Loyola College M.A. English April 2004 British Literature(1500 – 1670) Question Paper PDF Download




EL 2801/LE 823 – BRITISH LITERATURE(1500 – 1670)


Date        : 05 .04.04                                                                                                                    Max   : 100 marks

Duration  : 1- 4 pm                                                                                                                     Time  : 3 hrs



  1. Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words each. (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Ay fue of fresshe flowers, white and reede

Synging he was, or floytynge, al the day

-What is your comment on this character’s leisure habits?


  1. No wette his fyngerss in hir sauce depe

Wel konde she carie a morsal and wel kepe.

-Is this behaviour justified?


  1. The lower still I fall only supreme

In misery such joy ambition finds

-Why does this character find his fall “in misery”?


  1. But at my back I always hear

Times winged chariot hurrying near

-Why is there such a hurry?

  1. Call us what you will we are made such by try love call her one, me another fly

-Describe the mood of the poet.

  1. All her particular worth grows to this sum—

She stains the time past, lights the time to come.

-Throw light on this observation.


  1. That known, I’ll find scorpions to string my whips

And fix her in a general eclipse.

-Comment upon the desire of the speaker.


  1. For a lie faces God and shrinks from man.

-Why does the author feel so?


  1. Some books are to be tasted, others to be

Swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested

-Explain the implied meaning in these lines.


  1. I say to you likewise there will be more joy in

Heaven over one sinner who repents than over

Ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.

-Bring out the significance of these lines.













  1. Translate the following passage into modern


  1. English and comment on the underline words.            (8 marks)


And bisihi gan for  the soules preye

of  hem that yat him wherewith to scoleye

of studie took he moost care and moost heede

Nought a word spark he moore than was neede

And that was seyd in forme and revenence

And short and quyk and ful of hy sentence

sowrynge in moral vertu was his speche

And gladly worlde he leane and gladly teche





III. Attempt any FOUR in about 200 words each choosing at least ONE from each section.

(4 x 8 = 32 marks)



  1. Analyse the art of story telling in “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”.
  2. Compare and contrast Prothalamion and Epithalamion of Edmund Spenser.
  3. How does the Prologue reveal Chaucer’s Society?



  1. Critically analyse the reasons for the damnation of Dr. Faustns.
  2. Bring out the features of Senecan elements in The Spanish Tragedy.
  3. What are the arguments of Philip Sidney in placing poetry superior to philosophy and History.




  1. Answer any TWO in not more than 500 words each choosing one question from each section.


(2 x 20 = 40 marks)



  1. Are we devoid of Satans among us in the 21st century? Answer this from the perspective of Milton’s Satan of Paradise Lost.
  2. Analyse the concept of love and the metaphysical qualities in Donne and Marvel.




  1. Critically analyse The Duchess of Malfi as a revenge tragedy.
  2. Give a critical appreciation of Bacon’s essays “Of Studies” and “Of Truth”.



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