Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2003 Inorganic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download





07-11-2003                                                                                                          Max:100 marks

9.00 – 12.00


PART-A                                 (10×2=20 marks)

Answer ALL the questions.                                                                             


  1. What are the factors favouring the formation of ionic compounds?
  2. Arrange the solubility of the following silver halides in the decreasing order: AgF, AgCl, AgBr, AgI and account for your answer.
  3. What are the essential conditions for LCAO?
  4. Explain why CO is diamagnetic while NO is paramagnetic?
  5. Why is density of ice lesser than that of water?
  6. What is protonic and aprotic solvents? Give one example for each.
  7. [AgI2] is stable but [AgF2] is not. Why?
  8. What are clathrates? Give any one example.
  9. What is oleum? How is it obtained?
  10. Give the reaction of Na2O2 as an oxidizing agent on moist Cr(OH)3.


PART-B                                             (8×5=40 marks)

Answer any EIGHT questions.                                                                       


  1. Construct Born-Haber cycle for the formation of salt MX and calculate the lattice energy of the salt MX from the data given below:

Heat of formation of MX = -550 KJmol-1

Heat of sublimation of M = +80 KJmol-1

Heat of dissociation of X2 = +155 KJmol-1

Ionization energy of M = +374 KJmol-1

Electron affinity of X = -343 Kjmol-1

  1. Calculate the electronegativity of silicon using Allred Rochow method. (covalent radius of  Si atom is 1.175 ).
  2. Explain Fajan’s rule with an example.
  3. Explain the structures of PCl5 and SF6 using hybridisation.
  4. Describe the reactions of liq. NH3 as solvent with respect to (i) acid – base reactions (ii) precipitation reactions.
  5. What are hard and soft acids and bases? Give two examples for each. How does HSAB principle explain the ambidentate nature of the ligand SCN?
  6. Explain the types of hydrogen bonding with suitable examples and explain two of its consequences.
  7. What are levelling and differentiating solvents? Explain with an example.
  8. Write briefly about the classification of oxides with suitable examples.
  9. Write the various oxides and oxyacids of nitrogen and give the structure of any two oxyacids of nitrogen.
  10. Give the reaction of hydrazine with (i) O2 (ii) HNO2  and indicate the significance of this reaction.


PART-C                                            (4×10=40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.                                                            


  1. Define lattice energy. How is lattice energy calculated theoretically?  What are the factors that affect lattice energy?
  2. Explain the postulates of VSEPR theory with special reference to (i) ClF3   (ii) NH3.
  3. Construct molecular orbital diagram for O2 molecule and hence discuss the relative stabilities of O2, O, O and O2 2+.
  4. Explain band theory as applicable to metals.
  5. Explain i) Similarities among nitrogen group elements
  6. ii) Differences between nitrogen and other members of the family
  7. a) Explain any two methods of estimating H2O2.
  8. b) How is the structure of H2O2 established?


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Inorganic Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download



LM 10


                                                   CH 4501 – INORGANIC CHEMISTRY – II

(Also equivalent to CHE 506)



Date & Time : 27-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part – A

Answer all the questions                    (10 ´ 2 = 20)


  1. Name any two alloys of copper and give the composition.
  2. How does KMnO4 on acidic medium act as an oxidizing agent? Give the chemical equation.
  3. ‘Zinc does not show variable oxidation state’. Explain.
  4. What is EAN rule? Calculate EAN for K3[Fe(CN)6].
  5. What is the source of the presence of crystal defects in regular solids?
  6. Give the structure of EDTA and indicate the coordination sites.
  7. What are fertile and fissile isotopes? Give examples.
  8. Half life of Po210 is 140 days. Calculate the number of days after which 1/4g of Po210 will be left undisintegrated from 1g of the isotope?
  9. What are isotopes and isotones? Give an example for each.
  10. Account for the fact that the conductivity of the metal decreases if the temperature is increased.

