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Loyola College B.C.A. Computer Application April 2007 Accounts And Business Applications Question Paper PDF Download


MS 25

B.Sc. / BCA DEGREE EXAMINATION – Comp. Sci. / Comp. App.





Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer  ALL the questions:                                                        (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

  1. What is meant by sundry debtors?
  2. Explain depreciation.
  3. Distinguish between cash discount and trade discount.
  4. What do you mean by the term “debit note”?
  5. Define “Accounting”.
  6. Following is the list of various accounts. Find out which are real , nominal or personal account:
  1. a) Commission account            b)Freight account
  2. c) Machinery account d) Bank account
  1. Prepare Single column cash book of Mr.Karan

April 2005

1        Cash in hand                            Rs. 5,000

9         Bought goods for cash            Rs. 2,000

16        Sold goods to Nikil for cash   Rs. 8,000

23       Purchased furniture                 Rs. 5,000

26       Received Interest                    Rs. 400

30       Paid Rent                                Rs. 1,500

  1. Prepare trial balance from the following:

Opening stock     — 10,600         Wages               — 2,200        Carriage inward     —      200

Purchases            — 12,000        Trade expenses   — 1,020

Rent& Repairs    —      960            Furniture       — 2,600        Cash in hand         —    1,200

Debtors               —  3,000             Drawings      — 1,200        Sales                    —  25,350

Discount received —     400             Capital                     — 7,000        Creditors               —    2230

  1. Rectify the following errors with suspense A/c:
  1. a) Sales book was undercast by Rs. 400
  2. b) Wages paid to workers Rs.2,000 has been wrongly posted as 3,000 in

Cash a/c

  1. Mr. Samuel bought a plant for Rs. 40,000 and spent Rs. 400 for its installation.  The machine is expected to have a life of  5 years and the estimated scrap value is Rs.1,200 at the end of its life.  Calculate the rate of depreciation.



Answer any FIVE Questions:                                                                  (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. a)   What is meant by “Business entity concept”?
  1. What are the three golden rules of accounting?
  2. What is a trial balance?
  3. What is error of principle?


  1. Journalise the following transactions in books of Mr. Jayakumar


2004 April    1










Started business with cash Rs.2,00,000 , building Rs.2,00,000 and

Machinery Rs. 4,00,000

Purchased goods from Kamesh Bros., for cash  Rs. 40,000

Paid into bank Rs.10,000

Sold goods to  Srikanth on credit Rs.15,000

Bought Furniture from M/s Modern Furn on credit Rs.30,000

Final settlement made by Srikanth Rs.14,900

Withdrew cash from bank for personal use Rs.7,000

Paid Salaries Rs.20,000; 30% paid by cash and 70% by cheque

  1.  Prepare a double column cash book with cash and discount of Mr. Samuel
May 2004













Cash in hand  Rs. 8,000

Purchased goods for cash  Rs.4,000

Received cash from Lalitha  Rs.2,500

Sold goods to Santhosh on credit Rs. 13,000

Purchased goods from Ram on credit Rs. 20,000

Santhosh settled his account in full Rs. 12,850

Purchased furniture for cash Rs. 19,000

Settled Ram by cash Rs.19,800 and discount received Rs.200

Sold good to Mahesh for cash Rs.26,000

Sold old Machinery to M/s Varun & Co on credit Rs. 36,000

Received cash from Mahesh Rs.10,000















  1. From the particulars given below draw the stores ledger card:


2000 July



Opening stock     3000 units   @ Rs.10 each

3 Issued                  1,250 units
9 Purchased               750 units  @ Rs. 12.50 each
11 Issued                  1,250 units
23 Purchased            3,000 units  @ Rs. 14 each
24 Issued                  2,000units
28 Issued                     800 units
30 Purchased               450 units  @ Rs. 10.50 each










Adopt the FIFO method of issue and determine the value of closing stock


  1. Jasmine manufacturing company has drawn up the following P & L A/c  for the year ended 31st March 2006
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To opening stock

