Loyola College U.G. English April 2009 Eng. For Res.Devl.Through Cur.Trend Question Paper PDF Download

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Date & Time: 18/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00       Dept. No.                                                           Max. : 100 Marks




  1. Choose the correct answer for each question / statement from the lessons  The President’s Address    

and  Our March to Freedom and write only the answer in the answer script.  1×10=10


  1. According to our President , keeping one’s house clean and dumping the rubbish in the neighbour’s garden shows :
  2.      a) lack of Hygiene              b)  lack of accountability                    c)  lack of technology
  3. Ambedkar points out that India’s progress, without providing for our weaker sections, would be like a palace built on:
  4. a) a tall mountain             b) a dung heap                        c) A desert
  5. Who said this? “We have never heard of a husband mounting the funeral pyre of his deceased wife.”
  6. a) Gandhi b) Nehru                      c) Tilak
    1. “One half of our society guzzles aerated beverages while the other has to make do with palmfuls of muddy water.” Here ‘aerated beverages’ refers to:
    2. a) Cakes and biscuits b) Non-vegetarian foods       c) Soft drinks like Pepsi
    3. ‘Self regarding purity and righteousness ignoring others has been the bane of our culture’.

Here the word ‘bane’ means;

  1. a) curse b) blessing                   c) celebration


  1. The apartheid destruction on our sub-continent is incalculable. What does ‘apartheid mean’?
  2. a) cultural integration b) cultural dis integration   c) racial discrimination


  1. The prestigious award that Nelson Mandela won in 1993:
  2. a) Nobel Peace prize b) Nobel Prize for Literature               c) Nobel Prize for


  1. Nelson Mandela cherishes the ideal of a democratic and free society in which people:
  2. a) accept dictatorship                  b) go to war if necessary                     c)live in harmony with

equal opportunities

  1. ‘Mr. de Klerk himself is a man of integrity’ says Nelson Mandela.Who is Mr.de Klerk?
  2. a) Prime Minister of South Africa b) President of South Africa               c)Secretary-General

of the UN

  1. Apartheid ended in South Africa due to:
  2. a) Armed struggle b) Dictatorship                        c) Mass action and sacrifice by millions


  1. Choose the correct answer for each question / statement from the lessons  Student Power – New style and  Adamant Driver pushes girl to death and write only the answer in the answer script                                                                                    


  1. In the lesson, Student Power- New Style, the students were able to solve a major industrial dispute and reopen the factory because:
  2. a) They asked all the labourers to resign from their post
  3. b) They provided the communications necessary for better human relations
  4. c) They threatened the management with serious consequences
  5. The name of the company where this dispute occurred in February 1971 and closed down for 9 months is:
    a)Standard Motors b)Super Motors           c) General Motors
  6. The students were successful in their attempt to solve their factory problem because they did it on the basis of:
  7. a) what is right b) who is right c) who is more powerful
  8. The school wished that the minister be convinced to change his mind on matters of policy. So they asked for God’s help. What according to a small girl was the answer?
  9. a) God says we should go on a strike when the minister arrives
  10. b) God says we should not to allow the minister inside the school
  11. c) God says we are to make him happy
  12. The minister did not make a mention of his two points of policy for the rest of the tour because:
  13. a) He appreciated all that was being done for and by the children
  14. b) The headmistress sat and discussed the problem of the school for two hours
  15. c) The secretary did not allow the minister to stay in school for more than 15 minutes
  16. The lesson Adamant Driver pushes girl to death is in the form of:
  17. a) Complaint letter to the police b) Grievance letterof the parents     c)Newspaper report
  18. He refused to ply the bus to the village. Here ‘ply’ means:
  19. a) Push b) Repair         c) Drive
  20. The reason the driver gave for the bus not going to the village were:
  21. a) The girl passengers had not paid for the ticket
  22. b) the bus was already late and the roads were bad
  23. c) There was a punctured tyre
  24.        How did Mahalakshmi die?
  25. a) She fell into a ditch
  26. b) Bite of a poisonous snake
  27. c) Road accident
  28. Inspite of repeated requests, the driver refused to budge. Here ‘refused to budge’ refers to:
  29. a) Not taking the bus to the village
  30. b) getting down and allowing the conductor a tea break
  31. c) Refunding their ticket money


  1. Choose the correct answer for each question / statement from the lessons  The Window and From a slum dweller to a prize winner and write only the answer in the answer script.


