reverse Cold Chain is used for :
(1) Transporting out of expiry date oral Polio Vaccines from PHC to District Hospital
(2) Carrying stool samples of Polio Patients from PHC to Lab
(3) Transporting vaccine from centres to outreach sessions
(4) Shifting vaccines from ILR to deep freeze
7. The importance of secondary attack rate is that it reflects :
(1) Fatality
(2) Severity
(3) Communicability
(4) Morbidity
8. Daily requirements of iodine during pregnancy is :
(1) 100 μg
(2) 150 μg
(3) 200 μg
(4) 250 μg
9. Cold box is preferably installed at :
(1) PHC only
(2) State, Regional, District HQ as well as in PHC
(3) Private clinic
(4) Subcentre
10. Dietary sources of thiamine is highest in :
(1) Ground-nuts
(2) Wheat
(3) Gingelly seeds
(4) Rice Raw
11. Which of the following is an intervention study ?
(1) Ecological
(2) Field trial
(3) Case control
(4) Cross sectional
12. In demography family size means :
(1) Total number of persons in family
(2) Total number of daughters in the family
(3) Total number of children a woman has borne at a point in time
(4) Total number of children borne by a woman between age of 15 – 45 years
13. As per the ‘Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme’ the disease or condition not included under regular surveillance is :
(1) Typhoid
(2) Polio
(3) Road traffic accidents
(4) Hepatitis B
14. Who among the following introduced the concept of relationship of environment with human health ?
(1) Avicenna
(2) Galen
(3) Hippo Crates
(4) Paracelsus
15. Treatment of choice in a pregnant woman having Plasmodium Vivax infection is :
(1) Chloroquine
(2) Quinine
(3) Chloroquine and Primaquine
(4) Chloroquine and Pyrimethamine
16. In case of Live Vaccines the statement not true is :
(1) Produce a long and durable immunity
(2) Are more potent than killed vaccines
(3) Multiple doses are always required
(4) Organisms can multiply in the host
17. Which of the following countries is not a member of WHO SEARO region ?
(1) India
(2) Pakistan
(3) Bangladesh
(4) Bhutan
18. Under National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) the Mahila Arogya Samiti, a community based institution is to be created for :
(1) One for every 50 – 100 households
(2) One for every 200 households
(3) One for every 500 households
(4) One for every 1000 households
19. The following statements are correct about the newly introduced injectable contraceptive Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) in the National Family Welfare Program except :
(1) It is injected subcutaneously
(2) It contains 104 mg of Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate
(3) It is as effective as intramuscular
(4) It is given at 6 month interval
20. The ability of a test to identify correctly all those who have the disease is :
(1) Sensitivity
(2) Specificity
(3) Predictive accuracy
(4) Yield
21. What type of Nutritional assessment is done by an Anganwadi worker :
(1) Clinical examination
(2) Anthropometry
(3) Assessment of dietary intake
(4) Functional assessment
22. Bhore committee report was submitted in :
(1) 1940
(2) 1943
(3) 1946
(4) 1947
23. Which animal shows signs of encephalitis due to J.E. virus :
(1) Pig
(2) Horse
(3) Mosquito
(4) Cow
24. Decadal population growth (census 2011) is :
(1) 15.6%
(2) 16.6%
(3) 17.6%
(4) 18.6%
25. Introduction of complementary food should be started at :
(1) 3 months
(2) 4 months
(3) 6 months
(4) 9 months
26. Acculturation has been linked to all except :
(1) Linking other culture but not adopting it
(2) Cultural contact
(3) Diffusion of culture
(4) Cultural barrier pattern of people to be discussed through Radio, TV and Cinema