Part – B

Answer any eight questions                 (8 ´ 5 = 40)


  1. Explain the zone refining and cyanide processes of refining of metals.
  2. What is lanthanide contraction? How are individual lanthanides separated by ion-exchange chromatography techniques.
  3. Predict the geometry of [Co(CN)6]3-(diamagnetic) and [CoF6]3-(paramagnetic) using VB theory.
  4. What are electron capture process and spallation reaction? Give an example for each.
  5. Explain the various steps involved in the extraction of Uranium (Give chemical reactions wherever necessary).
  6. Calculate the CFSE for octahedral, high and low spin d4 and d7
  7. a) Differentiate hydrogen bomb and atom bomb
    b) Complete the nuclear reaction:

                                                       12Mg24 (2He4, 0n1 )    ;      17Cl35( 0n1, 1H1)

  1. Derive the relationship between half-life period,t1/2 and decay constant, K of a radioactive element.
  2. Explain Geiger-Nuttal rule with suitable example.
  3. (a) Calculate the density of nucleus of 81Br isotope.
    (b) In a period of time 236U was found to have permitted 7 alpha particles and four beta particles. Find the final product.
  4. Explain the conducting behaviour of metals using band theory.
  5. Define unit cell. Discuss the structure of Nacl unit cell.


Part – C

Answer any four questions                 (4 ´ 10 = 40)


  1. Explain the significances of Ellingham diagram in the conversion of metallic oxide to metal in the metallurgical process?
  2. Discuss (a) hydrate (b) linkage   (c) ionization and (d) geometrical isomerism exhibited by coordination compounds with suitable examples.
  3. Discuss the splitting of d-orbitals of metals in square planar environment of ligands.
  4. Discuss the factors affecting the stability of a nucleus.
  5. Explain the working principles of a nuclear reactor and breeder reactor. Describe the working of a nuclear reactor to generate electricity.
  6. (a) What is the principle of X-ray diffraction techniques? (b) Explain the single crystal diffraction technique.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Inorganic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 01



(Also equivalent to CHE 500)



Date & Time : 03-11-2006/1.00-4.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                  (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What are the factors affecting the lattice energy?
  2. Which are readily soluble in water (a) CaCO3 (b) K2CO3. Give reasons for your answer.
  3. Why an anion is always bigger and a cation is always smaller in size than the parent atom?
  4. Give the Lewis structure of ammonia molecule.
  5. Explain why the density of ice is less than water?
  6. What are London forces? What is their origin?
  7. Arrange the following acids according to their increasing acid strength with suitable    explanation, HOCl, HClO3, HClO2, HClO4.
  8. How does HNO3 behave as a base in concentrated sulphuric acid? Give the chemical equation.
  9. How is hydrogen peroxide prepared?
  10. Give the reasons for the anomalous properties of oxygen from the rest of the elements.




Answer any eight questions                                 (8 x 5 = 40)


  1. What is lattice energy? How is it determined for the formation of NaCl using Born Haber’s
  2. Calculate the electronegativity of carbon (rC = 0.71 Ao) following Allred –Rochow method.
  3. Explain the types of hydrogen bonding and explain any two of its consequences.
  4. Discuss the structure of (a) PCl5 (b) POF3 using hybridization theory.
  5. Write short notes on (i) p-type & n-type semiconductors
  6. What are clathrates? What are their characteristics?
  7. What are conjugate acid-base pairs? Give two examples.
  8. Explain the role alkali metal in liquid ammonia as solvent.
  9. Write a short note on nitrogen fixation.
  10. Compare the gradation properties of nitrogen group elements with respect to their oxidation    states, metallic character and electronegativity.
  11. Give the preparation, properties and uses of hydrazine
  12. How does O3 react with (a) lead sulphide  (b) potassium iodide









Answer any four questions                                                 (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. (a) Discuss fajan’s rule with suitable examples.

(b) Explain the structure of the following compounds using VSEPRtheory

(a) ClF3   (b) ICl4

  1. Construct a qualitative MO energy level diagram for O2 Write the MO electronic    configuration and bond order for O2, O2+, O22+ O2-, O22-molecule
  2. How does band theory of metals explain the conducting properties of metals?
  3. Explain HSAB theory. Mention any four applications.
  4. How are oxides classified? Give examples
  5. (a) How are superphosphate and triple super phosphate prepared?

(b) Compare and contrast the properties of O3 and H2O2.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Inorganic Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download



LM 12





Date & Time: 24/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00         Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL the questions.                                                                           (10 ´ 2 = 20)

  1. Write the exceptional electronic configuration of any four d-block elements.
  1. Calculate the EAN and give the stability of the following complex.
  1. i) [Pt Cl 6 ] 2-    ii) [Pd (NH3) 6 ] 4+
  2. Write a note on hydrate isomerism with example.
  3. Give the important oxidation states of lanthanides. How would you

account for them?