  1. When the man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate to describe such wonderful things outside the window, the nurse replied :
  2. a) perhaps he wanted to make you feel jealous
  3. b) perhaps he wanted to encourage you.
  4. c) perhaps he wanted to make you unhappy
  5. When the other man look out of the window, he saw:
  6. a) A multi-storeyed building
  7. b) A blank wall
  8. c) a beautiful garden
  9. ‘The Window’ is a good example of:
  10. a) re-engineering situations
  11. b) Communal harmony
  12. c) International peace


  1. V.R.Ramaiah, a grade IV employee in Loyola College is also:
  2. a) a talented singer b) a talented painter c) a talented writer

5.The man couldn’t hear the band, he could see it in his mind’s eye. Here the expression ‘mind’s

eye’ means :

a)Visualise             b) Optical Ilusion                    c) Sixth Sense

  1. Mr. Arputham Jockins was not only the President of the National Slum Dwellers Federations

but also the winner of this prestigious award:

  1. a) Oscar b) Booker Prize c) Magsaysay
  2. The demolition of Janata colony galvanized Mr. Jockins into action. Here the word galvanize


  1. a) activate b) paralyze c)discourage
  2. The full form of SPARC – an NGO – Jockins teamed up with- is:
  3. a) Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centres
  4. b) Society for the Promotion of Adult Research Centres
  5. c) Society for the Promotion of Alcoholic Research Centers
  6. The lesson The Prophet and the long spoons talks about
  7. a) Religious tolerance
  8. b) Civil liberty
  9. c) Human relationships
  10. When the prophet Elijah said to his escort ‘That is heaven’, he was referring to the

       atmosphere in the:

  1. a) First room
  2. b) Second room
  3. c) Third room


  1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:–                                     ( 5×2=10)

Positive change requires letting go of old patterns and taking a fresh approach. It demands going            beyond our preconceived ideas. A story about the relationship of a teacher and student illustrates this principle. A student who thought he had it “all figured out” and knew everything would visit his teacher each day for personal lessons about life. Despite the teacher’s attempts to share her life experience, the student resisted. One day the teacher took a different approach. The teacher asked the student if he would like some tea. The teacher proceeded to set the tea table and brought in a huge pot of piping hot tea. She not only filled the student’s cup, but once the cup was full, she continued to pour. Tea overflowed, streaming onto the table and the beautiful carpet. Shocked, the student jumped up from his chair and started screaming at the teacher, “Stop! You must be crazy! You’re ruining everything! Can’t you see what you are doing?” The teacher continued her pouring as if the student weren’t present until the entire pot was empty. Only then did she look calmly at the student and respond, “If you want to receive my tea, you must keep your cup empty.”

Like a wise student, we can gain insight only if we are open to change. Change is always our teacher, pointing new directions, suggesting new options, testing our potentialities. Change challenges our current reality by forcing a new reality to rush in. If we’re open to it, if our cup is empty, new possibilities fall into our lives. If we’re not open to change, we respond to it like an enemy we have to fend off.

  1. What is required for positive change to occur?
  2. Why did the student resist the Teacher’s attempt to educate him ?
  3. How does a wise student gain insight ?
  4. How does Change become our Teacher?
  5. Do you think the Teacher was successful in her attempt to re-engineer the situation?

Narrate an incident where a Teacher has helped you to change a negative attitude .


  1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:–                                        (5×2=10)


 In Ability Development from Age Zero, Shinichi Suzuki describes telling a violin student:

‘”Stop playing the violin for one week. There is something you must learn besides the violin. It is the spirit of doing things for other people. … To begin with, pick up your friend’s books when they have fallen…. Live by looking for things to do for other people. This is your homework for the week.”

[The student asked] “…what does doing things for other people have to do with violin practice?” …

“When listening to your performance, I could clearly feel that you were self-centered in your heart. If your heart is set to work for others, then your mind should be able to work more sensitively in an expanded world. If you do so, then more abundant, delicately beautiful expressions will enter your performance. …”

… art becomes higher as humans develop higher. …great talent and a deep, beautiful feeling in the heart are closely tied together.”‘

  1. What was the student asked to stop doing?
  2. What was the homework given to the student ?.
  3. What was wrong with the student?
  4. What was the student to learn besides the violin?
  5. What is the connection between pro-human values and art ?



  1. Answer  any TWO of the following questions in a paragraph each  ( in 100 words)                 (2×5=10)
    1. What hurdles would Jockins have faced while building up human relationships?
    2. How did the students cement the relationship with the minister?
    3. Attempt a character -sketch of Maanji.
    4. Why should a 60 year old committee member consider Nagar a traitor?
    5. Explain the perspective of the visually challenged man’s positive approach in the lesson ‘The Window’?
    6. How did the school children make an impact on the attitude of the minister in the lesson ‘Student power-New Style’?