27. Feature of very severe disease in a child with acute respiratory infection is :
(1) Nasal flaring
(2) Chest indrawing
(3) Cyanosis
(4) Severe malnutrition
28. Requirement of folate per day during lactational period is :
(1) 200 μg
(2) 300 μg
(3) 400 μg
(4) 500 μg
29. Who advocated intake of fresh fruits and vegetables for prevention of Scurvy ?
(1) Edward Jenner
(2) Louis Pasteur
(3) John Hunter
(4) James Lind
30. Mass treatment approach has been successful in the control of the disease given below in India :
(1) Leprosy
(2) Malaria
(3) Trachoma
(4) Diabetes
31. Primary prevention includes :
(1) Specific Protection
(2) Early Diagnosis
(3) Disability Limitation
(4) Treatment
32. Leprosy elimination programme is best evaluated by :
(1) Ratio of disability as compared to new cases
(2) Ratio of multibacillary to paucibacillary cases
(3) Percentage of Lepromin positive in the newly detected cases
(4) Detection of new cases
33. Diseases with social stigma include all of the following EXCEPT :
(2) Leprosy
(3) Epilepsy
(4) Diabetes
34. Excipients in vaccines include :
(1) Toxoids
(2) Proteins
(3) Adjuvants
(4) Polysaccharides
35. Thrombocytopenia is reported adverse event for :
(1) Measles Vaccine
(2) Rubella Vaccine
(3) DPT Vaccine
(4) BCG
36. Vaccine derived polio viruses with evidence of person to person transmission are categorised as :
(1) W P Vs
(2) c V D P Vs
(3) i V D P Vs
(4) a V D P Vs
37. The period from disease initiation to disease detection is called as :
(1) Incubation period
(2) Serial interval
(3) Latent period
(4) Communicable period
38. G N P minus the capital we consume (e.g. equipment, machinery etc) is :
(1) N N P
(2) N N P at market price
(3) G N P at market price
(4) P P P
39. is :
(1) Odds ratio
(2) Relative risk
(3) Attributable risk
(4) Population attributable risk
40. The right ways of doing things in what is regarded as the less vital areas of human conduct is :
(1) Folk ways
(2) Mores
(3) Culture
(4) Acculturation
41. Chemoprophylaxis is indicated for malaria in all the following except :
(1) Pregnant women living in endemic areas
(2) Travellers from non endemic to endemic areas
(3) Soldiers operating in endemic areas
(4) All people living in endemic areas
42. The indicator used for measuring the lethality of an acute infections disease is :
(1) Attack rate
(2) Incidence rate
(3) Case fatality rate
(4) Age specific mortality rate
43. Major peaks of disease ‘X’ are observed every 10 years in an area. This trend is best described as :
(1) Periodic fluctuation
(2) Cyclic trend
(3) Secular trend
(4) Time clustering
44. The “unusual” occurrence in a community or region of a disease, specific health related behaviour (e. g. Smoking) or health related events (e. g. Traffic accidents) clearly in excess of “expected occurrence”, is called :
(1) Sporadic
(2) Endemic
(3) Epidemic
(4) Pandemic
45. Mission Indradhanush is related to :
(1) Immunisation
(2) Inclusion of disabled groups
(3) Antenatal Care
(4) Universal Health Coverage
46. Social problems include all of the following except :
(1) Sexually transmitted diseases
(2) Drug dependence
(3) Road traffic accidents
(4) Juvenile deliquency
47. A child fell unconscious two minutes after administration of a vaccine. Clinical feature indicating anaphylaxis might be :
(1) Bradycardia
(2) Shallow breathing
(3) Cold clammy skin
(4) Vomiting
48. Medicine to be used in acute bloody diarrhoea is :
(1) Neomycin
(2) Ciprofloxacin
(3) Mexaform
(4) Tetracycline
49. Blinding is important in :
(1) Case control study
(2) Trachoma study
(3) Randomised control trial
(4) Natural experiments
50. Identification of at risk individuals is best described as :
(1) Primordial prevention
(2) Health promotion
(3) Specific protection
(4) Early diagnosis and treatment
51. When patients with the disease are studied to learn the risk factors/cause of the disease, the study is :
(1) Cross sectional
(2) Ecological
(3) Case control
(4) Cohort
52. Epidemiology was defined as “the study of the distribution and determinants of health related states or events in specified population and the application of this study to the control of health problem” by :
(1) Winslow 1920
(2) Frost 1927
(3) Mac Mahon 1960
(4) John Last 1988
53. Impact of Health Services is reflected by following indicator :
(1) Tuberculosis treatment success rate
(2) Contraceptive prevalence rate
(3) Life expectancy at birth
(4) Antenatal care coverage
54. Chemicals added to killed or subunit vaccines in order to inactivate viruses, detoxify bacterial toxins and to prevent serious secondary infections as a result of bacterial or fungal contamination are called as :
(1) Adjuvant
(2) Preservatives
(3) Stabilizers
(4) Antibiotics
55. In epidemiological terminology the first case to come to the attention of the investigator is :
(1) Suspect case
(2) Primary case
(3) Index case
(4) Secondary case
56. Which of the following is not a global voluntary indicator of Non communicable diseases target under Sustainable Development goals :
(1) A 25% relative reduction is risk of premature mortality from CVD, Cancer, Diabetes or CRD
(2) A 10% relative reduction in prevalence of insufficient physical exercise
(3) A 10% relative reduction is the harmful use of alcohol
(4) A 10% relative reduction in mean population intake of salt
Directions for Q. No. 57 to 62 :
Given below are paired statements, statement A (Assertion) and statement R (Reason).
