Loyola College M.Com Nov 2012 Advanced Business Statistics Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 01/11/2012            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Section: A

Answer all the questions:                                                                    10 x 2 =20


  • A man travels 20kms at 40kms per hour, 10 kms at 60kms per hour, what is his average speed?
  • State whether the following statements are True or False:
  1. a) The positively skewed distribution of the value of mode is greater than the mean.
  2. b) The median is a positional measure of central tendency.
  • Fill in the blank: When the mean is 79 and variance is 64, CV——————?
  • What is Skewness?
  • Distinguish between Positive and Negative Correlation.
  • What is Time Series?
  • Two cards are drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. Find the probability that they are both aces, if the first card is not replaced.
  • What is meant by theoretical frequency distribution?
  • What are Type I and Type II errors in testing hypothesis?
  • What are non parametric tests?

Section: B

Answer any five questions:                                                                 5 x 8 = 40


  • Distinguish between process control and product control. State the utilities of Statistical Quality Control.
  • Explain the procedure followed in testing a hypothesis.
  • Discuss the utilities of time series analysis to a businessman and to an economist.
  • Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness from the following data:
Marks 15 20 25 30 35 40
No of students 12 18 25 24 20 21


  • You are given below the following information about advertisement expenditure and Sales:
Particulars Advertisement Expenditure (X) Sales (Y)
Mean `20 crores. `120 crores.
S.D `5 crores. `25 crores.

Correlation coefficient 0.8

Calculate the two regression equations.

Find the likely sales when advertisement expenditure is `25crores.

What should be the advertisement budget if the company wants to attain sales target of `150crores.

  • The following table shows the number of customers returning the products in a marketing territory. Fit a Poisson Distribution.
Number of Returns 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of Stores 4 14 23 23 18 9 9


  • The following contingency table shows that classification of 1000 workers in a factory, according to the disciplinary action taken by the management and their promotional experience:
Disciplinary Action Promotional Experience Total
Promoted Not Promoted
Offenders 30 670 700
Non offenders 70 230 300
Total            100 900 1000

Use Chi-Square test to ascertain whether the disciplinary action taken and promotional experience are associated.


  • A) A company has been producing steel tubes of mean inner diameter of 2cm. A sample of 10 tubes gives an inner diameter of 2.01 cm and a variance of 0.004cm. Is the difference in the value of mean significant? The value of t for 9 df at 5% level = 2.262.


  1. B) A sample of 900 items has a mean 3.4 and a standard deviation 2.61. Can the sample be regarded as drawn from a population with a mean 3.25 at 5% level of significance?







Section: C

Answer any two questions:                                                                2 x 20 = 40


  • The sales of a company for the last eight years are given below:
Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Sales ( ` in thousands) 52 45 98 92 110 185 175 220

Fit a straight line trend by the method of least squares and estimate the sales for 2013.


  • The following data represent the number of units of production per day  by 5 different workers using 4 different types of machines:
1 44 38 47 36
2 46 40 52 43
3 34 36 44 32
4 43 38 46 33
5 38 42 49 39

Construct a Two Way ANOVA by coding method of subtracting each value by 40 to test whether the mean productivity is the same for the different machine type and to test whether the five men differ with respect to mean productivity.


  • A company’s trainees are randomly assigned to groups which are taught a certain industrial inspection procedure by three different methods. At the end of the instructing period they are tested for inspection performance quality. The following are their scores.
Method Scores
A 70 73 69 75 80 58
B 72 74 50 62 76 57 81
C 83 55 67 68      78


Use the Kruskal-Wallis Test to determine at the 0.05 level of significance whether the three methods are equally effective.



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Loyola College M.Com Nov 2012 Accounting & Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 16/11/2012            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer ALL questions:

Each carries a maximum of 2marks.                                                                       (10×2=20)



  1. State the rules forjournalizing under the double entry book keeping system
  2. What is P/V ratio?
  3. Sales: Rs. 1,25,000,

Cost of Sales Rs.75,000,

Direct expenses: Rs.22,000,

Calculate Gross profit ratio?

  1. State the meaning of ‘Cash flow from financing activities’
  2. What is Profitability Index?
  3. Current ratio:1.8:1

Current liabilities are Rs.1, 25.000.

What is the value of Current assets?

  1. Sales: Rs.3, 75,000. Gross profit: Rs. 93,750. Administrative, Selling & distribution expenses

Rs.23, 750. What is Net profit ratio?

