Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Advanced Corporate Accounting Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 20-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL Questions:                                                                                           (10 x 2 =20 marks)


  1. What is ‘Reinsurance’?
  2. What is rebate on bills discounted?
  3. Write a short note on ‘Minority Interest’.
  4. Mention any two features of double account system.
  5. Distinguish between ‘Net Assets’ and ‘Intrinsic value’.
  6. Sadan Ltd. agrees to purchase the business of Krish Ltd. on the following terms :
  7. For each of the 10,000 shares of Rs.10 each in Krish Ltd. 2 shares in Sadan Ltd. of Rs.10 each will be issued at an agreed value of Rs.12 per share.  In addition Rs.4 per share cash also will be paid.
  8. 8% Debentures worth Rs.80,000 will be issued to settle Rs.60,000 9% debentures in Krish Ltd.
  9. 10,000 will be paid towards purchase consideration.

Calculate purchase consideration.

  1. Calculate the net claim to be shown in the Revenue account of an Insurance Company :

Claims paid during year ended 31st March 2010                    Rs.5,60,000

Claims outstanding on 1.4.2009                                                     52,000

Claims outstanding on 31.3.2010                                                   92,000

Claims covered under re-insurance                                                 25,000

  1. The trial balance of a bank as on 30th June 2010 shows the following balances :

Interest and discount                          Rs. 45,40,600

Rebate on bills discounted(1.7.2009)             4,750

Bills discounted and purchased                 3,37,400

The unexpired discount as on 30th June 2010 is estimated to be Rs.5,560.  Calculate the amount of interest and discount to be credited to Profit and Loss account.

  1. H Ltd. purchased 75% shares in S Ltd. on 1.7.2010. On 31.12.2010 the balance sheet of S Ltd.  showed reserve fund balance on 1.1.2010 Rs.40,000, profit earned during 2010 Rs.60,000 and preliminary expenses unwritten off  20,000.  Calculate capital profits and Revenue profits.
  2. Ascertain the amount to be capitalized from the following particulars, under double account system :

Original cost of an asset                                  Rs.3,00,000

Present cost or replacement cost                          3,90,000

Amount spent for replacement                            4,70,000



    Answer any FIVE Questions:                                                                             (5 x 8 =40 marks)


  1. What is Valuation Balance sheet ?   Explain the need for  preparing the same and state how the surplus is dealt with.
  2. Explain any 8 schedules to be prepared by a commercial bank.
  3. Distinguish between ‘Net Assets’ and ‘Net Payments’ as basis for computation of purchase consideration.
  4. The life fund of a Life Insurance Company on 31.12.2010 showed a balance of Rs.54,00,000. However the following items were not taken into account while preparing the revenue account for 2010. Ascertain the correct life fund balance.
  5. Interest and dividends accrued on investments                          20,000
  6. Income tax deducted at source on the above        6,000
  7. Reinsurance claims recoverable        7,000
  8. Commission due on reinsurance premium paid       10,000
  9. Bonus in reduction of premiums         3,000
  10. On 31st March 2010 a bank held the following bills, discounted by it earlier :

Date of bill 2010         Term of bill month      Discounted %             Amount of bill

  1. 17 4                                  17                    7,30,000
  2. 7 3                                  18                    14,60,000
  3. March 9 3                                  5                 3,64,000

You are required to calculate the rebate on bills discounted .  Also show the necessary Journal entry for the rebate.

  1. The Balance Sheets of Cee Ltd and Dee Ltd. as at 31st December 2010 are as follows :

Liabilities                                            Cee Ltd. Rs.               Dee Ltd.   Rs.

Share capital (in shares of Rs.10 each)           2,00,000                      1,00,000

General reserve                                                  18,000                         20,000

Profit and loss account                                      24,500                         23,000

Creditors                                                            30,000                         15,200


2,72,500                      1,58,200



Sundry assets                                                  1,32,500                      1,38,200

Goodwill                                                              –                                  20,000

Shares in Dee Ltd. at cost                               1,40,000                                  –


2,72,500                      1,58,200


In the case of Dee Ltd.profit for the year ended 31st December 2010 is Rs.12,000 and

transfer to general reserve is Rs.5,000.  The holding of  Cee Ltd. in Dee Ltd. is 90%

acquired on June 30th 2010.

Prepare a consolidated Balance sheet of Cee Ltd. and its subsidiary.

  1. City Electricity Ltd. earned a profit of Rs.8,45,000 during the year ended 31st March 2010 after debenture interest at 71/2% on Rs.2,50,000. With the help of the information given below, show the disposal of profits :

Original cost of fixed assets                                       1,00,00,000

Formation and other expenses                                         5,00,000

Monthly average of current assets (net)                         25,00,000

Reserve fund (represented by 4% Govt.securities)       10,00,000

Contingencies reserve fund investments                         2,50,000

Loan from Electricity board                                          15,00,000

Total depreciation written off to date                                       20,00,000

Tariff and dividend control reserve                                    50,000

Security  deposits received from customers                    2,00,000

Assume bank rate to be 6%.

