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BITSAT is a computer based online test. ‘Computer Based Online test’ means the candidate sits in front of a computer and the questions are presented on the computer monitor and the candidate answers the questions on the computer through the use of keyboard or mouse. Each computer is connected to a server, which prepares the question set and delivers it to the candidate on the computer. This is unlike the traditional paper-pencil based test, which is generally offered on a single day to all candidates.
BITSAT-2015 will be offered over a period of time and the candidate can choose the Center, the Day and Time of his/her convenience to take the test, as described in the later sections.
BITSAT score report: At the completion of the test, the computer will announce the result to the candidate in terms of number of total correct answers and wrong answers, with the score. The candidate can also check and print his score report at the BITS website after all the tests are completed. No student will be allowed to repeat the test in the same year.