  1. Calculate the CFSE for octahedral high and low spin d4 and d6– configurations.
  2. How is radius of nucleus calculated?
  3. What is meant by carbon dating?
  4. What are isotopes and isotones? Give an example to each.
  5. What are differences between amorphous and crystalline solids?
  6. Show that 1a.m.u. = 1.66´10-27 Kg = 931.5 MeV



Answer any EIGHT questions                                                                         (8 ´ 5 = 40)

  1. Draw the structures and write the names of all possible isomers of.
  2. i) [Co (NH 3) 5 (NO2)] 2+        ii) [Cr (SCN) (NH 3) 5] Cl 2
  3. a) Explain the colours in the compounds of the following.
  4. i) Mn 2+ ii) Cr 3+ iii) Zn 2+                                                                     (2)
  5. b) What are chelates? Give its any one application.                                             (3)
  6. a) Write a note on Roasting and Calcinations processes. Give their chemical

equations.                                                                                                           (2)

  1. b) How is nickel purified by Mond’s process? (3)
  2. Discuss the term “dressing” of the ore? Describe any one method carried out for the concentration of the ore.



  1. a) Define the term oxidation and reduction in terms of oxidation number.
  2. b) Explain the oxidizing and reducing properties of Fe2+ and Fe3+
  3. Explain the Ellingham diagram for the metal oxides for different elements.

17.How are mesons classified? Why are mesons needed inside the nucleus?

  1. Actual mass of 127 I nucleus was found to be 126.941 a.m.u. Calculate the binding

energy of this nucleus and predict whether the nucleus is stable or not.

  1. Write a note on Geiger- Muller counter.
  2. Derive Bragg’s equation for X- ray crystallography.
  3. Discuss the structure of CsCl and calculate the number of atoms per unit cell.
  4. Draw the (100), (110), (111), and (200) planes in a cubic cell.



Answer any FOUR questions.                                                                     (4×10=40)


  1. a) Discuss the crystal field splitting in square planar complex. (5)
  2. b) Find out hybridization and the value of µ expected for following complex. (5)
  3. i) [Fe (CN) 6]3- ii) [Pt Cl 6]2-
  4. a) Explain the optical isomerism in coordination compounds with coordination

number 6.  Discuss any three types.                                                                     (5)

  1. b) Describe the any one structure and hybridization of Co2 (CO) 8. Do

these compounds obey EAN rule.

  1. a) What is lanthanide contraction? Give its causes and consequences? (7)
  2. b) Discuss the catalytic properties of transition elements                                (3)
  • a) Using band theory, explain the various types of semiconductors. (7)
  1. b) Write a note on lattice energy. (3)
  2. Discuss the following nuclear processes.
  3. a) b+ Emission
  4. b) Electron capture
  5. c) g – Emission
  6. Explain the working of a conventional nuclear reactor. What is breeder reactor?


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Inorganic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download




LM 01






Date & Time: 24/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00 Dept. No.                                                Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the questions                                  (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. Differentiate electron affinity from electro negativity.
  2. Why is an anion always bigger and a cation always smaller in size than the parent atom?
  3. Which are readily soluble in water (a) CaCO3 (b) K2CO3? Give reasons.
  4. Why is the electron affinity of nitrogen almost zero while that of fluorine is high?
  5. Explain why the bond angle in water is less than that of methane?
  6. Explain the term covalency. What is the maximum covalency which the element of  fifth group

can exhibit?

  1. Name the types of hybridization in (a) SF6    (b) BeF
  2. What are protic and aprotic solvents? Explain with an example.
  3. Give any two oxoacids of nitrogen and indicate the oxidation state of nitrogen.
  4. How is hydrazine prepared? Mention any two uses.


      Answer any eight questions                                 (8 x 5 = 40)

  1. Construct Born Haber’s cycle for the formation of NaCl and explain the terms involved in

calculating the lattice energy.

  1. Explain the structure of HF and H2O using valence bond theory.
  2. Explain the types of hydrogen bonding and explain any two of its consequences.
  3. Discuss the structure of (a) PCl5 (b) COCl2 using hybridization theory.
  4. What are London forces? How do these originate?
  5. Explain the concepts of acids and bases by a) Lewis b) Bronsted- Lowry system.
  6. Explain n-type and p-type semicondutors with suitable examples.
  7. Write short notes on nitrogen fixation.
  8. Explain the anomalous behaviour of oxygen from the rest of the elements in its group.
  9. Give the preparation, properties and uses of hydroxylamine.
  10. Explain how H2O2 acts both as oxidizing and reducing agent with two examples
  11. Explain how does O3 react with a) PbS  b) KI




Answer any four questions                                                 (4 x 10 = 40)

  1. (a) Define electronegativity. How is it determined by different scales of  electronegativity?