  1. AKS Railway Company decided to replace the old main with a new main at an estimated Cost of Rs.50,00,000.  The cost of old main was Rs.10,00,000 in 2000 the built.  Due to inflation the cost of laying including materials, labour and other expenses is doubled.  The sale of old materials is Rs. 40,000 and the old materials reused in the new main is estimated Rs.60,000.  Pass necessary Journal entries in the books of AKS Railway Company.



    Answer any TWO Questions:                                                                              (2 x 20 =40 marks)

  1. From the following , you are required to prepare the Profit and loss account and the Balance sheet of Madras Bank Ltd. as on 31.12.2010 according to Banking Regulation Act 1949 :

Trial balance as on 31.12.2010

                                    Debit                           Credit

                                    ( Rs.     in thousands )

Issued capital :

20,000 shares of Rs.100 each                                                                         2,000

Money at call and short notice                                    800

Reserve fund                                                                                                      700

Cash in hand                                                               650

Deposits                                                                                                          2,500

Cash at bank                                                               950

Borrowings from SBI                                                                                        500

Investment in govt. securities                                     900

Secured loans                                                            1,500

Cash credits                                                                500

Premises less depreciation                                           580

Furniture less depreciation                                          120

Rent                                                                                5                                  60

Interest and discount                                                                                        800

Commission and brokerage                                                                                 70

Interest paid on deposits                                             300

Salary and allowances to staff                                                150

Interest paid on borrowings                                          50

Audit fees                                                                     10

Director’s fees                                                                 8

Non-banking assets                                                       80

Depreciation on bank’s property                                   13

Printing                                                                           3

Advertisement                                                                            1

Stationary                                                                        5

Postage and telegrams                                                                2

Other expenses                                                                3


6,630                           6,630

Adjustments :

  1. Provide Rs.20,000 for doubtful debts
  2. Provide Rs.10,000 on bills discounted but not matured on 31.12.2010
  3. Acceptances and endorsements on behalf of customers amounted to Rs.4,00,000
  4. Provide Rs.60,000 for taxes.
  5. Hon Ltd. purchased 750 shares in Sen Ltd. on 1.7.2010. The following were their Balance Sheets on 31.12.2010  :

Liabilities                                                        Hon Ltd. (Rs.)            Sen Ltd. (Rs.)

Sharecapital – Shares of Rs.100 each             3,00,000                      1,00,000

General reserve 1.1.2010                                1,00,000                         70,000

Profit and loss account                                   1,00,000                         60,000

Creditors                                                            80,000                         40,000

Bills payable                                                       50,000                         20,000

Current Account :

Hon Ltd.                                                                     –                          20,000


6,30,000                      3,10,000




Buildings                                                         2,05,000                      1,25,000

Stock                                                               1,00,000                         80,000

Debtors                                                           1,00,000                         40,000

Investments in Sen Ltd.                                  1,00,000                                  –

Bills receivable                                                   40,000                         45,000

Cash at bank                                                      60,000                         20,000

Current Account :

Sen Ltd.                                                             25,000                                  –


6,30,000                      3,10,000


Additional information :

  1. Bills receivable of Hon Ltd. include Rs.10,000 accepted by Sen Ltd.
  2. Debtors of Hon Ltd. include Rs.20,000 payable by Sen Ltd.
  3. A cheque of Rs.5,000 sent by Sen Ltd. on 28th December was not yet received by Hon Ltd. on 31st December 2010.
  4. Profit and loss account of Sen Ltd. showed a balance of Rs.20,000 on 1.1.2010.

You are required to prepare a consolidated Balance Sheet of Hon Ltd. and Sen Ltd. as on 31.12.2010.


  1. The Balance sheet of Jai Ltd and Hai Ltd. as on 31.3.2011 were as follows :

Liabilities                                                        Jai Ltd. (Rs.)              Hai Ltd.(Rs.)

Share capital :

Shares of Rs.100 each                                     5,00,000                      –

Shares of Rs.10 each                                                   –                       4,00,000

Capital reserve                                                1,00,000                      –

General reserve                                                  35,000                      4,00,000

Secured loan                                                               –                       2,50,000

Unsecured loan                                               1,00,000                                  –

Sundry creditors                                             1,55,000                      1,80,000


8,90,000                      12,30,000


Goodwill                                                            40,000                      –

Fixed assets                                                     4,00,000                      8,00,000

Cash at bank                                                               –                       1,00,000

Other current assets                                        4,50,000                      3,30,000


8,90,000                      12,30,000

It was proposed that Jai Ltd. should be taken over by Hai Ltd.  The following arrangements were accepted by both the companies.

  1. Goodwill of Jai Ltd. is considered worthless.
  2. Arrears of depreciation in Jai Ltd. amounted to Rs.20,000.
  3. The holder of every 2 shares in Jai Ltd. was to receive: as fully paid , at par 10 shares in Hai Ltd. and so much cash as is necessary to adjust the rights of shareholders of both the companies in accordance with the intrinsic values of the shares as per their Balance sheets after the adjustments mentioned above.

You are required to : Determine the purchase consideration and show the Balance Sheet of Hai Ltd. after the absorption, if the amalgamation is in the nature of purchase.

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