  1. Choose the correct answer:

While preparing Cash flow statement, decrease in the amount of Creditors result in

  1. a) Increase in Cash, b) decrease in cash, c) no change in cash
  2. How do you adjust depreciation in P&L a/c and in Balance sheet?
  3. What is sales budget?



Answer ANY FIVE questions:

Each carries a maximum of 8 marks.                                                                        (5×8=40)


  1. Explain the important accounting concepts and conventions
  2. Explain the advantages and limitations of Ratio analysis
  3. Explain the method of calculation for any four accounting ratios based on balance sheet
  4. Classify the following transactions as
  5. a) Cash flow from operating activities,
  6. b) Cash flow from investing activities,
  7. c) cash flow from the Financial activities:
  8. Issue of debentures,
  9. Payment of interest
  10. Sale of building,
  11. Cash sales,
  12. Receipt of dividend,
  13. Payment of tax,
  14. Cash received from debtors,

8, Rent paid


  1. You are Given the following Accounting ratios:

Current Ratio     = 2.8

Acid Test Ratio = 1.5

Net Working Capital = Rs. 1, 62,000

Using the above data you are required to findout:

  • Current Assets
  • Current Liabilities
  • Liquid Assets
  • Stock


  1. From the following Balance Sheets as on 31st December, prepare Cash Flow Statement as per AS3:

Balance Sheets

  2010 2009   2010 2009
Liabilities Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs.
Share Capital 1,50,000 1,00,000 Fixed Assets 1,50,000 1,00,000
Profit & Loss A/c 80,000 50,000 Goodwill 40,000 50,000
General Reserve 40,000 30,000 Stock 80,000 30,000
6% Debentures 60,000 50,000 Debtors 80,000 50,000
Creditors 40,000 30,000 Bills Receivable 20,000 30,000
Outstanding exp. 15,000 10,000 Bank 15,000 10,000
3,85,000 2,70,000   3,85,000 2,70,000


  1. Explain:

a)Payback period

b)Net present Value method,

c)IRR method

d)ARR method

  1. From the following accounting information relating to Maze Ltd, you are required to calculate Net Present Value of the two project proposals. Advise which project is to be selected?

 Project Kathipera                Project Valsara



Initial Investment                     Rs.20,00,000                        Rs. 30,00.000

Estimated life                             5 years                                5 years




The profits for the five years are as follows:

Year               Project Kathipera(Rs)  Project Valsara (Rs)     P.V. factor @ 10%

1                            10,00,000                     14,00,000                      0.909

2                              6,00,000                    14 ,00,000                      0.826

3                              4,00,000                       5,00,000                      0.751

  •      5,00,000                       5,00,000                      683

5                              5,00,000                       2,00,000                      0.621



Answer ANY TWO questions:

Each carries a maximum of 20 marks.                                                                   (2×20=40)


19 . Trial Balance of ThiruRenu as on 31st march 2011 is furnished below. You are required to prepare an Income statement and a Balance sheet as on 31.03.11.


Land & Buildings              42,000             Capital                         62,000

Machinery                         20,000             Sales                            98,780

Patents                                7,500             Return outwards              500

Stock (opening)                   5,760              Creditors                      6,300

Debtors                             14,500              Bills Payable                9,000

Purchases                          40,675

Cash                                       540

Bank                                    2,630

Return Inwards                      680

Wages                                 8,480

Fuel & power                      4.730

Carriage outwards               3,200

Carriage inwards                 2,040

Salaries                             15,000

Insurance                               600

General expenses               3,000

Drawings by Renu             5,245

________                                   __________

1, 76,580                                      1, 76,580

—————-                              ——————


  1. Closing stock Rs.6800
  2. Salary outstanding Rs.1,500
  3. Insurance prepaid Rs.150
  4. Depreciate machinery @10% and Patents @ 20%
  5. Create provision of 2% on debtors for bad & doubtful debts






20.The Hosur plant of Jane Ventures is running at present, at 50% of its capacity.

The following cost details are available.

Cost of product per unit

Direct Materials                                           Rs. 2

Direct Labour                                               Rs. 1

Variable Overhead                                       Rs. 3

Fixed Overhead                                            Rs. 2

Total cost                                                                   Rs. 8

Production per month                                   20,000 units

Total cost of production                               Rs. 1,60,000

Sales                                                              Rs. 1,40,000

Loss :                                                                           Rs     20,000

An exporter offers to buy 5,000 units per month at the rate of Rs. 6.50 per unit.

You are required to advice whether the Firm should accept or decline this offer.



  1. From the following forecasts of income and expenditure of Swastik Ltd, You are required to prepare a cash budget for the three months commencing 1st June, when the bank balance was Rs. 1,00,000.

