Loyola College B.Sc. Statistics April 2008 Finan.Ac & Financial Statement Analysis Question Paper PDF Download


RO 3








Date : 25/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer all questions:                                                              10 x 2 =20 marks


  1. Classify the following accounts into Personal, Real and Nominal:
  2. a) Cash account b)  Dividend account    c) Goodwill account
  3. d) Chennai Cricket Club Account

2.a  The subdivisions of a journal into various books are called ___________ books.

  1. A _________ organisation is a legal and accounting entity  whose main     objective’s are to provide        service to the members or beneficiaries.
  2. Give any two advantages of cash flow analysis.
  3. What are Bad debts and how are they treated?
  4. What is imprest system of cash book ?
  5. List out any four direct expenses.
  6. Write short note on Legacy
  7. What is Proprietory fund?
  8. Calculate cost of goods sold: Opening stock – Rs. 2,500, Purchases – Rs.50,000 Closing stock –  Rs. 7000
  9. Compute the Profit or loss on sale of Land: Original cost – Rs. 10,000      Accumulated Depreciation –        5,000  Sale value Rs.5,500.




Answer any five questions:                                                                 5 x 8 =40 marks


11  What is Bank Reconciliation Statement?  Why should it be prepared periodically?

  1. Distinguish between Trial balance and Balance sheet.
  2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of accounting.
  3. M/s Praveen Furniture Mart purchased the following items during the month of December 2007

5    Purchased from M/s Goodwill furniture

200 Chairs @ Rs. 100 per chair

25 Tables @ Rs. 200 per table

11  Purchased from M/s Nithya motors

One Maruti  car for Rs. 1,40,000

One Scooter for Rs. 14,000

  • Cash purchases from Dilip furniture:

4 Sofa sets @ Rs. 5,000 per set

1 Computer table @ Rs. 2,500

20  Purchased from Ram & Co

24 Dining chairs @ Rs. 200 per chair

4 Dining tables @ Rs. 2,000 per table

Less : 15% trade discount

Prepare purchases book and show ledger posting of purchases book.

  1. From the following balances, prepare the Balance sheet of a Company in the prescribed format, Goodwill       Rs. 1,50,000; Investments Rs. 2,00,000; Share capital Rs. 5,00,000 ;  Reserves Rs. 1,10,000; Share premium           Rs. 15,000; Preliminary expenses Rs. 10,000; Profit and Loss A/c (Cr) Rs. 25,000; Debentures         Rs. 2,50,000, Plant and Machinery  Rs. 2,70,000; Land Rs. 2,00,000; Stock Rs. 80,000; Debtors Rs. 60,000;       Bank balance Rs. 30,000; Unsecured loan Rs. 65,000; Sundry creditors Rs. 35,000


  1. From the following Receipts and Payments account of Chennai Club for the year ended 31-3 – 2007.       Prepare Income and Expenditure Account.

Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31-3-07

Receipts                      Rs.                Payments                       Rs.

To Balance b/d           3,485               By Books                    6,150

To Entrance fees           650               By Printing and

To Donations             6,000                       Stationery               465

To Subscribtions         6,865               By Newspapers           1,110

To Interest on                                      By Sports Materials    5,000

Investments    1,900               By Repairs                     650

To Sale of furniture        685               By Investments           2,000

To Sale of old                                     By Furniture                1,000

Newspapers       465               By Salary                    1,500

To Proceeds from                                By balance c/d                        3,165

Entertainments     865

To Sundry receipts         125

_____                                                 _______

21,040                                                 21,040

Additional information:

  1. Capitalise Entrance fees and Donations
  2. Sports Materials valued at Rs. 4,000 on 31-3-07.


  1. Given the following figures:

Sales                                           Rs. 15,00,000

Gross profit                                20% on sales

Current assets                               4,00,000

Current liabilities                          2,00,000

Fixed assets (Gross) 5,00,000

Less: Depreciation  1,00,000    4,00,000

Calculate : (i)  Capital turnover ratio  (ii) Fixed assets turnover ratio

  • Working capital turnover ratio


  1. X Ltd made a profit of Rs. 4,00,000 after considering the following items:

(i)         Depreciation on fixed assets Rs. 15,000

(ii)        Writing off preliminary expenses Rs. 6,000

(iii)       Loss on sale of furniture         Rs.      900

(iv)       Provision for taxation             Rs. 75,000

(v)        Transfer to general reserve      Rs.   5,000

(vi)       Profit on sale of buildings       Rs. 10,000

The following additional information is also supplied to you:

Particulars                   31-12-06                      31-12-07

Rs.                               Rs.

Sundry Debtors                       15,000                         20,000

Sundry Creditors                    12,000                         17,000

Bills receivable                        14,000                         17,500

Bills payable                              9,500                           6,000

Outstanding expenses             3,000                            2,000

Prepaid expenses                         100                               200

You are required to ascertain the amount of cash from operations.



Answer any two questions:                                                     2 x 20 =40 marks


  1. From the following Trial Balance of Thiru. Raj as on 31st March 2007, Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet taking into account the adjustments:

Debit balances         Rs.           Credit balances             Rs.

Land and Buildings          42,000       Capital                         62,000

Machinery                          20,000       Sales                            98,780

Patents                                  7,500       Return outwards              500

Stock 1-4-2006                     5,760       Sundry Creditors          6,300

Sundry debtors                  14,500        Bills payable                  9,000

Purchases                           40,675

Cash in hand                           540

Cash at bank                        2,630

Return inwards                       680

Wages                                  8,480

Fuel and power                    4,730

Carriage on sales                  3,200

Carriage on purchases          2,040

Salaries                               15,000

General expenses                 3,000

Insurance                                 600

Drawings                              5,245

______                                           ______

1,76,580                                         1,76,580


  • Stock on 31-3-2007 was Rs. 6,800
  • Salary outstanding Rs. 1,500
  • Insurance Prepaid Rs. 150
  • Depreciate machinery @ 10% and patents @ 20%
  • Create a provision of 2% on debtors for bad debts.


  1. From the following transactions, prepare Three- Column cash book of Akash for the month of Aug 2007


2007                                                                               Rs.

1       Cash balance                                                   20,000

Bank balance                                                   23,000

3       Paid rent by cheque                                          5,000

4       Cash received on account of cash sales            6,000

6       Payment for cash purchases                              2,000

8       Deposited into bank                                          8,000

9       Bought goods by cheque                                  3,000

10       Sold goods to Naresh on credit                        7,120

12       Received cheque from Mohan                          2,900

Discount allowed to him                                      100

13       Withdrew from bank for office use                  4,350

14       Purchased furniture by cheque                         1,260

15       Received a cheque for Rs. 7,000 from

Naresh in full settlement of his account,

Which is deposited into bank

16       Withdrew for personal use from bank              1,200

18       Suresh our customer has paid directly

Into our bank                                                              4,000

  • Prasad settled his account for Rs. 1,250

By giving a cheque for                                   1,230

  • Prasad’s cheque sent for collection


  1. Using the following information, construct a Balance Sheet:

Gross profit (20% on sales)  Rs. 6,00,000

Shareholder’s equity               Rs. 5,00,000

Credit sales to total sales        80%

Total assets turnover(on sales) : 3 times

Average collection period (360 days in a year)  : 18 days

Current ratio                1.6

Long term debt to equity                    40%



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Loyola College B.Sc. Statistics April 2009 Finan.A/C & Financial Statement Analysis Question Paper PDF Download


KP 03







Date & Time: 25/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                 Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions:                                                                    (10 X 2 = 20 marks)


  1. State the rules of double entry system of bookkeeping.
  2. What do you understand by Imprest system of Petty cash book?
  3. (i) Earnings per share (EPS) is a

(a) Profitability ratio   (b) Turnover ratio   (c) Liquidity ratio  (d) None of these

