Loyola College U.G. English Nov 2006 Literary Appreciation – I Question Paper PDF Download


AP 02



(Also equivalent to GEL 051/ EL 1072)



Date & Time : 27-10-2006/1.00-4.00           Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer any 10 of the following in about 75 words each (10×3= 30 marks)

  1. What is the usual misconception about love?
  2. Why are Romeo and Juliet bothered about their names?
  3. Who does the little boy symbolize  in “The Selfish Giant?”
  4. Why are the adults averse towards the snow?
  5. Why are the Maine woods referred to as virgin forests?
  6. What argument does the hermit use to dissuade the king from killing the deer?
  7. Give two reasons why the author wants a wife.
  8. Why does Nora insist that she has never been understood?
  9. Why is the daughter referred to as the docile cow in the poem “I Ask…Why?
  10. What does W.H.Auden signify by saying the “the death of the poet was kept from his poems?”
  11. Bring out the symbolic significance of the glass menagerie in the play.
  12. What lessons for life did A.P.J.Kalam learn from his parents?
  13. Why does George Orwell regard sports as an “unfailing cause of ill-will?”
  14. What doe the author mean by seeing off the shine?
  15. Why is Brady reluctant to fight against Jack?




Answer any 4 of the following  in about 200 to 250 words each      (4×10=40 marks)

  1. What according to Scott Peck is the distinction between falling in love and true love?
  2. Discuss the divine quality of nature as portrayed by Thoreau and Kalidasa.
  3. Critically examine Nora’s discussion with Helmer as a plea for women’s liberation.
  4. Examine Swami and Friends as a humorous account on the importance of sports for young people.
  5. How important are the early influences and experiences critical in shaping one’s future according to Dr. Kalam’s life story?











[EL 1051         Sub: Literary Appreciation]


  1. To love is to give. Show how the little child transforms the giant’s life through his act of love.



Answer any TWO of the following in about 300 to 400 words each.(2x 15=30 marks)

  1. Write a note on the different kinds of love that have nourished your life.
  2. If Chennai city is a concrete jungle what kind of relief does the sea and the beach bring to our lives?
  3. Women are an integral part of men’s lives as mothers, sisters, wives and daughters. What kind of changes are necessary to make this world a safer and happier place for them?
  4. Dr. Kalam has always lavished praise on his teachers for having touched and shaped his life. Can you think of any teacher who has been a  positive influence on you?
  5. Do you think big sporting events like the World Football Cup, Olympics, Cricket etc play a role in promoting world peace?


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