To Purchases

To Wages

To Manufacturing expenses

To Gross profit



To Selling expenses

To Administration expenses

To Distribution expenses

To Interest on loan

To Net Profit






By Sales

By closing stock






By gross profit

By compensation

for acquisition of







1,98,000 1,98,000











56,800 56,800

















Calculate the following ratios:   a) Gross profit ratio       b) Net profit ratio

  1. c) Selling & distribution expenses ratio
  2. d) Finance expenses ratio
  1. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement from the following data as on 31-1-2004:
  • Debit Balance as per cash book as on 30-11-2004 Rs.30,400
  • Cheque issued on 30-11-2004 but not yet presented to bank for payment Rs.6,450
  • Cheque deposited in to bank on 28th November 2004 but not yet credited into the account Rs.1,500
  • Bank interest debited in the pass book only Rs.560
  • A periodic payment made to telephone department for Rs.2,300 under standing instruction not entered in cash book.
  • A cheque deposited into bank is dishonoured, but no entry made in cash book. Rs. 2,900
  • 3,000 deposited by a customer, Mr. Daniel directly into bank
  • Interest on investment received by the bank Rs.1,150 and entered in the pass book but not recorded in cash book.





  1. M/s Jackson & Co bought a machinery for Rs. 1,00,000 on 1.1.2002 and spent Rs. 20,000 on installation, 10,000 on other charges immediately after the purchase.  On 1st September 2004 it sold the plant & machinery for Rs. 95,000 and on the same date another machinery was purchased costing Rs. 1,50,000.  It charges depreciation @ 10% p.a. under written down value method and the accounts are closed on 31st December every year.  Prepare machinery a/c and depreciation account for 3 years.


  1. Prepare  ledgers for the following transactions in the books of Mr. George

March   3








Mr. George invested capital Rs.70,000

Bought furniture for cash Rs.10,000

Sold goods to Anjali  for cash Rs.15,000

Purchased goods from Good Luck & Co for Rs.17,000

Opened a current in Indian Bank Rs.5,000

Paid Good Luck & Co Rs.10,000

Paid Salaries    Rs.6,500



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                   (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. From the following Trial Balance extracted from the books of  Mr. Kamal  prepare Trading and

Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31-12-2005


Debit balances Rs. Credit balances Rs.
Cash at bank

Good will

Land & Buildings

Loose tools

Opening stock

Carriage outwards

General expenses

Sundry debtors


Interest on loan

Carriage outwards


Bad debts




Printing & Stationery

Customs duty

Packing charges






















Bank Loan


Sundry creditors

Discount received

Commission received







78,220 78,220



























  • Closing stock on 31-12-2005 Rs.15,000
  • Depreciate Plant & Machinery at 10%

(c)   Provide provision for bad and doubtful debts at 5%

(d) Outstanding salaries Rs. 200

(e) Provide Interest on capital 2%

(f) Commission received in advance Rs. 320








  1. Record the following transactions for the month of January 2006 in the proper Subsidiary books of

M/s New & Sons:


Jan 1




Jan 4



Jan 6

Jan 9

Jan 11


Jan 12



Jan 15






Jan 19

Jan 22

Jan 24


Jan 27



Jan 31



Purchased from M/s Brown & Co:

20 Calculators @ Rs. 550 each

10 dozen Scientific Calculators @ Rs.1,250 each

Trade discount on all the above items @ 10%

Sold to M/s Rahul Bros:

50 scientific calculators @ Rs.1500 each and trade discount  @ 5%

20 dozens of ball pen @ Rs.72 per dozen

Returned 10 scientific calculators to M/s Brown & Co

Purchased 10 dozen ball point pen @ Rs. 12 each for cash

M/s Rahul  Bros returned:

1 dozen scientific calculators and 2 dozens of ball pen

Sold to M/s Gopal & Co:

10 dozen accounts notebook at Rs.18 each

5 gross ink pen at Rs. 60 per dozen

Purchased from M/s Vimal printers:

10 gross of 192 pages notebooks @ Rs.240 per dozen

Less trade discount 5% with invoice no: 35

5 gross digital diaries @ Rs.1,000 each

less trade discount 2% with invoice no: 43

3 dozen rewritable CD @ Rs. 35 each with invoice no: 49

Credit note sent to M/s Gopal & Co for Rs. 250 being over charged

Sold old furniture to M/s JFA furniture mart on credit Rs. 12,000

Returned to Vimal printers:

2 gross notebooks and 3 Digital diaries bought on Jan 15

Sold to M/s Pravesh Traders:

4 dozen of 192 pages notebooks @ Rs. 300 per dozen

2 gross digital diaries @ Rs.14,400 per dozen

Sent a debit note to M/s. Brown & Co  for Rs. 2000 for

goods damaged in transit.





































