Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
PART- A (10×2=20)
Answer ALL the questions.
- Write the role of phosphorous and potassium in the healthy growth of plants.
- Give the structure and uses methoxychlor.
- Differentiate between scale and sludge.
- How will you prepare saccharin?
- What is break point chlorination?
- Define octane number.
- How is coal classified on basis of its rank?
- What are the advantages of gaseous fuels over other forms of fuel?
- What are primary and secondary air pollutants? Give examples.
- What are the causes of radioactive pollution?
PART- B (8×5=40)
Answer any EIGHT questions
- a) Explain the disadvantages of hard water in industries.
- b) Discuss any two methods for the prevention of scale formation.
- Write a note on ion exchange resins with examples. How are ion exchange resins regenerated in
demineralisation process?
- Describe continuous hot lime soda process of water softening.
- Explain the manufacture of the following.
- a) Ammonium sulphate b) Urea
- Briefly describe the role of micronutrients and their functions in plants.
- How will you prepare aldrin? Give its important uses.
- Explain the manufacture of paper with the help of a flow chart.
- What is cracking? Write the advantages of catalytic cracking over thermal cracking?
- Describe a method to determine chemical oxygen demand of waste water.
- a) What are greenhouse gases? Discuss their contribution to global warming. (3)
- b) Write a method for the treatment of cyanide poisoning. (2)
- Write short notes on
- a) Anti-knocking agents b) Biogas (2+3)
- Write the composition and uses of any five fractions obtain by the distillation of crude
Answer any FOUR questions. (4×10=40)
- Explain zeolite process for the removal of hardness of water. Give any two advantage and
disadvantages of this process. (6+4)
- a) Discuss the various steps involved in the glass manufacture. (8)
- b) Give the composition of common glass. (2)
- a) Explain how sterilization of water is carried out by chlorination. Give its advantage and
disadvantages. (6)
- b) Describe the merits and demerits of using urea as fertilizer. (4)
- a)Define calorific value of a fuel. (2)
- b) Explain the construction and working of bomb calorimeter with a neat labelled
diagram. (3+3+2)
- a) What is natural gas? Name the different types of natural gas. Give the uses. (6)
- b) Write a note on acid rain. (4)
- a) Explain the biochemical effects of
(1) Carbon monoxide (2) Ozone (3) Lead (2+2+2)
- List any four water quality parameters and indicate the permissible limits for the significant
parameters. (4)