Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2010 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 11-11-10                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



  1. Answer any four of the following: 4×5=20
  2. Write a note on Pre-writing technique.
  3. Categorize the types of Annotation.
  4. What is the need for avoiding Plagiarism?
  5. Explain the characteristics of Mind Mapping.
  6. What are the two types of Bibliography?
  7. Answer any two of the following:             2×15=30
  8. Write an essay on Note-taking.
  9. How do you cite resources by using Bibliography, Annotated Bibliography and Parenthetical Documentation?
  10. What is Definition? Explain the various types of definition.


III.     Answer the following:                                                                                   5×10=50

  1. Write an article on the ‘impact of ecological devastation’.
  2. Critically review the film ‘Mr & Mrs.Iyer’.
  3. Enumerate your interpretation on the following poem:

I can hear the cry of the sacred trees,

The giver of life as the axe plays part in a gruesome execution.

I pray for men of greed and lust that wields the axe,

For the trees are of spirit, forgiving but never forgetting.

I pray for the pain I hear from the woods as the chainsaw tries to hide the cries,

Their lives cut short in a never-ending attempt to furnish our fashions.

I pray that the spirit of the tree lives on to haunt and perish those lavish homes and


Where no regard to spirit be given.

God I pray,

God I pray,

Your garden of Eden disappearing as we, your children, look away.

And let me be there at Judgement Day and cry for the pain of the Spirit of the Tree and

let me look at you for here, I am unable to look away.

  1. Draft a report on any cultural event that you have participated.
  2. Attempt a critical review on the following passage:

City living has obviously influenced human culture—as have often been noted, how you gonna

keep ‘em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree’? But urban life may have also influenced

human genes, making the descendants of ancient city dwellers more resistant to disease. That’s

according to a study in the journal Evolution.

The researchers started from the premise that densely populated cities would be good places

for infectious diseases, which could spread easily from person to person. That situation should

haveset up selection pressure for the ability to survive such infections.

The scientists sampled the DNA of 17 populations from Africa, Asia and Europe, including

longtime urbanites—like Italians, Turks and Iranians—and traditionally rural or nomadic groups,

like Malawians or the Saami people of northern Scandinavia.

Then the researchers zeroed in on a gene variant that offers protection against diseases like

tuberculosis or leprosy. After controlling for any shared ancestry between the groups, they

indeed found that the protective gene was significantly more common in cultures with a long

history of urban settlement. Which may be some comfort next time someone’s sneezing near

you on the subway.

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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2011 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English April 2012 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 03-05-2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




  1. Answer any four of the following in about 100 words each:                                          (4×5=20)


  1. Write a note on the evolution of the concept of Mind Mapping.
  2. Explain Cornell Theory.
  3. Write short notes on topic sentence. Give an example.
  4. What do you understand by the language of academic writing?
  5. What are the various types of Interpretation?


  1. Answer any two of the following in about 300-400 words each:                (2×15=30)


  1. Elaborate Mind Mapping with suitable diagrams.
  2. Write an essay on Argument.
  3. What is meant by plagiarism? What are the possible ways to share information of today? Suggest few measures to avoid plagiarism.



  • Answer the following in about 250 words each:                                                          (5×10=50)      


  1. Write an opinion article on “The urgency of educational reforms in Tamilnadu.”


  1. Briefly explain the S-P-S-E structure. Read the passage given below and analyse it according to the S-P-S-E structure












Education and Gender inequality.


The latest UN report on education says girls face sharp discrimination in access to education, which means millions of them are prevented from attending school.  In addition, the report says the lack of gender equality in education is an important obstacle to social and economic progress.

In many developing countries, particularly in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, there are only seven girls in primary school for every ten boys.  In the world’s two most populous countries, India and China, boys continue to outnumber girls in schools.  The annual Education for All report by UNESCO says the proportion of girls in school did rise slightly in the past decade.  Nevertheless more than half of the 104 million children out of school are still females, making gender parity in education a distant goal in more than fifty countries. The UN says that in many countries, high school fees, early marriage and economic pressure to put children to work early block girls from school.