  1. The following are the summarized balance sheet of Madan industries Ltd.,

as on 31st December, 2005 and 2006:

Liabilities 2005




Assets 2005





Preference shares

Equity shares

General reserve

Profit & Loss A/c


Current liabilities:


Provision for tax

Proposed dividend

Bank overdraft






















Fixed assets

Less: Depreciation



Current assets:



Prepaid expenses




















81,500 88,000 81,500 88,000



















Prepare: (i) Statement showing changes in the working capital

(ii) A statement of sources and applications of funds.

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Loyola College B.C.A. Computer Application Nov 2008 Accounts & Business Applications Question Paper PDF Download



QB 04


THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 11-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

            PART –A


              ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS                              (10x 2 =20)

  1. Define Accounting.
  2. State the rules for debit and credit under double entry system.
  3. What is meant by error of principle?
  4. Write a note on going concern concept?
  5. Bring out any four differences between cash discount and trade discount.
  6. John bought a machine for Rs.750000 and spent Rs.25000 towards its installation. The useful life of the machine is 7 years and the estimated scrap value is Rs.100000. Calculate the rate of depreciation under Straight Line method.
  7. Rectify the following errors:

(a) Rs.10000 received from Sam & Co. has been wrongly entered as from Shyam&Co

(b) An amount of Rs.1000 withdrawn by the proprietor for his own use has been  debited  to office expenses account.

  1. Pass necessary adjusting entries for the following transactions:
  • Wages due Rs.1000 (b) Rent received in advance Rs.20000
  1. Balance Sheet of M/s.Peacock Ltd. as on 31.03.2008
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Capital 300000 Land 825000
Reserves & Surplus 225000 Cash 375000
Bank Overdraft 350000 Stock 175000
Creditors 600000 Goodwill 100000
  1475000   1475000

Calculate Proprietary ratio

  1. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement: (Rs.)

Balance as per Pass Book 9000                Cheques issued but not presented 15000

Cheques deposited but not credited 1500 Bank has given credit for interest 150


                            ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS                             (5 x 8= 40)

  1. Write short notes on: (a)Current assets (b) Bank Reconciliation Statement (c)Common Size statements (d)Trial Balance
  2. Briefly explain the objectives of accounting.
  3. What is cash flow statement? What are its utilities?
  4. Journalise the following transactions:
  • Started business with cash Rs.100000, Furniture Rs.200000, Machinery Rs.300000 and Bank Loan Rs.50000
  • Purchased goods for cash Rs.25000, of which 50% of the payment made by cheque.
  • Sold goods to Rashid Rs.50000
  • Final settlement received from Rashid Rs.49500
  • Paid advertising charges Rs.5000
  • Cash withdrawn from bank for office use Rs.20000 and for personal use of the proprietor Rs.15000
  • Paid Salaries Rs.20000 and wages Rs.5000
  • Received rent by cheque and deposited at once Rs.4000
  1. On 1.1.2000 M/s. Welcome Ltd. bought a second-hand machine for Rs.50000 and spent Rs.10000 for repairs. On 1.7.2001, the company bought a new machine costing Rs.100000. On 30.6.2002, the machine bought on 1.1.2000 was sold for Rs.40000. The company writes off depreciation at 12% p.a. on original cost method and closes its accounts on 31st December every year. Show Machinery account and depreciation account for 3 years ending 31-12-2002.
Date Particulars Rs.
2008, Jan   1 Cash in hand 40000
2 Paid Cash into bank 8000
7 Purchased goods from Gopal 1000
10 Paid Rent 1500
12 Purchased furniture by cheque 2000
15 Sold goods to Daniel 10000
16 Final Settlement made to Gopal 975
18 Final Settlement received from Daniel 9975
20 Withdrew from bank 4000
25 Paid wages 500
30 Received from Basheer 7500
31 Withdrew for own use by cheque 1000
  1. Prepare a three column cash book of a merchant to record the following transactions:


