.            (ii) In a cash flow statement dividend paid is usually treated as

(a ) application of cash  (b)  source of cash   (c)  loss (d)  gain

  1. What is cash discount?
  2. Compute the amount of dividend paid during 2008

Proposed dividend on 1-1-08                                     Rs.50,000

Proposed dividend on 31-12-08                                 Rs.40,000

Dividend debited to P& L Appropriation Account    Rs.60,000

  1. Calculate Stock turnover ratio:

Opening stock Rs. 29,000:   Closing stock  Rs. 31,000: Purchases Rs. 2,42,000

  1. What are ‘Contra Entries’?
  2. Calculate the amount of Commission payable to the manager @10% on net profit which amounts to Rs.1,10,000 after charging such commission.
  3. Give any two advantages of subsidiary books.
  4. What is a cash flow statement?




Answer any five questions:                                                                (5 X 8 = 40 marks)


  1. On 31st March, 2008 the pass book showed the credit balance of Rs. 10,500.

Cheques amounting to Rs.2,750 were deposited in the bank but only cheque of Rs. 750 had not been cleared up to 31st March.

Cheques amounting to Rs.3,500 were issued, but cheque for Rs.1,200 had not been presented for payment in the bank up to 31st March.

Bank had given the debit of Rs. 35 for sundry charges and also bank had received

directly from customers Rs.800 and dividend of Rs.130 up to 31st March .      Find out the balance as per cash book.


  1. Enter the following transactions in the Purchases and Purchases returns book of Rex

Electrical Co., and post them to ledger

Jan 2009

  • Started business with Rs.2,00,000 cash
  • Purchased for cash furniture Rs. 2,000
  • Bought of Hari

20 Immersion heaters  1,000 watt of Escorts Ltd @ Rs. 20

20 tube lights @ Rs. 8

7             Purchased stationery for cash Rs. 30

10            Bought of Bajaj & Co., on account:

30 Table lamps @ Rs. 25

10 Electric kettles @ Rs. 45

11            Purchased from Rama & Co., for cash

5 Immersion heaters 1,000 watt @ Rs. 19

12             Returned goods to Bajaj & Co.,

4 Table lamps

2 Electric kettles

15            Sales to Rahim on account

1 Immersion heaters,1000 watt @ Rs.25



  1. Ascertain operating profit before working capital changes from the following details:


Net profit before Tax and extraordinary items                                         2,00,000

Dividend received on long term investment in shares                                 40,000

Interest received on long term debentures of other companies                   30,000

Goodwill written off                                                                                   20,000

Discount on issue of shares written off                                                       10,000

Preliminary expenses written off                                                                 25,000

Depreciation charged on Fixed Assets                                                        65,000

Profit on Sale of equipment                                                                         10,000

Loss on Sale of Long term investments                                                         8,000


  1. Prepare a Two – column Cash book from the following transactions of Ratan:

Jan 2007                                                                                           Rs.

1          Cash in hand                                                               40,000

6          Cash purchases                                                            20,000

12        Wages paid                                                                   1,000

15        Cash received from Suresh                                         60,000

Allowed him discount                                                              1,000

20        Cash paid to Rajesh                                                    25,000

Discount received from him                                         1,000

21        Sold goods for cash                                                    25,000

25        Purchased goods from Shyam                                                12,000

22        Withdrew cash for personal use                                    5,000


  1. Journalise the following transactions:


Jan 1    Mr. Kumar commenced business with cash Rs.50,000,

Building Rs. 1,00,000, bank balance of Rs. 1,00,000

3    Purchased goods for cash Rs.7,000

5    Purchased goods for Rs.7,500 from Dinesh

7    Sold goods for cash Rs. 2,000

8    Paid rent Rs. 3,000 to Mr. James, the landlord

10  Withdrew cash from bank for personal use Rs.2,500

12  Returned goods worth Rs. 500 to Dinesh

15   Paid Rs.6,800 in full settlement to Dinesh.

  1. Discuss the merits and limitations of financial accounting.
  2. What are the significant uses of Cash flow statement?
  3. Differentiate between Trial balance and Balance Sheet.