  1. Using the points given  in the passage below and the points given in your text under the heading Building New India, write an essay in about 250 words on  the changes you visualize in various fields ( Science and Technology, politics, education, agriculture etc.) for India to become a developed country by 2020!                                                                                                          (1×10=10)


If youth have to sing the song of India, India should become a developed country which is free from poverty,      illiteracy and unemployment and is buoyant with economic prosperity, national security and internal harmony.

To create this transformation we all have to resolve ourselves to work and sweat for the national development. I would like to share the song of youth, which I normally recite with the school children, here at this juncture. I am very happy to see the children present here representing the future generation. Through them I would like to convey the song of youth to all children of our country and the people.

As a young citizen of India, armed with technology, knowledge and love for my nation, I realize, small aim is a crime.

I will work and sweat for a great vision, the vision of transforming India into a developed nation, powered by economic strength with value system.

I am one of the citizens of billion; Only the vision will ignite the billion souls.

It has entered into me; The ignited soul compared to any resource is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth under the earth.

I will keep the lamp of knowledge burning to achieve the vision – Developed India.

If we work and sweat for the great vision with ignited minds, the transformation leading to birth of vibrant developed India will happen. This song, when sung in our own beautiful languages will unite our minds for action.

Dr. Abdul Kalam .


  1. Write an essay in not more than 200 words on any TWO of the following:                                 (2×10=20)
  2. Redefine the role of an empowered woman at home,  in business,in the field of politics and     education,
  3. Social evils can be eradicated only by education-explain the statement with reference to the current Indian



  1. Child labour is an evil thing. Bring out the disadvantages of child labour and suggest ways to rectify the

condition of  these children  and to abolish child labour completely.


  1. Rewrite as Directed:                           (10×1=10)
  2. The spoon became too heavy to handle. ( replace the expression  ‘ too …to ‘ with ‘ so ….that’)
  3. Example:  Would you care for a drink?—–Frame sentences in this pattern  using  a) switch on the fan  b)

open the window ‘.

  1. Correct the following sentences:
  2. Sometimes, Childrens are forced to work after school hours.
  3. Mr. Arputham have come to meet you.
  4. I walked on as fastly as I could until I reached the main road.
  5. I would like you to meet my cousin brother.
  6. We meet to discuss about the subject.


  1. Make sentences using the expressions ‘ in spite of ‘ and ‘whether or not’
  2. Maanji was moved by their pitiable condition and voluntarily sent them donations.

(replace using the expression ‘ not only…. .. but also ‘)


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Loyola College U.G. English April 2012 Eng. For Res.Devl.Through Cur.Trend Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 20-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


I     Read the instructions carefully and answer the following:                                                 30 marks             


Fill in the blanks:

  1. 1. The ‘Tragic Storm of 1947’ refers to……………………
  2. The word ‘Refugee’ means……………………
  3. ‘Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men’ signifies the season of ……………………
  4. The discrimination between the Whites and the Blacks could be called as………..
  5. The problem that exists between Dalits and other sections of society can be termed as………
  6. 2012 is called as …………………century.


Choose the Correct answer :

  1. Mr. Joackim was awarded the
  2. Nobel Prize  b. Booker Prize.  C. Pulitzer Prize      d. Magsaysay Prize
  3. 12,000 families were displaced and moved to a new place and Mr. Jockim christened it as:
  4. Janata Colony  b. Cheetah Camp    c. New friends Colony  d. People’s Colony
  5. Bombay Slum Dwellers’ Federation was later renamed as :
  6. SPARC       b. NGO    c. Mahila Milan     d. NSDF


Identify whether the following statements are True or  False:

  1. 10. The people in the first room were hollow-cheeked and empty eyed.
  2. True                   b. False
  3. The people in the first room made use of the spoon to help each other.
  4. True                   b. False
  5. Heaven and Hell situations are not made by human behavior.
  6. True                     b. False


Answer in one sentence each:

  1. ‘The men talked for hours on end’. Who are the men referred to?
  2. ‘It faced a blank wall’. What is the scene described?
  3. ‘He just wanted to encourage you’. Whose words are these?


Make meaningful sentences using the underlined words:

  1. ‘The bus crew refused to ply the bus’
  2. ‘The driver refused to budge


Give the meaning of the following words:

  1. 18. Reward     Abuse   20. Discover


  1. 21. Rearrange the following sentences to make a meaningful paragraph: 5 marks

            The children’s comment, “It works. He was happy”

One hundred girls received him waving a golden daisy

“God says we are to make him happy”.

The children offered him the food that he liked most

The young staff and the children would take over


  1. Match the following : 5 marks

            Mr. Nelson Mandela   –            Promotes collaboration among nations

UNICEF                     –           Blacks should march forward

Dr. Manmohan Singh  –            Have no fear. Don’t treat him as an enemy

Mrs. Van Beuningen   –           First servant of the country

UNESCO                    –           Rights of Children


II  Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:                                     5×2=10


A successful business man was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor

to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he

decided to do something different.