  1. The following are the Balance Sheets of East Ltd. & West Ltd. As on 31-3-2008. You are required to prepare Common Size Balance Sheets.
Liabilities EAST(Rs) WEST(Rs.) Assets EAST (Rs) WEST(Rs.)
Share Capital 50000 120000 Land & buildings 100000 200000
Reserves 20000 180000 Plant & Machinery 20000 40000
15% Debentures 80000        — Stock 40000 60000
Bank Loan 120000 30000 Debtors 100000 45000
Creditors 40000 60000 Bills Receivable 20000 30000
Bills Payable 10000 30000 Cash 40000 45000
  320000 420000   320000 420000


  1. From the following Balance Sheets of Ankit Ltd.,  prepare a Cash Flow Statement:


Liabilities 2006 (Rs) 2007(Rs.) Assets 2006 (Rs) 2007(Rs.)
Share Capital 400000 500000 Land 100000 132000
Profit & Loss A/c. 20000 46000 Cash 60000 94000
Creditors 140000 90000 Stock 160000 180000
Debtors 240000 230000
  560000 636000   560000 636000









        ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS                         (2 x 20=40)

  1. From the following particulars prepare a trading and profit& loss account for the year ended 31-3-2008 and a Balance Sheet as on that date.
Debit balance Rs. Credit balance Rs.
Bank 20500 Capital 80000
Drawings 6000 Creditors 10000
Machinery 25000 Sales 120000
Stock (1.4.2007) 15000 Purchase Returns 1000
Purchases 82000 Provision for bad & Doubtful debts 400
Sales returns 2000 Discount received 800
Debtors 20600 Interest received 1200
Furniture 5000
Direct expenses 2000
Carriage outwards 500
Rent 4600
Bad debts 800
Trade expenses 400
Postage 800
Insurance 700
Salaries 21300
Cash 6200
213400   213400


(a)Stock as on 31-3-2008 – Rs.50000  (b)Salaries due Rs.2700   (c)Prepaid Insurance Rs.200 (d) Depreciate Machinery @10% p.a. (e) Write off further bad debts Rs.600 and provide for  bad and doubts debts @5% on debtors.


  1. Enter the following transactions in the subsidiary books of M/s. Blue Star Electricals.
Sep1.  Purchased from M/s.Robin Electricals Sep. 4 Sold to M/s.Mukesh Apartments
20 Dozen -100 W Electric Bulbs @ Rs.20 each 5 Dozen – 100 W Electric bulbs @ Rs.30 each
4 Gross -40 W Tube-lights @ Rs.600 per dozen 3 No. – Mercury Bulbs @ Rs.300 each
10 No. -Mercury Bulbs @ Rs.250 each 10 Dozen – 40 W Tube-lights @ Rs. 80 each
10% Trade discount on all items 5% Trade discount on all items
Sep 10. Sold to Karun Stores Sep .15 Bought from M/s. Wind Electricals
10 No. – 100 W Electric bulbs @ Rs.25 each 4 dozen – Ceiling fans @ Rs.750 each
2 Dozen – 40 W Tube-lights@ Rs.60 each 20 No. – Table fans @ Rs.1000 each
10% Trade discount on all items 5% Trade discount on all items
Sep. 20 Purchase returns to M/s. Robin Electricals Sep. 30 Sales Returns from M/s.Mukesh Apartments
10 No. – 100 W Electric bulbs vide Debit note no.5 10 No -100 W bulbs vide Credit note no.3
10 No. – 40 W Tube-lights vide Debit note no.6 4 No.- 40 W Tube-lights vide Credit note no.4


  1. The following details related to Michael Traders for the year ended 31-3-2008
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Opening Stock 75000 By Sales                             520000
To Purchases 325000 Less: Sales Returns              20000 500000
To Gross Profit 200000 By Closing Stock 100000
600000   600000
To operating expenses By Gross Profit 200000
Administration exp.         40000 By non-operating income:
Selling Expenses              25000 65000  Dividend                                   9000
To Non-operating expenses  Profit on sale of shares           11000 20000
                  Loss on sale of assets 5000
To Net Profit 150000
220000   220000