Answer any two questions:                                                                (2 X 20 = 40 marks)


  1. The following are the balances extracted from the books of Mr. Hari as on 31-12-2008. Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ending 31-12-2008 and a Balance sheet as on that date:

Trial Balance as on 31-12-2008

Particulars                                  Rs.                    Particulars                              Rs.

Drawings                                       4,000               Capital                                     20,000

Cash in hand                                 1,700               Sales                                        16,000

Cash at bank                                 6,500               Sundry Creditors                      4,500

Wages                                           1,000

Purchases                                      2,000

Stock (1-1-2008)                           6,000

Buildings                                     10,000

Sundry Debtors                             4,400

Bills Receivable                            2,900

Rent                                                 450

Commission                                     250

General expenses                             800

Furniture                                          500

40,500                                                               40,500

The following adjustments are to be made:

  • Stock on 31-12-08 was Rs.4,000
  • Interest on capital at 6% to be provided
  • Interest on drawings at 5% to be provided
  • Wages yet to be paid Rs.100
  • Rent prepaid Rs. 50


  1. From the following information make out a balance sheet with as many details as possible:

(a)  Gross profit turnover ratio                        25%

(b)  Debtor’s velocity                                      3 months

( c) Creditor’s velocity                                    2 months

(d)  Stock velocity                                          8 times

(e)  Capital turnover ratio                                2.5 times

(f ) Fixed assets turnover ratio                        8 times(on cost of sales)

Gross profit for the year ended 31st December 2008 was Rs. 80,000.  There was no long term loan or overdraft.  Reserves and surplus amounted to Rs. 28,000.  Liquid assets were Rs. 97,333.  Closing stock of the year was Rs. 2,000 more than the opening stock.  Bills receivable and Bills payable were Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 2,000 respectively.


  1. From the following Receipts and Payments account for the year 31st December 2008 and the subjoined information, prepare the income and expenditure for the year ended 31-12-2008 and Balance Sheet as at 31-12-2008

Receipts and Payments Accounts

2008                                                          2008

Jan  1   To Balance b/d                               Dec 31 By Govt securities                 2,000

Cash in hand                    300            By Rent                                       300

Cash at bank                  3,000            By Furniture                                500

Dec 31 To  Subscription:                                     By Postage, printing                     50

2007         100                                     By Newspapers&

2008       2,000                                          Periodicals                                                                     2009                    50               2,150                                      2008     300

To Donations                      4,000                                      2009       60       360

To interest on investments     200            By Annual dinner                       800

(book value Rs.2,000)                        By Electricity charges

To collection for annual                                                   2007          60

Dinner                1,000                                    2008        330      390

To Sale of old Newspaper                       By balance b/d

Periodicals                           30                 Cash in hand               350

Cash at bank            5,930


10,680                                                           10,680

Additional information:

The club had furniture Rs. 5,000 on 1.1.2008.  Subscription outstanding for 2008 Rs. 200.  Rent Rs. 60 and Electricity charges Rs.30 were also outstanding for the year 2008.  Donations to be capitalized.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Statistics April 2012 Finan.A/C & Financial Statement Analysis Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 23-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




Section A

Answer all the questions:                                                                              (10 X 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Name any four parties who are interested in accounting information?
  2. What is meant by contra entries? Give example.
  3. How is Legacy treated in the accounting books of a Non trading organization?
  4. Name any four accounting concepts.
  5. Plant and machinery is …………asset (fixed/current)
  6. Motor vehicles account is a …………. (Personal/ Real/ Nominal) account
  7. Ascertain the gross profit ratio:

Cost of goods sold . 70,800 ;            Sales . 1,30,200

  1. From the following information compute the tax paid during the year:

Provision for tax(1-4-2011)    . 30,000

Provision for tax(31-3-2012)  .45,000

Tax provided during the year . 30,000

  1. Calculate the amount of salaries to be shown in Receipts and Payments Account:


Salaries as per Income and Expenditure Account                  1,500

Paid in advance in previous year                                               700