Explain with examples the factors affecting it.                                                        (2+ 5+3)

  1. Construct a qualitative MO energy level diagram for N2 Write the MO electronic

configuration, bond order and predict the magnetic nature.

  1. Explain the postulates of VSEPR theory and explain the structure of
  2. a) ClF3        b) ICl4–                                                                             (4+3+3)
  3. Write short notes on:    a) leveling effect of solvent    b) symbiosis
  4. c)  precipitation reaction in liq. ammonia.                                              (4+3+3)
  5. Write short notes on hydrides and halides of
  6. Explain the classification of oxides and their properties.


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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2008 Inorganic Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download”



GH 55







Date : 29/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer all the questions                                                           (10 ´ 2 = 20)

  1. What are the basic chemical changes observed in roasting of an ore?
  2. Give any two examples for reduction of an oxide ore.
  3. Why do d-block elements exhibit variable oxidation states?
  4. What happens to the mercuric salt when it acts as a reductant?
  5. Write the IUPAC nomenclature of the following complexes.

(i)  K[Ag(CN)2]  and   (ii)  [Pt(NH3)4NO2Cl]CO3

  1. Define electroneutrality principle.
  2. What is induced radioactivity? Give an example.
  3. Write the role of moderators in nuclear reactor.
  4. Give any two differences between amorphous and crystalline substances.
  5. How are silicates classified?


Answer any eight questions                                                    (8 ´ 5 = 40)

  1. Write a note on Ellingham diagram.
  2. What are the various processes used in the concentration of ores? How would you concentrate an ore using froath floatation process?
  3. What are transition metals? Discuss their position in the periodic table.
  4. How is uranium extracted from its ore?
  5. Explain the following with an example.
  6. Ionization isomerism
  7. Ligand isomerism
  8. Explain the postulates of valence bond theory of coordination complexes.
  9. What are Magic numbers? What are their importance in the stability of nuclei?
  10. Discuss the precipitation and conductivity methods for the study of complexes.
  11. Describe the methods involved in the detection of radioactivity?
  12. What is meant by nuclear fission? Write a note on chain reaction.
  13. Explain the conductance and metallic luster of metals using metallic bond theory.
  14. Derive Bragg’s law.


Answer any four questions                                                   (4 ´ 10 = 40)


  1. Explain the different techniques employed for refining of metals.
  2. a) Discuss the lanthanide contraction and its consequences. (7)
  3. b) Give the equations for the application of Cr(VI) and Mn(VII) as oxidants.                        (3)
  4. a) State the postulates of Werner’s theory of coordination compounds. Illustrate with one

example                                                                                                                         (6)

  1. b) Calculate EAN of the metals in the following complexes.

(i) K4[Fe(CN)6]                                 (ii) [Ni(CO)4]                           (4)

  1. a) What are the assumptions of Crystal field theory? (4)
  2. b) Discuss the splitting of d- orbitals in the case of square planar complexes.              (6)
  3. Discuss the application of nuclear energy in various fields.
  4. a) How will you find the following for fcc and bcc crystals?                                      (6)
  • Number of atoms in a unit cell
  • Packing fraction
  • Coordination number
  1. b) Draw and explain (100), (111), (101) and (001) planes.                                           (4)



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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2008 Inorganic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download”



GH 1







Date : 03/05/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


                                                                        (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL the questions.

  1. What is the relationship between ionization potential of the element and election affinity of an element in formation of an ionic bond between the elements?
  2. Is it possible to have anion, Why?
  3. What is the shape of ClF3? Draw the structure.
  4. He2 does not exist. Why?
  5. What are clathrates? Give example.
  6. The boiling point of HCl is –85.00C while that of HF is + 19.40C. Explain.
  7. Label as Acid or Base: Cl, BF3, Ag+, AlCl3.
  8. What are aprotic solvents? Give two examples.
  9. How do you prepare pernitric acid? Write its structure.
  10. What is oleum? How is it prepared?


                                                                        (8 x 5 = 40 marks)

Answer any EIGHT questions.

