Date : 03/11/2012 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Time : 9:00 – 12:00
Part – A
Answer all the questions: (10 x 2 = 20)
- Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of d4, high and low spin octahedral system.
- Why does metal with d8configuration readily form square planar complexes?
- Is MnCr2O4 likely to have a normal or inverse spinel structure?
- What is the electronic configuration of [Mn(NCS)6]4- if the magnetic moment of complex is 6.06 Bohr magneton.
- Why is the stretching frequency of C—O high for terminal carbonyls compared to bridging metal carbonyls?
- Why does electronic spectra of [Ni(en)3]2+ show three absorption bands?
- Why the electron transfer reaction is slow between the complexes of [Fe(CN)6]4- and [Co(NH3)6]3+?
- What is Nephelauxetic effect?
- What is Wilkinson catalyst? Which type of reaction is easily activated by this catalyst?
- What are the main functions of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?
Part – B
Answer any eight questions: (8 x 5 = 40)
- Explain the d orbital splitting of octahedral complexes using crystal field theory.
- Write a brief note on static and dynamic JahnTeller effect.
- What are the evidences supporting Crystal field theory? Explain with examples.
- Which dn configurations show quenching of orbital angular momentum if it forms octahedral, high and low spin complexes?
- Derive the ground term of d4 and d5.
- Discuss the associative and dissociative mechanisms of substitution reactions in metal complexes.
- Describe the mechanistic pathway of hydroformylation of alkene using catalyst.
- How is optical rotatory dispersion study useful to determine the absolute configuration of chiral complexes?
- What is trans effect? How is this effect helpful in synthesizing steroisomers?
- What are supramolecular assemblies? Describe any one method to assemble such a system.
- Explain photoaquation and photoisomerisation reactions with examples.
- Briefly explain the role of metal ion in the hydrolytic breakdown of protein by carboxy peptidase.
Part – C
Answer any four questions: (4 x 10 = 40)
- Explain with the help of MOT why Cl– acts as a weak ligand whereas
CN– acts as a strong ligand in octahedral transition metal complexes.
- How is Orgel diagram helpful in explaining the electronic spectrum of d1-9, high spin octahedral and tetrahedral complexes.
- Discuss in detail the mechanisms of outer and inner sphere electron transfer in metal
- a) Explain the synergic effect of metal-ligand bonding in metal carbonyls.
- b) Explain the variations in the stretching frequency of the isoelectronic species, Cr(CO)6, [V(CO)6]– and [Mn(CO)6]+.
- Discuss the bonding in ferrocene on the basis of molecular orbital energy level diagram.
- Discuss the essential structure of haemoglobin and explain its cooperativity in its oxygenation.
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