Loyola College B.Sc. Zoology April 2003 Environmental Biology Question Paper PDF Download



fourth SEMESTER  – APRIL 2003

ZO 4501/ ZOO 507 environmental  biology    


9.00 – 12.00                                                                                        Max : 100 Marks



SECTION A                                (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)

  1. Answer ALL the following questions.


  1. Distinguish phototaxis from photokinesis.
  2. What is Division of Labour? Give an example.
  3. Define the term Ecological niche with an example.
  4. What is Ecotone?
  5. Distinguish holoplankton from meroplankton.
  6. What is biological magnification?
  7. What is synergism? Give an example
  8. What is global warming?
  9. What is Pedology?
  10. What is Cyclomorphosis?


SECTION b                                 (4 ´ 10 = 40 Marks)

answer any four of the following.

  1. Give an account of biological effects of temperature.
  2. What are ecological pyramids? Describe the different pyramids.
  3. Explain the biological attributes of animal population.
  4. Describe the nitrogen cycle with a flow chart.
  5. Give an account of sanctuaries and national parks of India.
  6. a) What is Chronobiology? Explain
  7. What is food chain? Describe


SECTION C                                 (2 ´ 20 = 40 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following.


  1. What is Interspecific Relationship? Classify them with suitable examples.
  2. Describe components of an ecosystem with pond as an example.
  3. What are pollutants? Explain in detail air pollution and its effects on biota.
  4. Give an account of adaptations of rocky shore fauna.


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