Outstanding at the end of current year                                      300

Outstanding at the end of previous year                                   800

  1. Calculate the profit or loss on sale of machinery:

Original cost . 1,00,000;        Accumulated depreciation . 25,000;

Sale value . 50,000

  1. Choose the correct alternative
  2. Receipts and Payments Account is a summary of

i)Income and expenses account          ii) Cash receipts and Payments

iii) Debit and Credit balances of ledger accounts

  1. Goods worth . 1,000 taken by the proprietor for personal use should be credited to

i)Purchases account            ii) Sales account          iii) Drawings account


Section B

Answer  any five questions                                                                     (5 X 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Define Accounting. What are the objectives of Accounting?
  2. What is a Bank Reconciliation Statement? What are the causes of difference between a Pass book and Cash book?
  3. Differentiate between Receipts and Payments Account and Income and Expenditure Account.


  1. Enter the following transactions in a Petty cash book:

2012                                                                                                       .

Jan 1    Received from main cashier as imprest cash balance              1,000

7    Bought postage stamps                                                              200

15    Paid for cartage                                                                            25

20    Paid taxi hire                                                                                75

23    Purchased stationery                                                                    35

25    Paid to travel agent for snacks                                                     15

30    Courier services                                                                            25

31    Office cleaning                                                                            20


  1. Journalise the following transactions:


April 1             Mr. Xavier brought cash . 1,50,000 to start a business

April 2             He deposited . 1,25,000 in a newly opened bank account

April 4             He purchased goods for cash . 8,000

April 7             He purchased goods for . 10,000 payment was made through bank

April 8             Mr. Xavier withdrew . 2,000 from the bank for office use

April 10           He withdrew . 1,000 from the bank for celebrating his son’s birthday

April 14           He paid salary in cash .250

April 18           He gave cheque to Mr. Anand, the landlord for rent . 3,000


  1. Enter the following transactions into proper subsidiary books:


Jan 1     Purchased goods from Paul of the list price of . 50,000 less 10% trade discount

6      Sold goods to Rahul for . 10,000

8      Ramesh sent goods for . 40,000

12     Purchased a delivery van from Mahendra . 2,00,000

18     Sold goods to James for . 12,000

20     Returned goods to Paul, of the list price of . 5,000

22     Sent goods to Amir for . 6,000

24     Sold old newspaper for . 200

27     Sold goods to Rohit for . 8,000


  1. From the following particulars, prepare Income and Expenditure Account:


Fees collected, including . 80,000 on account of the previous year             3,80,000

Fees for the year outstanding                                                                            10,000

Salary paid, including . 3,000 on account of the previous year                       28,000

Salary outstanding at the end of the year                                                            1,000

Entertainment expenses                                                                                       3,000

Tournament expenses                                                                                         12,000

Meeting expenses                                                                                               18,000

Travelling expenses                                                                                              6,000



Purchase of books and periodicals,

including . 19,000 for purchase of books                                            29,000

Rent                                                                                                                   10,000

Postage                                                                                                                 4,000

Printing and stationery                                                                                       15,000

Donations received                                                                                            20,000


  1. From the following particulars, determine the maximum remuneration available to a

part time director  and manager of a manufacturing company.

The Profit & loss Account of the company showed a net profit of .20,00,000 after taking into account the following items:


  • Depreciation (including special depreciation of . 20,000) 50,000
  • Donation to political parties 25,000
  • Provision for income tax          1,00.000
  • Ex-gratia payment to a worker   5,000
  • Capital profit on sale of assets   7,500
  • Preliminary expenses   5,000
  • Profit on sale of investment          4,20,000
  • Multiple shift allowance          2,10,000


                                                Section C

Answer any two questions:                                                                    (2 X 20 = 40 marks)


  1. The following balances were taken from the trial balance of Mr. Mohammed

as on 31-3-2012


Particulars   Particulars         .
Furniture(on cost)