Sales     Purchases        Wages           Factory      Admin.and Selling

                                                                                      Expenses             Expenses

                                    Rs.               Rs.             Rs.              Rs.                Rs.

April                     80,000         41,000         5,600          3,900           10,000

May                      76,500         40,500         5,400          4,200          14,000

June                      78,500         38,500         5,400          5,100          15,000

July                      90,000         37,000         4,800          5,100           17,000

August                 95,000         35,000         4,700          6,000           13,000


A sales commission of 5 per cent on sales is payable two months after each month’s sales, in addition to selling expenses. Plant valued at Rs. 65,000 will be purchased and paid for in August, and the dividend of Rs. 15,000 will be paid in July. There is a two month credit period allowed to customers and also two months credit period received from suppliers.


  1. The Electric appliances division of Sumo Ltd attains sales Rs.6,00,000 at 80% of its capacity. Given below are the administrative, selling and distribution costs:
  2. Administrative costs:Office Salaries 90,000; General expenses 2% of Sales; depreciation 7,500; Rent 8750;
  3. Selling Costs: Salaries 48,000; Travelling 12,000; sales commission 1% on sales; general sales expenses 6,000.
  4. Distribution costs: Salaries 15,000; Rent 1% of sales; other expenses 4% of sales

Draw up a flexible budget for Administrative, selling and distribution budget at 80%, 90% and 100% capacity.



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Loyola College M.C.A. Computer Application Nov 2008 Accounting & Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download


QB 27


THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 14-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS                                                                                   (10 X 2 =20)

1.What is meant by convention of conservatism ?

  1. Distinguish between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure ?
  2. What is meant by accounting ratio ?
  3. Define financial management ?



  1. If 60 units of a product cost Rs.1800 and 40 units cost Rs 1200 the variable cost per

unit is ___________?

  1. a) Rs.40 b) Rs.10           c) Rs.30           d) Rs.20
  2. If 20 units of a product costs, Rs.2500 and 50 units costs Rs.3400 to produce, the

linear cost function is :

  1. a) 50x +3900 b)30x +1900    c) 20x +5000   d) 10x +900
  2. a) Which of the following is correct ?
  3. a) Assets = Liabilities – Capital          b) Assets = Capital – Liabilities
  4. c) Assets = Liability + Capital
  5. b) The ideal current ratio is :
  6. i) 4:1 ii) 3:1   iii) 2:1  iv) 1:1



8.a) The appropriate objective of an enterprise is the maximization of owner’s wealth.

  1. b) Withdrawal of money by the owner is an expenses for the business.
  2. a) P/E indicates the number of times the EPS is covered by its market price.
  3. b) The gain from sale of capital assets is an operating income.
  4. a) Sales budget is a functional budget.
  5. b) Low inventory turnover ratio indicates brisk sales.




ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS                                                                                             (5 X 8 = 40)


  1. What is book – keeping ? Explain the fundamental accounting concepts and


  1. Define the term Ratio. Explain the advantages and limitations of ratio analysis.
  2. Enumerate the objectives of financial management.



  1. Write up a Three – Column Cash Book

2004 Sep .  1 Cash in hand                                                                    3000

Cash at bank                                                                    200

4  Received a cheque  from Mr.Daniel                               185

Allowed him discount                                                     15

4 Deposit in to the bank                                                              500

5  Purchased furniture  for cash                                                1700

9 Given a cheque  to Mr.Knocks                                              1280

Received discount                                                                     40

18 Received a by cheque  from Mr.Bull                                   4000

19 Paid sundry expenses in cash                                                  30

23 Paid to Sri John in cash Rs.190, Received discount               10

24 Withdrew from bank for office cash                                     100



  1. The comparative Balance Sheet of M/s.RAGHU brothers for the two years

were as  follows :

Liabilities                  2004            2005      Assets                2004             2005

Rs.               Rs.                                   Rs.                 Rs.

Capital                       1,50,000  1,75,000    Building            1,10,000     1,50,000

Loan from Bank         1,60,000  1,00,000    Machinery         2,00,000    1,80,000

Creditors                        90,000  1,00,000    Stock                    50,000       45,000

Bills payable                 50,000     40,000    Debtors                70,000       80,000

Loan from S.B.I                __        65,000    Cash                     20,000      25,000

————————-                           ————————–                                                                             4,50,000    4,80,000                              4,50,000     4,80,000

————————–                           ————————-

Additional Information  :

1.Net profit for the year 2005 amounted to Rs .60,000.

2.During the year a machine whose book value  Rs.15,000  was sold for


You are required to  Prepare a Cash Flow Statement.