  1. Define lattice energy? Explain the factors which affect lattice energy.
  2. Discuss the relationship between electronegativity difference and partial covalent character of an ionic compound. What is its effect in molecules?
  3. Describe the hybridizations involved and structure of (a) BeF2         (b) PCl5
  4. Draw MO energy lavel diagram for NO molecule. Calculate the bond order in NC.
  5. State VSEPR theory. Explain the structure of ICl4 using VSEPR theory.
  6. Write a note on van der Waal’s forces.
  7. What are different types of Hydrogen bonding? Explain their influence on the properties of compounds with proper examples.
  8. Explain the Solvent-System concept of an acid and a base. What are its limitations?
  9. Discuss any four types of reactions using liquid ammonia as a solvent.
  10. How do you prepare (a) N2O3    (b) Hyponitrous acid. Discuss their structure.
  11. How do you prepare Marshall’s acid from Sulphuric acid? Draw its structure.
  12. Give an comparitive account of the hydrides and halides of Nitrogen group elements.


                                    (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

  1. (a)  For HCl molecule the internuclear distance is 127 pm; actual dipole moment

is 3.44 x 10-30 coulomb meter. Calculate the percent ionic character of HCl.(5)

(b) How do you determine the lattice energy of an ionic compound using Bon-Haber cycle?    (5)

  1. (a)  Draw MO energy level diagram of CO molecule. Calculate the bond order (5)

(b)  Using VSEPR theory, describe the structure of (i) SF6 (ii) XeF6                  (5)

  1. (a)  Of the species O2, O2+, O2 and O22-, which will have maximum bond strength? Explain. (5)


(b) What is the action of heat on

(i) Phosphorus acid        (ii) orthophosphoric acid

(iii) metaphosphoric acid                                                                 (5)

  1. (a)  What is band theory of a metal?                                                                    (2)

(b)  How does band theory explain the property of a metal, semiconductor and insulator?                                                                                                                                           (8)

  1. (a) Explain conjugate acid – base concept with two examples                            (5)

(b) Write a note on hard and soft acids and basis.

  1. (a) Write a note on nitrogen fixation.                                                                  (4)

(b) Complete the following with balanced equation.                                          (6)

  • Sulphuric acid + Phosphorus pentachloride ®?

(ii) Potassium persulphate + Con. Sulphuric acid®?

(iii) Zinc + dil. nitric acid®?



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“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2008 Inorganic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download”



DB 01


FIRST SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 12-11-08                     Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer all the questions:                                                              (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. How does Ionisation potential vary across a period?
  2. Arrange the following in the increasing order of ionic character: .
  3. Why an anion is always bigger and a cation is always smaller than the parent atom?
  4. Calculate the bond order of N2.
  5. Why H2S is a gas whereas H2O is a liquid at 298k.
  6. What are London forces? Give its origin?
  7. Arrange the following acids according to their increasing acid strength with relevant explanation:
  8. Give an example each for protic and aprotic solvents.
  9. How Caro’s acid can be prepared.
  10. Complete the reactions:




Answer any Eight                                                                           (8 x 5 = 40 marks)


  1. What is Lattice energy? How is it determined for the formation of NaCl using Born Haber cycle.
  2. Calculate the electornegativity of Si following allred-rochow procedure. Covalent radius of Si=1.75 Ǎ.
  3. Like compounds dissolve in like solvents – comment.
  4. Discuss the hybridization and structure of SF6 and BeF2.
  5. Give the importance of LCAO method.
  6. What are clathrates? Explain with an example.
  7. What is difference between Valence Band and Conduction band.
  8. What is conjugate acid-base pair? Give two examples.
  9. Complete the reaction




  1. Compare the stability of NH3 and PH3.
  2. How Hydrazine is prepared? Give any three of its reactions.
  3. Write notes on the various allotropic forms of sulphur.





Answer any four                                                                             (4 x 10 = 40 marks)


  1. (a) Discuss Fajan’s rule with suitable examples.

(b) Calculate the lattice energy of sodium chloride using Born-Haber cycle.

Heat of sublimation of sodium (S) = 108.5kJ/ Mol

Dissociation energy of Cl2(D) = 243.0kJ/ Mol

Ionization energy of sodium (I.E) = 495.2 kJ/Mol

Electron affinity of Chlorine (EA) = -348.3 kJ/ Mol

Enthalpy of formation of NaCl(ΔHf)=-381.8 kJ/Mol

  1. Arrange the following species in the order of increasing order of bond strength and explain:

O2+, O2, O2 ,O2 2+, O22-

  1. (a). Based on VB theory predict the magnetic property of Oxygen molecule.

(b). Give the preparation, properties and uses of Hydrazine.

  1. How does band theory of metals explain the conduction property of metals.
  2. Explain HSAB theory. Mention any four applications.
  3. Write in detail the properties and structures of various oxides of sulphur.



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