Select appropriate answer using code given below as follows :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.
57. (A) : The information system should be tailored according to the management needs of
individual health services.
(R) : Computers can play a great role in improving the health information system.
58. (A) : Early diagnosis and treatment of cases is considered the most effective strategy of TB control.
(R) : Each untreated sputum +ve case can infect 10-15 persons/year if untreated.
59. (A) : Unmet need for family planning is the KAP-gap between attitude and practice of
(R) : The unmet need for family planning is higher in the younger age group.
60. (A) : Nocturnal periodicity is seen for microfilaria in India.
(R) : Microfilaria in India are adapted to nocturnal biting habits of vector.
61. (A) : Prevalence of a disease is equal to the incidence multiplied by mean duration
P= I×D.
(R) : Prevalence of a disease is always more than the incidence.
62. (A) : Infant mortality rate is high in India.
(R) : Low birth weight is high in India.
Directions for Q. No. 63 to 69 :
Match List-I with List-II.
63. Match the different level of service delivery point and average population served :
64. Based on S R S (2014) and G O I (2011), Match the state and IMR :
65. Match List – I and List – II :
66. Antiviral treatment regimen for different age groups for H1N1 Influenza :
67. Contraindications to vaccine :
68. Match the stages of lathyrism and the corresponding condition in each stages :
70. Arrange chronological occurrence of changes in immunisation programme in country :
(1) Pulse polio immunisation, JE vaccine introduction, Hepatitis B Vaccine introduction, Pentavalent vaccine introduction
(2) Hepatitis B Vaccine introduction, JE vaccine introduction, Pulse polio immunisation, Pentavalent vaccine introduction
(3) Hepatitis B Vaccine introduction, Pentavalent vaccine introduction, Pulse polio immunisation, JE vaccine introduction
(4) Pulse polio immunisation, Hepatitis B Vaccine introduction, JE vaccine introduction, Pentavalent vaccine introduction
71. Arrange in chronological order :
(1) National Population Policy, National Health Policy, National Policy for Children, National Nutrition Policy
(2) National Policy for Children, National Health Policy, National Nutrition Policy, National Population Policy
(3) National Nutrition Policy, National Health Policy, National Population Policy, National Policy for Children
(4) National Policy for Children, National Population Policy, National Health Policy, National Nutrition Policy
72. Arrange in order of year of implementation :
(1) Special Nutrition Programme, ICDS, Mid Day Meal Programme, National Goitre Control Programme
(2) National Goitre Control Programme, Special Nutrition Programme, ICDS, Mid Day Meal Programme
(3) Mid Day Meal Programme, National Goitre Control Programme, Special Nutrition Programme, ICDS
(4) National Goitre Control Programme, Special Nutrition Programme, Mid Day Meal Programme, ICDS
73. Chronological evolution of Tuberculosis Control Activities is :
(1) End TB Strategy, Stop TB Strategy, Short Course Chemotherapy, DOTS Strategy
(2) Short Course Chemotherapy, Stop TB Strategy, DOTS Strategy, End TB Strategy
(3) Stop TB Strategy, Short Course Chemotherapy, DOTS Strategy, End TB Strategy
(4) Short Course Chemotherapy, DOTS Strategy, Stop TB Strategy, End TB Strategy
74. Arrange HIV sentinel surveillance sites according to number of sites, in increasing order :
(1) Antenatal sites, female sex worker sites, STD Sites, Intravenous drug user sites
(2) Intravenous drug user sites, STD Sites, female sex worker sites, antenatal sites
(3) STD Sites, Intravenous drug user sites, female sex worker sites, antenatal sites
(4) Female sex worker sites, STD Sites, Intravenous drug user sites, antenatal sites
75. HIV prevalence amongst different high risk groups in country in increasing order (HSS, 2014-15) is :
(1) Intravenous Drug Users (IDU), Transgenders (TG), Female Sex Workers (FSW), Men having sex with men (MSM)
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