  1. From the following information calculate the net present  value of the two

projects and suggest which of the two projects should be selected assuming a

discount rate of  10 %:

Project  X               Project  Y

Initial investment                    Rs.20,000                    Rs.30,000

Estimated life                             5 years                         5 years

Scrap value                              Rs.1000                       Rs.2000

The profit before depreciation and after tax is as follows:

Years               1                      2                      3                      4               5

Project  X        5,000        10,000               10,000            3,000           2,000

Project  Y        20,000      10,000                 5,000            3,000           2,000

P.V  factor  @ 10%  .909      .826               .751                .683            .621


  1. RIL ltd. Plans to sell 1,10,000 units of a certain product line in the first fiscal

quarter. 1,20,000 units in the second quarter,1,30,000 units in the third quarter,

1,50,000 units  in the fourth quarter and 1,40,000 units in the fifth quarter.

At the  beginning of the first quarter of the current year, there are 14,000

units of the product in stock. At the end of  each quarter, the company plans to

have an inventory equal to one- fifth of the sales  for the next fiscal quarter.


How many units must be manufactured in each quarter of  the current year.


18.Record the following transactions in the book of Journal .


April   2  commenced business with cash  Rs. 34,000 and

a bank balance of Rs.20,000

5   Withdrawn from bank for personal use                       6,000

12  Cash paid to Rahim

(in full  settlement of his a/c for Rs2300).                    2,000

14 Cash received from  Antony                                        6,000

15  Purchased machinery on credit from toy Traders       11,000

25   Paid salary                                                                     2,000

27   Sold goods to Ram Babu  on credit                                500

28    Purchased goods for cash by cheque                          12,000














ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS                                                                                 (2 X 20 = 40)


19.A company expects to have Rs,37,500 cash in hand on 1st april and requires you to

prepare an estimate of cash position during three months ,April ,May and June.

The following information is supplied to you:

Sales                Purchases        wages              office expenses

February  75,000                45,000             16,500             10,500

March      84,000               48,000             18,000             10,500

April        90,000                52,500             19,500             11,250

May        1,20,000              60,000             24,750             12,570

June       1,35,000               60,000             28,250             14,000

Other information:

  1. Period of credit allowed by suppliers 2 month
  2. 20% sales is for cash and period of credit allowed to customers is 1month
  3. Delay in payment of all expenses 1 month.
  4. Income tax of Rs.57,500 is to be paid in June
  5. The company is to pay dividend to share holders in the month of April is

Rs.37,500 and a plant has been ordered to be received and paid in May  ,it

will cost Rs.1,20,000.



  1. Sale price Rs.20per unit

Variable manufacturing cost   Rs.11 per unit

Variable selling cost                Rs.3   per unit

Fixed factory overheads                     Rs.5,40,000

Fixed selling cost                                Rs.2,52,000


  1. BEP
  2. sales required to earn a profit of rs.60,000
  3. sales required to earn a profit of 10% on sales
  4. Profit when sales are Rs.20,00,000
  5. if company reduces  its selling price by 10%, how does the revised selling

price affect  the   break even point and the profit –volume ratio?


  1. The following figure relate to ITC ltd. for the year ended 31-03-06

Trading and profit /loss account


To  opening stock          75,000           By sales                       5,00,000

To purchases               3,25,000          By closing stock          1,00,000

,,Administration exp.      40,000         ,,dividend received          9,000

,,Selling exp.                  25,000          ,,profit on sale of shares 11,000

,,loss on sale of assets      5,000

,,Net profit                 1,50,000

———                                                 ———–

Calculate a. Gross Profit Ratio.         B. Net profit ratio

  1. operating ratio                 d. operating profit ratio


Following is the balance sheet of ITC ltd .as at 31st march 2006.

Liabilities                    Rs.                   Assets                          Rs.

Equity share capital            2,00,000 Cash at bank                           18,000

10%pref. share capital        2,00,000 Bills receivable            60,000

8% Debenture                     80,000  Short term investment 40,000

9%public debts                   40,000  Debtors                    1,40,000

Bank overdraft                    80,000  Stock                            80,000

Creditors                           1,34,000 Furniture                     60,000

Proposed dividend                20,000  Machinery               6,40,000

Reserves                             3,00,000  Goodwill                    76,000

Provision for tax                   40,000  Prepaid  expenses       20,000

Profit / loss a/c                      40,000

———-                                    ————

11,34,000                                11,34,000

————                                 ———–

Compute   :   Short Term  and  Long Term solvency ratios



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