  1. Elucidate your point of view, on the statement given below, using the language of argument. “Euthanasia or Mercy killing is a crime and sin against humanity. It deprives a person’s right to life.”


  1. Attempt two deductive paragraphs on the topic “The influence of western culture on Indian youth.”


  1. “Shakespeare is a great playwright in English.” Elucidate your point of view, with                                            suitable illustrations and textual coherence.



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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2012 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 06/11/2012            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



  1. Answer any Four of the following in about 100 words each:                   (4 x 5 = 20)
  2. Distinguish the features of Mind Mapping from Brain Storming.
  3. Attempt short notes on ‘topic sentence.’
  4. Highlight the importance of ‘Peer-review’ in academic writing.
  5. Free writing is a pre-writing technique- Elucidate.
  6. How does an author of the book employ Parenthetical Documentation to acknowledge the sources?
  7. Answer any Two of the following in about 300-400 words each:     (2 X 15=30)  
  8. Explain the various types of interpretation.
  9. Write an essay on Bibliography, Annotated Bibliography and Parenthetical Documentation.
  10. Elaborate the techniques of Note-Taking.



  • Answer the following in about 250 words each:                                                (5×10=50)        
  1. Write an opinion article on The Emergence of the Nuclear Power Plant in Tamil Nadu
  2. Briefly explain the S-P-S-E structure. Read the passage given below and analyze it according to S-P-S-E structure.

Reasons for illiteracy in India.

The absence of adequate school infrastructure like improper facilities and inefficient teaching staff is one of the main factors affecting literacy in India. There is a shortage of 6lakh classrooms to accommodate all the students in 2006-2007. In addition, there is no proper sanitation in most schools. The study of 188 government-run primary schools in central and northern India revealed that 59% of the schools had no drinking water facility and 89% no toilets A Public Report On Basic Education (PROBE) team did surveys and reported that India had very poor infrastructure in 1999 and a 25% rate of teachers being absent from school on any particular day in 2005. In 600,000 villages and multiplying urban slum habitats, ‘free and compulsory education’ is the basic literacy instruction dispensed by barely qualified ‘para teachers’. The average Pupil Teacher Ratio for All India is 1:42, implying teacher shortage. Such inadequacies resulted in a non-standardized school system where literacy rates may differ Furthermore, the expenditure allocated to education was never above 4.3% of the GDP from 1951-2002 despite the target of 6% by the Kothari Commission. This further complicates the literacy problem in India.



  1. Read the statement given below and write an argumentative text using the language of argument. Substantiate your point of view with suitable arguments.

“Should cricket in India be banned for the welfare of other sports?”

  1. Develop the following idea into two inductive paragraphs: ‘Uniform syllabus in Tamil Nadu.’
  2. Applying the parameters of academic writing, attempt an essay on the topic ‘Wordsworth as the high priest of nature.’


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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2012 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 01/11/2012            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




  1. Answer any four of the following: 4 x 5 = 20


  1. What is a thesis statement? How does it differ from a topic sentence?
  2. Explain the use of illustrations and analogies in academic writing with examples.
  3. Why do you draw mind mapping? Give an example.
  4. What is Brainstroming?
  5. What is the need for avoiding plagiarism?




  1. Answer any two of the following:                                         2×15= 30


  1. How does a scientific article differ from a literary article? Explain the differences keeping such parameters as register, language and documentation in mind.

7.What are the main characteristics of good academic writing in English?

8.What is  note-making and note-taking?  Explain.



III. Answer the following:                                                                             5×10 =50


  1. It is widely believed that a sedentary life style leads to health disorders among

adults and causes obesity even among children. To what extent do you agree or

disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant

examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  1. Write a persuasive essay on how censorship can at times be justified.
  2. How do you cite resources by using Bibliography, Annotated Bibliography and

parenthetical Documentation?

  1. What is Information Management? Explain.
  2. Explain the following terms and their relevance in academic writing:
  3. a) Register b) Style. C) Vocabulary


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Loyola College M.A. English April 2013 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2013 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English April 2014 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English April 2016 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2016 Advanced Academic Writing Question Paper PDF Download

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