                                  Trading & Profit & Loss account


                Balance sheet of Michael Traders as on 31-3-2008

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Capital 200000 Land & buildings 150000
Reserves 100000 Plant & Machinery 80000
Creditors 150000 Stock 100000
Bills Payable 90000 Debtors 80000
Cash 90000
500000 500000



  • Gross Profit Ratio (b) Net Profit ratio           (c) Operating Profit ratio

(d) Operating Ratio                 (e) Stock Turn over ratio (f ) Current Ratio

(g) Debtors turn over ratio      (h) Creditors turn over ratio

(i) Fixed Asset turn over ratio (j) Fixed Asset ratio



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Loyola College B.C.A. Computer Application April 2009 Accounts & Business Applications Question Paper PDF Download



KP 08






Date & Time: 27/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks

                           PART –A

                             Answer ALL Questions

(10 x 2 = 20)

  1. What do you understand by dual aspect concept?
  2. What are ‘Nominal Accounts’? Give examples.
  3. Briefly explain the term “Current Assets”.
  4. What is meant by Compensating error?
  5. Define Cash Flow Statement.
  6. Siva bought a machine on 1.1.2006 for Rs.50000. This is expected to last for 5 years. The estimated residual value at the end of five years is Rs.12000. Calculate the rate of depreciation under Original Cost Method.
  7. From the following details of a trader calculate “Gross profit Ratio

Sales Rs.200000, Return outwards Rs.30000, Opening Stock Rs.40000, Purchases Rs.120000, Return inwards Rs.20000 & Closing Stock Rs.13000

  1. Rectify the following errors:
  • Purchase of old furniture Rs.5000 was passed through purchase book.
  • 20000 received from Raja has been wrongly entered as from Raju.
  1. Prepare Cash account from the details:
Date Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1/1/2009 Started business with cash 50000
5/1/2009 Paid into Bank 10000
12/1/2009 Purchased goods for Cash 20000
21/1/2009 Sold goods for Cash 30000
29/1/2009 Withdrew from business for own use 5000









  1. Enter the following transactions in the Purchase Book of Mr.Pandian:
Date Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1/1/2009 Bought goods from Basheer 50000
5/1/2009 Banu sold goods to us 20000
20/1/2009 Bought goods from Anto for Cash 100000
25/1/2009 Sold goods to Kannan on credit 15000


                             PART –B

                Answer any FIVE Questions

(5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement from the following data as on 31.3.2009
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Balance as per cash book 25000
Cheques  issued but not presented for payment 1800
Cheques  deposited in bank but not collected 2400
Bank paid insurance premium as per the standing instruction 1000
Direct deposit made by a customer 1600
Interest on investment collected by bank 400
Bank charges 200
A wrong credit relating to some other account was found in the Pass book 2400
  1. On 1.4.2000, Mr. Suresh bought a machine for Rs.8000 and spent Rs.3000 on its installation. Depreciation is written off @10% p.a. on the original cost. On 30.6.2003, the machine was found to be unsuitable and sold for Rs.6500. On the same date, another machine was bought for Rs.10000. Prepare Machinery account and depreciation account from 2000 to 2003 assuming that the accounts are closed on 31st December every year.


  1. Enter the following transactions in Gopal’s cash book with discount and cash columns:
Date Particulars Amount (Rs.)
2009, Mar  1 Cash balance 50000
5 Cash sales 30000
8 Bought goods from Davis for cash 5000
12 Cash sales to Manoj 20000
15 Sold goods to Mohan on credit 10000
18 Cash withdrawn from business for own use 3000
21 Bought goods from Cherian on credit 20000
22 Paid into bank 7000
24 Cash received from Mohan as final settlement 9950
25 Drew a cheque for office use 1000
28 Final settlement made to Cherian 19500
30 Cash Purchases 2000
30 Paid for advertising 500
31 Received commission 3500


