Loyola College M.A. English April 2007 Eltt Question Paper PDF Download



LO 65


EL 4813 – ELTT




Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                          Max. : 100 Marks




I Write  brief comments on the following                                          (10×2=20 Marks)

  1. Fluctuation in learner interest
  2. Skimming and scanning
  3. Inhibition
  4. Density in written discourse
  5. Lexical syllabus
  6. What is the level as a trainer would you point out an error? Why?
  7. Which one would you teach first: vocabulary or syntax? Why?
  8. Which aspect of a learner would monitor the learning process?
  9. If a learner fumbles for a word in a situation, instead of prompting that word, what would be your role as a trainer? Why?
  10. What is a trainer’s primary concern in teaching second language?


II Answer any SIX of the following.                                                 (6×5=30 Marks)

  1. Elicitation techniques in testing
  2. Class room interaction patterns
  3. Characteristics of motivated learners
  4. The top ten requirements of good teaching
  5. Grammar teaching involves a lot of assumptions? Explain any two assumptions.
  6. What are  the causes for variability in language learning?
  7. The problem in teaching vocabulary is: the objects have different attributes like pointing to a wall to teach  the word ‘wall’, the same wall has to be pointed out to teach the colour ‘white’. How would you circumvent this problem?
  8. What is the difference between a native and non-native speaker?


III Answer any TWO of the following                                              (2×15=30 Marks)

  1. Explain the general principles of Lesson preparation and the ways of evaluating its effectiveness.
  2. Give a list of commonly found writing activities How would you evaluate  some of them in a particular teaching and learning situation.
  3. Is language acquisition environmental or genetic? Take a stand and argue for it.



IV Answer the following                                                                    (2×10=20 Marks)

  1. Design a five minute activity for  Speaking
  2. Design a five minute activity for  vocabulary



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Loyola College M.A. English April 2008 Eltt Question Paper PDF Download



DM 41


EL 4814 – ELTT




Date : 23/04/2008            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


I  Write brief comments on the following:                                         (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

  1. Difference between usage and use
  2. Explain any one Development Sequence
  3. Language trainer and mistakes
  4. Prohibitive inhibition of mother tongue
  5. One cause for learner difference
  6. Skills and sub skills
  7. Key concepts in speaking
  8. Task based learning
  9. Selection and use of aids in teaching and training
  10. Language laboratory


II Answer any SIX of the following:                                                             (6 x  5  = 30 marks)

  1. Explain the characteristics of motivated learners.
  2. What are the ways of arousing interest in tasks?
  3. Write a note on the relationship between teacher and adult learners.
  4. Concepts of discipline and language learning classrooms.
  5. Explain any one key issue in second language learning.
  6. What are the ways of presenting new grammatical items?
  7. Explain the concept syntax before morphology in a language training situation.
  8. Explain Interaction pattern with suitable examples.


III Answer any TWO of the following:                                             ( 2 x 15 = 30 marks)

  1. Which one should be given more priority: Competence or Performance?
  2. Explain the problems faced by a trainer in teaching pronunciation to a group of heterogeneous learners.
  3. What are the steps a trainer should undertake to design a need based syllabus?


IV Answer the following:                                                                   (2 x 10 = 20 marks)

  1. Design a five minute activity for teaching concepts in grammar.
  2. Profile of an effective language trainer.



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Loyola College M.A. English April 2009 Eltt Question Paper PDF Download



NM 46


EL 4814 – ELTT




Date & Time: 23/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




I Write brief comments on the following                                              (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. A fixed-action pattern.
  2. The use of images and symbols in learning.
  3. Communication competence.
  4. Contrast between memory and forgetting.
  5. Language is a learned behavior.
  6. Sequences
  7. Motivation
  8. Affective filter
  9. Hypothesis
  10. Mistakes


II Answer any Three of the following                                                        (3 x 5 = 15)


  1. Difference between STM and LTM
  2. Explain any two conflicts.
  3. Importance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  4. The elements of linguistic competence.