Delivery van

Building(on cost)

Bad debts


Stock (1-4-2011)


Sales return





General expenses



















Provision for Bad debts



Purchase return









34,00,000 34,00,000

Additional information:

  1. Depreciate Building 5%, Furniture 10%
  2. Commission received . 12,500 is related to next year

iii.  Create provision on debtors for bad debts @ 6%

  1. Stock (31-3-2012) . 3,25,000

Prepare Trading & Profit & loss account and Balance sheet as on 31- 3- 2012


  1. From the following balance sheets, prepare cash flow statement:
Liabilities 2010 2011 Assets 2010 2011
Share capital

General reserve

Profit & loss A/c

Bank loan


Provision for tax






























5,40,500 5,10,800 5,40,500 5,10,800

During the year:

  • Dividend of . 23,000 was paid

(ii)  Machinery was purchased for . 8,000

(iii) There is no sale of building or machinery

(iii) Income tax paid during the year . 33,000


  1. a Stock turnover ratio                        3 times ;           Cost of goods sold      . 2,40,000

Stock in the beginning is . 20,000 more than the stock in the end. Calculate stock in  the beginning and at the end                                                                    (4 marks)

  1. From the following particulars, prepare a statement showing the proprietor’s fund as on 31st December 2011 with as many details as possible (16 marks)

Current ratio          2.5                   Fixed assets to Proprietors funds        0 .75/2

Acid test ratio       1.5                   Reserves and surplus                           . 60,000

Working capital     .90,000          Bank overdraft                                    . 15,000

Long term debt     nils


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Loyola College B.Com April 2011 Finan.A/C & Financial Statement Analysis Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 09-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer all the questions:                                                               (10 X 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Ideal current ratio for a concern is ______________
  2. Cost of goods sold = Net sales – _____________
  3. Calculate the tax provided during the year from the following information:

At the beginning of the year the Provision for taxation stood at Rs.25,000

At the end of the year the Provision for taxation stood at Rs. 30,000

Tax paid for the current year Rs. 40,000

  1. Compute profit or loss on sale of machinery

Original cost of Machinery Rs. 1,20,000;

Accumulated depreciation Rs. 49,000;    Sale value of Machinery Rs. 75,000

  1. Who is a petty cashier?
  2. What is Bank overdraft?
  3. State whether the following expenditures are capital or revenue:
  4. Amount spent on heavy advertising to introduce a new product in the market
  5. Amount spent on making a few more exits in a Cricket ground to comply with Government orders.
  6. Classify the following accounts into personal/real/nominal
  7. Salaries         Goodwill      c. Interest received            d. State Bank of India
  8. What is a Balance sheet?
  9. Give any two uses of ratio analysis.
  10. Calculate working capital turnover ratio.

Sales Rs.7,50,000           Current assets Rs. 4,00,000

Current liabilities Rs. 2,50,000


Answer any five questions:                                                             (5 X 8 = 40 marks)

  1. Who are the users of accounting information ? Explain the usefulness of accounting information from their angle.
  2. What are the uses and limitations of Cash flow analysis?
  3. What is the accounting treatment of following items by a non-profit organization.?
  4. Specific donation Life Membership fees                 c. Legacy
  5. Honorarium





  1. Enter the following in a Petty cash book . The petty cashier started with an imprest amount of Rs. 1,000 on 1st January2011

Jan                                                                                                                   Rs.

2          For window cleaning                                                                         50

5          One bundle of A4 sheet                                                                  100

7          Taxi fare to manager                                                                          75

9          Advertisement in Times of India                                                    25

15        Railway fare to Salesman                                                               125

20        Polishing office table                                                                      200

22        Paid for printing                                                                                 26

25        Purchase of postage stamps                                                                          18

  1. From the following particulars, determine the maximum remuneration available to a full time director of a manufacturing company.

