Loyola College B.A. English Nov 2011 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English April 2004 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download





Date        : 02.04.04                                                                                                                  Max     : 100 marks

Duration :1 – 4 pm                                                                                                                  Hours  : 3 hrs

Section A


  1. Answer the following questions in about 50 words (10×2 = 20 marks)


  1. He pierced the emblematic or spiritual character of the visible, audible, tangible word
  2. Who is the man referred to in this passage?
  1. Why does Emerson admire him?


  1. The time is infected with Hamlet’s unhappiness

Sicklied o’er with Hamlet’s unhappiness.

  1. What is Hamlet’s unhappiness?
  2. How does Emerson connect it with the problem of his society?


  1. When he can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in otherman’s transcripts of their reading.
  2. Explain the Context
  3. Is there any contradiction in the idea presented here by the author? Explain?


  1. Don’t use such an expression as “Dim lands of peace”, It “Dulls the Image”

What is Pound’s criticism about the expression used here? Explain.


  1. Be influenced by as many great artists as you can

What difference do you find, regarding the idea of influence between Pound and Emerson?


  1. Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference
  2. What is the choice implied in these lines?
  3. Explain the Universal significance of these lines?


  1. The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality
    • Explain the link between death and immortality in these lines


  1. Shine! Shine! Shine!

Pour down your warmth, great Sun!

While we bask, we two together

  • Explain the Universality in these lines


  1. I’se Emperor yit, ain’t I?

And de Emperor Jones leaves de way he comes and dat black trash don’t dare stop him-not yit, least ways.

  • Explain the agony of Emperor Jones and his arrogance.


  1. Astrological sign. I bet you were born under Aries …. They dote in noise
  • What were the feelings of Blanche expressed in these lines





Section B




  1. Answer any four of the following in about 200 words each, choosing two from each part: (4×10 = 40 marks)


  1. Discuss with appropriate examples the elements of horror and mystery found in Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”


  1. How does Hawthorne propound his puritanical principles in his short story “ The Birth mark”?


  1. “Thoreau’s main task in Civil Disobedience is to assert the freedom of the American citizen”. Do you think Thoreau succeeds in his effort? Justify your answer.


  1. The aim of reality seems to me to be the Supreme virtue of a novel- The merit on which all its other merits helplessly and submissively depend”- Do you think Henry James justifies this statement quite consistently in his essay The Art of Fiction? Discuss




  1. Eugene O’Neill is an expressionist. Illustrate the same from his plays especially with regard to his symbolism and dramatic techniques


  1. Anne Bradstreet is a poetess of the ordinary. Explain this statement with illustrations from her poems.


  1. ‘Chicago’ is a typical American poem. Comment on this criticism of the poem.


  1. “Emily Dickinson is a poetess of interiority and deeper questions of life and death in Because I could not Stop for Death and The Soul selects her own society”. Discuss


Section C


  • Answer the following in about 500 words each                                                         (2×20=40 marks)


  1. What according to Emerson are the three influences that play a vital role in the making of a scholar? Discuss Or
  2. Consider Steinberk’s “ Of Mice and Men” as a social novel


  1. Compare and Contrast The Glass Menagerrie and Mourning Becomes Electra


  1. Sketch the Characteristics of American Poetry from the prescribed poems of Robert Frost, Whitman and Carle Sandburg




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Loyola College M.A. English April 2014 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English April 2015 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English April 2016 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2016 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2016 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2012 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 24-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




Answer the following questions in about 50 words each:                          (10×2=20 marks)


  1. How many signed “The May Flower Compact” and when was it signed?
  2. What does Bradstreet mean by “with sins, with cares and sorrows vext”?
  3. What is the central theme of “The Joy of Church Fellowship”?
  4. How many pamphlets are there in “The American Crisis”? What is the pseudonym

Paine used to sign them?

  1. To whom is Phillis Wheatley’s poem addressed to and what idea does it convey?
  2. Mention the Books of Oriental Philosophy quoted in “Brahma”?
  3. Comment on the tone of the poem “I Sit and Look Out” by Walt Whitman?
  4. How does Marianne Moore contradict herself in “Poetry”?

9 “If I cannot carry forests on my back, Neither can you crack a nut”- Explain the lines of

Emerson’s “Fable”.

  1. Write about the imagery of “The Road Not Taken”.




Answer any FIVE of the following in about 150 words each:                            (5×8=40marks)


  1. Describe the Puritan mission of the new world with reference to “Wonders of the

Invisible World”?

  1. “The Minister’s Black Veil” is not about the secret sin, instead it is about the sin of

Pride- Discuss.

  1. What is the main idea in Carl Sandburg’s poem “Chicago”?
  2. Write an appreciation of the poem “The Raven” and its special atmosphere.
  3. “The World is infused with a holy radiance, if only we have eyes to see it”-

Substantiate the statement with reference to Denise Levertov’s “Come into Animal


  1. Is the tone rebellious or apologetic in “To S.M. A Young African Painter” by Phillis

Wheatley? – Discuss.


  1. Trace the theme of Illusion and Reality in “The Glass Menagerie.”
  2. Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” is “a stay against confusion” –Justify.




Answer the following questions in about 300 words each:                              (2×20=40marks)


  1. Compare the poems “Weary Pilgrim” and “The Joy of Church Fellowship.”


Elucidate Poe’s “Philosophy of Composition.”


  1. “A person must not be just liked but well- liked”- Discuss with reference to “The

Death of a Sales Man.”


Critically analyse Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men” as a tragedy of a class that yearns

for a home of which it is perpetually deprived.

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Loyola College B.A. English Nov 2012 American Literature Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 02/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




  1. Answer the following in about 50 words each:             (10×2 =20 marks)


  1. Briefly explain Frost’s philosophy as expressed in his poem.
  2. Comment on Emerson’s ideas on the immortality of the soul.
  3. Comment on the titular significance of Wallace Steven’s poem.
  4. A perusal of his poetry shows thatTaylor was a thorough going Calvinist. Elaborate.
  5. Identify Paine’sliberal philosophy in The American Crisis.
  6. Discuss the character of Laura Wingfield.
  7. How does Levertov celebrate the existence of animals?
  8. What makes TheMayflower Compact the first governing document of Plymouth Colony?
  9. What is Poe’s unity effect?
  10. Poetry is a matter of skill and honesty in any form according to Marianne Moore. Do you agree?



  1. Answer any FIVE of the following in about 150 words each:                     (5×8 =40 marks)


  1. Sandburg is called “indubitably an American in every pulse-beat”.
  2. Critically appreciate The Raven as a narrative poem.
  3. How does Levertov emphasize bring out the idea of animals as old joy that returns in holy presence?
  4. Discuss Cotton Mother’s influence on early New England.
  5. Death of a Salesmanis a tragedy about the differences between a New York family’s dreams and the reality of their lives. Elucidate.
  6. How does Albee explore the theme of isolation in The zoo story?
  7. Bring out the narrative style in Poe’s short story.
  8. What picture of the 18th century town in Puritan New England does Hawthorne present in “The Minister’s Black Veil”?









  • Answer the following in about 400 words each:                                                   (2×20 =40 marks)


  1. ‘Analysis of 20th century American poetry ranges from applying large-scale themes that address needs for the whole human race to intricate detail about the poets unique experiences and life’s journey.’


  1. Why is The Glass Menagerie called a memory play?


  1. How is Willy Loman’s retreat into the past a form of escape from his unpleasant present reality in Miller’s play?




  1. Of Mice and Menteaches a grim lesson about the nature of human existence.

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