OUAT Fee Structure

A. OUAT Admission Fees (One Time Fee)

(All figures in INR)

 Registration fees 200
 Recognition Fee 100
 Identity Card 100
 Library Caution Money 500
 Laboratory Caution Money 1,000
 Cultural Fee 600
 Fee for sports including yoga 600
 Provisional Degree Certificate 200
 Consolidated Semester Transcript 300
 Migration Certificate 200

Development Fees

(i) B.Sc.(Hons.)Agriculture/B.Sc.(Hons.)Horticulture/B.Sc.(Hons.)Forestry/B.F.Sc./B.Tech.(Agril.Engg.)
(Development Fee Rs.24,000/-+Internet/ Comp. Lab Fee Rs.6,000/-)
(ii) B.V.Sc. & A.H. (Development Fee Rs.34,500/-+Internet / Comp. Lab Fee Rs.7,500/-) 42,000.00
(iii) B.Sc.(Hons.) Community Science
(Development FeeRs. 4,000/-)+Computer Lab & Internet Fees (6,000/-)

Group Insurance

i) Four year course 204.00
ii) Five year course 240.00
Orientation programme 200.00

B. Registration Fees


(a) Admission fees 500.00
(b) (i) Tuition Fees
B.F. Sc/B.Tech(Agril.Engg.)
ii) B. Sc.(Hons.) Community Science 700.00
(c) Medical Fee 200.00
(d) Examination Fees 1,200.00

2. ANNUAL FEES (only for B.V.Sc & AH)

(a) Admission fees 500.00
(b) Tuition fees 14000.00
(c) Medical Fee 400.00
(d) Examination Fees 1,200.00


i) SEAT RENT (Per Semester per Boarder)
Single Seated Room 1000.00
Double Seated Room 850.00
Three or Four Seated Room 700.00
More than Four Seated Room 500.00
ii) Electricity deposit (Per Semester)
(Actual to be collected at the time of next Registration)
iii) Water Charges (Per Semester) 200.00
iv) Hostel Common Room (Per Semester) 300.00
v) Hostel Development Fund (Per Semester) 800.00
vi) Hostel Establishment (Annual) 6000.00
vii) Hostel Caution Money (once at the time of admission) 500.00
Mess advance (per semester)
(Actual expenditure will be squared up at the time of registration into next semester)

Mess advance (per semester):

(i) The students desirous of continuing stay in different hostels of OUAT are required to pay an advance amount of Rs. 12,000/-(Rupees twelve thousand)only with Hostel Superintendent as mess advance which will be calculated at the end of each Semester by the concerned Hostel Superintendent and will be communicated to the respective Deans/Directors/Associate Deans and will be adjusted at the time of registration into the next semester in the respective Colleges.

(ii) The Hostel fees are to be deposited in respective colleges and the mess advance in respective hostel.


Athletics Branch 200.00
Literary Branch 200.00
Dramatic Club 200.00
Students’ Aid Fund 100.00
College Commemoration 200.00
Students Union Fees 200.00
Placement Cell 500.00
Red Cross 50.00
N.C.C. 5.00
N.S.S. 10.00
Y.R.C. 10.00


Candidates seeking admission on cost sharing Basis or under NRI/Foreign Quota shall pay the following Course Fee in addition to the normal fees.

A B. Sc.(Hons.)Agriculture/
B. Sc.(Hons.)
B. Sc.(Hons.)Forestry/
B.Tech. (Ag. Engg.)
per student per year
per student per year
B B. V. Sc. & A.H. Rs.85,000/-
per student per year
per student per year.


Below mentioned fees are subject to change as may be decided by the Academic Council and the current fees are applicable to all the students irrespective of their year of admission. These fees need to be paid when notified.

Duplicate Transcript / Provisional 500.00
Duplicate Identity Card 100.00
Duplicate Migration Certificate 500.00
Condonation Fee for shortage of attendance in a semester per subject 500.00
Semester Report/Grade Sheet 50.00
Transfer Certificate 100.00
Duplicate Transfer Certificate 200.00
Conduct Certificate 100.00
Duplicate Conduct Certificate 200.00
Equivalent Mark Sheet 50.00
Degree Certificate 500.00
Duplicate Degree Certificate 1,000.00
Degree Certificate preservation charges (Per year) 200.00
Degree Certificate preservation charges (Maximum) 1000.00
U.G. Regulation 100.00
U.G. Courses of Studies. 100.00
Charges for sending Documents /Certificate by Regd. Post 100.00
Make up Examination Fees(per subject) 500.00
Late Registration fees up to seven working days 500.00


A candidate once admitted to a course desires to discontinue or on the event of cancellation of Admission, shall not be refunded any fees except caution money only. In case a student is promoted to next Semester on Scholastic Probation but becomes unsuccessful in Special Examination, the entire fees deposited for admission into the higher Semester shall be refunded on his I her application.

OUAT Eligibility for Admission

Eligibility for B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture

Minimum Qualification: +2 Science with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate including extra optional. (for SC/ST/PH candidates is 40%)

Subjects in +2 Science: P.C.M. or P.C.B.

Age: The candidate must complete 17 years of age by 31.12.2017
(Born on or before 31.12.2000).

Eligibility for B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry

Minimum Qualification: +2 Science with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate including extra optional. (for SC/ST/PH candidates is 40%)

Subjects in +2 Science: P.C.M. or P.C.B.

Age: The candidate must complete 17 years of age by 31.12.2017
(Born on or before 31.12.2000).

Eligibility for B.Sc.(Hons.) Horticulture

Minimum Qualification: +2 Science with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate including extra optional. (for SC/ST/PH candidates is 40%)

Subjects in +2 Science: P.C.M. or P.C.B.

Age: The candidate must complete 17 years of age by 31.12.2017
(Born on or before 31.12.2000).

Eligibility for B.V.Sc. & A.H.

Minimum Qualification: +2 Science with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate including extra optional. (for SC/ST/PH candidates is 40%)

Subjects in +2 Science:P.C.B.

Age: The candidate must complete 17 years of age by 31.12.2017
(Born on or before 31.12.2000).

Eligibility for B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.)

Minimum Qualification: +2 Science with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate including extra optional. (for SC/ST/PH candidates is 40%)

Subjects in +2 Science:P.C.M.

Age: The candidate must complete 17 years of age by 31.12.2017
(Born on or before 31.12.2000).

Eligibility for B.F.Sc

Minimum Qualification: +2 Science with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate including extra optional. (for SC/ST/PH candidates is 40%)

Subjects in +2 Science:P.C.B.

Age: The candidate must complete 17 years of age by 31.12.2017
(Born on or before 31.12.2000).

Eligibility for B.Sc. (Hons.)Community Science

Minimum Qualification: +2 Science with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate including extra optional. (for SC/ST/PH candidates is 40%)

Subjects in +2 Science: P.C.M. or P.C.B.

Age: The candidate must complete 17 years of age by 31.12.2017
(Born on or before 31.12.2000).

Note: Students admitted into B.Sc.(Hons.)Agriculture/B.Sc.(Hons.)Horticulture/B.Sc.(Hons.) Forestry/B.Sc (Hons.)Community Science without having Mathematics or Biology at the +2 level will have to make up their deficiency by taking pre-requisite courses in  the subject (Mathematics/Biology) to be offered during the first two semesters.

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