  1. Saleem is not an expert in accounting. He has prepared the following trial balance. You are requested to correct it and prepare a corrected Trial balance.
S.No Name of Account LF Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
1 Capital 15560
2 Sales 27560
3 Sales returns 980
4 Drawings 5640
5 Debtors 5300
6 Premises 7410
7 Purchases 12680
8 Return outwards 2640
9 Loan from Sharma 2500
10 Creditors 5280
11 Legal charges 7840
12 Cash 1420
13 Bills payable 1000
14 Wages 5980
15 Opening stock 2640
16 Factory expenses 4650
54540 54540
  1. The following information is extracted from the books of Mr. Panner:

Total Sales Rs.100000, Cash Sales Rs.20000, Sales returns Rs.7000, Debtors (31.12.2008) Rs.9000 Bills Receivable (31.12.2008) RS.2000, Provision for bad debts Rs.1000, Total purchases Rs.200000 Cash Purchases Rs.20000, Purchase returns Rs.34000, Creditors (31.12.2008) Rs.70000 Bills Payable (31.12.2008) Rs.40000. You are required to calculate: (a) Debtors Turnover ratio   (b)Average collection period   (c) Creditors turnover ratio    (d)Average payment period

  1. What are the objectives of accounting?
  2. How do you classify accounting conventions?
  3. Write a note on common size statements.
                 PART –C

                                      Answer any TWO Questions   (2 x 20 =40)                                       

  1. X started business on 1.1.2009. Following were the transactions for one month. You are required to pass journal entries.
Date Particulars Amount (Rs.)
2009,     Jan 1 Started business with:       Cash 50000
                                               Furniture 30000
                                               Goodwill 20000
3 Bought goods from Shankar on credit 10000
5 Sold goods to Raman for Cash 20000
7 Paid into Bank 5000
9 Received cheque from Shaji and banked at once 15000
10 Paid Commission 500
11 Sales returns made 3000
12 Returned goods to Shankar 2000
15 Final Settlement made to Shankar by cheque 7500
16 Withdrew from bank 1000
18 Goods withdrawn for own use 1500
19 Paid for stationery 500
21 Received interest 750
24 Bought a second-hand computer for Cash 7500
28 Paid salaries by cheque 6000
31 Received rent 4000
  1. Summarized balance sheet of Karun Ltd. as on 31.3.2008 and 31.3.2009 are as follows:
Liabilities 31.3.2008(Rs.) 31.3.2009(Rs.) Assets 31.3.2008(Rs.) 31.3.2009(Rs.)
Share Capital 450000 450000 Fixed Asset 400000 320000
General Reserve 300000 310000 Investment 50000 60000
P & L account 56000 68000 Stock 240000 210000
Creditors 168000 134000 Debtors 210000 455000
Tax Provision 75000 10000 Bank 149000 197000
Mortgage Loan             — 270000
1049000 1242000 1049000 1242000

Additional Details:

  • Investment costing Rs.8000 were sold for Rs.8500
  • Tax provision made during the year was Rs.9000
  • During the year, part of the Fixed Asset costing Rs.10000 was sold for Rs.12000 and the profit was included in P& L account.

You are required to Prepare Cash Flow Statement for the year ending 31-3-2009.


  1. From the following trial balance of Kumar, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss account for the year ended 31-3-2009, and a Balance Sheet as on that date:
S.No Name of Account LF Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
1 Opening stock 13500
2 Cash in hand 1250
3 Cash at Bank 3750
4 Power 300
5 Furniture 2250
6 Purchases 70500
7 Machinery 22500
8 Drawings 1800
9 Capital 22500
10 Salaries 5400
11 Sales 126225
12 Wages 6000
13 Carriage Inwards 750
14 Carriage Outwards 450
15 Rent 1350
16 Creditors 5750
17 Provision for bad & doubtful debts 60
18 Printing charges 840
19 General expenses 180
20 Goodwill 4500
21 Discount 105
22 Insurance 210
23 Debtors 18900
154535 154535



  • Stock as on 31-3-2009 was Rs.50000
  • Wages unpaid Rs.1500
  • Depreciate Furniture @10% p.a. and Machinery @ 5% p.a.
  • Charge interest on Capital @2% p.a.
  • Write off bad debts Rs.900 and provide for bad & doubtful debts @5% on remaining debtors.


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