III Answer any Three of the following: (200 words)                                   (3 x 5 = 15)


  1. Interlanguage is a theoretical construct. Explain
  2. Write on any two hypotheses of Monitor Theory.
  3. Write out a plan to teach zero plurals to school teachers.
  4. Language needs are different from language wants. Explain.


III Answer any two of the following .                                                  (2 x 15 = 30)


  1. Explain with reference to motivational theories how learning can be enhanced.
  2. Thinking and learning go together. How?
  3. How would you as a trainer help your learners understand conflicts, inter personal factors and learn better than before.?


IV Design a teaching programme for slow learners of our college to comprehend lessons.                                                                                                              (20 marks)


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Loyola College M.A. English April 2011 Eltt Question Paper PDF Download




EL 4814/4813 – ELTT



Date : 09-04-2011             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Part A


I           Answer any Four of the following in about 75 words each:                                (4 x 5 =20)

  1. What is Interlanguage?
  2. Write a note on Learner errors.
  3. What is learning sequence?
  4. Write a short note on Hypothesis forming in language training.
  5. Differentiate competence and performance.


II          Design a 20 minute activity to teach ‘tag questions’ for a group children studying VIII std in a regional medium school in a rural setting. No theory/ no grammar explication

(15  marks)


III         Answer the following in about 300 words                                                                       (15 marks)

Write an essay on Krashan’s Monitor theory.


The key issues involved in Second Language Acquisition.


Part B


IV        Write short notes on the following ELT concepts:                                     (5X2= 10 marks)

  1. Acquisition vs. learning
  2. Differentiate FLA with SLA
  3. Stages of English language acquisition
  4. Fossilization
  5. Implicit vs. explicit ways of teaching grammar


V         Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each:   (2X10=20 marks)

  1. What is the level of motivation for both teachers and students in Indian schools with regard to English language learning and teaching is concerned?
  2. How effectively English is taught in the Indian contexts? And what are the hurdles for effective language learning and teaching?
  3. Point out some of the theories of motivation and show how they can be related to



VI        Answer any one of the following questions in about 200 words each:    (1X20=20 marks)

  1. Make a model lesson plan for teaching grammar to students of a higher secondary class and point out possible innovative methods and problems involved in teaching grammar?
  2. What are the possible errors committed by the Indian learners and speakers of English and examine why they crop up and how we decrease them.


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Loyola College M.A. English April 2012 Eltt Question Paper PDF Download




EL 4814 / 4805 – ELTT



Date : 20-04-2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00

Part A (50 marks)


I   Answer any Four of the following in about 75 words each:                                                   (4 x 5 =20)


  1. Briefly explain ‘lexical patterning’.
  2. Write a note on any one social factor in understanding SLA .
  3. Why is there learning difference in spite of commonalities among learners?
  4. Write a note on Mother tongue interference in language learning.
  5. What is prohibitive inhibition?.


II   Design a 20 minute activity to teach ‘Degrees of comparison’ for a group of children studying VIII std

in a regional medium school in a rural setting. No theory/ no grammar explication .           (15 Marks)


III   Critically evaluate interlanguage as a theoretical construct.                                            (15 Marks)


Explain at least four conditions  involved in language learner reaching an acceptable language learning.


Part B (50 marks)

IV  Write short notes on the following ELT concepts:                                                 (5X2= 10 marks)


  1. Second language learning (SLL) vs. Acquisition
  2. Competence vs performance
  3. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
  4. Stages of learning English in India
  5. Types of errors according to S P Corder.


V  Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each:                      (2X10=20 marks)


  1. What are the basic areas of grammar; and how it should be handled in different stages of learning by the teachers of English?
  2. How motivated our English teachers are and should be especially to primary learners?
  3. Is it possible to create an encouraging learning environment? Answer this by substantiating your views from some of the motivational theories you have learnt.


VI  Answer any one of the following questions in about 200 words each:                                (1X20=20 marks)


  1. How effectively and creatively teachers can approach to teaching of the basic four skills namely LSRW?
  2. Point out diverse views expressed by various language experts in correcting the learners errors and solving language learning problems.



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