The Profit & Loss Account of the company showed a net profit of Rs. 40,00,000 after taking into account the following items:


  • Depreciation ( including special depreciation of Rs. 40,000) 1,00,000
  • Provision for income tax      2,00,000
  • Capital expenditure                  5,00,000
  • Donation to political parties         50,000
  • Ex-gratia payment to worker         10,000
  • Capital profit on sale of assets         15,000
  1. Prepare a Bank reconciliation statement as at 31st August 2010

The bank balance as per cash book    Rs. 30,000

  1. Cheque for Rs. 5,000 was credited direct to the account but omitted to be recorded in the cash book
  2. Out of cheques amounting to R.3,700 drawn , cheques amounting to

Rs. 1,300 only are encashed.

  1. Bank charges amounting to Rs. 200 not entered in the cash book
  2. Bankers collected interest from investments Rs. 1,000
  3. A customer paid directly a cheque for Rs. 300 into the account
  4. As per the standing instructions the Bank paid the telephone bill Rs.1,000


  1. After taking into account the under mentioned items of Raja ltd it made a net profit of Rs. 1,00,000 for the year ended 31sr Dec 2010:


Loss on sale of machinery                                                              10,000

Depreciation on building                                                                  4,000

Profit on sale of building                                                                  8,000

Income tax refund                                                                              3,000

Preliminary expenses written off                                                    5,000

Provision for taxation                                                                     10,000

Goodwill written off                                                                          5,000

Calculate operating profit before working capital changes.

  1. Calculate the amount of subscription and stationery to be shown in the Income and Expenditure account.
  2. Subscriptions received during the year 2009-10 is as follows:

(2008-09    Rs. 2,000:  2009-10   Rs. 30,000:   2010-11   Rs. 3000)Rs 35,000

Subscription outstanding as on 31st March 2009 were Rs. 3,500

Subscription outstanding as on 31st March 2010 were Rs. 2,000

Advance Subscription as on 31st March 2009 were Rs. 6,000

  1. Calculate the amount of stationery to be shown in the Income and Expenditure account.

Stock of stationery on 31-3-2010       Rs. 400

Stock of stationery on 31-3-2011       Rs. 500

Stationery purchased during the year Rs. 1,000


Answer any two questions:                                                                                             (2 X 20 = 40 marks)


  1. From the following transactions prepare a Triple column cash book of Anand for the month of August 2010:

Aug                                                                                                                   Rs.

1          Cash balance                                                                                     20,000

Bank balance                                                                                                25,000

5          Paid rent by cheque                                                                           5,000

7          Purchased goods from Charles for credit                                                 20,000

10        Deposited into bank                                                                                    10,000

12        Returned goods to Charles                                                               1,000

14        Withdrew from bank for office use                                                 1,000

16        Paid cheque to Charles in full settlement                                      8,950

20        Withdrew cash from bank for celebrating his birthday                          5,000

22        Paid salaries by cheque                                                                   10,000

26        Suresh, a customer paid directly into bank                                    5,000

28        Paid for advertisement                                                                      1,000

29        Cash sales                                                                                            7,000















  1. From the following Trial Balance , Prepare final accounts for the year ended 31st March 2011

Trial Balance

Name of the account




Name of the account Credit




Return inwards




Travelling expenses



Discount allowed















Bad debts recovered


Return outwards

Bank overdraft


Bill payable














Additional information:

  • The closing stock on 31-3-2011 was Rs. 4,200
  • Write off Rs. 80 as bad debts
  • Create a reserve for bad debts at 5% on sundry debtors
  • Three months rent is outstanding
  • Depreciate furniture @ 10%
  1. From the following information, prepare Balance sheet with as many details as possible:

Stock turnover ratio    6 times

Capital turnover ratio (on cost of sales)   2 times

Fixed assets turnover ratio (on cost of sales)      4 times

Gross profit ratio                  20%

Debtor’s velocity                 2 months

Creditor’s velocity               73 days

Gross profit in a year amounts to Rs. 60,000. Reserves & surplus amount to Rs. 20,000. Closing stock of the year is Rs. 5,000 more than the opening stock


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