Amrita Medical (UG) Special Instructions For 2014

Amrita Medical (UG) Special Instructions For 2014 Students :-

i. Candidates will be allowed to enter the examination hall 30 minutes before commencement of  the examination.
ii. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the  examination hall after 30 minutes from the  commencement of the examination .
iii. Candidates will not be permitted to leave the  examination hall till the scheduled end of the  examination.
iv. Candidates should leave answer sheet as well as  the question booklet on the desk before leaving  the examination hall. If the question booklet  is not returned, the answer sheet will not be  evaluated.
v. Candidates must bring their own pen, HB pencil,  sharpener and eraser.
vi. Candidates are not allowed to bring any books,  notes, mobile phone, paging device, slide rules,  clark table, calculator, laptop or any other  electronic gadgets to the examination hall.
vii. Candidates are not allowed to have any  conversation or gesticulation or disturbance in  the exam hall. Such acts of behaviour could lead  to the candidate being debarred and will be sent  out of the examination hall.
viii. During the examination, the invigilator will check  the Admit cards to satisfy the identity of the  candidate and in his/her presence .

a) Wherever specifically instructed candidates  should Sign in and affix his/her thumb  impression in the Room wise attendance  sheet.

ix. Candidates must make their own arrangements  of stay for the purpose of Entrance Examination.  If candidate lives far away from the Exam Centre  he/she is advised to reach the city on the previous  day.

AMRITA (UG) 2014 Updates For Medical Entrance

AMRITA medical entrance 2014 updates for under graduate students are mentioned below :-

Amrita Medical (UG) Hall Ticket For 2014

Hall Tickets will be issued to every eligible candidate  who is required to write the Entrance examination  and will be published at website two weeks prior to  the date of entrance examination.

a) Candidates may access their Hall Ticket by giving  their Application number, Center, date of birth  and take a colour printout which will be a valid  Hall Ticket.
b) There will be no hall tickets where the process  of selection is personal Interview. Instruction sheets provided along with the Application
Form will indicate the process of interview and  candidates must follow the same.

Amrita Medical (UG) 2014 Important Dates

Important dates for AMRITA Medical UG 2014 entrance examination :

Commencement of application : 5 March 2014
Last date of receipt of application : 25 April 2014
Date of examination :   18 May 2014

Related Links  :

Amrita Medical (UG) 2014  Home

Amrita Medical (UG) 2014 Eligibility

Amrita Medical (UG) 2014 Exam Centre





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