He called all the young executives in his company together. He said, “It is time for me to

step down and choose the next CEO. I have decided to choose one of you. I am going to

give each one of you a SEED today – one very special SEED.

I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what

you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring,

and the one I choose will be the next CEO.”

One man, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went

home and excitedly, told his wife the story. She helped him get a pot, soil and compost and

he planted the seed. Everyday, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about

three weeks, some of the other executives began to talk about their seeds and the plants

that were beginning to grow.

Jim kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks

went by, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn’t have

a plant and he felt like a failure. Six months went by — still nothing in Jim’s pot.

Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing .Jim didn’t say anything to his

colleagues, however, he just kept watering and fertilizing the soil – He so wanted the seed

to grow.

A year finally went by and all the young executives of the company brought their plants

to the CEO for inspection. Jim felt sick to his stomach, it was going to be the most

embarrassing moment of his life, . He took his empty pot to the board room.

When Jim arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other executives.

They were beautiful – in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor and many

of his colleagues laughed, a few felt sorry for him!

When the CEO arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted his young executives.

Jim just tried to hide in the back. “My, what great plants, trees and flowers you have grown,”

said the CEO. “Today one of you will be appointed the next CEO!”

All of a sudden, the CEO spotted Jim at the back of the room with his empty pot.

He ordered the Financial Director to bring him to the front. Jim was terrified.

He thought, “The CEO knows I’m a failure! Maybe he will have me fired!”

When Jim got to the front, the CEO asked him what had happened to his seed, Jim told him

the story. The CEO asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim,

and then announced to the young executives, “Behold your next Chief Executive Officer!

His name is “Jim!” Jim couldn’t believe it. “How could he be the new CEO?” the others said.

Then the CEO said, “One year ago today, I gave everyone in this room a seed.

I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you

all boiled seeds; they were dead – it was not possible for them to grow. All of you,

except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the

seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim was the

only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it.

Therefore, he is the one who will be the new Chief Executive Officer!”

If you plant honesty, you will reap trust

If you plant humility, you will reap greatness

If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment

So, be careful what you plant now;

it will determine what you will reap later.


  1. What did the businessman  instruct his executives to do?
  2. What did Jim take for inspection after one year? What did the young executives take?
  3. Why was Jim chosen as CEO? Name the two qualities the businessman appreciated in Jim?                  4.  What do you reap if you plant perseverance? And what should you plant to reap trust?
  4. Give the antonyms ( opposites)  of : a) failure     b)  arrived.


III  Using the points given and adding your own, write an essay on Violence against Women:10 marks                                                                                                                   

Every six hours, a married woman in India is burnt alive, beaten to death or driven to suicide.

At least  15,000 women are raped, 30,000 are molested and 5000 fall to dowry deaths.

“ For women in Usilampatti, not killing the female child is going against the order of society,”

There was an ordinance against eve teasing after the death of a college girl Sarika, there is a          Dowry Prevention Act, but nothing comes out of these.”

Psychological, economic and physical violence against women is not unique to South Asia but      is a global curse.


IV  a.  Fill in the blanks choosing either ‘OUGHT TO’ or ‘MUST’:                                          4 marks

  1. You …………… exercise regularly.
  2. He ………………….apologize for his mistakes.
  3. They………………..pay the fine.
  4. We …………………help the poor and the needy.


  1. Choose the right prepositions and fill in the blanks.                                         6 marks

                     (at, into, on, along, under, up)

  1. To get to the Marketing department, you have to go ______ those stairs and then ______

the corridor to the end.

  1. I saw something about it ______ television
  2.    He was driving ______ 180 miles per hour when he crashed ______ the central barrier.
  3.   It’s unlucky to walk ______ a ladder in my culture.


V  Answer any Two of the following in about 50 words each :                                                    2×5=10

  1. Write a short note on “Bhima Sangha”.
  2. Whom did Mr.Arputham Jockin team up to fight for the rights of the slum dwellers?
  3. How did Mrs. Van Beuningan win the heart of the first commandant?
  4. Write about the terrible incident that snapped the last thread of the faith of Maanji.





            VI  Answer any two of the following in about 200 words each.                           (2 x 15 = 30 )


  1. Explain any three types of discrimination that you find in the Indian society and suggest ways to abolish these discriminations.
  2. What are the deliberate actions of Rosa Parks which paved the way for the Black Revolution?
  3. List some of your worries. Choose the foremost in your mind. What techniques will you apply to re -engineer the worry?
  4. Discuss some of the problems associated with child labour. Suggest some practical ways to eradicate child labour.
  5. How are college students presented in films? How would you like films to present college students?



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