Exam Rules and Regulations for Candidates :-
1. Candidates should report at the exam venue latest by 07.30 am. Entry to examination hall closes at 09:30 AM.
2. No entry will be permitted beyond 09:30 AM under any circumstances. This is to facilitate completing all the formalities including Biometrics and Photo capture.
3. Exam starts at 10:00 AM. Candidate will not be permitted to leave the exam hall before 12:30 PM (i.e. time of close of examination)
4. Carry only Hall Ticket inside the hall. No candidate will be allowed to take the examination without producing the valid Hall Ticket.
5. The Mode of Examination is On-line based Distributed Object System Examination consisting of 200 single best response types multiple choice questions. Test Administration on 08-06-2014 (Sunday).
6. Biometric authentication through digital device and hard copy of signature and fingerprint in attendance sheet will be taken. Cooperation of the candidate is solicited.
7. Do not bring any other papers except Hall Ticket. Do not bring cellular phones, calculators, watch calculators, alarm clocks, digital watches with built-in-calculators / memory, ear Phones. (No arrangements will be made by the duty staff for safe keeping and returning the above gadgets if brought).
8. In case any candidate is caught or found to use any means of techno copying he / she shall be liable to be punished by the competent authority.
9. Use of unfair means /impersonation will lead to summary cancellation of selection / admission.
10. JIPMER reserves the right to reschedule the date / time of the Examination, depending upon local conditions.
General Instructions:-
(i) JIPMER 2014 Instruction For Entrance Examination : Biometric finger print and image capture will be done for every candidate on the day of Examination inside the examination hall by the authorized personnel.
(ii) Candidates taking the Entrance Examination will be subjected to thorough frisking before being allowed into the hall at the stipulated time.
(iii) The candidate must show, on demand, the Hall Ticket for admission in the Examination Hall. A candidate who does not possess the Hall Ticket issued by the JIPMER shall not be admitted to the Examination Hall under any circumstances by the Center Superintendent.
(iv) During the examination time, the invigilator will check Hall Ticket of the candidates to satisfy himself/herself about the identity of each candidate.
(v) The examination will be a Computer Based Test (CBT) / online. Check the seating plan and Identify the Room / Lab allotted as per your Hall Ticket number.
(vi) Candidates are not allowed to carry any text material, printed or written, bits of papers, envelope or any other material except the Hall Ticket inside the Examination Hall.
(vii) Pens, Calculators, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Geometry Box, Electronic Digital Watches with facilities of calculators, cellular phones, pagers or any other electronic gadget are not allowed inside the Examination Hall.
(viii) Carry only the Hall Ticket inside the hall.
(ix) No candidate, without the special permission of the Center Superintendent or the Invigilator concerned, will leave his/her seat or the Examination Room until the final bell is rung.
(x) Smoking in the Examination Hall during examination hours is strictly prohibited.
(xi) Tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks are not allowed to be taken by the candidates into the Examination Halls during examination hours.
(xii) The Test will start exactly at the time mentioned in the Hall Ticket and an announcement to this effect will be made by the invigilator.
(xiii) A bell will be rung at the beginning of the examination and at the closing time.
(xiv) The candidate must sign in the Attendance Sheet at the appropriate place and affix the Left Index Finger impression against the appropriate column of the Attendance Sheet. Failure to comply to this requirement will lead to the annulling of his candidature without any prior intimation.
(xv) For those who are unable to appear on the scheduled date of examination for any reason, re-examination shall not be held by the JIPMER under any circumstances.
JIPMER UG 2014 Model Papers (10 Sets)
JIPMER Sample Paper(FREE for registered users)
Related Links JIPMER 2014 :-
- How to Apply for JIPMER 2014
- JIPMER 2014 Important Dates
- JIPMER 2014 Eligibility
- JIPMER 2014 Syllabus
- JIPMER 2014 Exam Centre
- JIPMER 2014 Updates